View Full Version : just me

07-23-2004, 10:48 PM
Must be part of the click. And I am not . No Bigge! Certian members have been aviodiing me as of late! Your choice Todd. And afew others. Sorry but I am pissed!!!!! Brian and Mary thanks!But what bothers me is I got to hook up a another MM owner (Brian) and no one really give s$$#it, Thanks for coming by . I got mods on the way! and I iam treated lke a virus! :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

07-23-2004, 11:04 PM
What? you have a virus?

07-23-2004, 11:43 PM
I wouldn't get too upset by anything here or not here on the "net", They may not have seen a post or are very busy people.
The forum is suppose to be for info and alittle fun.

07-23-2004, 11:43 PM
I wonder if it's your taste in music :eek:

.....okay, just kidding Pat. I guess I should stay outta this, since I don't know what it's about. Just was trying to cheer you up. ;)

07-24-2004, 12:19 AM
No more listening to Springsteen for you, Patrick...

07-24-2004, 12:32 AM
Yeah, unless you've somehow found a way to get "fuelie" heads on a big block Chevy. :rolleyes:

07-24-2004, 01:45 AM
Must be part of the click. And I am not . No Bigge! Certian members have been aviodiing me as of late! Your choice Todd. And afew others. Sorry but I am pissed!!!!! Brian and Mary thanks!But what bothers me is I got to hook up a another MM owner (Brian) and no one really give s$$#it, Thanks for coming by . I got mods on the way! and I iam treated lke a virus! :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:
Not sure what's up Patrick. If you're steamed because some folks don't return messages, don't take it personally. Same thing happens to me. Hope you can make it to Bristol. Ya really got to get down to Team Ford and a breakfast get together sometime.

07-24-2004, 02:31 AM
Lets let this go! I wish. All Todd needs to do to is call or respond. F@@$k I am just looking for some help with mods! And understand my situation!I DONT HAVE A FREAKIN 9-5 JOB LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES. Why is so hard to understand!!!!! I'lll get someone to do the the Mods to my car. Well never mind. Sorry to vent!

Does anyone know where I else I can go other than Team Ford to get mods dun?

07-24-2004, 02:40 AM
Even though I'm not from your area, it might be best if you list exactly what mods you're speaking of, so that people might be able to asist you better w/answers. Unless ofcorse this is another "secret" project.

07-24-2004, 04:52 AM
Does anyone know where I else I can go other than Team Ford to get mods dun?

Well your not that far from the Hot Rod Spot right here in the Motor City, the guy's here are some of the best and nicest out their!! :rock:

07-24-2004, 05:46 AM
Okay, what's going on here? It seems like we've gotten a lot of members upset lately. I don't understand why there seems to be so much infighting and I'm quite frankly getting tired of hearing about it and reading so many threads that just seem to implode; whether because of people bickering, hijacking or inappropriate content. I don't think I've ever seen so many locked threads in such a short span of time. Can everyone just take a step away for a minute, take a deep breath and chill?

We are a passionate about a common automobile so we all share a common bond...let's remember that eh? Because of that I know we are going to get a bit excited about issues and lively discussons will occur yet, and I'm just speaking for myself here, if you've got issue with someone/something can we keep it out of the forums? Airing dirty laundry is so detrimental to the overall environment and success of the site. The comments above are not directed at any one person or thing, but for the site as a whole due to what I percieve as a lot of built up tension and after reading this thread I couldn't refrain from posting anything regarding this matter any longer.

But Patrick I understand your frustrations. Someone here will get you hooked up with what you need. :)

07-24-2004, 07:17 AM
Okay, what's going on here? It seems like we've gotten a lot of members upset lately. I don't understand why there seems to be so much infighting and I'm quite frankly getting tired of hearing about it and reading so many threads that just seem to implode;

I've noticed that too Silver..... is the moon full? :help:

07-24-2004, 07:22 AM
What? you have a virus?What?! You have a virus! Is it contagious?

Just kidding Pat, I have no beefs with anyone on this board.

Hey Silver, once again you are right on the monney. :up:

07-24-2004, 08:05 AM



07-24-2004, 08:25 AM
Sigh... Damn my button finger has been busy lately...

07-24-2004, 08:38 AM
Must be part of the click. And I am not . No Bigge!you're right, no biggie, i think the click has clacked anyway.

07-24-2004, 10:25 AM

I have had threads that I started that never got a reply. I have always chalked it up to folks not having anything to say.

I don't think that you should take it personally. The net can be funny like that.



07-24-2004, 11:26 AM
I'm glad this thread is still open....

Cause if you lived in Cleveland Ohio instead, I'd help ya!! There is but a handfull of active members in my area, and I WISH I had more to hang with.

You're OK, in my book, and I HAVE ALWAYS promptly answered your mail, and will continue to do so.

Don't sweat the 'southern' thing...they're busy with stuff.:P

07-24-2004, 12:08 PM
Patrick...you got a beef with me? Call me...404.995.0995 is the number. I have no idea what you're talking about. If you've PM'd me and I haven't gotten back...well then stand in line behind the other dozen or so folks that I haven't had the chance to get back with either.

Man, I spend an extraordinary amount of time helping folks...and this is what I get? Yeah Barry...the "Southern Thing" has involved nothing but helping a LOT of folks out with no agendas or ulterior motives...and that's it! And I believe you've been a recipient of this help as well.

And as Chris said...grow up folks. It's a :censor: hobby (at least it is for me)...although I work hard with no remuneration helping a LOT of folks out not looking for a thing other than getting a kick out of helping others.

So Patrick...you want to call me out in the forums? Call me in person and tell me what's the deal. If you're right...I'll apologize. If I have no idea what it is you need from me? Then I can't help.

07-24-2004, 12:27 PM
....sigh..... :rolleyes:

Donny Carlson
07-24-2004, 12:37 PM
<smilie deleted>

Patrick, you have a problem with somebody, how about addressing it by phone or email or PM before trotting it out here. You should know that Todd was out of town to support a friend in time of a tragic family crisis, which, at least in my opinion, outranks other considerations, like hookups for mods.

07-24-2004, 12:46 PM
The "Southern Thing" has involved nothing but helping a LOT of folks out with no agendas or ulterior motives...and that's it!I have seen this first hand when our own 01interceptor spent a few months in Atlanta. You guys treated him to some 1st class southern hospitality. Some day I hope to meet you in person if you ever make it up this way we would be delighted to have a get together for the occasion.:up:

07-24-2004, 01:15 PM

As pointed out earlier, this is not the first time that you have come after folks for coming to your aid fast enough. Now you have singled out Todd. I can't really tell why, but I can say this. Todd has been one of the most proactive members on this board. One trip to the monthjly ATL breakfasts will confirm that.

Todd gets dozens of PM's and e-mails from this site and generally responds to them.

He single-handedly helped create the motivation for all the Metco products that everyone now raves about. He has steered literally dozens of folks to Team Ford for the top notch work that those boys can do. Heck, just today he hooked up with a member at an awfully early hour to help him resolve tranny issues, etc. I am sure that that member will pipe in with Todd's praises soon enough.

Now, here comes the kicker, Todd actually has a family and friends outside of this place and he must pay them attention too. So, simply put, our boy Todd is streteched pretty thin. Heck over the last months he has been helping me like mad with the "Secret Project" and without his efforts my car would be sitting in the corner of a garage somewhere just waiting to be worked on.

Re-think the post and consider apologizing to Todd. He doesn't deserve your attack.

You are wrong. No if, ands, or buts about it!

07-24-2004, 02:49 PM
I'm one of those recently that Todd's helped out. I'm coming up from some work on my car next month. I understood when Todd didnt instantly return my PMs or calls, he's got a life, family, and a job. But everything is now in order from me to come up. He's a great guy to talk to aswell. I have to say (type) I'm greatful of Todd for taking the time to help when he can.


07-24-2004, 03:31 PM
This thread is a surefire example of why it's important as mature human beings for us to sit back, chill out a bit and think things over VERY carefully before posting impulsively. I just put 2 and 2 together and got a metric 4, after seeing the reference to Todd being involved in a tragic family situation (I don't know the details, and am afraid to ask, for reasons I'll share later), and I can understand why Todd doesn't necessarily have the energy to place volunteer MercuryMarauder.net support calls that high on his list of priorities.

I'm with Marty... an apology is definitely on the grocery list.

And in my opinion, rants like this might eventually influence the willingness of many folks to pay attention when asked for help in the future.

