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08-25-2004, 08:37 PM
OK, not really - well, kinda.

I just thought this was interesting.


(sits back and watches the fun with some :popcorn: )



08-25-2004, 08:44 PM
Man those nordic types are gettin' the vote out! More have voted than US. :lol:

08-25-2004, 08:51 PM
Its bad when you have someone behind the wheel who really doesn't know what's going on in his own backyard,
but when the rest of the world wants to put someone there who doesn't even know how to drive
then we've got serious issues here that need to be dealth with.

If Bush is defeated, nothing will change.
And if putting Kerry in office is the answer for change, then I'm moving to Canada...

At least my language will change, aye ? :loco:

08-25-2004, 08:55 PM
Guys, it's fake. You can vote as many times as you want from any country.

I just thought it was kinda fun-looking.


08-25-2004, 08:56 PM
One thing I DID find that is serious and VERY cool to read is a site that claims they are in the business of "debunking" political ads:


Lots of great reading.


08-25-2004, 09:25 PM
One thing I DID find that is serious and VERY cool to read is a site that claims they are in the business of "debunking" political ads:

www.factcheck.org (http://www.factcheck.org/)

Lots of great reading.

Those Guys seem to have done their home work. That is what I call FARE & BALLANCED!

08-26-2004, 04:42 AM
Yesterdays newspaper headline: 46,000 people from New York city voted in New York and also in Florida during the 2000 Presidential election.

68% Democrats
12% Republican
20% Other

The Florida vote was decided was 537 votes and the President and every republican in Florida have been accused of stealing the election.

Do the the math: 31.280 New York voters voted for Gore in Fla. after they voted for him in New York.

I stated the facts, draw your own conclusion.

08-26-2004, 11:03 AM
So in other words it made no difference to the outcome?

They're old. They probably forgot. :dunno: These ARE the same group of voters who couldn't figure out the ballot?

Hell, *I* would probably forget. If they sent me another ballot after voting I'd probably stand there scratchin' saying "I thought I sent that in already, but just to be safe . . .."

I don't even know where my card is. They give it to you years in advance and say "now hang onto this for the election in 2012 . . .."


Yestedays newspaper headline: 46,000 people from New York city voted in New York and also in Florida during the 2000 Presidential election.

68% Democrats
12% Republican
20% Other

The Florida vote was decided was 537 votes and the President and every republican in Florida have been accused of stealing the election.

Do the the math: 31.280 New York voters voted for Gore in Fla. after they voted for him in New York.

I stated the facts, draw your own conclusion.