View Full Version : Iraqi Update

08-12-2004, 01:40 AM
Surprise, Iraq sucks. This is some serious Sally Struthers third world stuff over here. At first it was kind of sad, but my experiences have changed my opinion. My job consists mainly of managing the rebuilding of the infrastructure in a few small districts outside of Kirkuk. These could be the laziest people in the world. They have no desire to help themselves, they complain constantly that we don't provide them with jobs. I can get approval for just about any project they want, i.e. schools, roads, police stations, water projects, bridges, etc... All I need them to do it get an estimate and I take care of the rest. It'll take a while, red tape etc... but it'll get done. Its not good enough for them. They want it done now with no effort on their part. By the way, did you know they don't use toilet paper? They use water and their left hand. Needless to say I'm a little frustrated with the whole situation. On top of all of this, we're getting shot at. Oh yeah and its 130 degrees, every day.
It is my opinion that only Iraq can help itself at this point. You know what they need? They need the education that the rest of us got, television. They've only had it for a year and I don't think they've got the hang of it yet. They need to watch a few episodes of cribs and realize that most people don't poop in and drink from the same water source. They need to figure out that you don't just dump trash where ever you feel like it. And enough already with the AK's. Who needs a freaking AK-47 to defend their mud hut. I'm not kidding, they live in mud huts. Atleast those who live in a 30 mile radius of my FOB anyway. These people seem perfectly happy herding sheep, all day long. Who are we to interfere? We need to focus on the twenty somethings and get them hooked to MTV and other Western television. Only TV can save us. Thats all for now. Out

08-12-2004, 02:15 AM
Wow! That's a rather eye opening post you've made Clay. Thanks for the info, and I'm glad to hear you're okay. (They don't like toilet paper, uh?). I agree w/you that TV might be a good vehicle to educate them, but I'm not so sure if MTV would be so great. Anyway,it's good to hear from you. Check back here again when you can. :up:

08-12-2004, 03:01 AM
By the way, did you know they don't use toilet paper? They use water and their left hand

Note: No handshaking!

Clay: Hang in there buddy. Screw 'em and hurry home soon! Bide your time and be safe. You are missed and wanted over here.

08-12-2004, 03:41 AM
I only say MTV because I don't think we need another Hasselhoff, East German repeat. I think we can all agree there.

08-12-2004, 03:48 AM
Note: No handshaking!

Clay: Hang in there buddy. Screw 'em and hurry home soon! Bide your time and be safe. You are missed and wanted over here.

This is why you're supposed to shake hands with your RIGHT hand!
Also why middle easterners only eat w/their right hand.

2003 MIB
08-12-2004, 05:12 AM
I only say MTV because I don't think we need another Hasselhoff, East German repeat. I think we can all agree there.
Yes Clay- we can ALL agree on that. Keep your head low and your spirits up. We want you back safe, sound and soon.:up:

08-12-2004, 05:30 AM
As far as the mud huts and the left hand thing, there are some weird people in both of these countries! How are your living conditions there besides real hot. These guys over here in Afghanistan dont really shoot that much at us with AK's (that would suck too BTW) they use rockets or anything else they can shoot out of a tube. Really bad aim! Take it easy man and keep an eye out for anything that dosn't look right. 1st: Look, 2nd: shoot, 3rd: if it's still alive ask it where it's buddies are so they can be delt with too!! Later and take it easy.

08-12-2004, 05:53 AM
They have no desire to help themselves, they complain constantly that we don't provide them with jobs. I can get approval for just about any project they want, i.e. schools, roads, police stations, water projects, bridges, etc...
You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. - traditional proverb

By the way, did you know they don't use toilet paper? They use water and their left hand.
I guess that's why they are called *****es...

Keep you chin high, your head down, do your job and get your rearend home!

08-12-2004, 06:27 AM
i still say we make the whole damn place a parking lot. then step back, cross our arms and say "next?".;)

08-12-2004, 07:07 AM
I remember when I was deployed last year to Kyrgyzstan, you NEVER touch their left hand....LMAO!

Be safe over there man, and come home in one piece!

08-12-2004, 07:22 AM
Glad to see you are healthy!

08-12-2004, 08:05 AM
These could be the laziest people in the world. They have no desire to help themselves, they complain constantly that we don't provide them with jobs.
That's the same thing I've been hearing from my soldiers that have recently come home from Iraq & Afganistan. Same old song and dance. They want us to fix ALL of their problems, without (them) having to lift a finger. :shake:

Stay alert, stay alive, and drink lots of water. HOOAH! (That goes for you to Torino.)

08-12-2004, 09:26 AM
i still say we make the whole damn place a parking lot. then step back, cross our arms and say "next?".;)

I'm with you tallboy, let's nuke that place till the heat from the bombs turns that sandbox into a pice of glass!!!! :beer:

08-12-2004, 09:40 AM
Both of you two warriors keep safe and come home to your loved ones (including us) in one piece. God bless you and all of the troops in harm's way.

2003 MIB
08-12-2004, 10:16 AM
Same old song and dance. They want us to fix ALL of their problems, without (them) having to lift a finger.
yep...some things don't change.:(

08-12-2004, 10:36 AM
Keep safe and hurry back!!!!

08-12-2004, 10:54 AM
Clay - Glad to hear that you are alright. Be careful, hang tough. Get home safely. God Bless.

