View Full Version : What do you think?

09-05-2004, 09:38 AM
Got a question for y'all...How specific do we need to be when talking mods?

Let's imagine that I bought a mod for my MM, let's say a set of cams? And each cam cost $159.95 Should I say exactly that, or, should I round things out to "160 bucks a cam?"

Should I do some of your thinking for you and remind you that four cams come to 639.80? And when I do, can I call this a six hundred dollar mod? Or, should I express is as six hundred thirty-nine dollar and eighty cent mod? Or, is $639.80 the way to go?

Should I include taxes, shipping and handling, and any additional materials needed to install the mod, such as gaskets, topping off fluids, and so on? If so, it may actually be an eight hundred dollar mod, yes?

And...When evaluating the "bang for the buck" of any mod, should that evaluation be based on the cost of the mod, or, the total cost of the upgrade, including any outside labor, shipping, gaskets, fluids, and so on?

Recognizing that some of us outsource install labor, and others DIY, should install labor be factored into the "bang for the buck" evaluation, i.e. "600 bucks bought me 40 RWHP."

I would expect most of us to find such results a sweet deal. However, adding these usually hidden additional expenses (which vary greatly), could make a productive mod a borderline investment, i.e. "300 bucks for 10 HP."

Oh wait, one more thing...Considering the nature of this board, its name, the topics we discuss, and the majority of our population owning the same automobile, in the example I use above about cams, do I need to point out that we're talking about four (4) cams? Or, can I presume that because I own an MM, and most of y'all own MMs, that we're understanding inbetween the lines that it's four cams to a set, i.e. "160 bucks each" would mean "times four" in your head?

Or, do I need to spell everything out, specifically, and with great detail?

No biggie here, just wondering out loud...

Joe Walsh
09-05-2004, 10:11 AM
Not the intent of your question, but, four (4) cams from Crower: $1200.00!!!
Now back to your question.. I'm glad that most MM owners on this board know all about the DOHC modular V8...and when someone asks a rather simple question ,NO ONE jumps all over his/her case. I seldom do a $$ to HP evaluation because if I did my MM would still be BONE STOCK.
You are correct in pointing out that many of us, (me included) ONLY look at the cost of the parts. We all know that that is only half the equation. Just my :twocents:

09-05-2004, 10:25 AM
I think it largely depends on what your motives are for mentioning a mod, or announcing that you've purchased and performed one to your car. Some people just like to brag, others like to drum up biz for their buddies, or for their favorite vendors, while some people simply like to help out others w/decisions on their Marauders, and/or share w/them what an excellent difference certain mods made to their cars.

I believe that the people in the latter group will consider the fact that while some members of this board know a lot about cars as well as about their Marauders, there happen to also be a number of members here who really don't know all that much about cars, and some of them by their own admittence. So I believe that if you're in the latter group of people who mention modifications, or potential modifications, that you're going to be motivated to mention as many details as possible simply out of the motivation to genuinely help people. And if that is the case, then you won't get offended if you happen to leave out a detail or two unintentionally, and another member points it out to the person who asked the question in the first place who needs help.

09-05-2004, 10:50 AM
Ummm...I'm not sure you're understanding my query here, Billy. I'm not asking about motovation behind any particular post, I already presume that to be the sharing of information. Though you do bring up some stimulating thoughts about motovation, it's a whole 'nother topic.

No, I'm asking about how best to share the detail, which is why I fashioned the cam scenario. Please look at it again?

Thanks Joe, let's get the derailment out of the way early...LOL!

09-05-2004, 12:15 PM
Or, do I need to spell everything out, specifically, and with great detail?

Yes please. You must surely recognize many of us here possess limited to no mechanical and/or technical ability to fill in the gaps. Therefore there are two possible scenarios to consider when a respected member introduces a new mod:

Best case:
The respected member that offers up the new mod succinctly explains all features/costs/tradeoffs of it that is generally accepted as "good 411" by the masses. Others eventually start to post of repeatable experiences with it. We give it a mod buzzword that is universally recognized as being it. The originator will still have to maintain the lore behind it when we discuss it every two months with the newbies or when the manufacturer / distributor offers it as a group buy. Thus the cycle continues.

Worst case:
Anything left to conclusion or interpretation regarding it is dissected and debated until the respected member that offered up the new mod is able to regroup and attempts to salvage his or her original intent (getting out good 411). Meanwhile, others are quickly snapping up said items to be in on it also without knowing what it really involves.

Failing that whatever issue with it is quickly and satisfactorily resolved, the originator will have to take a break until the dust settles. The aftermath is that many of us will be in possession one (two or four, you pick) of said items posting amongst ourselves discussing its seat-of-the-pants improvement in attempt to find someone who finally figured out how to move it from the trunk forward and is willing to share. Eventually, after someone posts a few righteous burnout videos that redirects attention from it for a while, some figure it out, some try to sell it in the "Parts for Sale" forum or over at cvn, and some just hold onto it to see if it resurfaces again repackaged. Everyone stops talking about it unless someone takes a sharp stick to it then posts are quitely deleted.

Life in mm.net land is just that :loco:.

...oh yeah, :lol: ;) ;) :D

- JD

09-05-2004, 02:30 PM
Should I do some of your thinking for you and remind you that four cams come to 639.80? And when I do, can I call this a six hundred dollar mod? Or, should I express is as six hundred thirty-nine dollar and eighty cent mod? Or, is $639.80 the way to go?
I would have called it as "about $650 in parts not including S&H and Installation". Then, if someone wanted more detail you could fill 'em in with the specifics. That's my :twocents:

09-05-2004, 06:49 PM
If the amount in question is....

