View Full Version : Swift Boat Shocker

08-23-2004, 05:51 AM
//Humor Mode *on*//



One Million Anti-Kerry Boatmates March on Washington

(BorowitzReport.com; 8-23-2004) Democratic nominee John Kerry today blasted a just-released attack ad in which a new group of swift boat veterans accuse him of performing hundreds of gay weddings on the boat he commanded during that conflict.

The ad, financed by a group calling itself Swift Boat Veterans For Truth About Gay Weddings On Swift Boats, accuses Sen. Kerry of using his status as commanding officer on his boat to perform gay weddings on an almost non-stop basis.

According to one veteran who appears in the ad, Mr. Kerry stunned his boatmates by announcing, "I hereby declare this swift boat 'The Love Boat.'"

The veteran goes on to accuse Mr. Kerry of performing hundreds of gay weddings "whether the sailors wanted to marry each other or not."

The latest charges come at a critical juncture for the Kerry campaign, as over one million anti-Kerry boatmates marched on Washington this weekend to express their unbridled hatred of the Democratic nominee.

But Sen. Kerry came out swinging against the ads today, telling a Michigan audience, "It would have been impossible for me to declare my swift boat 'The Love Boat' because 'The Love Boat' did not come on TV until 1977."

Moments after Mr. Kerry's comment, the airwaves were blanketed with a new ad financed by a group calling themselves Swift Boat Veterans For Truth About What John Kerry Claims Did Or Did Not Happen On His Swift Boat.

In the ad, a veteran states: "Okay, so maybe John Kerry didn't perform any gay weddings, but it's a lot like something he would have done if given half a chance."

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Al Goguen
08-23-2004, 06:29 AM
Whow.... You have way to much time on your hands......heheheheh:rolleyes:

//Humor Mode *on*//



One Million Anti-Kerry Boatmates March on Washington

(BorowitzReport.com; 8-23-2004) Democratic nominee John Kerry today blasted a just-released attack ad in which a new group of swift boat veterans accuse him of performing hundreds of gay weddings on the boat he commanded during that conflict.

The ad, financed by a group calling itself Swift Boat Veterans For Truth About Gay Weddings On Swift Boats, accuses Sen. Kerry of using his status as commanding officer on his boat to perform gay weddings on an almost non-stop basis.

According to one veteran who appears in the ad, Mr. Kerry stunned his boatmates by announcing, "I hereby declare this swift boat 'The Love Boat.'"

The veteran goes on to accuse Mr. Kerry of performing hundreds of gay weddings "whether the sailors wanted to marry each other or not."

The latest charges come at a critical juncture for the Kerry campaign, as over one million anti-Kerry boatmates marched on Washington this weekend to express their unbridled hatred of the Democratic nominee.

But Sen. Kerry came out swinging against the ads today, telling a Michigan audience, "It would have been impossible for me to declare my swift boat 'The Love Boat' because 'The Love Boat' did not come on TV until 1977."

Moments after Mr. Kerry's comment, the airwaves were blanketed with a new ad financed by a group calling themselves Swift Boat Veterans For Truth About What John Kerry Claims Did Or Did Not Happen On His Swift Boat.

In the ad, a veteran states: "Okay, so maybe John Kerry didn't perform any gay weddings, but it's a lot like something he would have done if given half a chance."

//Humor Mode *off*//

08-23-2004, 06:54 AM
Much to Marty's chagrin (I'm not big for any badging/decals on my car...just my preference) I FINALLY found a decal that goes PERFECT with my Marauder.

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/83IMG_1435.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5172/password/263233a0dd0b5fe0053e90d33d4b6b a0/sort/1/cat/last1)

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/83IMG_1434.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5171/password/263233a0dd0b5fe0053e90d33d4b6b a0/sort/1/cat/last1)

08-23-2004, 06:57 AM
BTW, Al...Welcome Aboard!

My folks live down in Wesley Chapel, and have a business in Zephyrhills...good to see I won't be the only Marauder down there when I come to visit. :up:

08-23-2004, 07:27 AM
Much to Marty's chagrin (I'm not big for any badging/decals on my car...just my preference) I FINALLY found a decal that goes PERFECT with my Marauder.

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/83IMG_1435.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5172/password/263233a0dd0b5fe0053e90d33d4b6b a0/sort/1/cat/last1)

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/83IMG_1434.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5171/password/263233a0dd0b5fe0053e90d33d4b6b a0/sort/1/cat/last1)

NO comment....................... ..... :seesaw: :shake:

08-25-2004, 06:47 AM

Distracting Attention Away From Her, Heiress Says

[BorowitzReport.com; 25 Aug 2004] Hotel heiress and reality TV star Paris Hilton today called for an end to the controversy over Sen. John Kerry's Vietnam War service, warning that the continuing swift boat flap was distracting attention away from her.

Speaking at a press conference in Washington, Ms. Hilton told reporters that the controversy "has overshadowed the issues that really matter to the American people, such as my messy break-up with Nick [singer Nick Carter of The Backstreet Boys]."

Ms. Hilton also said the she had experienced "a significant and troubling decline" in ambushes from paparazzi ever since the swift boat brouhaha began.

In an effort to blunt the controversy stoked by the group calling itself Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Ms. Hilton announced today that she and her sister Nicky had founded a new political action committee called Hotel Heiresses Against Swift Boat Veterans For Truth.

Ms. Hilton picked up an important backer later in the day when actress Lindsay Lohan voiced her support for the tabloid princess's decision to take on the swift boat veterans.

"Before the whole swift boat thing came up, people were obsessed with whether or not I had my breasts augmented," Ms. Lohan said. "I'm deeply concerned that the nation seems to have lost focus on that."

"If these swift boat veterans were really for truth, they'd want to know the truth about my breasts," she added.

In other political news, the Republican National Committee announced today that President George W. Bush's acceptance speech at the convention next week would be simulcast in English.

John F. Russo
08-25-2004, 07:59 AM
Much to Marty's chagrin (I'm not big for any badging/decals on my car...just my preference) I FINALLY found a decal that goes PERFECT with my Marauder.

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/83IMG_1435.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5172/password/263233a0dd0b5fe0053e90d33d4b6b a0/sort/1/cat/last1)

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/83IMG_1434.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5171/password/263233a0dd0b5fe0053e90d33d4b6b a0/sort/1/cat/last1)

I realy like that godshead on the rear deck of your car. I got to get one.

From whom did you get it?

08-25-2004, 09:41 AM
That area of interest appears to be in V/P's area of interest.


Joe Walsh
08-25-2004, 09:46 AM
UH OH....another political thread is started!!!! :nono: :mad2: :fire:

08-25-2004, 10:41 AM
Vote "Trained Chimp" in 2004.


08-25-2004, 05:00 PM

What else can I say?

08-25-2004, 09:18 PM
Much to Marty's chagrin (I'm not big for any badging/decals on my car...just my preference) I FINALLY found a decal that goes PERFECT with my Marauder.

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/83IMG_1434.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5171/password/263233a0dd0b5fe0053e90d33d4b6b a0/sort/1/cat/last1)

Can you work any other magic with Black Duct Tape ???