View Full Version : It just gets more wacky each day

08-12-2004, 03:01 PM
It just gets more wacky each day.

To view the entire article, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=39902

Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Kids expelled for 'rejecting' each other?


Posted: August 11, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

A California school district is considering adopting a new policy that could cause students to be expelled for "rejecting" each other, for sharing "unpleasant stories" about each other – even if true – or for associating with like-minded peers in groups if others feel "left out."

According to a statement from the Pro-Family Law Center, the Murrieta Valley Unified School District in Riverside County, Calif., is taking up the issue in response to race-related incidents that have taken place within the district in the last year.

The center says national race-based organizations came to the district to propose language for the policy, which prevents students from forming or openly participating in groups that tend to exclude, or create the impression of the exclusion of, other students.

"Based on a plain reading of the proposed regulation, a student could be expelled for simply claiming to be a member of La Raza ('The Race'), a Latino organization, or for playing rap music near white students," said the law group's statement.

Richard D. Ackerman is vice president of legal affairs for the Pro-Family Law Center.

"This is a brutal affront to the First Amendment," Ackerman said. "Students have a right to associate with each other and should not be punished for dividing themselves into groups that allow individuals to better relate to each other.

"For example, Latino students have unique socio-economic circumstances that justify allowing them to privately associate with each other, just as much as Christian students may have things in common that warrant the creation of a private group whose members share common values and attitudes. School districts have no right to interfere with the peaceful activities of any club or social group, even if the mere existence of the group makes certain persons uncomfortable."

Ackerman is a MVUSD parent and has sent a strongly worded legal opinion to the district. Litigation is threatened if the proposed policy is approved.

Under the policy, Ackerman says, no group would be allowed to engage in any behavior that makes others "feel left out."

The school board is scheduled to vote on the proposal tomorrow.

© 2004

Dr Caleb
08-12-2004, 03:07 PM
It just wobbles the mind.

08-12-2004, 03:12 PM
It just gets more wacky each day.

Under the policy, Ackerman says, no group would be allowed to engage in any behavior that makes others "feel left out."

The school board is scheduled to vote on the proposal tomorrow.

Let's hope the school board exercises common sense on this one. I know that is in short supply these days .... but we can hope.

Political Correctness is a blight on the land............ :stupid:

08-12-2004, 03:39 PM
Good thing that they don't have anything to do with this site:lol: :lol:

08-12-2004, 04:12 PM
According to a statement from the Pro-Family Law Center, the Murrieta Valley Unified School District in Riverside County, Calif., is taking up the issue in response to race-related incidents that have taken place within the district in the last year.

Well I'll be. A local government institution tells me I can't pray in school but they can tell me who I have to be friends with. Does this mean girls can't turn guys down for dates and visa versa?

The policy is socially unacceptable and itself is a form of racism-sponsored by the local government. And what happens if a childs parent doesn't approve of certain friends-is the school going to override the parents wishes? And how on earth is this policy enforcable? If a kid cuts one in the hallway and the other kids don't want to be near him or her, are they going to be expelled? Then in a strange twist of fate, our passer gaser is expelled for being socially irresponsible? So now the entire school is empty and our population becomes dumber. Great policy!

08-12-2004, 04:29 PM
Good thing that they don't have anything to do with this site
Word...High five, BDJ.

08-12-2004, 04:38 PM
hmm...I wonder what this rule would do to locker rooms. I always felt excluded for not being able to go into the girls locker room! I think the best way to expose stupidity is to apply it the extreme. The Americans with Dissabilities Act is a good example of a well intended law turned bad. Lawyers in CA (and elsewhere I'm sure) are going around to small businesses and measuring public space and if they are not to spec, they send in their "client" who then files a lawsuit claiming they were violated. It is ridiculous but no one seems to care and then we get more junk like this nonsense in Riverside. I can see ricers claiming discrimination because two Ford guys are talking about their cars in the school parking lot. NEWSFLASH! Boys expelled for not including Civic owners in their discussion about Mustangs. If not for the weather, I'd check out of this stupid state.

08-12-2004, 04:57 PM
Wouldn't last 2 seconds in a court of law.

08-12-2004, 06:53 PM
school board exercises common sense

Isn't that some kind of oxymoron?

08-12-2004, 07:00 PM
I'd like to say "only in the land of fruits and nuts", but I'm afraid it's more widespread than that.:bs:

08-12-2004, 10:53 PM
Sad, very sad! :depress:

08-12-2004, 11:44 PM
Wouldn't last 2 seconds in a court of law.
Yea, but it would probably cost taxpayers 30 million to find that out. More waste...such a stupid idea.

08-13-2004, 08:09 AM
Once again, legislation being considered just to make up for lack of parental influence when it comes to teaching kids manners. As it is, kids will be kids, but I firmly believe it's up to the parents to impart some good values to their kids, not rely on "the system".

O's Fan Rich
08-13-2004, 10:15 AM
Does that mean the Congressional Black Caucus is on it's way out too?
What happens to all the race based organizations on campus?
Ther is a mojor trend in the scholls today to have the scholl be your childs leagl guardian, even down to making medical decisons without a parents consent.
Our youngest is a senior this coming year. I feel sorry for parents with elementary school age children... for many reasons.

Soon: Seig Heil! will be the greeting for the day. Polish the black boots and crease those pleats!

08-13-2004, 10:27 AM
Does that mean the Congressional Black Caucus is on it's way out too?
What happens to all the race based organizations on campus?
Ther is a mojor trend in the scholls today to have the scholl be your childs leagl guardian, even down to making medical decisons without a parents consent.
Our youngest is a senior this coming year. I feel sorry for parents with elementary school age children... for many reasons.

Soon: Seig Heil! will be the greeting for the day. Polish the black boots and crease those pleats!

Actually, under the PC regime everybody has rights except white straight males!