08-12-2004, 03:14 PM
Well not really a surprise, that's the historical culture of the whole region. It is a Religious class society. You're surrounded by the lower classes right now. They're still centuries behind.
Hard to believe it is the cradle of modern civilisation, isn't it?

Hang in, do your job to the best of your abilities. You and your men stay safe.

08-12-2004, 04:35 PM
When you guys get home, dinner and drinks on me. That's the least I can do. Most sincere thanks for what you guys are doing. Be safe and God Bless. http://www.home.earthlink.net/~ctt9/images/patriot.gif

08-12-2004, 05:23 PM
I have had 4 of my guys "volunteer" (civil servants) to rotate in and out of downtown Baghdad. Currently, the 4th is due to rotate back to the Heartland by the end of the month. They all had a great time, in respect of the job (they provided ALOT of behind the scenes support). Other than that, they had not much to say about the place, except for a couple of inbound mortar rounds every once in a while.
My hat is off to these guys that have volunteered for the cause and with the support they provided to our deployed forces, they have definitely saved some American lives.


In the Heartland :coolman:

Paul T. Casey
08-12-2004, 05:48 PM
All I can say is WOW! Thanks to the marvels of technology, I get to correspond with some REAL HEROS. Thanks for your service, be safe, and be sure you guys are always in my prayers.

Dr Caleb
08-13-2004, 07:58 AM
Man, that sucks. Trying to help people who don't want to help themselves.

But good on ya for doing it anyway! Both of you guys keep your heads down!

08-14-2004, 03:49 AM
How are your living conditions there besides real hot.
Interesting. The artillery battery a few hundred meters away live in Chemical Ali's house. It's not bad at all, pool even. I live down the road with the infantry company in what I supposed was the guest house. Turned in to kind of a frat house minus the beer and chicks. 3 to 4 guys to a room, foam pad and a cot; the usual. The rest of the company lives in containers, kind of like the ones you'd see on a train or a cargo ship but smaller. We catch mortars fairly often, and rockets have died down a bit. Had a couple idiots blow themselves up setting up an IED for us about 3 weeks ago. Pretty wild to see what happens to a person when they go off, as long as it isn't one of ours. Felt bad for our guys who had to clean it up, pieces everywhere. Keep your head down, see you when we get back.

08-14-2004, 05:44 AM
Clay: Can't you guys just install cable T.V. for 'em while you are there?

08-14-2004, 10:37 PM
Clay: Can't you guys just install cable T.V. for 'em while you are there?
You have to get a dish out here, that and cell phones are advertised everywhere. You'll drive down the road and everything looks like Moses could have just crossed the field in front of you, this place is frozen in time, and then you see a brand new cell phone billboard. Way to go capitalism, thats all I have to say.
Another funny note, there are no car dealerships here. So if you want to buy a car there is usually a car carrier out in the middle of nothing with a load full of stolen cars for you to choose from. No MM's yet though. Everyone seems to own a white toyota pickup.

08-14-2004, 11:00 PM
You have to get a dish out here, that and cell phones are advertised everywhere. You'll drive down the road and everything looks like Moses could have just crossed the field in front of you, this place is frozen in time, and then you see a brand new cell phone billboard. Way to go capitalism, thats all I have to say.
Another funny note, there are no car dealerships here. So if you want to buy a car there is usually a car carrier out in the middle of nothing with a load full of stolen cars for you to choose from. No MM's yet though. Everyone seems to own a white toyota pickup.
Makes us thankful of what we have in America. Not perfect but the best thing going!!!! Serving overseas is hard. I did 3 years total in Korea and 6 months in Honduras. Very difficult to get used to others cultures and thier ways and attitudes. I was 18 and in Korea. ASHOCK! Not under fire but still unerving!! So I have some experience in this. Just hang in thier Be Safe and come bakc to your famaliy as soon as you can. I have been in your boots! Tell the guys in your unit we (I) am proud of the job you doing!! GIVE EM HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

David Morton
08-14-2004, 11:14 PM
i still say we make the whole damn place a parking lot. then step back, cross our arms and say "next?".;)This is like deja-vu from thirty years ago, the old farts were saying the same things about Vietnam.

We are in deep *****e right now and are fixing to be taught the same lesson we taught the Soviets back in the '80's. The same lesson they taught us back in the '60's. The same lesson the Allies taught the Germans back in the '40's.

Oppression is an all-or-nothing prospect and even then it never lasts very long. Look at the most successful oppressive regime in history, the Romans. They fell in the long run and when they did mankind lost the recipe for concrete! (The colliseum is made of concrete and it had to be reinvented in the 19th century) We can't fix them, and shouldn't try. The man that's telling us we should be proud we are trying to fix them is the same one that vowed he would never engage in "nation building". We are there to secure future oil supplies (for the oil companies) and everybody knows it. They told us we were under attack and we said OK, invade.

Goering explained to his interrogators at Nuremburg how the Nazi's took a God-fearing nation and led it to give the nod to the atrocities of the regime. He said, "You tell the people they are under attack, and you point the finger at the enemy. They'll let you do anything then."

Read George Orwell's 1984. Come back wiser, dude.

How people that call themselves "good citizens" of a christian country can spend so much time hating other human beings is beyond me. I wish for you every happiness I want for myself. Just come back alive. It's not news-worthy to them if you come back in a box. Oh, and you might want to bear that in mind when you cast your vote.

08-15-2004, 06:16 PM