View Full Version : Politics, Religion and Guns

07-22-2004, 09:21 PM
Well this thread is about a Saab kill that I did today. This guy worships his Saab and I was the long gun slinger to bring him down. Unfortunately, the way that we did it was not politically correct. (there, I kept to the topic, huh? :lol:)

He is a friend of mine who has a 90's vintage Saab turbo. The thing is pretty fast. He has the boost up to about 15 lbs and recently was bragging to me about how he killed a Dodge SRT4.

Well, I have been puffing his ego lately about how fast his car was and how his power to weight ratio must surely be better than mine and today he decided he had had enough. He felt that he had his Saab dialed in to where he could take me on. As we were eating lunch he just couldn't stop talking about how I was dodging him and that I better race him prior to the heeaders going on.

So, I acquiesced and we and we went to a nearby private track.

As we lined up at the light and were completely set I began to brakeload the suspension and when it went green we were off. I had him off the line no problem but he managed to saty within 2-3 cars of me. As we were running I kept on waiting for that turbo power to kick in but it never did. It was a blast.

The guy found a disconnected vacuum line afterwords but was still a good sport about it. I offerd him a rematch.

What fun.



07-23-2004, 02:07 AM
Cool story Dan. I wonder if he looks at Marauders differently now. :D

07-23-2004, 03:37 AM
The guy found a disconnected vacuum line afterwords but was still a good sport about it. I offerd him a rematch.

What fun.



Gremlins, when you need them, where you need them.

Good kill he should have checked out his car before hand. :up:

07-23-2004, 03:46 AM
Street racing is dangerous and illegal, and from past threads I thought it was not to be posted here.:confused:

07-23-2004, 04:28 AM
Gremlins, when you need them, where you need them.

Good kill he should have checked out his car before hand. :up:

The funny thing is that he had checked his car out the day before. It is part of the reason he was so eager to go.

Apparently he had found a timing mod that allowed him to stay in full boost more than before and with that mod he found a new level of over confidentce.

Oh, and then there was all of the fluff I was feeding him about how much harder time the MM had keeping up with his new car vs his old one. :shot:



07-23-2004, 04:34 AM
Street racing is dangerous and illegal, and from past threads I thought it was not to be posted here.:confused:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

You win. It is easier to change the original post than it is to get into a ridiculous argument about it. I removed all of the references in my original post about illegal street racing.


07-23-2004, 06:17 AM
Well Dan I enjoyed the story very much. I am pretty sure you have a good sense of judgement not to put any one in danger while slaying a SAAB.


07-23-2004, 06:51 AM
Street racing is dangerous and illegal, and from past threads I thought it was not to be posted here.:confused:

Only your street racing posts are not allowed.. :P

07-23-2004, 06:59 AM
awseome story enjoyed it!/...I bet the saab was all over the "track" the torque steer on those cars are ridiculous. But, i will say, there real power is on the highway. the turbo is best used for passing. I had a 1991 900s, 1996 900se, and a 2001 9-3 convertable. Saab people are usaly fanatics about saabs. I was. I just got tired front wheel drive, i traded the 2001 for a audi a4 quattro,(another awesome car) and traded that for my 04 mm. Nothing like the marauder, its the most unique to me out of all the cars i have owned. I enjoyed your story!

07-23-2004, 09:21 AM
:cry: :cry: :cry: You win. It is easier to change the original post than it is to get into a ridiculous argument about it. I removed all of the references in my original post about illegal street racing. :cry: :cry: :cry:


No need to cry, or thank me for helping you not to get your account terminated!


07-23-2004, 09:24 AM
Yes, Logan is the head man and like I said if you read past street racing post you will see that he made the call.

07-23-2004, 09:30 AM
Only your street racing posts are not allowed.. :P
I have no street racing post here as per the request of our moderator.
I also do not participate in this illegal activity anyway. :nono:

07-23-2004, 11:07 AM
I have no street racing post here as per the request of our moderator.
I also do not participate in this illegal activity anyway. :nono:

And I'm sure that you never break the law by exceeding the speed limit either w/your S/Ced Marauder, right? Infact, I bet you S/Ced your Marauder to drive slow.I also suppose that the only way that you and I are able to be so quick to recommend the Trilogy S/Cer kit to other board members here is because we didn't even know how fast our cars are now until we went to the dragstrip, right? Oh, wait a minute, how come I don't see timeslips, and ET's listed in the timeslips data base for every member here who has modified their Marauder to make it faster?

Can it be that they're actually driving them fast on the street? Or did you just spend 6k on your S/Cer kit just to go to the dyno and watch how high the dyno numbers go to while your car is there on the rollers of the dyno going nowhere?

07-23-2004, 11:34 AM
Sarcasm is never lost on Billy... ;)

(not picking on you Billy, but you take way too much at face value. Gotta learn to loosen up a bit, man! :up: )

07-23-2004, 11:38 AM
Or did you just spend 6k on your S/Cer kit just to go to the dyno and watch how high the dyno numbers go to while your car is there on the rollers of the dyno going nowhere?

Billy, Ricks car is a Garage Queen, so that would be the case. :D

07-23-2004, 11:47 AM
Sarcasm is never lost on Billy... ;)

:up: )
There ya go Steve. Look at my post now. :D

07-23-2004, 11:58 AM
I really hope you didn't think I was picking on you. Sometimes it's easy for one to get carried away without realizing that a certain post was made tongue-in-cheek, especially if it was a sensitive topic. For all I know, your first reply might have been tongue-in-cheek... you just never can tell 100% when communicating via written media like this one. (dammit Logan, when are you going to implement the WebCam forum option????? ;) )

Regarding the subject matter:
As with guns, money, and horsepower... with great power comes great responsibility (that's all I'll say on the street racing subject).

07-23-2004, 12:04 PM
Well, I can see that I have probably started yet another thread to be deleted. :lol:

I am not trying to do it. It just happens. HONEST!!!! I figured folks would enjoy a Saab kill story.

FYI - SC#5... those crying faces were for your whining. :P :) If I use the vomit graemlin it will prolly be for your sarcasm. :rock: :lol: I AM joking, of course. I am rarely fatigued by either sarcasm or condescension. :beatnik:



07-23-2004, 12:13 PM
I have no street racing post here as per the request of our moderator.
I also do not participate in this illegal activity anyway. :nono:
Translation: I can walk on water, turn water into wine and change loaves of bread into fishes. When I am not too busy I have been known to raise the dead and heal the lame.

Translation: humility is the only part of being Messiah that I haven't mastered yet. :) :) :)

Ohh, I have to stop. I am enjoying this far, far too much.

Where is that "Arguing on the Internet..." graphic when I need it?

Seriousyl, SC#5, I really am just having fun. No harm intended. :up:

Anyway, more details on the legal private track race in the next post.



07-23-2004, 12:18 PM
OK, back on topic.

Today the guy and I are having breakfast and he has two iridium spark plug boxes on the table. He showed them to me and the out posts were totally fried. I mean, there was barely an elbow there.

He added that to the list of things that were wrong with his car during the legal private track race. I think that he still feels that his car can surpass mine based on all of the things that went wrong with his.

At this point, I think that I am going to make him wait a while before I he and I go to the private track again. I might just put the headers on the car between now and then as a way of hedging my bets. :)

I wonder, do any of you have friends like this? This guy and I could tune and go to the track every day and be just as happy for the other regardelss of whether they win or lose. It is so cool to have friends with similar interests like that. :up:



07-23-2004, 12:40 PM
His car sounds tweaked. So what the heck is obliging you to keep your car stock, hardware-wise???

I'm not going so far as to say your friend is 'whole-grain-oriented' (not to use an automotively derogatory 4 letter word) but I hope he's not going through all this effort massaging his car expecting to undertake a 'fair' race. (True, you have an aftermarket program, but it sounds like he insists on counting on endless rematches until he gets the outcome he really wants and not what keeps happening).

I say let him stew in his juices. He ran, his car let him down, he lost. End of story. Want to run again? Fine. It's a new ball game. Win that one, it'll be 1-1. Lose it again, it'll be 2-0 for Marauder. Is he okay with that? 2-0 is a shutout, by the way... could he live with that?

Sounds like rice excuses (ooops... said the 4 letter word)... my car wasn't running right, I had the vacuum hose disconnected, look what I did to my spark plugs just moments before I ran you, oh look I was low on headlight fluid, my muffler bearings were low on lubricant, my flux capacitor was reverse-polarized....

"Hedging my bets", you say... just consider it keeping the playing field level.

07-23-2004, 12:50 PM
His car sounds tweaked. So what the heck is obliging you to keep your car stock, hardware-wise???

