View Full Version : For ARNOLD fans:

09-01-2004, 11:32 AM
Incase you didn't catch it, here's a link to highlights from Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech at the Republican convention. What I found impressive about it, was what he added about his life as a boy in Austria.

http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/elections/article.adp?id=200408091157099 90010

09-01-2004, 12:06 PM
I thought it was an extaordinary speech. I can tell we're gonna have to change the
Constitution for him! :party:

09-01-2004, 12:10 PM
The whole speech can be summed up in two words IMO:

"America's Great!"


09-01-2004, 01:41 PM
Incase you didn't catch it, here's a link to highlights from Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech at the Republican convention. What I found impressive about it, was what he added about his life as a boy in Austria.

http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/elections/article.adp?id=200408091157099 90010

Was Man nicht in Kopf hat, MuB Man im Beinen und Armen haben.

PR :burnout:

09-01-2004, 01:49 PM
Was Man nicht in Kopf hat, MuB Man im Beinen und Armen haben.

PR :burnout:

Which one does not have in head, Mub one in legs and arms to have.


09-01-2004, 07:38 PM
I thought it was an extaordinary speech. I can tell we're gonna have to change the
Constitution for him! :party:

How much longer until the brown shirts are mobilized?

The thought of Arnold in power at the federal level is scary.

09-01-2004, 08:00 PM
that the government should be accountable to the people
not the people to the government...

if you beeleive that your family can spend your money
better than the government can...

if you beeleive that we do not need a permission slip
from the United Nations in order to protect the United States

ok...it ain't verbatem
but at least he stopped for the applause
(Zell Miller was GREAT but he spoke like a Marine on Adrenaline...)

then again Sen. Miller IS...a Marine on adrenaline!

what a convention!
what a country!

"what are we gunna defend America with?...SPITBALLS?"


American Flag (logo) "W" '04

09-01-2004, 08:49 PM
If you think for yourself and carefully analyse information then you ARE NOT a fool!

If you let others tell you how to think and what to believe...

Best Regards,


09-01-2004, 09:14 PM
In other words, you are voting for
President George "W." Bush also...

you know those vinyl OVAL stickers

( W American Flag '04 )

they look GRRRRRRREAT at the top center
of the rear windshield...

"W" is the BEST
but there is no way the sticker was
going on the paint...

P.S. since my politics were questioned...
just enjoy the new CAFE standards
and the environmental wacko
anemic transportation that will follow
if the "LIBERAL Senator from Massachusetts"
gets elected...prepare to pay your gas
guzzler taxes and take in your lawnmowers
for the government's stamp of approval...
(intrusive emission tests)

P.S. kerry has my vote for president of...:canada: (OR FRANCE!)

09-01-2004, 11:59 PM
P.S. kerry has my vote for president of...:canada: (OR FRANCE!)

LOL!!! :rofl:

09-02-2004, 06:39 AM

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts."


Edit: typo

09-02-2004, 06:43 AM
In other words, you are voting for
President George "W." Bush also...

you know those vinyl OVAL stickers

( W American Flag '04 )

they look GRRRRRRREAT at the top center
of the rear windshield...

"W" is the BEST
but there is no way the sticker was
going on the paint...

P.S. since my politics were questioned...
just enjoy the new CAFE standards
and the environmental wacko
anemic transportation that will follow
if the "LIBERAL Senator from Massachusetts"
gets elected...prepare to pay your gas
guzzler taxes and take in your lawnmowers
for the government's stamp of approval...
(intrusive emission tests)

P.S. kerry has my vote for president of...:canada: (OR FRANCE!)

I will be reluctantly voting for Bush as the lesser of two evils.

They are both beholden to lobbiests and corporate greed. Neither really care about working people. I do think that Bush will project more strength internationally and that is important enough to me to me to justify voting for him. I hope that our econonic and jobs issues can be taken up at the local and state level until the next opportunity for change in 2008.

As for Canada I hear that they are growin' some good weed up there!

Maybe it is affecting their thought processes...:shot:

Best Regards,


09-02-2004, 06:43 AM
How much longer until the brown shirts are mobilized?

The thought of Arnold in power at the federal level is scary.

Change no laws for any foreign born.

09-02-2004, 07:27 AM
Great convention...looking forward to tonight. I'm at work during the broadcast, but catch it on the internet later...got to love webcasts.

Arnold did great and keeps shaking things up here in Sac. One of his most vicious opponents is the CA Senate president John Burton (D-San Francisco) who is being kicked to the curb because of term limits. Someone else will pick up the banner of anti Arnold...another girlie man I'm sure.

Arnold is a fresh face in a sea of blah here in Sac. Sure, he has to play the same stupid game of special interest and closed door deals, but he doesn't simply toe a party line and gets lots of different people on board. He has been seriously underestimated, just like W.

09-02-2004, 07:45 AM
I just want to know why we can't get a MODERATE into the race. Both choices are at the further ends of the party extreams. Not the furthest, but no where near the middle... Kerry is to wishy washy :seesaw:, and W's... special:confused: .

We need a Teddy Roosevelt / Ronny Raygun... type person. Someone who will send battle groups around the world to remind people who rules the waves. But also someone who knows that the middle class is what keeps the economy rolling.

09-02-2004, 08:12 AM
I have watched both conventions and the wackiest moment was last night after the conventions when Chris M. tried to interview Zell M...it was hilarious...but just check into the msnbc site and hit the video from the interview...not being political, just think it was wide...whether you are a pub or dem you will enjoy this...willie...

09-02-2004, 08:46 AM
I just want to know why we can't get a MODERATE into the race. Both choices are at the further ends of the party extreams. Not the furthest, but no where near the middle... Kerry is to wishy washy :seesaw:, and W's... special:confused: .

We need a Teddy Roosevelt / Ronny Raygun... type person. Someone who will send battle groups around the world to remind people who rules the waves. But also someone who knows that the middle class is what keeps the economy rolling.


We need another Truman or TR, not another corporte stooge!

Arnold is no Ronald Reagan. He is a dangerous ego-maniac.

Right now he serves a good purpose in shaking up the liberals in CA,
but I would loathe the propect of him at the federal level!

If our country loses its middle class it will have lost its soul!

The rich and the poor are the same everywhere. Our middle class
is what defines economic opportunity and defines the US.

Corporate greed is killing what has traditionally made us great!

Bush for now, major change in 2008!

Best Regards


09-02-2004, 10:05 AM
I have watched both conventions and the wackiest moment was last night after the conventions when Chris M. tried to interview Zell M...it was hilarious...but just check into the msnbc site and hit the video from the interview...not being political, just think it was wide...whether you are a pub or dem you will enjoy this...willie...

That was one funny interview! How did that Z dude ever get elected? Oh, yeah - Georgia - that explains it. Chris M. realy exposed him for the nut case he is.

PR :burnout:

09-02-2004, 10:23 AM
That was one funny interview! How did that Z dude ever get elected? Oh, yeah - Georgia - that explains it. Chris M. realy exposed him for the nut case he is.

PR :burnout:I won't say it...

but, just to let you know, I HAVE been to Long Beach.... :puke:

09-02-2004, 11:10 AM
I won't say it...

but, just to let you know, I HAVE been to Long Beach.... :puke:


Regret my comment about Georgia. Should not have characterized an entire region because of one knucklehead. Spent some time at Ft. Benning / Ft. Gordon in 1969 - beautiful landscapes and people. My apologies! :beer:

PR :burnout:

09-02-2004, 11:50 AM

Regret my comment about Georgia. Should not have characterized an entire region because of one knucklehead. Spent some time at Ft. Benning / Ft. Gordon in 1969 - beautiful landscapes and people. My apologies! :beer:

PR :burnout:
hey, I have to say that the above post ^ is a classy comment by Park Ranger, and I for one appreciate it even though his previous post had nothing to do w/me. :2thumbs:

09-02-2004, 03:00 PM

Regret my comment about Georgia. Should not have characterized an entire region because of one knucklehead. Spent some time at Ft. Benning / Ft. Gordon in 1969 - beautiful landscapes and people. My apologies! :beer:

PR :burnout:
No worries PR...Thanks!

I was just firing one right back over the bow...I retract mine as well...I love that rusty old "queen" boat tied up on the rocks... :D

09-02-2004, 03:24 PM
That was one funny interview! How did that Z dude ever get elected? Oh, yeah - Georgia - that explains it. Chris M. realy exposed him for the nut case he is.

PR :burnout:


Was Zell over the top, maybe. But what really seems unusual is that no one is CHALLENGING any of the facts he stated.

Seems that everytime someone states facts about Kerry, the messenger is ridiculed but the statements are never shown to be untrue. This is perhaps Kerry's greatest weakness. You can keep shooting the messenger but eventually the message is going to stick.

09-02-2004, 04:06 PM
This is not an attack on anyone, except perhaps those running the political ads. (all of them on both sides)

I however, am challenging about 90% of what Zell said, and almost 100%of what Cheney said. For the record, I also challenge large portions of what the Democrats are saying too.

:soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox:

As I keep saying, there is a REALLY GOOD way to find out the facts on all of these issues.


Read the site. You'll find that both sides are doing some big time lying, and very little of what was said last night (or by AHnold) is fact. (I'm even a big AHnold fan)

All rhetoric, propaganda, and BS aside, this website lays it all on the table. They are nonpartisan and the closest thing I have ever found to honesty in politics.

EVERY voter owes it to him or her self to find the FACTS, not the "truth." The "truth" is what you believe when you are presented with the facts.

There are too many false "truths" being flung around by both parties right now.

Decide for YOURSELVES who the best candidate is. Don't let the media or anyone else do it for you. If you're not an informed voter, you're wasting your time, and you deserve what you get.

I'm the freakin' band director, and this is important enough to me that it's an upcoming class discussion . . ..

Notice I am not endorsing either candidate. That's not the point here.




Was Zell over the top, maybe. But what really seems unusual is that no one is CHALLENGING any of the facts he stated.

Seems that everytime someone states facts about Kerry, the messenger is ridiculed but the statements are never shown to be untrue. This is perhaps Kerry's greatest weakness. You can keep shooting the messenger but eventually the message is going to stick.

09-07-2004, 06:16 AM
This is just an example - there are some of these against Kerry as well.

However, I am urging all voters to find factual info to make informed decisions. At last then it will take some power away from the media and spin on both sides.


This is in reference to Zell Miller's speech at the RNC.

I am still waiting for an org to explain that a voting record doesn't mean what people think it means, and how the process impugns the results. (how votes are set up so that the outcome is known prior to the vote, how they are set up to generally fall along party lines, and how good ideas get coupled with partisan bickering so they get defeated, etc.)


09-07-2004, 01:26 PM
Kerry is an empty suit!

09-07-2004, 01:34 PM
Kerry is an empty suit!

Do you feel better now?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

09-07-2004, 01:43 PM
Your anti-suit agenda has been well known for some time.


09-07-2004, 01:57 PM
Your anti-suit agenda has been well known for some time.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: