View Full Version : O/T Save the Scottish Regiments

07-26-2004, 10:59 AM
Under attack once again:

www.savethescottishregiments.c o.uk (http://www.savethescottishregiments.c o.uk)

<FONT face=Arial><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com /><o:p>and if you are inclined, there is an on-line petition</o:p></FONT></P><P style=<o:p></o:p>

12-10-2004, 11:00 PM
The campaign is having a raffle to raise money. Go to the site and there should be links.
Whisky, a Kilt, etc, some great prizes, and a good cause.

Here is a link to make a donation, and you can pay using Pay Pal


12-10-2004, 11:06 PM
RC, you gave me some great insights into the mission and the valor of these great men and the campaigns they carried out. This is a very noble cause, clearly understood by those who have defended homeland and allies. Their legacy is important, and anyone who lives north of the 49 should be hopping up and down to save the Seaforths and others. -kjs-

12-10-2004, 11:07 PM
will have to check this out again in the morning... cant read it all right now have to work in 6 hrs :( anything that concerns my POB im interested in

12-10-2004, 11:18 PM
Here is a note from the fundraiser

Hi Everyone

We have finally received the tickets for our raffle draw for funding for our campaign.
If anyone can sell tickets or recommend outlets could they contact me at anne@savethescottishregiments. co.uk
If you wish to buy tickets also contact me at this e mail address or go online to our site where you can buy them there.
Prizes will be displayed on the site and we do have some brilliant prizes eg - one off commissioned jewellery piece from Cairncross, weekend breaks, days at Health spas, Made to Measure BW Kilt, limited edition whiskies, catering service,handmade dolls crib designed with the Black Watch logo and dated (collectors piece),family portraits and many many more.
Tickets cost £1 each.

Please help us to do this and raise as much money as we can.

