View Full Version : Who's got XBOX Live?

08-19-2004, 01:33 PM
I've been online since January playing Rainbow Six 3... I just bought R63 Black Arrow to continue my killing spree. I also just picked up ESPN NFL 2K5. This game is great for the money. It's 19.99 brand new and has some great gameplay... it's also Live Enabled.

If any of you guys are on, my user name is "Constable 615". Chime in...

08-20-2004, 07:51 AM
When Halo 2 comes out, hopefully it'll have the free 3 months card in it and I'll "go live". I'll also try and get soulriot as my name since i use it for all my online screenames.

08-20-2004, 09:02 AM
When Halo 2 comes out, hopefully it'll have the free 3 months card in it and I'll "go live". I'll also try and get soulriot as my name since i use it for all my online screenames.

Halo is the ****nit!! Oh my God! I was playing Halo multiplayer online for months! I was addicted. Up to 16 people, two teams of 8, going on it! Crazy!

Have you guys seen the preview for Halo2?! OH MY GOD!!

And sorry guys, but I can't do the XBOX thing. I bleed PS2. :)
NFL 2K5 is a good game, but go ahead and spend the extra $30 and get Madden 2005, the colector's edition!! :bows: :bows: :bows: :bows:

08-20-2004, 09:16 AM
Anybody play any of the novalogic Delta Force games online. (For PC) I got addicted also, almost caused me a break-up. hehehehe

08-20-2004, 11:37 AM
I have the online hook-up. But the only thing I do is enhance it for my son. What you guys need is the mod chip for the x-box. Now that is the ultimate. Remember X-BOX have 2 hard drives. I have copied over 60 games on one and still have over 40,000 blocks left.

Dr Caleb
08-20-2004, 12:08 PM
And sorry guys, but I can't do the XBOX thing. I bleed PS2. :)


I've had a PS, PS2 and the only game I've bought has been Grand Turismo/2/3.

Right now though I'm deep into Doom III

http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/0/newsaw.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/u/bgcool.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/e/uzi.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/e/uacsmiley.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/e/mgwhore.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/e/chainsaw.gif

08-20-2004, 12:47 PM
Halo is truly awesome... the only reason I bought XBOX to begin with. I used to play on GameSpy a bit, now I just do LAN parties with my buddies.

08-20-2004, 02:42 PM
Halo is truly awesome... the only reason I bought XBOX to begin with. I used to play on GameSpy a bit, now I just do LAN parties with my buddies.

I wanna play. :gunfire: :uzi:

03-25-2005, 10:49 AM
My Gamertag for XBOX is the same as my screen name - MENINBLK
so whatch out !!! :flamer:

03-25-2005, 11:35 AM
Hey guys. I have HALO 2 LAN parties all the time. My gamertag is Hero Dave. Hope to see you all online. :)

03-25-2005, 01:02 PM
Gamertag = Shaft333

Play Halo2, Crimson Skies, Unreal, Burnout 3, Project Gotham Racing 2, Mechassault...

Send me an FR... when you're online send me a game invite... they'll go to my phone.

Also if you're looking to get out of matchmaking hell with too many foul mouthed racist kids.... check out www.geezergamers.com
Another good group of people.

03-25-2005, 01:25 PM
Hey guys. I have HALO 2 LAN parties all the time. My gamertag is Hero Dave. Hope to see you all online. :)
My son (17) has all his friends from High School over every once and a while and they jack up 4 different xbox's to the different TV's in the house. I've got Ethernet running everywhere in here and they play as a team against others online. I'm just not talented enough to "play" with the boys so I just watch. Halo2 seems to be their game of choice.

Looks awesome on the 73" HDTV though! WOW! I can't wait till they port DOOM3 to the xbox!


03-25-2005, 01:31 PM
LOL one of the names I was gonna use as an online alias was geezergamer...thought I was the only one that thought that up. Harrumph. :) I have Gamecube, XBox, and PS2 - hooked up to 65 inch Samsung widescreen with five or six hundred watts of surround sound and subwoofer. Anyone wanna come over and play ? Haven't played online yet, but considering it. Currently playing through Halo 2. Awesome game, beats the heck outta Pong. I suck horribly at first person shooter games, have to play at the "easy" level the first time through.

73 inches? I bow down low before you. You must be the coolest Dad on the block !:bows: Lucky kid.

03-25-2005, 02:12 PM
My son (17) has all his friends from High School over every once and a while and they jack up 4 different xbox's to the different TV's in the house. I've got Ethernet running everywhere in here and they play as a team against others online. I'm just not talented enough to "play" with the boys so I just watch. Halo2 seems to be their game of choice.

Looks awesome on the 73" HDTV though! WOW! I can't wait till they port DOOM3 to the xbox!

JohnDoom3 is due out April 3rd! :D

I have the DLP LCD projector set up upstairs for Halo 2. It is currently set at 125" screen. :D :beer: My friends love it!

03-25-2005, 02:19 PM
LOL one of the names I was gonna use as an online alias was geezergamer...thought I was the only one that thought that up. Harrumph. :) I have Gamecube, XBox, and PS2 - hooked up to 65 inch Samsung widescreen with five or six hundred watts of surround sound and subwoofer. Anyone wanna come over and play ? Haven't played online yet, but considering it. Currently playing through Halo 2. Awesome game, beats the heck outta Pong. I suck horribly at first person shooter games, have to play at the "easy" level the first time through.

73 inches? I bow down low before you. You must be the coolest Dad on the block !:bows: Lucky kid.
You've GOT to get online with XBOXLIVE. Playing against a real person that you can chat with during the game, BTW, totally blows away the computer AI. A whole new experience. Also, if you have the Jabra Bluetooth Wireless headset, it works with the XBOX LIVE Connector. Wireless chatting! :)

03-25-2005, 03:27 PM
If you guys don't have XBOX Live! it is still worth it to connect your XBOX up to a home network.
Microsoft releases updates now and then that you can get them without an account,
and lots of the games also look for updates if there is some kind of internet connection.

The first time I attached my XBOX without the account, it wanted to search for updates.
It asked if I had an interenet connection, searched for it, and downloaded the update.
I even downloaded a firmware update for the wireless adapter I have!

The XBOX Live Account only costs $50/yr which is not a lot for 12 months of anytime
online multiplayer gaming from ANY XBOX Live enabled game.
It gets expensive when you start buying the upgrades that the games offer for $$$.