View Full Version : Update And Some Help!

07-28-2004, 11:00 AM
This is not what everyone is thinking! The past is over. But over the last month Migraines have been having fun with me again. But another prob has occurred. Having a headache almost 24/7! Not real painfull just a very annoying. Well Yesterday I had an appoitment the Doc. After alot test, Blood work tomorrow. She seems to feel its sleep related. I wont go into all the circumstances right now. Just maybe I can some info from some of you who might have this problem. They only meds she wasnts me on is Aleave. My previous Doc had me on Hydrcodin. She doesnt belive in keeping peolpe doped up. I like that.

And on top of that my puter had a Hard drive failure so I have been trying to get all the programs back. JUst about thier. And still trying to work at the same time. Dissfunctionally yours Patrick!

07-28-2004, 11:19 AM
I understand what your going through, I get at least a headache a day and sometimes I get migraines that make me nauseous. Most of the time they are so low key, it's like they just are letting me know they are there.

Hope you are feeling better soon and sorry that you can not make Indy. Don't know of any other remedies to help usually I just take some aspirn.

07-28-2004, 11:34 AM
Patrick when I was a kid around the age of 9 I went deer hunting with my grandfather and was bitten by a tick. After that I had headaches everyday so bad I could not sleep or eat. I had to be rushed to Dallas Childrens Hospital and had a cat scan and blood work done. I had caught Rocky Mountain Spotted fever from that tick and that was the cause of my headaches. They cured them by putting a skull cap on my head with about 40 needles with electric wires hooked up to them. All I can remember was going in that operating room and then waking up in the regular hosptial room. I can honestly say I have never had a headcahe since. Something they done with all that hook up stuff cured them for good. Ask your doctor about it, it may help!

07-28-2004, 11:58 AM
Your Doctor knows best, but as a sleep aide I sometimes take benadryl. That might help when going to bed. I do hope you feel better soon.

Dr Caleb
07-28-2004, 12:12 PM
I get those too man. Sometimes it's the dull throb at the base of my skull that makes you want to puke. Sometimes it's the one where someone is driving a spike in your head. Sometimes it's like parts of the world aren't quite on station (optical - you have blots in your field of vision).

I find these all have different causes, at least for me. I had the base of the skull one this morning, and two Advil migrane's took it away about 1/2 hour ago. I think that was was diet, ie: I haven't eaten much this week, because right about now I can eat a cow, still on the hoof.

Others are weather related. High winds or a sudden change in weather will trigger the optical ones and the spike in the side of the head ones.

I get the low intensity ones that last all day depending on how I sleep. Eye strain can play a part too.

07-28-2004, 01:03 PM
Treating symptoms is great, but lets get to the root of the problem.

How do you feel about your mother?

j/k :)

Try cutting out caffine, all of it. Soda's, tea, coffee, cocolate. All of it. You'll sleep better, and it all may help with the headache.

Oh, and stop listening to the heavy-metal. It will rot the brain, and you don't want to end up like me. :rock:

07-28-2004, 04:18 PM
Headaches are the loser.

I was getting them really bad last year, so bad that I would actually get sick, go to bed and wake up with the headache even worse in the morning. I made some changes in my life and days routine and haven't had a really bad one in almost a year. Well, that and I quit hitting my head against the wall all of the time too :)

Good luck.

07-28-2004, 04:29 PM
Treating symptoms is great, but lets get to the root of the problem.

How do you feel about your mother?

j/k :)

Try cutting out caffine, all of it. Soda's, tea, coffee, cocolate. All of it. You'll sleep better, and it all may help with the headache.

Oh, and stop listening to the heavy-metal. It will rot the brain, and you don't want to end up like me. :rock:
Data monkey, exotic dancer, psychologist, and doctor. Your resume has to be wild. How's the job search coming along?

07-28-2004, 06:31 PM
% in that I used to never get headaches. Easter weekend I cleaned some mildew out the shower stall with some bleach and around that time I began having sinus headaches behind the eyes, particularly the left eye.

They would only last a few seconds and could be 1 an hour or 4 -5. Nothing dibilitating but annoying.

After 7 weeks I went to my GP and she said probably an inflamed nerve take Allieve for 2 weeks and call me. The headaches got worse in that any increase in pressure due to bending over, coughing or shaking head would cause a significant pain.

Went to the nuerologist who said not nuerolgical, wait 30 days doesn't clear up go see an ENT.

Waited 30 days went to ENT. He examines and ask if I ever had a blow to the front or side of the head. I say yes several including one very bad one 27 years ago playing football. He says a possibility of a cyst due to the plates shifting causing an irritation, if so major head surgery and 2 months recovery ( I had to pull this out of him because he didn't want to discuss it).

Take synus medicine and come back in 2 weeks. The sudden headaches stopped but the slightest change in pressure now causes some pain. He orders MRI. I ask if he thinks cyst is a possibility and he says yes.

