View Full Version : Driving Habits by State

08-09-2004, 05:56 AM
After coming back from a particularly grueling drive from PA to Chicago, I had the opportunity to reflect on the driving habits of motorists from 5 states and 2 countries.

PA: Since I live here, I see this over and over. When waiting to turn left, instead of waiting for the "go-ahead" from opposing traffic, a driver will angle his car towards the opposite lane and then begin his turn while his light is still red.

OH: Even on a 6 lane highway, an Ohio driver will move over to the far left lane and then drive no more than 5 mph over the speed limit. If you don't pass him on the right and instead flash your lights to tell him/her to move over, they will get this look of disgust as if its is completely acceptable to drive in the passing lane.

IN: This varies by what section of Indiana. Up north, they tend to obey the speed limit but stay out of the passing lane. Towards Indy, they drive like they know what they're doing.

MI: These people can flat out drive, especially those around Detroit.

Chicago, (Yeah, I know its not a state): Everyone's turn signals are broken. There is one speed and that is on the bumper of the guy in front of you. If you have to cross several lanes of traffic and back to gain so much as 1 car length, you do it. Passing on a city street by using an area normally for parked cars is completely acceptable. Cars have the right of way over pedestrians.

Canada: They must not ticket Canadian drivers in our country because they drive as fast as the MI drivers but never seem to get pulled over.

08-09-2004, 06:10 AM
I'd agree on Ohio and Chicago.

Let me add, and no offense to you IA people :), that Iowa drivers are some of the fastest drivers I've ever seen.

I've written countless tickets to IA drivers for speeding and such. (Years ago when I was on patrol). I've even been passed up on the interstate in a marked squad car by IA drivers...

08-09-2004, 06:12 AM
After coming back from a particularly grueling drive from PA to Chicago, I had the opportunity to reflect on the driving habits of motorists from 5 states and 2 countries.
Too bad you didn't come through Virginia. I would love to hear your observations on Northern Virginia drivers ..... here's mine:

1. Cell phone permanently attached to left ear.
2. Hasn't looked in the rearview mirror for months.
3. Always drives 5 under in the left lane unless 10 under is more irritating.
4. When given a fork in the road, is unable to make a decision--so they stop.
5. Turn signal bulbs can be classified as brand new, never been used.
6. Drives in bumper-to-bumper traffic so much, they have no idea what to do when the traffic disappears.
7. Couldn't parallel park if their life depended on it.
8. Thinks the lines on the road are guide tracks for their right (or left) tire.
9. Changes lanes without checking, looking, signaling, or considering.
10. Slows for stop signs -- but only sometimes. This does not apply to right turn on red where you only need to slow enough to negotiate the turn.

These are just the top 10. I could go on; but what' s the point ????

08-09-2004, 06:25 AM
These are just a few things I saw while in texas a few years ago. Everyone enters the highway at 75+MPH. And then there is the law of texas bigger is better, yeild to the big burb because they wont signal they just move. Not too bad I guess, and this was just the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, so others might be differnt.

Dr Caleb
08-09-2004, 09:50 AM
I've even been passed up on the interstate in a marked squad car by IA drivers...

Then you weren't going fast enough. :)

In my misspent youth, I've gone through radar traps (single car in the centre divider @ 2 am- doing well over 240km/h. The guy didn't even chase me.

Recently, I've noticed the local constabulary around here are so over worked, they won't even pull you over for 30% over the limit (130 in a 100 zone). It's getting so bad that 2 late 50 year olds killed a pedestrian while street racing their Corvettes.


(He's been charged with dangerous driving causing death. From the reports, she was a sweet lady.)

08-09-2004, 10:03 AM
Iowa drivers are some of the fastest drivers I've ever seen.

I lived in Nebraska and found that the drivers in the midwest are the best (maybe not the fastest) in the country. They have a long way to go and they don't get emotional about it. I remember being in a long line of cars and trucks on I 80 driving 85 MPH + bumper to bumper. Gotta love it.

08-09-2004, 04:38 PM
Georgia-turn signals need not apply but the people here haul
Tennessee-no need to pay attention to anything
Kentucky-I have nothing good to say
Indiana-After living there for 10 years I think people behave nicely on the interstates but drive like bafoons on the two lanes.

08-09-2004, 05:58 PM
... OH: Even on a 6 lane highway, an Ohio driver will move over to the far left lane and then drive no more than 5 mph over the speed limit. If you don't pass him on the right and instead flash your lights to tell him/her to move over, they will get this look of disgust as if its is completely acceptable to drive in the passing lane.
Pearls of wisdom for your necklace of life .....

Ohio isn't really a state, it's what you drive thru to get to where you're going. :D

Other annoying OH driver habit ... hang in the left lane ( like you mentioned, except it's usually 1 MPH near the speed limit ) and then when they do finally pull-over, they speed-up so that you end-up going 10-15 MPH over the limit to get by 'em. Of course, then they ride your bumper when you do pull into the right lane. *Ohio state police tend to pull-over the leader-of-the-pack which only encourages this driving pattern.

Indiana also has the hang-out-in-the left lane mannerisms, except they at least don't speed-up when they eventually pull-over.

Regarding the snow-geeze(rs) from FL that routinely head North during the off-season ... can you say "I'm slow and I OWN the left lane, go around me !!!!!.

I'm fairly certain that the hang-in-the-left-lane-itis is caused by white license plates. :help: god knows I'm doing my best to ward-off the curse, having gone from blue ( MI ) to white ( NC ) 20 years ago.

Regarding MI ... all I can say is that there's a heck alot of aggressive vehicle occupants that don't know how to drive; can't really call 'em drivers since to them the entire hood is a sight ( if they even bother to look at that ). And the mentality is ... I don't know WHAT you're doing on my road, after all it is me !!!!!. I'm fairly certain that there are no longer any courteous drivers in MI. ;) Oh ya, one more ... the yellow light is just another shade of green.

And "Yes" the above ( probably ) represent ( I'm sure ) a minority of the otherwise vigilant drivers, but hey, they sure do spoil the driving experience and sharing memorable motoring pleasures ( of the positive variety ).

PostScript - Any resemblance to individuals living ( or otherwise ) is purely coincidental.

WARNING to Yankees transversing the NC highways and byways ... We're not tailgating - we're always glued to your rear bumper so it doesn't really mean anything; just be sure to watch-out for the invisible accident slow-down ( that forsure will eventually happen ) by watching the taillights of the car that's 4-6 cars ahead of y'all. :D And "Yes" if you signal reasonably we will let you in ( same holds true for exiting the mall onto the roadway ).

Paul T. Casey
08-09-2004, 06:40 PM
I've been fortunate enough to have been all over the country. There's good and bad everywhere. The absolute worst are in Connecticut, mostly between Warterbury and Danbury, a close second is Knoxville (everyone there must have a stuck accelerator), third is Boston (I've been rearended at 50% of the stop lights/signs. The best, IMHO, New Hampshire, second Alabama, and best big city drivers, Atlanta. I hope this don't swell the southern contingent's heads too much, but it's what I see.

08-09-2004, 08:24 PM
Since I grew up in Ohio, I might be biased ... However, the only tickets I ever received for speeding were on the Ohio Turnpike. (Purely a moneymaker for local communities.) I can remember a little place near Cleveland that a judge finally ruled couldn't set speed traps on the "sliver" of turnpike that ran through their city limits because they had no access without going several miles outside their jurisdiction to get to the nearest toll booth to catch speeders. I believe their entire city budget was devestated by the loss of most of their "donated" funds from out-of-towners.

Of course, Tennessee is exactly the opposite. I've lived here more than five years and can claim ... without exaggeration ... no one passes me on the Interstates once I cross the border. (I love my 'rauder.) No tickets, hardly ever see a state trooper. (I'm not even sure we have them here.)

Of course, our new Nashville Police Chief is determined to show the mayor he shouldn't cut police funding, because the cops can bring in a couple million in revenues by writing tickets like they're jobs depended on it. (It did, so no funding cuts for the PD. Hurrah!) I don't even look like I'm going to think about speeding in town now. (I already pay enough taxes.)

As far as driving habits go, Nashvillians are polite enough. Generally, they will give way to anyone driving aggressively enough to be easily identified as a northern yankee. (You can spot them by all the spit on the inside of their windshield from yelling at the cars in front of them that don't dodge onto the sidewalk to allow them to pass.)

I've got to say, I do enjoy owning the road down here.


08-09-2004, 08:31 PM
...I hope this don't swell the southern contingent's heads too much...

Judas priest not this again. I hope it was meant as a joke.

08-09-2004, 08:43 PM
and best big city drivers, Atlanta. I hope this don't swell the southern contingent's heads too much, but it's what I see.
That's mighty nice of you Paul...gracious...and most likely undeserving. But, I can tell you one thing...just TRY to come down here and only go the speed limit, or even 10 MPH above...you'll get run over...quick-like. :burnout:

Chris can probably attest to that as a new resident.

BTW Paul...when do we get to see you and the lovely Mrs. Casey again? Fred Villa (Service Manager at Team Ford) was just asking me about you yesterday. :up:

08-09-2004, 11:21 PM
That's weird. Been driving in Iowa since I could drive, and I always get passed on I-80 by cars (90% Pontiacs) with Nebraska plates, and some IL ones as well. The Iowa ones are usually the ones in the left lane refusing to use their pedal to pass, instead opting for the "I have my cruise set at 0.00004 MPH faster than that guy so I'll pass him eventually and why are you mad at ME, I'm going the speed limit" routine.

I love getting behind an IL Beemer for the trip to the Quad Cities (where I have family and visit often). On the way back I hope for a blocker from NE. Works like a charm, as the Iowa State Revenue Gen- er, Patrol tend to pull over out of state drivers first. (Ask me how I know - my first car had IL plates.)

The one thing that pisses me off more than any other lately - and it happens in every state I have driven in (most of them) - is people who hike up onramps and expect you to get out of their way/change lanes whether you can safely or not. I have begun forcing these people to slow down by not changing lanes anymore. Someone has to teach them what "yield" means in this case.

I always wondered why our Iowa roads were still limited to 55/65 when we have all this open space. The answer is the roads are so :censor: crappy it's a danger to go any faster.

If people in Iowa knew what shocks and struts were they'd have to replace them all the time.


I lived in Nebraska and found that the drivers in the midwest are the best (maybe not the fastest) in the country. They have a long way to go and they don't get emotional about it. I remember being in a long line of cars and trucks on I 80 driving 85 MPH + bumper to bumper. Gotta love it.

08-12-2004, 02:08 AM
Just put 1,400 more miles on the MM....spent a long weekend in metro Detroit with family then had to drive to middle Missouri and back when I returned. Observations:

MI: I agree that these folks can flat out drive, more drivers than most are gracious about moving out of the left lane b4 you have to brake and in and around Detroit they will always let you out when exiting a parking lot or store and entering a high traffic intersection. Average speed on I94 from Detroit to Chicago is 10 - 15 over the limit. 696 is fun to drive as you can always find a few worthy competitors for the poll position.(strangely though it seems every highway traffic snarl is headed by an OH or Canada plated vehicle.

IL: I drove across the state via I57,I72,I55,&I70, was constantly battling left laners that refuse to move over and also battled 3 separate vehicles that sped up to maximum speed when I came up behind them only to pass them later when they resumed doing the speed limit 5 minutes later(odd). About the only thing I enjoyed was the amazingly few number of times my V1 went off.(also actually saw another MM going the opposite direction on I70)

MO: Average for a big city as I traversed St. Louis and a pleasant surprise as I made my way thru the middle of the state with only a few non attentive left laners. Significant increase in LEO activity compared to IL though.

IN: adding this one bcause I live here and drive the state fairly often. Easy to avoid Radar traps here with a good detector, except around Indy where the LEO community is very creative. BIG difference in driver habits North of Indy and South of Indy. North drivers far less courteous but slightly higher average speed than South drivers.

11-22-2004, 07:23 PM
I love atlanta ga i was driving a e150 van that was set up with a roller crate motor long tube headers 3.73s would cruise easy at 90 but in down town atlanta they were tailgating me. iam running 90 and a 79 ford 4x4 bigggg lift. tires were as high as the bottom of the window in the van passed me. he was running about 95. this was downtown, love em didnt see any wrecks.

After coming back from a particularly grueling drive from PA to Chicago, I had the opportunity to reflect on the driving habits of motorists from 5 states and 2 countries.

PA: Since I live here, I see this over and over. When waiting to turn left, instead of waiting for the "go-ahead" from opposing traffic, a driver will angle his car towards the opposite lane and then begin his turn while his light is still red.

OH: Even on a 6 lane highway, an Ohio driver will move over to the far left lane and then drive no more than 5 mph over the speed limit. If you don't pass him on the right and instead flash your lights to tell him/her to move over, they will get this look of disgust as if its is completely acceptable to drive in the passing lane.

IN: This varies by what section of Indiana. Up north, they tend to obey the speed limit but stay out of the passing lane. Towards Indy, they drive like they know what they're doing.

MI: These people can flat out drive, especially those around Detroit.

Chicago, (Yeah, I know its not a state): Everyone's turn signals are broken. There is one speed and that is on the bumper of the guy in front of you. If you have to cross several lanes of traffic and back to gain so much as 1 car length, you do it. Passing on a city street by using an area normally for parked cars is completely acceptable. Cars have the right of way over pedestrians.

Canada: They must not ticket Canadian drivers in our country because they drive as fast as the MI drivers but never seem to get pulled over.

11-22-2004, 08:05 PM
I agee about Ohio....pisses me off to no end.

But a big black car appraoching them from rear at a high rate of speed....80% get the hell out of the way, and use a turn signal to boot!:D

11-22-2004, 08:26 PM
I agee about Ohio....pisses me off to no end.

But a big black car approaching them from rear at a high rate of speed....80% get the hell out of the way, and use a turn signal to boot!:D
I experience the same where i live (Canada). I have my MM since march and never saw so many flashers, 3 seconds stops "by the book" (i almost hit them a few times). On open roads, the ones who check their rear view mirrors often SLOW down to the posted limit. When i past them, i guess they think "Gee another agressive cop !!"

If i could only find a good ticket book printer, maybe i could finance my aftermarket parts .... :banana:

Joe Walsh
11-22-2004, 09:22 PM
Too bad you didn't come through Virginia. I would love to hear your observations on Northern Virginia drivers ..... here's mine:

1. Cell phone permanently attached to left ear.
2. Hasn't looked in the rearview mirror for months.
3. Always drives 5 under in the left lane unless 10 under is more irritating.
4. When given a fork in the road, is unable to make a decision--so they stop.
5. Turn signal bulbs can be classified as brand new, never been used.
6. Drives in bumper-to-bumper traffic so much, they have no idea what to do when the traffic disappears.
7. Couldn't parallel park if their life depended on it.
8. Thinks the lines on the road are guide tracks for their right (or left) tire.
9. Changes lanes without checking, looking, signaling, or considering.
10. Slows for stop signs -- but only sometimes. This does not apply to right turn on red where you only need to slow enough to negotiate the turn.

These are just the top 10. I could go on; but what' s the point ????

Charlie, You forgot my favorite: Miss their exit and instead of doing the "3 cloverleaf" correction; THEY STOP & BACK-UP ON THE HIGHWAY!!!! :mad2: :mad2:

11-23-2004, 12:06 AM
Charlie, You forgot my favorite: Miss their exit and instead of doing the "3 cloverleaf" correction; THEY STOP & BACK-UP ON THE HIGHWAY!!!! :mad2: :mad2:
Joe, I think that was covered by #4. But, yes you are absolutely correct. :D

11-23-2004, 01:18 AM
OK not a State but try Seoul Korea in a Hummer!!!!!! :eek: :eek:

11-23-2004, 04:37 PM
OH: Even on a 6 lane highway, an Ohio driver will move over to the far left lane and then drive no more than 5 mph over the speed limit. If you don't pass him on the right and instead flash your lights to tell him/her to move over, they will get this look of disgust as if its is completely acceptable to drive in the passing lane.

MI: These people can flat out drive, especially those around Detroit.
This is because, (and believe me, I know from experience) that Ohio State Troopers are extremely strict. They DO NOT PLAY. Not that any state trooper does, but I once got a ticket for seven miles an hour over the limit.

About Michigan, (you must have been on I-94) I've read from several sources that the stretch of I-94 between Chicago and Detroit has some of the fastest moving traffic in the country.

11-23-2004, 05:24 PM
This is because, (and believe me, I know from experience) that Ohio State Troopers are extremely strict. They DO NOT PLAY. Not that any state trooper does, but I once got a ticket for seven miles an hour over the limit.

About Michigan, (you must have been on I-94) I've read from several sources that the stretch of I-94 between Chicago and Detroit has some of the fastest moving traffic in the country.

Re: Ohio - I grew up in Ohio and drove 180 miles between Youngstown and Columbus almost every weekend for a couple of years. The OHP is tough but this is no excuse for allowing drivers to cruise in the left lane. This habit is an epidemic here all over the country and in my opinion is more dangerous than speeding. The penalty for left lane cruising ought to be just as strict as a 5-10 mph speeding fine. That will stop the idiots who don't understand lane discipline.

Michigan - I experienced some pretty aggressive driving on 275 around Detroit, 96 toward Lansing, and 23 near Flint. The people there are on a mission to get where they are going and want us old fogeys out of their way. Despite their impatience though, I found most drivers pretty respectful.

FL - We have all the bad habits down here plus an unnecessary level of road rage. If you get in the way one of our FL Crackers, he (or she) will definitely pull right up on your ass (as if that helps anything), probably give you some kind of disrespectful gesture (you know what I mean), and may just pull a gun on you. Don't mess with the Crackers down here.

As Rodney King and Reginald Denny said "why can't we all just git along?"


11-23-2004, 05:41 PM
Could everyone please share a few little things with fellow drivers, which I see consistently, no matter which state or big-city I'm driving in.

1.) There is a reason, why they call it the acceleration lane, use it to accelerate, not linger on, pull into the left lane and than speed up.

2.) Turn signals. They do work, believe me, especially when getting off a two-lane highway, where every vehicle behind you needs to slow down.

3.) Cell phones. Sure they are nice, they will come in handy, when you need to call the police or your insurance company, when you rear-ended the person in front of you.

4.) I use my cruise control frequently on long trips, if I pass you, it is because you slowed down. No reason to speed up, tailgate me, only to pass me and than slow down again 1 mile down the road. Of course the same will start over.

Well, I feel better now. Venting is good. Too bad the people who should read this, will never see it.

Carry on!


Mike Poore
11-23-2004, 06:03 PM
The absolute best drivers in the country. You come up behind one of 'em on a two lane, and they pull over to let you pass. :)

11-23-2004, 06:17 PM
OK not a State but try Seoul Korea in a Hummer!!!!!! :eek: :eek:Been there done that. Vehicle accidents are settled on the side of the road amongst the drivers and spectators. On a two lane road at a traffic light, cars will line up side by side, door to door, six abreast. When the light turns green they will race to see who can make the two available lanes first with out running off the road or crashing into on coming traffic. :shake:

I was there in '84, and at that time it was estimated that a Korean driver had an average of two years driving experience. From what I saw, I doubt their driving is much better 20 years down the road.

BTW: If the horn doesn't work, the car is broken.

11-23-2004, 08:07 PM
Too bad you didn't come through Virginia. I would love to hear your observations on Northern Virginia drivers ..... here's mine:

1. Cell phone permanently attached to left ear.
2. Hasn't looked in the rearview mirror for months.
3. Always drives 5 under in the left lane unless 10 under is more irritating.
4. When given a fork in the road, is unable to make a decision--so they stop.
5. Turn signal bulbs can be classified as brand new, never been used.
6. Drives in bumper-to-bumper traffic so much, they have no idea what to do when the traffic disappears.
7. Couldn't parallel park if their life depended on it.
8. Thinks the lines on the road are guide tracks for their right (or left) tire.
9. Changes lanes without checking, looking, signaling, or considering.
10. Slows for stop signs -- but only sometimes. This does not apply to right turn on red where you only need to slow enough to negotiate the turn.

