View Full Version : This Is Sad!

09-03-2004, 03:11 AM
Its 6 am and I am watching the Russian school crisis live on Foxx. But I have one question, WHY??? I thought life meant somthing. Too many reports to keep up with. I dont know where this thread is going. Just Pissed about the lack of respect for life and people!!

09-03-2004, 04:19 AM

09-03-2004, 04:58 AM
True "COWARDS" become terrorists!!!! :dunno:

Do you think they would take a stand without weapons.....HELL NO!! :sweat:

Our judicial system recently sentenced that clown out west convicted of trying to sell our secrets to Al Qaida....TO LIFE IN PRISON!!! We should put him to a firing squad death on international TV!! :soap:

If all they understand is violence then let it be!! We are certainly smarter than those scums......we just have to deal with them more violently IMHO!! :censor:

I hope the kids in Russia are OK........DAMN COWARDS!!! :help:

Marauderjack :censor:

09-03-2004, 05:14 AM
Desparate people can justify just about anything.

09-03-2004, 05:16 AM
No chauvenism intended, but what bothers me about this hostage situ is that most of the mutts in the school doing this are WOMEN. This is making the crisis harder to deal with because of the brevity. I can only hope that when a course of action is chosen, that it doesnt reflect men treating the women terrorists with a soft hand. This will be the downfall. Sorry.... gets down off :soap: ......


09-03-2004, 05:58 AM
No chauvenism intended, but what bothers me about this hostage situ is that most of the mutts in the school doing this are WOMEN. This is making the crisis harder to deal with because of the brevity. I can only hope that when a course of action is chosen, that it doesnt reflect men treating the women terrorists with a soft hand. This will be the downfall. Sorry.... gets down off :soap: ......


Please, they are Russian. Remember a few years back when a simaler group to a theater full of people hostage in Moscow? If not, here is a link.

Link to aniversery story (http://quickstart.clari.net/qs_se/webnews/wed/bw/Qrussia-chechnya-hostage.RZ6X_DOM.html)

People think the US is bad-ass when it comes to dealing with scum like this. Nah, we use soft paws compared to Russia.

09-03-2004, 07:28 AM

Like I said (http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/03/international/europe/03CND-RUSS.html?ex=1251950400&en=6ba0cbc9946ddcaa&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland)

Dr Caleb
09-03-2004, 07:49 AM
It takes a big man to point a gun at a child.

I too am glad this was in Russia. They do not take kindly to hostage takers, especially of children. I knew they would be dealt with, swiftly and harshly, and I'm only sorry they did not die slower.

09-03-2004, 08:08 AM
It takes a big man to point a gun at a child.

I too am glad this was in Russia. They do not take kindly to hostage takers, especially of children. I knew they would be dealt with, swiftly and harshly, and I'm only sorry they did not die slower.

And that makes it much more difficult to deal with. If a group has demonstrated its willingness to harm very young children, then the hostage negotiator is left with few alternatives. I am certain that the Russian police and military resigned themselves to a loss of children's lives within 30 minutes of the start of the crisis.

It is clear that the Chechan terrorists, and all terrorists, will not stop until we physically stop them. That is why I get personally offended every time I hear someone say, "One person's terrorist is another person's patriot." They don't have a clue as to world history of patriots, freedom fighters, tyrants, terrorists and human suffering.

09-03-2004, 08:24 AM
Our judicial system recently sentenced that clown out west convicted of trying to sell our secrets to Al Qaida....TO LIFE IN PRISON!!! We should put him to a firing squad death on international TV!!
Gotta love the Military judicial system. I think life in prison is a fare sentance. Once he's dead it's over with. Now he gets to think about what he did for a very long time.

09-03-2004, 08:32 AM
Gotta love the Military judicial system. I think life in prison is a fare sentance. Once he's dead it's over with. Now he gets to think about what he did for a very long time.
I am sure that he will get a very warm reception by his fellow inmates at Leavenworth. T/R is right ... this guy is gonna beg for the needle in less than 3 months. Count on it !!!

Dr Caleb
09-03-2004, 09:34 AM
If a group has demonstrated its willingness to harm very young children, then the hostage negotiator is left with few alternatives. I am certain that the Russian police and military resigned themselves to a loss of children's lives within 30 minutes of the start of the crisis.

That is why I get personally offended every time I hear someone say, "One person's terrorist is another person's patriot."

From early news reports, the trigger was the Chechens executed 20 adult men, and then an explosion caved in part of a roof, killing 100 hostages. The Russians are known not to be squeamish about scenarios in which hostages die. They try to negotiate, but if you kill hostages, they will try to minimize casualties among hostages but they will hunt down the Chechens without mercy. For this, I respect them. If you take and kill hostages, you will die like a dog in the gutter.

I think the phrase used to be "one mans' rebel/guerrila is another mans' freedom fighter . . .". The word 'terrorist' has pretty much lost it's original meaning in recent years, and I think that expression has become a bastardization as a result.

09-03-2004, 10:06 AM
Yes over in Russia they play by a certian set of rules. They wont sit and talk for a month. Espeacially when they know that the terroist have already killed and have no problem with killing more. They have a differant culture from us. And I am not saying it is right or wrong.

When dealing with terroist that have no regard for human life you have to play hard ball. This is the way the world is now.

But just seeing that unfold is hard to deal with. 9/11 changed alot of things for me and as we get closer to that sad day, this just makes it more difficult.