Take MRI on Friday and he calls on Wednessday to say MRI is perfect, don't worry about headache. Yea! :bounce:

I was prepared for the worst, checked my will, life insurance, disability plan w/ HR at work. I am a sailsmen and I asked another worker if he could take over my customers, he got premission to do so from his boss, I had to tell my associate at work because she was wondering why I wanted her more involed in my accounts. I told her if it happens it is a great career opportunity and I had 100% confidence in her.

I didn't tell the family because I live with 3 women and the wife works at the hospital. I was afraid I would be hen pecked to death and she would get the test results before me.

He asked if I had any vision probs and I said no as a matter of fact I said I went to the drag strip and had good R/T.A year and a half ago he sold his Impala SS because it was sitting and starting to deteriorate. He bought his parents a Crown Vic with the performance package and said he likes the MM, particularly the Meg tips. :banana2:

07-28-2004, 07:22 PM
Hello Sailsman,
I had similar problems with constant headaches. Lifestyle changes will obviously help out all around. But I was diagnosed with "sleep apnea" in 2001. The doc said I was waking up about 58 times during the sleep test. Went back for another sleep test, this time using a CPAP machine. Up to that time, it was the best nights rest that I ever had. Been using it ever since. Headaches are very rare now, and a lot more energy during the day.
The reason I went for the sleep test in the first place was due to falling asleep while driving on a state route. Woke up on the wrong side of the road, cars swerving & horns blaring. I'd fall asleep any time of the day at the drop of a hat back then. Now my sleep is fantastic! Reader's Digest recently listed it as one of the top ten most undiagnosed disorders.

I will be going for surgery in the near future to permanently solve this issue.
Sorry for the rant, if this info doesn't help you, maybe someone else may benifit from it.

I do hope the best for you, please keep us up to date.

07-29-2004, 01:05 AM
Sounds like simply amuptation would for me!! LOL!!!!!!! An I aint giving up HEAVY METAL!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all replys!

07-29-2004, 02:52 AM
Just my .02, try no caffeine, no processed meats with nitrates, ie: bacon lunch meats, hot dogs, etc. Also products containing peanuts, peanut oils, and chocolate. My son developed terrible migraines, and a change of his diet took care of his headaches. Try to keep a log of what you consume and see if the headaches appear with any regularity after certain foods.

08-02-2004, 12:03 PM
Blood test came in today. Everything ok except glucose. Mine is 167. But Doc was gone so I am waiting for a call back.

08-02-2004, 01:45 PM
Blood test came in today. Everything ok except glucose. Mine is 167. But Doc was gone so I am waiting for a call back.
My wife suffered with migraines for years. A Bio-chemist she consulted with took her off anything with diary, no refined sugars, no diet sodas (he maintains that there is not an ingredient in Naturasweet that is not a poison.) She has not had a migraine in over a year.


08-02-2004, 03:42 PM
I woke up with migraines everyday for over a year. I would take Excedrin Migraine (great stuff) every morning at 5:00 am so I could function.
I had to a see a doctor about a burn in my mouth from eating some pizza that was the temperature of the Sun. He took my blood pressure as part of the exam and to put it simply, I damn near set a record!
He put me on Lotencin HCT and I have not had a headache in well over a year. Check your blood pressure.

08-03-2004, 01:27 AM
Hello Sailsman,
I had similar problems with constant headaches. Lifestyle changes will obviously help out all around. But I was diagnosed with "sleep apnea" in 2001. The doc said I was waking up about 58 times during the sleep test. Went back for another sleep test, this time using a CPAP machine. Up to that time, it was the best nights rest that I ever had. Been using it ever since. Headaches are very rare now, and a lot more energy during the day.
The reason I went for the sleep test in the first place was due to falling asleep while driving on a state route. Woke up on the wrong side of the road, cars swerving & horns blaring. I'd fall asleep any time of the day at the drop of a hat back then. Now my sleep is fantastic! Reader's Digest recently listed it as one of the top ten most undiagnosed disorders.

I will be going for surgery in the near future to permanently solve this issue.
Sorry for the rant, if this info doesn't help you, maybe someone else may benifit from it.

I do hope the best for you, please keep us up to date. Thanks my doc said that we will look at a sleep test down the road. She is trying to eliminate a few things first. The thing I like best is she doesnt like to prescribe medication unless necessary. Glad you got yours under controll.

08-03-2004, 01:36 AM
I woke up with migraines everyday for over a year. I would take Excedrin Migraine (great stuff) every morning at 5:00 am so I could function.
I had to a see a doctor about a burn in my mouth from eating some pizza that was the temperature of the Sun. He took my blood pressure as part of the exam and to put it simply, I damn near set a record!
He put me on Lotencin HCT and I have not had a headache in well over a year. Check your blood pressure.

Blood pressure is normal. But Excedrin Migrane is off the list. Caffine is a no no for me. Thanks!

08-03-2004, 03:33 AM
I too have migraines and took every over the counter pills and nothing helped. THe mirgrain would last 3 days. About 5 years ago while living in Florida a doc told me to take ZoMig and boy it did the trick. Since then I take a zomig at the first sign of a mirgraine.