These are just the top 10. I could go on; but what' s the point ????

Sounds a little like Long Island!

11-23-2004, 08:34 PM
In Florida you see the "eventual left" where you can follow someone for 30 miles with their turn signal on. Mass has the "Boston Right", where they drive in the left lane and wait until they get within 500 feet of their exit and then zoom across 3 lanes without using a signal.

11-23-2004, 08:51 PM
Blue, what part of Virginia are you in? I'm in Newport News.
Too bad you didn't come through Virginia. I would love to hear your observations on Northern Virginia drivers ..... here's mine:

1. Cell phone permanently attached to left ear.
2. Hasn't looked in the rearview mirror for months.
3. Always drives 5 under in the left lane unless 10 under is more irritating.
4. When given a fork in the road, is unable to make a decision--so they stop.
5. Turn signal bulbs can be classified as brand new, never been used.
6. Drives in bumper-to-bumper traffic so much, they have no idea what to do when the traffic disappears.
7. Couldn't parallel park if their life depended on it.
8. Thinks the lines on the road are guide tracks for their right (or left) tire.
9. Changes lanes without checking, looking, signaling, or considering.
10. Slows for stop signs -- but only sometimes. This does not apply to right turn on red where you only need to slow enough to negotiate the turn.

These are just the top 10. I could go on; but what' s the point ????

11-23-2004, 09:10 PM
State where I sped the most: Florida:banana2:
State where I got the most tickets: Florida:banned:
State where a Trooper clocked me at 123 MPH and dropped it down to 65MPH in a 55MPH zone because I was honest about it: Florida:rolleyes:
State with the worst drivers: Virginia. Because I'm stationed here now.:)

11-24-2004, 04:03 AM
Blue, what part of Virginia are you in? I'm in Newport News.
CBT check your PMs. :D

OK, here's a twist on the best drivers. I've spent 6 years in Germany and think that they are among the best drivers. Bottomline is that they are very "Predictable". Sure they drive fast on the Autobahns ... but slower traffic always stays right ... by law. The left lane is for the fast movers. The signs are clear and understandable and the sign directions are actually helpful. The US could take some lessons in the signage department. Above all, the German folks were confident drivers on the road and knew their car's capabilities. However, it is the "unpredictability" of US drivers that gets my goat. :D

11-24-2004, 04:11 AM
Here are my thoughts on driving as a resident of the Bluegrass State:

1. Speed limits are to be ignored, especially in residential areas.
2. Rain, snow, etc...does not affect a vehicle's ability to stop or manuever.
3. Accidents, road work, garbage collection, mowing medians, broken down cars on the shoulder are all justification to slow down or stop and gawk, causing huge traffic jams.
4. Highways are only to be repaired once every 100 years.
5. Driving abilities decrease with the size of your vehicle, with female SUV drivers taking the cake. I cannot tell you how many times these drivers have come over into my Vic's lane of traffic, as if my car is difficult to see. :rolleyes:
6. Merging is a foreign concept.Traffic must come to a compete stop getting on and off the interstate.
7. State Hwy Dept routinely blocks off 30 miles to one lane of traffic even though maintenance will not begin for 2 more months.
8. Ohio drivers are always on your rear, no matter what speed you are going. KY State Police call them "FIFO's" (**** Idiots From Ohio).
9. Indiana drivers routinely drive 5 to 10 miles under the speed limit and refuse to yield for anyone, including fully marked police cars.
10. When an emergency vehicle, running code 3, is approaching, people just stop in the road frustrating the emergency vehicle's operator. They do not move over.
11. Turn signals, if used, are not asking permission to come into your lane. They are telling you.

I've been all over the US and nothing compares to the experience of riding in a taxi or a "sleeper bus" in China. Flying down narrow European streets is also an eye-opening experience.

I'll probably think of more later.

11-24-2004, 11:29 AM
CBT check your PMs. :D

OK, here's a twist on the best drivers. I've spent 6 years in Germany and think that they are among the best drivers. Bottomline is that they are very "Predictable". Sure they drive fast on the Autobahns ... but slower traffic always stays right ... by law. The left lane is for the fast movers. The signs are clear and understandable and the sign directions are actually helpful. The US could take some lessons in the signage department. Above all, the German folks were confident drivers on the road and knew their car's capabilities. However, it is the "unpredictability" of US drivers that gets my goat. :D

You are so correct. In my only trip to Europe, I was in a car (driven by my sister in law no less) doing the equivalent of 100 -110 mph in the right lane. She said, "Look what's about to pass us." And not a 1/2 second later, a BMW passed us doing easily 125 if not faster, WITH A GUY ON A MOTORCYCLE DRAFTING BEHIND HIM!!

11-24-2004, 11:49 AM
You are so correct. In my only trip to Europe, I was in a car (driven by my sister in law no less) doing the equivalent of 100 -110 mph in the right lane. She said, "Look what's about to pass us." And not a 1/2 second later, a BMW passed us doing easily 125 if not faster, WITH A GUY ON A MOTORCYCLE DRAFTING BEHIND HIM!!

Originally Posted by Bluerauder
CBT check your PMs.

OK, here's a twist on the best drivers. I've spent 6 years in Germany and think that they are among the best drivers. Bottomline is that they are very "Predictable". Sure they drive fast on the Autobahns ... but slower traffic always stays right ... by law. The left lane is for the fast movers. The signs are clear and understandable and the sign directions are actually helpful. The US could take some lessons in the signage department. Above all, the German folks were confident drivers on the road and knew their car's capabilities. However, it is the "unpredictability" of US drivers that gets my goat.

Vielen Dank meine Herren. Ich koennte nicht mehr zustimmen! :D

Ok, so I'm biased! Obviously.


Peter aka MMM2003

11-24-2004, 01:52 PM
California has some unique driving traditions:

-Green means go fast, yellow means go faster and red means park in the intersection so that cross traffic can't get through.

-The desire to pass someone else is a legitimate use of the emergency lane.

-Carpool lanes do not comply with the local time zone.


-STOP is merely a suggestion and only applies if you will colide with another car or pedestrian.

-Add 30 mph to all Freeway exit speeds.

11-24-2004, 01:57 PM
You are so correct. In my only trip to Europe, I was in a car (driven by my sister in law no less) doing the equivalent of 100 -110 mph in the right lane. She said, "Look what's about to pass us." And not a 1/2 second later, a BMW passed us doing easily 125 if not faster, WITH A GUY ON A MOTORCYCLE DRAFTING BEHIND HIM!!

My best mileage from Sac to LA in my 74 buick was when I drafted a big rig for about 100 miles doing about 75 mph. I'm not sure, but I don't think he knew I was there:)

11-24-2004, 03:46 PM
I tell you, Iowa seems to be getting worse and worse. Biggest issues I see doing 90+ miles a day on the highway:

1) Speeds are either 67mph or 80+ and if you try to go anywhere in between it is very frustrating

2) Left lane is for anyone, irregardless of passing or not. And if you are in the left lane and about to be passed by someone on the right side, pull over in front of that car so they have to get over and pass in the left. Then get back in the left lane (this one blows my mind).

3) Turn signals on cars with Iowa plates pretty much don't ever work.

4) Cell phone use while driving gives you the right to drive even faster, tailgate, weave in your lane, and just not pay attention to anything around you.

5) Hold up traffic in the left lane and then speed up when everyone tries to pass you in the right lane.

And I could go on and on. Then again, a lot of these sound like what everyone else sees. I agree that the US has some pretty terrible, self-centered, ignorant, unaware driver's and it is something that should be looked in to a little more. Just my opinion, I guess.

Oh yeah, and in Iowa, if you are driving through from another state, it seems to be a law that you have to drive in the left lane - irregardless of speed you are going. This seems to hold especially true with all the Minnesota and Nebraska drivers I encounter on my daily drive on I-35 from Ames to Des Moines.

Stupid driver's are the biggest source of stress in my life. Not much else gets to me like they do.