View Full Version : Scam Alert

07-28-2004, 06:39 AM

My wife and I attended a National Grants Conference meeting that was held in Dallas on sunday the 25th. Being my wife works for the Government she decided to go and listen to the information that was presented to the people. I was going to see if I could start my own business-ya dig! This NGC company tells people they can get rich fast by applying for grants and loans from the government. It was about 400 people that attended (remember that number) the conference. The speaker was a well spoken guy, he spoke soft and had a great intro to the audience. Told his life story about how he was poor until he attended a NGC conference and then he became rich from getting money from the government. He gives the audience sob stories about his childhood and it bagan. This lieing no good SOB guaranteed everyone if they pay 1299 bucks for the kit they are entitled to 500,000 bucks in 4 days. He gave everyone 2 minutes to go to the back and purchase this kit during his break. They only accepted debit cards and they had 10 card readers on hand also. Well I am looking for my wife and by the time I find her she was on the horn calling Austin and getting info checked on this speaker by the name of Rick Wiseman. LOL fake name and fake person before we could try to talk to the guy some how he was gone and everyone was standing around with that kit looking dumb and wanted questions answered. Someone must have tiped them off because they closed up early and didnt have a second half meeting but they made over 350 grand within minutes.

Upon doing further research I found out this company goes from state to state and does the same thing to everyone. Some how they get to advertise pictures of U.S. congressmen and women that claim this kit works. Do not fall for this garbage like other people was at the Dallas conference. You can get the same information they sell for $1299.00 for free on the internet.

07-28-2004, 07:07 AM
Someone is broke after spending all their money on secret projects, so they scam people to get it all back:shake: