View Full Version : And the DA Award for Caravaning No-no's...

Donny Carlson
07-25-2004, 07:28 AM
goes to this group of 9 VW owners on their way to a VW event

be patient, it can take while for dialup, but worth it.

http://boston.mirror-image.com/newsvideo/softwin/template.html?OAS_pos=SPONSOR2&middle=072104_vws_worcester.wm v

NOTE TO MVII CARAVANS: Video recorders OFF, please.

07-25-2004, 07:58 AM
A mass case of SFB...

07-25-2004, 08:05 AM
Nice....and to sit there and lie about it to the news camera.


07-25-2004, 08:59 AM
HA HA! Bunch of idiots!

Jeez! why do people insist on video taping their illegal escapades?

I hope they get the max sentence!

07-25-2004, 09:16 AM
Teenagers are retarded. Some of them were 20 something...they're still teenagers, they're still retarded.

07-25-2004, 09:16 AM
goes to this group of 9 VW owners on their way to a VW event

be patient, it can take while for dialup, but worth it.

http://boston.mirror-image.com/newsvideo/softwin/template.html?OAS_pos=SPONSOR2&middle=072104_vws_worcester.wm v

NOTE TO MVII CARAVANS: Video recorders OFF, please.
Is that video & audio or just audio like my dial up gave me ?

07-25-2004, 09:18 AM
I hope this only happens to vw cars and not our mm's. I sure would hate to get caught doing something stupid :lol: I think the worst i ever did when in an mm caravan was :censor: .wait a min i might get a ticket :lol:

07-25-2004, 09:27 AM
Is that video & audio or just audio like my dial up gave me ?
Theres a video too.

07-25-2004, 09:29 AM
HMMM,, looks like another case of BHS(backward hat syndrome) :lol:

07-25-2004, 09:36 AM
It's ok, Billy, I got this one...

Umm, aren't we not supposed to discuss street racing and other forms of illegal vehicular activity? :D



PS: Yes, I was joking. :D

Hack Goby
07-25-2004, 09:39 AM
Oh ya there was more than one story last year from Ennis.Be carfull people.

07-25-2004, 09:41 AM
They should have put the hook on all those cars and made these guys walk home . Idiots

07-25-2004, 10:14 AM
Please allow me to put my devils advocate hat on. (Puts hat on. Huh! Red. Good color on me.)

Yes, they were in a construction zone so yes, they were breaking the law. There is no argument there.

However, what if we go by other standards such as were other motorists endangered? Were their speeds unreasonable for the road conditions, the vehicle, the driver and the traffic? Does it still look as terrible as the media made it sound.

When I saw the video I saw that there were no obstructions to the weaving in the construction zone and no other cars to their right. They were all single file and it appeared as though they were travelling at right around 60 mph. How long was the zone? If it was like PA the sheer length of those zones should be made illegal for how unneccessarily long they are. It also looked like they were not just slaloming the cones willy nilly. It seemed like they were doing it in a "thoughtful" manner (if I can use that term.)

When the kid was shown passing on the right shoulder the announcer said something about his "high rate of speed" but from what I could tell his speedo was showing right around 60. Also, there are places, routes and time where passing on the right shoulder is legal in MA.

As far as driving 100, again, I will agree that it is illegal. I know that there are actually people (even among us) who drive the limit. I guess I wonder how bad going 100 really is when on many of our roads 100 can easily be considered a safe and reasonable speed. (NOTE: I don't recall if they were doing 100 in the construction zone but I don't think the vid showed their speed while they were in the zone.)

I guess I am saying that we could easily condemn these kids for doing what they did and, of course, we could take the moral high ground because it truly was illegal. Those who do are right. Me, personally... it did not look to me like they were doing things without thinking them through and considering the risk first.

Please don't flame me. As I said, I was putting my devils advocate hat on. (Takes hat off) There, my hat is off now and, and,... I can't believe those reckless little turds didn't get tossed in jail or worse!!! :D Where is the justice!!!?



07-25-2004, 11:32 AM
Whatever. They were breaking the law. What they do now and get away with influences their decisions later in life and THAT's when tragedy strikes.

07-25-2004, 11:42 AM
I thought I saw a CTR car in that video. It came in lat on the first section showing the cops pulling over the VWs.

Can someone look at it again and see if it was a CVPI or an MM. I don't think it was an MM but I couldn't be sure.



07-25-2004, 11:44 AM
I wonder if they will be able to get the video suppressed?

Marty is a lawyer, right? Marty, what are your thoughts? Does it seem to you like confiscation of the video tape was legit?



Joe Walsh
07-25-2004, 12:52 PM
What a bunch of numb-nuts!!! 'Farveknugen' (sp?) means revoked license in German.
The only thing that would have made the video more enjoyable was if it was a pack of pimple faced Ricers in Hondas. (note: reversed baseball cap = 25HP)

07-25-2004, 02:32 PM
I don't know MA law, but I do know NY. I'd hang em out to dry. Without even rewatching the video I can thing of a number of VTL charges, atleast one of which would be a criminal offense. It would only take one of them to lose control and take out how many others?, including themselves. I also believe that tape will be admissible as evidence. Can't remember the case law, but it has been admissible in other cases.

07-25-2004, 02:57 PM
"Silly RABBITS...tricks are for...."....MARAUDERS!

07-25-2004, 03:02 PM
goes to this group of 9 VW owners on their way to a VW event


NOTE TO MVII CARAVANS: Video recorders OFF, please.
A definite proof the the existence of the Group Stupidity syndrome. :stupid:

Yes, multiple awards of the DA trophy are appropriate here. And, to capture it all on video ..... Priceless!!!!

Joe Walsh
07-25-2004, 03:39 PM
A definite proof the the existence of the Group Stupidity syndrome. :stupid:

Yes, multiple awards of the DA trophy are appropriate here. And, to capture it all on video ..... Priceless!!!!

Reminds me of those kids who broke into houses and totally trashed the places...ALL WHILE VIDEOTAPING THEIR VANDALISM! They then got caught and .....You guessed it, one of them had the Video Cam with tape.

07-25-2004, 06:27 PM
stupid is as stupid does. but, then again, if the 37-year-old me ever met the 17-year-old me, i'd kick my ass.:rolleyes:

07-25-2004, 07:20 PM
stupid is as stupid does. but, then again, if the 37-year-old me ever met the 17-year-old me, i'd kick my ass.:rolleyes:

:beer: Ya sure can say that for me too pal :lol:

07-26-2004, 08:37 AM
I wasn't going to post here, cuz it isn't even worth getting into. However, I almost feel obligated since I see that Dan mentioned my name. So here's my take.......

Even though those cones looked like they were left in a zone that was NOT even a construction zone as Dan pointed out, you wouldn't see me doing that. I'm not going to compare the things I've done behind the wheel w/what the video tape revealed, all I'm saying is what i would NOT do, and that is one of them.

Another thing you wouldn't see me do, is pass someone on the shoulder like that. One guy who drove a Mustang tried to provoke me into a race (long story) when I had my Vette, and he passed a guy on the shoulder like that to get in front of me, and I let him go. I don't do things like that. yes, I get alittle crazy sometimes, as I believe that anyone who modifies their car to make it faster does despite any self-righteous claims they might have, but I do draw the line in certain areas, and what those kids were doing isn't what I do.

07-26-2004, 09:02 AM
I showed my wife this video and she said, "This is why guys shouldn't be allowed to go places without wives."

07-26-2004, 09:07 AM
I showed my wife this video and she said, "This is why guys shouldn't be allowed to go places without wives."Does that also apply to women going to the mall w/the plastic money w/out having their man w/them??? I for one don't neccessarily need to have my lady beside me to abstain from things like that. Furthermore, some of the things I've done behind the wheel were w/my lady w/me. She didn't mind, but it wasn't what those guys were doing in that video, either.

07-26-2004, 10:14 AM
I showed my wife this video and she said, "This is why guys shouldn't be allowed to go places without wives."

I was over at the VW site, and one of the lead cars was a chick.

07-26-2004, 10:33 AM
I was over at the VW site, and one of the lead cars was a chick.AAAAHHHHH!! An interesting point. I encounter a lot of crazy female drivers these days who drive very fast and aggressive. What I mean by "aggressive" is weaving in and out of lanes in moderate to heavy teaffic, failing to use turn signals, and tailgating BIG TIME!!! None of which I can be accused of BTW.

Driving fast is bad enough, yes. But driving fast w/out still being curtious is much worse, and much more dangerous in my book.

07-26-2004, 03:05 PM

I hope you know that what I meant was, "Don't worry, Billy, I will take care of reminding folks about the 'no street racing stories' rule that we seem to have here." I am pretty sure that you know that but I want to make sure.

I don't think I can imagine you pullng the dumb stuff like they were pulling.



07-26-2004, 11:47 PM
Yes, Dan, I knew that, and you did too, but some others here might not have known that. No big deal Danny. We cool...... I guess I'm just a bit defensive when it comes to this stuff because of how two different members here have hammered me in a condescending manner because of some of the stories I've posted here in the past. But please, let's not re-hash any of that. I just wanted to clarify my stance on these things so that I'm not misunderstood (again) ;)

07-27-2004, 04:49 AM
Thanks, Bill.



07-27-2004, 11:09 AM
Please don't flame me.

:flamer::uzi: :shot: :puke: :lol::argue: :shot: :uzi: :flamer:
You have to admit you asked for it.

07-27-2004, 11:52 AM
I thought I saw a CTR car in that video. It came in lat on the first section showing the cops pulling over the VWs.

Can someone look at it again and see if it was a CVPI or an MM. I don't think it was an MM but I couldn't be sure.




I saw 2 CVPI and 1 Taurus, that's all...
You can tell by looking at the rear bumper.

07-27-2004, 03:24 PM
And the award for the most excessive use of graemlins goes to,......

JET :)

MeninBlk, thanks. I couldn't figure out what it was. Taurus makes sense.



07-27-2004, 08:50 PM
hmm..sounds like a fight...my $ is on uh..you..:rock:
stupid is as stupid does. but, then again, if the 37-year-old me ever met the 17-year-old me, i'd kick my ass.:rolleyes: