View Full Version : SCHOOL HAS BEGUN! Stories stories...

08-25-2004, 03:17 PM
For Art, my teacher is pretty cool...just kind of zoned out. We have an art sketch book (go figure!) and we can design it how we like. I have two pieces of board paper. One piece is white and covers the entire front. The other is Maroon and covers half making an S shape down the middle.

On the white piece I've drawn this cool moutain with some clouds and a river off to the side and a sun/moon thing rising beside it. I'll take pictures, it's way cool. On the maroon side I have three symbols. "Panther" "Mercury" and a god's head. Tehehehehe.

For English, my teacher is an older lady, 60 or 70, very small and with a very small voice. She is however energetic and smiles often. She's not "old" but she's old. Anyways, today in class, two things happened that caught my attention, one of which I pointed out to her, the other of which I'll point out if it's brought up again. We are taking on a study of significant American literature from the explorers to now. During this, we were talking about the Puritans and she said (not quoting the book obviously) something along the lines of

"They had very rigid views of life and it's just like some people today in Greenville, they think they are completely right and there is no room to argue with them"

Well, I felt like asking, isn't that rigid in and of itself? Aren't you assuming they are that way? (Since she's alluding to Southern Baptists, whom which I spend time with on a regular basis...being that I've lived here for 9 years). I've never seen any one of them go "No...this is EXACTLY how it happened because I KNOW this is how it's happened and that's the ONLY WAY" kind of thing. I've not heard one, they're open to discuss with you and usually, like any good natured person will ask "Well let me ask you this" or say "This is what I've learned" first.

Anyways, the next wasn't politcal, and I won't go into amazing detail The book said something along the lines that some guy who invented a vaccine for small pox. He was critisized horribly for using it and (to quote the book) "by the time the epidemic ended, 6000 people (I think that was the number) he had injected 300 of which of 6 had died"

So she writes on the projector "This guy eradicated the disease"

Obviously I raise my hand and say something along the lines of "What the book says is "by the time the disease had ended" not "he ended the disease" so your conjecture is that he eradicated it...when the book is actually saying that his vaccine was efficent and that it shouldn't have been critisized"

Many of the students in the class lost me at word one (to them it was:blah: ) and one kid said "WHOA MAN THAT WAS CRAZY" and she just looked at me. She took a moment to think about it to which she said "Just write it down, I understand I made a small mistake but don't worry about it"

Anyways, I enjoy my classes and being in highschool is way fun. It's a great school!

08-25-2004, 04:49 PM

James, whoa man, simmer down.

There's a chance your teacher was oblivious to the mistake. There's a chance she's actually right and didn't want to argue about it in class. Teachers do learn stuff that ain't in the books. There's a real chance that this is incredibly minute and won't ever matter since the vaccine is what's important. (my vote)

Either way, as a teacher I really, REALLY do not like it when students try to correct me in class - especially on my own subject matter (it doesn't work, and I have found that more often than not students hear what they choose to hear anyway). Now outside of class if they have a real beef they are more than welcome to come to my office.

Sometimes (albeit uncommonly) grades come so close between As and Bs (or whatever) it's a judgment call, and I would hate for you to lose out because she thinks you're a smartass.

I am glad you are excited about being in school. Most students around you probably aren't. I just hope you express your excitement in a different way. Like joining the band or something. :razz:

You don't have to prove anything to anyone. If you do, take them to the track. :duel:


08-25-2004, 05:24 PM
Ok Andrew, I'll take that seriously...as far as notes are concerned...I won't mention it, it was minor and if I just answer the question on the test, I'll pass and no big confusion and I can always keep in my head that at least I was thinking...

However, if she's going to use our class time to bash my faith, then I'll politely ask her to stop or tell her she's wrong to use that time in that way and that she should continue, if my grades suffer because of that, fine...I'll take it up with a school offical (being honest about whether it did or not) because I don't tolerate it. If she bashes someone else's faith, I'd ask her to quit as well...we don't have time for that.

