View Full Version : Lawsuit against GM

08-24-2004, 10:09 AM
I hope Im not overstepping here but I came across this today and found it to be very interesting reading. It sort of makes you lose faith in the legal system but hopefully it will all work out when it is done. Make me wonder what else goes on at the Big Three. Here is the link------>http://www.evansvsgm.com/

08-24-2004, 10:46 AM
I hope Im not overstepping here but I came across this today and found it to be very interesting reading. It sort of makes you lose faith in the legal system but hopefully it will all work out when it is done. Make me wonder what else goes on at the Big Three. Here is the link------>http://www.evansvsgm.com/
Trade secret theft, fraud, and an abundance of evidence in favor of Evans -- and they still screwed him ...... :fire: :mad2: :gunfire:
How do these bastiges look at themselves in the mirror. :shake:

08-24-2004, 10:54 AM
Trade secret theft, fraud, and an abundance of evidence in favor of Evans -- and they still screwed him ...... :fire: :mad2: :gunfire:
How do these bastiges look at themselves in the mirror. :shake:
I agree. I could get really upset over this kind of stuff!! (Ahhhh take deep breaths!)

08-24-2004, 11:04 AM
I've been involved in a trade secret theft also--regarding a former employee. Not pretty to deal with. The code had been seeded, among other things. The judge wanted me to reveal our trade secrets in open court with the competition's programmers sitting in the court room. I sat on the witness stand, not believing my ears, when the judge told me to reveal our trade secrets. I was ready to be charged with contempt when our attorney showed and read from the law book that if the judge wanted to hear testimony about trade secrets --the court room would have to be cleared. The judge did not want to do this and they argued for quite awhile. Then, SHE sat there for a long time reading the book and, with an obvious snear, finally ordered the court room cleared. Competition had plenty of notice to start a tape recording--if they so desired. Like this case, we proved our side but still settled rather than continue paying lawyers and we felt the judge was too stupid to make a good decision.

08-24-2004, 11:12 AM
Yup,you stole this tech.,for your boss,but you dont represent them so they don't pay!
What the heck?
Another reason the legal system sucks.
IMHO GM owes Evans every cent of profit it earned on the "F" cars in question.If it wasn't for his tech.none of those cars would live on the street!

08-24-2004, 11:49 AM
A buddy owned a die shop and made some sheet metal dies for GM. He delivered them in June and by the next April still hadn't been paid. The GM rep would say that the dies were defective and that they weren't paying. So my buddy asked for the die to be returned and they refused.

Finally he got a court order and one April Wednesday he showed up at the plant asking to be let in to remove his die. The plant management told him that he couldn't have the die because they would have to shut the line down. My buddy said that couldn't be true because the dies were defective and he hadn't been paid. He repeated his demand that he be allowed in to retrieve his die or get a check for the full amount. Eventually after calling in the police and calling the judge who wrote the court order the plant manager gave him a check and told him that he would never get another GM job. My buddy said since GM doesn't pay he thought that he would be OK.

2003 MIB
08-24-2004, 12:19 PM
Some of this ought to sound a little familiar, Brutus.

If captured you shall and we shall deny any knowledge of of your actions.

Bad stuff...When I do training on ethics, I always tell people they already learned this stuff in kindergarten:
1) Color inside the lines.
2) Don't take things that don't belong to you.
3) Keep your hands to yourself.
4) Play nice.
Amazing how many of us have trouble with these...

08-24-2004, 12:28 PM
See its things like this that causes people to get caps bust on them. I am not surprised by our legal system look at history. hmmmm just think if GM wouldnt have stolen Evans idea. That would mean the high performance cars such as the LT1 cars would never be. Shame on GM but to be honest we as the public really dont know who has been ripped off by big companies and judges who will get a kick back on down the road for a bogus ruling! :bs:

Mike Poore
08-25-2004, 03:21 PM
Take a few more deep ones for me, Brutus. That's outrageous, and to think, management is always hammering us about our "Code of Ethics". By, if I'm lying may God strike me dead, the very guy who got fired for sexual harassment.

08-25-2004, 04:38 PM
The irony here, is GM that probably could have bought the technology from Evans for that 557K, had they tried to stay legit, and saved themselves the 10 billion in legal fees...

08-25-2004, 08:42 PM
This technology wasn't only used in the Corvette and the F-Body either...
It was also used in the Impala platform.
The LT1 in the Impala SS and Buick Roadmaster both utilize Reverse Flow cooling from 1992 - 1996 !!!

08-25-2004, 10:41 PM
The irony here, is GM that probably could have bought the technology from Evans for that 557K, had they tried to stay legit, and saved themselves the 10 billion in legal fees...

MAC has an excellent point here. And you can take that observation to a more personal level also......I meet so many people in the workplace (worker bees as well as management people) as well as in social circles too, who actually put more effort into telling lies, and covering up their lies, than it would take to simply tell the truth in the first place. What really aggrivates me and also scares me, is that many of these same people have children. And so I often think to myself "how in the world can they possibly be raising their children to be upright, and to have integrity, when they themselves don't even know what integrity is?"

My point is, that big companies, and governments don't have good ethics, nor integrity, simply because they're made up of people from our society who care nothing about these things, nor do they recognize the importance in them. Therefore w/the passing of each generation, things just get worse and worse. It's very refreshing when you do meet some people along the way who have character, and integrity. Yes, there are still a few around, but they seem to be few and far between these days, just as there are few companies who do biz in an upright manner. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now.

08-28-2004, 10:55 PM
Ford had to take GM to court in the 50's for theft and use of Ford's Front end ball joint design.
Ford won, and GM had to start paying royalties.

08-29-2004, 09:15 PM
MAC has an excellent point here. And you can take that observation to a more personal level also......I meet so many people in the workplace (worker bees as well as management people) as well as in social circles too, who actually put more effort into telling lies, and covering up their lies, than it would take to simply tell the truth in the first place.

And a lot of these 'winners' put more effort into telling lies and covering up their unsatisfactory work performance than it would take to actually do the job right in the first place.

This hits home for me.... tomorrow morning I have to once-and-for-all deal with a problematic individual at work, who can spin a yarn with the best of them. The freebies have been used up, though, and no matter what kind of effort he put into falsifying his job results, he wasn't good enough to be 100% consistent, and the cat's out of the bag...

08-29-2004, 10:42 PM
Isn't that the way Steve. An hours worth of energy wasted to avoid doing a 5 minute job.....

Good luck that 'individual'

David Morton
08-30-2004, 12:11 AM
Too many people believe that capitalism is 'good' because communism is 'evil'. The fact of the matter is that both systems are amoral and neither good nor evil. Capitalists do whatever makes the bottom line show the most profit, and if it weren't for laws against such things, murder would be no obstacle for a company, let alone theft of trade secrets. That's one reason I'm against 'lazeis faire' capitalism and willy-nilly deregulation of industry and commerce, and why I'm for the monopoly busting anti-trust laws that insure healthy competition amongst corporations that would have a Studebaker howling 'foul' at GM bribing some judge to rule in error in their favor. GM, Ford and Chrysler should be broken up. But that will not happen until the media comglomerates are broken up first because the public is being told everything is OK on TV.

Sorry to say it but Mr. Evans is at fault for letting himself be fooled into thinking he could trust GM or it's engineers with his trade secret. He should have slept with the car or wired it with explosives before he let them have it overnight. He also should have refused the demonstration in the first place without disclosure contracts which would have insured his right to patent his invention.