Todd, I was wobbling on the fence as to whether to PM you for details of what happened following your post on the other thread about the hospital but quite frankly didn't have the gonads. The whole language barrier thing keeps me from finding the right words to use, but I'll just say I'll have you (and of course whoever is involved in this event) in my mind and prayers.

07-24-2004, 03:40 PM
Must be part of the click. And I am not . No Bigge! Certian members have been aviodiing me as of late! Your choice Todd. And afew others. Sorry but I am pissed!!!!! Brian and Mary thanks!But what bothers me is I got to hook up a another MM owner (Brian) and no one really give s$$#it, Thanks for coming by . I got mods on the way! and I iam treated lke a virus! :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:
we've never met, but don't let it get to you. there are people here who just like to type, and will use 10 words when two will do. others disappear when they're relied on. kinda funny how the web imitates real life, huh?;)

Fourth Horseman
07-24-2004, 04:33 PM
Was going to post, but on second thought... nevermind. I think I'm going to quit reading the lounge. ;)

EDIT: Sorry, Billy. I altered my post after you responded. :(

07-24-2004, 04:35 PM
Very well put 4th H. :up: :up: :up:

07-24-2004, 04:46 PM
Was going to post, but on second thought... nevermind. I think I'm going to quit reading the lounge. ;)

EDIT: Sorry, Billy. I altered my post after you responded. :(
Hmmm, I don't know why you would've edited what you originally said. It was positive, and to the point. And it wasn't provacative either. But as you wish my friend. :)

07-24-2004, 04:52 PM
Can't we all just get along. People have been helpful to me but they are very busy so I only try to ask good questions that have not been asked lately.

I don't really know any of you except for some of the Motor City Marauders but I do know that we are excellent people.

Nothing that a good cup of coffee can't fix.

Fourth Horseman
07-24-2004, 04:53 PM
Hmmm, I don't know why you would've edited what you originally said. It was positive, and to the point. And it wasn't provacative either. But as you wish my friend. :)

I'm just thinking that I've been involved in two threads closed by Logan, recently. Think I'd rather just steer clear of controversy on this site from now on. Thanks, though. :)

07-24-2004, 04:58 PM
I'm just thinking that I've been involved in two threads closed by Logan, recently. Think I'd rather just steer clear of controversy on this site from now on. Thanks, though. :)
Okay 4th. :) Since I know That it had nothing to do w/me. If it did, then you know that you can always send me a PM. Peace....:up:

07-24-2004, 05:27 PM
We have no way of knowing that it was TAF who Patrick called out, do we?

If not, then now what? This thread got hot very quickly. Imagine if it wasn't TAF that Patrick was referring too. Whoa! We have had more than one person tell Patrick that he needed to apologize already.

Maybe I missed something but I just tooks Patricks cry for help as a cry for help. Well, perhaps it was a "little" whiny. :D (JOKE)

Ain't life grand?



07-24-2004, 05:39 PM
Dan, "Todd" means TAF. So that is atleast one of the people that Pat was talking about. However, I really don't mean to get in the middle of this since I don't know the details.

07-24-2004, 05:45 PM
We have no way of knowing that it was TAF who Patrick called out, do we?

Ummm Dan, did ya read the first post? Patrick took the time to name names. This thread was indeed directed right at Todd.

Curiously Patrick hasn't been back to the seen of the crime so we will never know what he was thinking. I for one will be standing ny for Patrick's open apology to Todd, which I am sure that he will want to make since he decided to call Todd out in public. We will just have to see if Patrick is big enough to do that.

07-24-2004, 06:41 PM
Ummm Dan, did ya read the first post? Patrick took the time to name names. This thread was indeed directed right at Todd.
Curiously Patrick hasn't been back to the seen of the crime so we will never know what he was thinking. I for one will be standing ny for Patrick's open apology to Todd, which I am sure that he will want to make since he decided to call Todd out in public. We will just have to see if Patrick is big enough to do that.

you think so? wait right here.

I'm just thinking that I've been involved in two threads closed by Logan, recently. Think I'd rather just steer clear of controversy on this site from now on. Thanks, though. :)

thats the problem with controversy, its a lot like being in a click. you never know when you're in one, until you can't get out.

Dan, "Todd" means TAF. So that is atleast one of the people that Pat was talking about. However, I really don't mean to get in the middle of this since I don't know the details.

again so sure, sorry about your disease.

i still canot agree.

i think dan's more on the right track because i drew the same conclusions a moment ago. martyo's post helps my point.

there are a half dozen tods on this board, another thread says so. so, i really hope patrick wasn't asking brake questions from a vendor, or, why someone didn't stop buy to visit as promised. but, not to worry about that anymore, because taf and his click have "claimed the blame".

in other words, it's another case of the guilty outting themselves and the click to his rescue. until they spoke up, i really had no clue who patrick was pizzed at. now that we all seem to know exactly who (thank you all, ladies and gents) let's let them work it out privately?

i'm not buying the excuses posted here by "tafs team". all of them read like those e-maiols from my list warning me of a new virus and "don't open anything named..." but its not my business to approve posts anyway because i don't really care either way. but the facts are..

someone pizzed off patrick, its patrick's decision to excuse that.

its also patricks decision to forgive that, and apoliogize too, once he feels it's what he should do here.

you all that have been pushing patrick to apologize are really out of line.

since patrick hasn't been back here with details, none of us really know his why, and none of us really know 4 sure who he is pizzed at anyway, so none of us can comment on who's right or wrong, right?

if you all want to admit to being the "todd" in question, then you must admit to being offensive towards patrick too, in some way. if we are going to play jury, patrick needs to state his case.

until then, all character witnesses lie down, go get a yogurt and wait until we call you back. until then, one "todd" among us is a real prick.

that's all we've heard so far, anyone want to confirm more?

07-24-2004, 06:43 PM
you're right, no biggie, i think the click has clacked anyway.

Right on the mark.

07-24-2004, 06:52 PM
M75, you have a whopping 17 posts on this board, and you're going to cure everyone's "disease" w/your self-proclaimed enlightning advice. I'm waiting for you to make any great contributions to this board and help a number of people out like some of us guys who have been around here long enough to know that TAF is well known around here, and is the one who people speak of when the name "Todd" is mentioned in a thread where there was no other "Todd" who has participated in that same thread in question. But ofcourse you wouldn't know that since you haven't been around here all that long anyway.

You've been here long enough to get sarcastic w/people, and nothing else. And the only veteran of this board who will jump on your side is someone who has something against Todd personally which has nothing to do w/what patrick has mentioned anyway. :rolleyes:

07-24-2004, 07:25 PM
Ummm Dan, did ya read the first post? Patrick took the time to name names. This thread was indeed directed right at Todd.

Curiously Patrick hasn't been back to the seen of the crime so we will never know what he was thinking. I for one will be standing ny for Patrick's open apology to Todd, which I am sure that he will want to make since he decided to call Todd out in public. We will just have to see if Patrick is big enough to do that. I AM. WAIT!!!!

07-24-2004, 07:38 PM
if you all want to admit to being the "todd" in question, then you must admit to being offensive towards patrick too, in some way. if we are going to play jury, patrick needs to state his case.

You're right, M-75, and I apologize for my own contribution to this problem. I should have kept my hole shut... but... one small detail:

If Patrick has/had a problem with someone, he has two options. He can communicate directly with the person with whom he has a problem or he can grab a wooden box, write "SOAP" on it, climb on top and suddenly make his issue a public one.

Kind of like the person who performs an unconventional appearance mod on his car (flames, hydraulics, chain-link steering wheel, dingle-berries on the windshield frame, etc.) and posts about it and asks "what do you think of it?" then gets the undies in a bunch when some folks provide negative input.

Now, why folks assumed it was TAF that was being referred to in the original post(s), the references to Team Ford (with whom TAF has a strong relationship) probably led to this assumption. Again, I admit I fell for the same assumption that it was TAF that was being referred to. Again, I admit I was in error with such an assumption (although I may still feel the assumption was correct).

And did the situation really warrant a rant? Because a PM was not answered or a call-back wasn't made? I got a call on Friday afternoon that I chose to answer, and in the ensuing conversation I missed a meeting. No biggie, it was late Friday afternoon and I had tons of work to do in the lab anyway, but would I have been subject to a similar rant had I allowed the call to go to voice mail and gone home to have dinner with my family and forgot to return the call? As it is, when I'm working, I usually have MM.net on one of the windows on my laptop that I quickly browse when I'm waiting for something to execute or I need an inspiration break... do I have to now remain online 24 hours a day to make sure I am not subject to such a rant should I miss a PM or not be able respond in a timely manner?

Yes, we jumped on what is probably a private issue between two members... but why was it made public? If I want to pursue a private issue with a board member, I sure as heck won't be posting it on a public forum. :help:

07-24-2004, 07:40 PM
Have we not been told by Logan that if we have a problem, to take it off the board? You know thats what he will say when he closes this puppy!!!

07-24-2004, 08:05 PM
Sigh... Damn my button finger has been busy lately...
Been really burning off those BEER carbs huh?

(I hope you've seen the TV comercials,Logan) :D

07-24-2004, 08:39 PM
Here it is. Your going to be reading for abit. Yes I called Todd out. Sorry to do thiis but was fustrated . What started this was the thread "A great afternoon" And I thought I would here from certian people and I didnt! Thanks Brian!! Just taking about 45 minutes to talk about mods and then offering me drive your car is awsome!! I respect Todd. But I dont like the response I get from him. Just drive down to Atlanta for breakfast! Not that easy! I understand he has a famaliy an responsabilities and he he is dealing with alot of requests! Butt like I have Said in the Past I work Monday thru whenever. 12hrs aday!. I just wish not only Todd but others to understand my sitiuation. I just cant comiit to breakfast! I just dont like feeling guilty about being not being able to make it thier! Or to MM2. Thier is nothing more than I would luve to do is to spend a weekend with all of you! Its not just mods but I have become friends with alot of you. Just by mail. Thanks MARY!!!!!!!!!! You are a true sweetheart!! . I just thought I was more part of the famaliy. Just seems when I post to a thread it gets now attenttion. "Patrick" Thread Killer!!!

Well lets this go ! I appologies to the whole group for my behaviaor. Not My attiude!. Patrick is Patrick and not goiging to change! Hey Marty I am back on the scence of the crime If Logan alows me to stay here???

Donny Carlson
07-24-2004, 08:47 PM
we've never met, but don't let it get to you. there are people here who just like to type, and will use 10 words when two will do. others disappear when they're relied on. kinda funny how the web imitates real life, huh?;)
And then others post before they have a clear picture of the situation.

07-24-2004, 08:48 PM
Not sure what's up Patrick. If you're steamed because some folks don't return messages, don't take it personally. Same thing happens to me. Hope you can make it to Bristol. Ya really got to get down to Team Ford and a breakfast get together sometime. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-24-2004, 08:57 PM
[QUOTE=CRUZTAKER]I'm glad this thread is still open....

Cause if you lived in Cleveland Ohio instead, I'd help ya!! There is but a handfull of active members in my area, and I WISH I had more to hang with.

You're OK, in my book, and I HAVE ALWAYS promptly answered your mail, and will continue to do so.

Don't sweat the 'southern' thing...they're busy with stuff.:P[/QUOT Thanks Barry!~

07-24-2004, 09:00 PM
Hey way to go on the eve of your biggest meet ever!

Wish I could be there to see round II.

07-24-2004, 09:00 PM
And then others post before they have a clear picture of the situation.
Yep, you can say that again Donny.

Fourth Horseman
07-24-2004, 09:03 PM
Okay 4th. :) Since I know That it had nothing to do w/me. If it did, then you know that you can always send me a PM. Peace....:up:

No, no, not at all. I just got thinking, after I submitted my response, that I should think before I leap. Even though I don't think I've done anything in the other threads that got closed down that I shouldn't have, I'd rather not be associated with contributing to any more grief for Logan or any of the users.

I didn't really have anything useful to add to the thread anyway. :)

Definitely nothing to do with you, Billy, and I do appreciate your comments.

07-24-2004, 09:07 PM
M75, you have a whopping 17 posts on this board, Funny you should post that. I have been around watching since the early days.How long you been on the site? I think I have less posts?

07-24-2004, 09:09 PM
Never Mind!

07-24-2004, 09:10 PM
No, no, not at all. I just got thinking, after I submitted my response, that I should think before I leap. :up:
I would like to shake your hand some day as you are a smart man!

07-24-2004, 09:11 PM
Funny you should post that. I have been around watching since the early days.How long you been on the site? I think I have less posts?There's a big difference in your posts Alf and your input in general. So I didn't think my comments applied to you at all, nor to just anyone who has a low post count. If you don't go out of your way to help others on here like a lot of veterans do who also have had many posts and who also have a lot of helpful input, then you're out of place being sarcastic and being so quick to try and correct those who have had much more input and who have helped many people on here. And that goes especially if you have no clue as to what you're talking about and you're always throwing in a lot of sarcasm into your posts directed at those who you have never met, nor have even dealt w/much on this board before.

I don't think that applies to you. Do you? You've taken a small part of what I've previously said, and pulled it from the context of my entire post. Please don't do that. And BTW, if you've been here that long, then why on earth have you waited for so long to participate? Don't you have info to share w/us all about your Marauder, and experiences you've had at the dealer, good or bad? It's things like that which makes this board so valuable, and of so much help to us all.

07-24-2004, 09:16 PM
Got hijacked!!!!!!

07-24-2004, 09:29 PM
:rolleyes: Oh jeez!

This might be the goofiest friggin' thread I've ever read.

07-24-2004, 09:44 PM
:rolleyes: Oh jeez!

This might be the goofiest friggin' thread I've ever read. And reverse your Avatar, My foot up your A@#***!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-24-2004, 09:49 PM
And reverse your Avatar, My foot up your A@#***!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: Dude,.. I gotta ask... Are you drunk? really..... are you?

You aren't making any friggin sense.

You're either drunk,... or off your meds. :P Which is it?

Sheesh,... how did I get pulled into this stupity,... I knew I should've bit my tongue and not posted.

Logan,.... please kill this stupid thread...

07-24-2004, 09:53 PM
I'm begining to think there are a number of people on here who post while they're drunk.

....I bet that spell checker covers up a lot of peoples' conditions too.

Donny Carlson
07-24-2004, 10:10 PM
And reverse your Avatar, My foot up your A@#***!!!!!!!!!!!!


07-24-2004, 10:16 PM
can we equate this to having a "Beer keyboard"??? Or should I say, to having "keyboard muscles"???:)

Donny Carlson
07-24-2004, 10:25 PM
can we equate this to having a "Beer keyboard"??? Or should I say, to having "keyboard muscles"???:)
I can't think of a better thread to post this:


07-24-2004, 10:37 PM
LOL!!!!! Thanks Donny. I needed a good laugh. :up:

07-24-2004, 10:45 PM
I'm begining to think there are a number of people on here who post while they're drunk.
HEY! I reasssembleate that remark!

07-24-2004, 10:47 PM
LOL!!!!! Thanks Donny. I needed a good laugh. :up: This whole thread needed a good laugh!:lol:

07-24-2004, 10:49 PM
This whole thread needed a good laugh!:lol:Yes, I was thinking the same thing. ;)

07-24-2004, 10:55 PM
You've been here long enough to get sarcastic w/people, and nothing else. And the only veteran of this board who will jump on your side is someone who has something against Todd personally which has nothing to do w/what patrick has mentioned anyway. :rolleyes:

Billy: That's because M75 is a poser. If I recall correctly, he was thrown off the site once before. Only he knows for sure. 17 posts -- a big contributer for sure. Yawn......

07-24-2004, 10:57 PM
Have we not been told by Logan that if we have a problem, to take it off the board?

Yep, that's true, but Patrick shouldn't have opened this up in public in the first place unless he wanted public responses.

07-24-2004, 11:00 PM
Hey way to go on the eve of your biggest meet ever!

Wish I could be there to see round II.

Ahhhhh, nothing like another poser......

07-24-2004, 11:02 PM
How long you been on the site? I think I have less posts?

The benefit of being a poser, no?

07-24-2004, 11:08 PM
Here it is. Your going to be reading for abit. Yes I called Todd out. Sorry to do thiis but was fustrated . What started this was the thread "A great afternoon" And I thought I would here from certian people and I didnt! Thanks Brian!! Just taking about 45 minutes to talk about mods and then offering me drive your car is awsome!! I respect Todd. But I dont like the response I get from him. Just drive down to Atlanta for breakfast! Not that easy! I understand he has a famaliy an responsabilities and he he is dealing with alot of requests! Butt like I have Said in the Past I work Monday thru whenever. 12hrs aday!. I just wish not only Todd but others to understand my sitiuation. I just cant comiit to breakfast! I just dont like feeling guilty about being not being able to make it thier! Or to MM2. Thier is nothing more than I would luve to do is to spend a weekend with all of you! Its not just mods but I have become friends with alot of you. Just by mail. Thanks MARY!!!!!!!!!! You are a true sweetheart!! . I just thought I was more part of the famaliy. Just seems when I post to a thread it gets now attenttion. "Patrick" Thread Killer!!!

Well lets this go ! I appologies to the whole group for my behaviaor. Not My attiude!. Patrick is Patrick and not goiging to change! Hey Marty I am back on the scence of the crime If Logan alows me to stay here???

Patrick: I will compare time cards with you anyday and I make it when I can make it and I don't wait for others to come to me, I just kind of throw myself at them. Try it, it works. There is no guilt involved if ya can;t make it that way.....

Now, go apologize to Todd, hang your head in shame and then come back to the click of 2,017 members, would ya?

07-24-2004, 11:22 PM

WELL................AM I

07-24-2004, 11:24 PM
Billy: That's because M75 is a poser. If I recall correctly, he was thrown off the site once before. Only he knows for sure. 17 posts -- a big contributer for sure. Yawn......I don't doubt what you're saying at all Marty. What I think is so pathetic is how we sometimes get guys like this who haven't put any effort into helping people here on this board, haven't mentioned what Marauder modifications have worked for them, nor what Mercury dealers have helped them out, or what ones have steered them wrong, nor any of the things that many veteran members here have shared w/so many to help out w/the ownership issues of these fantastic cars that we drive.

And yet they want to come on here w/barely anything more than a single digit post count and get all cocky w/many of us who've went out of our way to help others, and have raved about which vendors' products have worked so great for our cars. These guys care absolutely nothing about our Marauder community here, nor for the advancement and the enjoyment of the Marauder driving experience and ownership, nor for the advancement of this board.

07-24-2004, 11:30 PM

WELL................AM IIf you are, then you don't have to be told that. Do you? You'll already know that you are a contributor. I for one have never seen you post anything but lighthearted jokes which are fine, and helpful advice. Does that answer your question?

07-25-2004, 12:17 AM
Enough already...

We have some amazing contributors on this site offering expertise which would normally only be found by hiring it. I praise these people for taking the lead in pioneering modifications and providing mechanical and parts knowledge which most of us would normally only dream of having access to.

I think that the entire notion of members of this site judging other members or evaluating others member's contributions in their onsite postings is the begining of a bad turn for the site in general. We are adults here.

Praise is fine and deserved. There is an old saying..."If you can't find something good to say, then don't say it" This applies here in spades.

Stop throwing verbal rocks at each other!

Send PM's if you have serious isues to address with another member.

If this stuff continues, Logan will have some difficult decisions ahead of him.

Personal attacks and judgements, whether they are right or wrong, whether they are supported by the majority, or whether they are supported by senior members, only create bad feelings and destroy this online community.

New members of ANY commnuity need to use good people skills to gain the acceptance of the group and be patient. People will accept you at their pace, not yours.

I know the typical Marauder owner is usually an outspoken alpha male, but remember, sometimes you have to give up a little to get a lot!

Let some of the little stuff slide OK.

Stop this now before it ruins MM net for all of us!

Stay cool and enjoy the twisties and straights!

Best Regards,


07-25-2004, 05:57 AM
I'm begining to think there are a number of people on here who post while they're drunk.

....I bet that spell checker covers up a lot of peoples' conditions too.

Wait, wait... there's a spell checker??!! How come I'm always the last to know!! That's it , I'm outta here!!

Donny Carlson
07-25-2004, 06:49 AM
hehehe i love it.
again, this is the answer here. humiliate others, but don't look in the mirror. read this threah over, look at what you do to each other. first patrick's the bad boy for airing his gripe, and now its me for trying to smooth that out before we even knew who patrick was griping about. now i'm the target because i have only 17 posts, can't spell or type to your approval and i may have been called a drunk and a psycho off my meds too but, can't say for sure because those posts could mean others. but for sure im a bad penny now because ive been kicked off here before. lolololololol.

you call yourself a community of friends, until one of you shouts "get a rope."

it's a web site, about a car, get a life already.

We are a community of friends, which is why when one of our friends has been unfairly attacked by another "friend", we come to his or her defense.

Before Logan uses his Finger of Judgement http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/sign/1/sign52.gif on this thread ,which has run its course and has degraded to the sniping/one-up-manship stage, yes, you are right, this is a web site about a car, and as I've posted before, we all share a common love for a great automobile. That means can't be all bad, eh?