2003 MIB
08-25-2004, 05:44 PM
Sometimes (albeit uncommonly) grades come so close between As and Bs (or whatever) it's a judgment call, and I would hate for you to lose out because she thinks you're a smartass.
YEP! High school is all about getting into a good college. Eye on the prize, James...Eye on the prize.

08-25-2004, 07:16 PM
I neglected to address the religion bashing, which I would not stand for either.

That would be one of the things to take up with her in private. If it happens again, it's grounds for dismissal.


Ok Andrew, I'll take that seriously...as far as notes are concerned...I won't mention it, it was minor and if I just answer the question on the test, I'll pass and no big confusion and I can always keep in my head that at least I was thinking...

However, if she's going to use our class time to bash my faith, then I'll politely ask her to stop or tell her she's wrong to use that time in that way and that she should continue, if my grades suffer because of that, fine...I'll take it up with a school offical (being honest about whether it did or not) because I don't tolerate it. If she bashes someone else's faith, I'd ask her to quit as well...we don't have time for that.

08-25-2004, 07:22 PM
Yeah, that's true, I'll mention it to her tomorrow before or after class when kids are elsewhere. Thanks.

I neglected to address the religion bashing, which I would not stand for either.

That would be one of the things to take up with her in private. If it happens again, it's grounds for dismissal.


08-25-2004, 07:51 PM
If a teacher made a mistake I would simply raise my hand and say I didn't understand and typically the error got worked out with both sides feeling good. I didn't like keeping mum until after class because who knows what other students in class believed the incorrect information. But of course I had to be listening :) It's all in the approach. Treat how you would want to be treated.

However, if a teacher just said some ignorant stuff I'd let my parents deal with it. Tell your parents about this out of touch teacher and have them take it up with the school adminstration...it's best you steer clear.

2003 MIB
08-26-2004, 04:08 AM
It's all in the approach. Treat how you would want to be treated.
YIKES!!!!!- that's bad advice for James!!! Our boy enjoys a spirited debate and a clashing of opinions...The teacher may not.:lol: :lol: :lol:

08-26-2004, 04:52 AM
Not to mention I have vastly different opinions on this than my parents. But thanks Silver...you sound like my dad...he's (dun dun da!) Catbert! The evil HR director!


08-30-2004, 10:08 AM
A few comments:
1. James, it's good to see that you are actually reading the assigned material AND thinking about what you have read.
2. Sometimes teachers get it wrong, and need to be questioned about what they have said. However, there are ways to do this which will not put a target on your chest, and ways which will guarantee that you will. Remember, you will catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar. It took me a long time to learn that, and I would have probably been better off in school a few times if I had learned it sooner. It doesn't mean that you have to let ignorance prevail, just learn different ways of approaching problems.
3. I'm proud that you want to stand up for your spiritual beliefs. It has become very popular to bash Christians nowadays. I agree with a post above which said that if this happens again, not just you but your parents as well need to be involved.

Have a great time in school. It will be over before you know it.

08-30-2004, 10:26 AM
Have a great time in school. It will be over before you know it.

Unless you keep getting left back like Todd did. Graduating from high school at 23..... :shake: :shake:

08-30-2004, 12:53 PM
The only time I would correct teachers is in Math and science courses where the answer is right, or worng. In most other classes from English, Psycology, Arts, there is a grey area, even in History classes. I never try to correct a teacher in those, though sence I also enjoy a spireted debate, I would QUESTION what they said or why they may feel a particular way. But never in a detramental or overly disruptive way.

And yes, I have been called a "Bad Influance" more then once.

08-30-2004, 01:16 PM
He graduated??

I still don't have my diploma. I hated my HS so much I never went back to get it. We arrived at commencement and received an empty diploma case, and they told us there was a screw-up at the printer and we would be able to pick them up on Monday. (every other class before us had always received them at commencement) I believe that there were a good 15 of us who never went back to get them.

I have set foot in the building since -- to interview for a position there. I was offered it - every year for the next three years. I only wanted to see the look on a former teacher's face when she found out I might be her colleague . . .. :poke:


Unless you keep getting left back like Todd did. Graduating from high school at 23..... :shake: :shake: