View Full Version : FREE Nissan!

08-27-2004, 06:13 AM
STILL don't want one.



08-27-2004, 07:00 AM
Free Nissan? What did they get arrested for?

08-27-2004, 07:15 AM
Must be the article I saw on CNN.com.

A dealer in NJ is offering a free Sentra (rental return) to anyone buying a new 03-04 vehicle.

Still wouldn't want one like Andrew said....

08-27-2004, 07:39 AM

Forgot the link.


-A :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

08-27-2004, 07:49 AM
Well that's one way to get rid of lease cars, not a bad idea for the glut of them they have. :party: :run:

08-27-2004, 09:14 AM
Well we could put them in the trunk of the Marauder for a spare?

08-27-2004, 10:34 AM
Well we could put them in the trunk of the Marauder for a spare?

Good idea, but I would much rather walk!!!!

08-27-2004, 04:19 PM
STILL don't want one.


You get what you pay for .... :D

08-27-2004, 05:06 PM
I read a thread here over the past few days, which discussed how American automobile value had become diminished in the eyes of American consumers by hugh rebates, discounts and zero percent financing at the point of sale.

Seems our "off shore" manufacturers gained some ground with American consumer, earning their attention (and money) by not participating in this trend (suggested to be 9-11-01 related), and the value of "off shore" automobiles came to be enhanced only because manfacturers would not likewise discount, rebate, or, offer zero percent financing.

The general tone of the linked editorial was that America's "big 3" ******ed up, and I got that same impression from my local drive time radio too, so, it must have been an important commentary, published somewhere in the world, eh? To that I say...

Yeah...Maybe we got a peek what "dimished value" means to the wallet, OTOH, we NEVER had to give away any 3 year old lease return, rental, or, trade-in for free! Truth is, in America, everyone drives, but everyone buys too, which is likewise American. How many automobiles y'all can roll off your production line, WITHOUT appealing to American wallets at some time in your marketing plan! At least we Americans extend that discount/rebate/advantage out front, along with our handshake, while y'all have come to blow it out your collective...Ummm..."Back door?"

Diminished value...Indeed.