I'm not going so far as to say your friend is 'whole-grain-oriented' (not to use an automotively derogatory 4 letter word) but I hope he's not going through all this effort massaging his car expecting to undertake a 'fair' race. (True, you have an aftermarket program, but it sounds like he insists on counting on endless rematches until he gets the outcome he really wants and not what keeps happening).

I say let him stew in his juices. He ran, his car let him down, he lost. End of story. Want to run again? Fine. It's a new ball game. Win that one, it'll be 1-1. Lose it again, it'll be 2-0 for Marauder. Is he okay with that? 2-0 is a shutout, by the way... could he live with that?

Sounds like rice excuses (ooops... said the 4 letter word)... my car wasn't running right, I had the vacuum hose disconnected, look what I did to my spark plugs just moments before I ran you, oh look I was low on headlight fluid, my muffler bearings were low on lubricant, my flux capacitor was reverse-polarized....

"Hedging my bets", you say... just consider it keeping the playing field level.


I always love your replies. They make such great sense.



07-23-2004, 01:42 PM
Thanks for the kind words (and for making me miss my meeting!). ;)
(just j/k, it's Friday, lots of other things to do before heading out this evening :( )

07-23-2004, 02:00 PM
And I'm sure that you never break the law by exceeding the speed limit either w/your S/Ced Marauder, right? Infact, I bet you S/Ced your Marauder to drive slow.I also suppose that the only way that you and I are able to be so quick to recommend the Trilogy S/Cer kit to other board members here is because we didn't even know how fast our cars are now until we went to the dragstrip, right? Oh, wait a minute, how come I don't see timeslips, and ET's listed in the timeslips data base for every member here who has modified their Marauder to make it faster?

Can it be that they're actually driving them fast on the street? Or did you just spend 6k on your S/Cer kit just to go to the dyno and watch how high the dyno numbers go to while your car is there on the rollers of the dyno going nowhere?
I always try to stay within the speed limit or go with the flow, as my job requires me to drive 150 miles a day I cannot afford to lose my license. And no, I did not get my car supercharged to drive slow, but I also did not get it supercharged to drive fast either. For me its more about just being happy to own a rare car, which I made even more rare by adding the supercharger. I do actually spend more time taking care of the car than I do driving it, but this is what I enjoy.
I know my car is fast and I don't need to keep proving it to myself and others by beating the crap out of it and endangering peoples lives like youself and others here.

07-23-2004, 02:15 PM
Billy, Ricks car is a Garage Queen, so that would be the case. :D
Your right Marty, my car is Queen of the garage. Lately I have been using it to just go from one car show to the next. (I may even get a trailer)

But seriously, come see me in 20 years when my car is still in pristine condition with low miles and your car is in the salvage yard or being restored AGAIN. I will take you for a ride in a fine example of a car of days gone by.(but not to far, got to keep the miles low)
:up: :P

07-23-2004, 02:22 PM
Translation: I can walk on water, turn water into wine and change loaves of bread into fishes. When I am not too busy I have been known to raise the dead and heal the lame.

Translation: humility is the only part of being Messiah that I haven't mastered yet. :) :) :)

Ohh, I have to stop. I am enjoying this far, far too much.

Where is that "Arguing on the Internet..." graphic when I need it?

Seriousyl, SC#5, I really am just having fun. No harm intended. :up:

Anyway, more details on the legal private track race in the next post.


Watch out Dan, weve been warned about posting religious material also! :banned:
Is this what you were looking for-- :argue:

Have a good weekend :up:

07-23-2004, 02:35 PM
So you spent $6,000+ for a S/Cer just to let it sit there in a garage, or to rope it off somewhere to have people gaze at the engine under the hood and say "Oh look, it's Supercharged"........and on top of that you're gonna condemn others and talk down to them in a self-righteous manner simply because they're actually using the S/Cer that they've spent $6,000+ on for what it was intended for by the designers.

Gimmie a break. So I guess that every time you're quick to encourage people to get the Trilogy S/Cer, you're actually thinking they're only going to spend thousands of dollars on one for their car so that they can enjoy the mere thought of how fast their car would be if they ever did press the gas pedal enough to get into the boost. Right. You might as well open up a car museum to put your car in, and charge admission for people to come see it roped off and complement you on it.

But don't think that I'll be standing in line to pay the admission for that, because I think that it's a waste of a car. But then again, it's your car, and you can do w/it what you want, just as I can do w/mine what I want as can Dan who started this thread. Get real.

07-23-2004, 02:39 PM
So you spent $6,000+ for a S/Cer just to let it sit there in a garage, or to rope it off somewhere to have people gaze at the engine under the hood and say "Oh look, it's Supercharged"
Yes, and the best part is its all paid for. :up: :up:

07-23-2004, 02:39 PM
Your right Marty, my car is Queen of the garage. Lately I have been using it to just go from one car show to the next. (I may even get a trailer)

But seriously, come see me in 20 years when my car is still in pristine condition with low miles and your car is in the salvage yard or being restored AGAIN. I will take you for a ride in a fine example of a car of days gone by.(but not to far, got to keep the miles low)
:up: :P

That just reminded me of the great scene from the movie "This is Spinal Tap"

Nigel Tufnel: Look... still has the old tag on, never even played it.

Marty DiBergi: [points his finger] You've never played...?

Nigel Tufnel: Don't touch it!

Marty DiBergi: We'll I wasn't going to touch it, I was just pointing at it.

Nigel Tufnel: Well... don't point! It can't be played.

Marty DiBergi: Don't point, okay. Can I look at it?

Nigel Tufnel: No. no. That's it, you've seen enough of that one.

07-23-2004, 02:40 PM
But seriously, come see me in 20 years when my car is still in pristine condition with low miles and your car is in the salvage yard or being restored AGAIN. I will take you for a ride in a fine example of a car of days gone by.(but not to far, got to keep the miles low)
:up: :P

Don't forget to bring a bucket to catch all that oil and fluids you'll be seeping. Cars like to be driven, not looked at. Ask me how I know. :(
(and ask me on Monday how much tranny fluid I'll have had to mop up due to my '78 dumping its contents all over the storage garage's floor due to the lack of use :mad: )

07-23-2004, 02:41 PM
.....and on top of that you're gonna condemn others and talk down to them in a self-righteous manner simply because they're actually using the S/Cer that they've spent $6,000+ on for what it was intended for by the designers.
Was it really intended to endanger other peoples lives? :confused:

07-23-2004, 02:42 PM
That just reminded me of the great scene from the movie "This is Spinal Tap"

Nigel Tufnel: Look... still has the old tag on, never even played it.

Marty DiBergi: [points his finger] You've never played...?

Nigel Tufnel: Don't touch it!

Marty DiBergi: We'll I wasn't going to touch it, I was just pointing at it.

Nigel Tufnel: Well... don't point! It can't be played.

Marty DiBergi: Don't point, okay. Can I look at it?

Nigel Tufnel: No. no. That's it, you've seen enough of that one.
Exactly :D

07-23-2004, 02:45 PM
Hey Everybody, I'm going to start a Trilogy countdown until everyone hates me!!!! :lol:

07-23-2004, 02:45 PM
Gimmie a break. So I guess that every time you're quick to encourage people to get the Trilogy S/Cer, you're actually thinking they're only going to spend thousands of dollars on one for their car so that they can enjoy the mere thought of how fast their car would be if they ever did press the gas pedal enough to get into the boost. Right. You might as well open up a car museum to put your car in, and charge admission for people to come see it roped off and complement you on it.
That's a great idea , thanks Billy :beer:

07-23-2004, 02:45 PM
There ya go Steve. Look at my post now. :D

And in all humility, perhaps I saw sarcasm where there actually was none to begin with. :banned: :alone:

07-23-2004, 02:46 PM
Hey Everybody, I'm going to start a Trilogy countdown until everyone hates me!!!! :lol:
:stupid: We already hate you.

07-23-2004, 02:48 PM
Was it really intended to endanger other peoples lives? :confused:
So think about your condenming words the next time you yourself are "endangering" somebody's life when you're driving 65 MPH in a 60MPH zone.

Your obviously one of those people that sees everything as black or white w/nothing in between, and you really shouldn't try to push your unrealistic views on others.

07-23-2004, 02:50 PM
That's a great idea , thanks Billy :beer:
Can you say "Wanna-be"?????

07-23-2004, 02:51 PM
Get real.
Oh I'm nothing but real ! I guess my brutal honesty just offends some people.:P

I've gotta go eat now, I'll have to :argue: with you later. :up: Bye

07-23-2004, 03:11 PM
No you don't. Closed by request.