09-03-2004, 10:16 AM
No chauvenism intended, but what bothers me about this hostage situ is that most of the mutts in the school doing this are WOMEN. This is making the crisis harder to deal with because of the brevity. I can only hope that when a course of action is chosen, that it doesnt reflect men treating the women terrorists with a soft hand. This will be the downfall. Sorry.... gets down off :soap: ......


Good point. And in Isreal they have 12yr old girls strapping bombs to themselves and killing people!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just a bit off the subject but I am just wish the madness would end. I know its apipe dream.

09-03-2004, 10:25 AM
How do you defeat an emeny that is willing to die to kill you?

Think long and hard about it?

09-03-2004, 11:40 AM
How do you defeat an emeny that is willing to die to kill you?

Think long and hard about it?

If the hearts and Minds caimpain doesn't work, there is only one thing you can do.
Be more ruthless and vicious then they can even imagine. Genocide.

Take a page out of Temujin's play book.

09-03-2004, 12:41 PM
How do you defeat an emeny that is willing to die to kill you?

Think long and hard about it?

Still thinking get back to you Jim!

09-03-2004, 12:43 PM
If the hearts and Minds caimpain doesn't work, there is only one thing you can do.
Be more ruthless and vicious then they can even imagine. Genocide.

Take a page out of Temujin's play book.

I prefer the Hearts and Mind Campain. But what is "Temujins play book"??

Dr Caleb
09-03-2004, 02:18 PM
But what is "Temujins play book"??

Temujin is the ancestral name of "Gengis Khan".

09-03-2004, 02:19 PM
How do you defeat an emeny that is willing to die to kill you?

Think long and hard about it?

Those bastards was not ready to die. They are desperadly trying to flee right now and special forces hunting them down.

In case with theater hostages two years ago: it was bunch of self-mined chechen women ready to explode themselfs. They _all_ got headshots delivered by spetsnaz guys.

09-03-2004, 02:52 PM
From early news reports, the trigger was the Chechens executed 20 adult men, and then an explosion caved in part of a roof, killing 100 hostages. The Russians are known not to be squeamish about scenarios in which hostages die. They try to negotiate, but if you kill hostages, they will try to minimize casualties among hostages but they will hunt down the Chechens without mercy. For this, I respect them. If you take and kill hostages, you will die like a dog in the gutter.

I think the phrase used to be "one mans' rebel/guerrila is another mans' freedom fighter . . .". The word 'terrorist' has pretty much lost it's original meaning in recent years, and I think that expression has become a bastardization as a result.

It's the ONLY way to deal with terrorists, it's all they understand.
They depend on their target being soft, as the Philippines were over hostages in Iraq. That kind of action gives them fuel, as we have seen.

Unfortunately today too many people forget 11 September 2001.
On Iraq they concentrate only on WMD. They forget Saddam's words on terrorism, they, forget he was a supporter of terrorism and terrorists around the world.
They forget that after 11 September 2001 the declaration of war was against terrorists all over the world and those who support them, wherever they may be.
That is what terrorists depend on.

09-03-2004, 02:56 PM
Gotta love the Military judicial system. I think life in prison is a fare sentance. Once he's dead it's over with. Now he gets to think about what he did for a very long time.

Life sentence in a military prison won't exactly be like serving life in a civilain prison.

09-03-2004, 03:27 PM
It's the ONLY way to deal with terrorists, it's all they understand.
They depend on their target being soft, as the Philippines were over hostages in Iraq. That kind of action gives them fuel, as we have seen.

Unfortunately today too many people forget 11 September 2001.
On Iraq they concentrate only on WMD. They forget Saddam's words on terrorism, they, forget he was a supporter of terrorism and terrorists around the world.
They forget that after 11 September 2001 the declaration of war was against terrorists all over the world and those who support them, wherever they may be.
That is what terrorists depend on.
Those that forget 9/11 well I will leave that alone. The choice to after Sadam is right and I support it. What the Philippines did was AWFUL! Well I will let it go for know. I still havent turned on CNN or Foxx. Just getting too many 9/11 Flash backs.

09-03-2004, 03:28 PM
Life sentence in a military prison won't exactly be like serving life in a civilain prison.
:2thumbs: :2thumbs:

09-03-2004, 03:35 PM
Temujin is the ancestral name of "Gengis Khan".

Getting it just dont like the outcome.

09-03-2004, 08:00 PM
Getting it just dont like the outcome.
The great Kahn was actually a progresive ruler for his day. I delive an insedant in Damascus where the local arabs had deastroyed a synegog(sp?) or killed a large number of Jews, he ordered an reprisals agueinst the perpatrators. He would use psycological warfare instead of out right war if he could such as letting a citys population to run ahead of his army to spread word of "the slaughter" when there was none., but when needed, would butcher every living thing in a town.

09-04-2004, 01:15 AM
How do you defeat an emeny that is willing to die to kill you?

Think long and hard about it?
I was taught many years ago to " do unto others, before they do unto you" surprize, speed and violence...

09-04-2004, 06:02 PM
Over 300 kiilled. Most were children. And the reports say that most were shot in the back. Sorry but all I have to Say is NUKE THEM ALL lET THEM BURN IN HELL!

09-04-2004, 07:04 PM
Your paper probably had the lady leaning over the corpse of her 5 ish year old dauter no tears or nothing.................. :help:

09-04-2004, 08:12 PM
Can we shut this thread down Please. Time heals all wounds. Just trying to forget this happened. Maybe 9/11 was a dream!

09-04-2004, 08:51 PM
As requested by the Thread Starter.