<$100, round to nearest $1
$100=><=$500, round to nearest $5
$500=><=$1000, round to nearest$10
$1000=><$5000, round to nearest $50
>$5000, round to nearest $100

I hope these simple guidlines are memorized by all, there WILL be a test at MV3.

These rules apply to most things, except, of sourse when discussing the prices of gasoline and other itesms where cents can add up fast.

09-05-2004, 06:51 PM
If the amount in question is....

<$100, round to nearest $1
$100=><=$500, round to nearest $5
$500=><=$1000, round to nearest$10
$1000=><$5000, round to nearest $50
>$5000, round to nearest $100

I hope these simple guidlines are memorized by all, there WILL be a test at MV3

Rick: Thanks for the input. I am told that you are almost as a bad a tipper as my Mom. Can I give you a tip caluclator to keep in your brief case?

09-05-2004, 07:47 PM
I'm a details kinda guy. The more info the better IMO.

09-05-2004, 08:49 PM
Being specific couldn't hurt Mac. Maybe with a disclaimer such as "Your actual results may vary"

Now about the Cam dilemma. Do we really need to replace all four? Couldn't we just replace two exhaust cams, or two intake cams?

09-06-2004, 02:37 PM
Thank you, J.D. for your thoughtful reply. Indeed, this is life on the MM.Net.

Being specific couldn't hurt Mac. Maybe with a disclaimer such as "Your actual results may vary" Now about the Cam dilemma. Do we really need to replace all four? Couldn't we just replace two exhaust cams, or two intake cams?
Looking over at the advice posted here, I'll have to make it a case by case decision. Sharing the 411 is always my premier intent, though sometimes others may looking at that through their own pastels of support for one specific vendor, or, simple "lookie what I done" bragging. My intent is one half the case, the reader's reception is the other. Over the past few days, I've seen examples of people reading right through a post, and responding with something exactly the opposite, as if they had never read the original post. Then there are the general and random butt-ins who just want to derail the train of thought. We learn to live with them, this too, is life on the MM.Net, yes?

09-06-2004, 03:12 PM
Best answer I can come up with:


09-06-2004, 04:34 PM
Sarge interesting questions, I hope that my reply is along the lines of what your query is about.

I like as much detail as possible about the results and I like to know what it cost, but it doesn't need to be exact. I like to know if it was self-installed or paid for; if so a ballpark figure on the install is helpful.

Now I wan't to discuss what I don't like: A member shares with us what he did and what it cost him, he is happy and feeling good....and some clown will inform him...he paid too much....you didn't gain as many horses as I did...I did less to my car and my car is faster than yours....this really makes me angry...this you don't do to a friend.

If you feel someone maybe did not get the best deal, contact him privately and offer constructive advice on how he may do better....don't put down or openly criticize someone's happy post on a mod. by making him feel like a jerk.

Sarge I may be ranting here or completely off base with your question, but it's what came to my mind.

09-06-2004, 06:49 PM
Looking over at the advice posted here, I'll have to make it a case by case decision. Sharing the 411 is always my premier intent, though sometimes others may looking at that through their own pastels of support for one specific vendor, or, simple "lookie what I done" bragging. My intent is one half the case, the reader's reception is the other. Over the past few days, I've seen examples of people reading right through a post, and responding with something exactly the opposite, as if they had never read the original post. Then there are the general and random butt-ins who just want to derail the train of thought. We learn to live with them, this too, is life on the MM.Net, yes?

Yes, agreed!

09-07-2004, 02:19 AM
Over the past few days, I've seen examples of people reading right through a post, and responding with something exactly the opposite, as if they had never read the original post. Then there are the general and random butt-ins who just want to derail the train of thought. We learn to live with them, this too, is life on the MM.Net, yes?

I couldn't agree more. And, sometimes we need to look within to see who is guilty of this.

09-07-2004, 02:27 AM
I couldn't agree more. And, sometimes we need to look within to see who is guilty of this.
:baaa: :baaa: :baaa: :bricks: :high5:

09-07-2004, 08:58 PM
Best answer I can come up with:


I've been thinking about this answer, and it's not bad.

Generalisations on price etc are probably fine. If a reader wants more info they can ask.

I still like the disclaimer idea too.

Your results may vary. This is posted for informational purposes only.
side effects may be, but are not limited to, migraine, severe stomach cramp, bloating, gaseous discharge, uncontrollable diarrhoea, and head scratching.

09-08-2004, 08:42 AM
wow 3 days out and not highjacked yet...

Well I don't think we need to say this mod fits the Marauder 4.6 DOHC,so far the active members on this board pretty much only talk about this car when we talk mods.Only when other engines,cars come up does that need to be explained.

Sometimes the fact the poster has other mods needs to be mentioned,ie;"with my xyz spit a lot the fungal bearings added 70 hp",without a spit alot you may not see any power gain,see what I meen?

Money wise,rounding is fine then maybe "with tax and shipping xxx".

If one gets the mod at a cut price that others can not receive don't quote that price.Also don't mention "I got free shipping".

Install price varies but on this piont we can help other modders bargin a fair price with a local installer,take gears I think we can all agree on a good average price for the install ,to help a member think about going to another shop.

I got this far then thought,"Do we NEED a format for posting about my latest mod?

No.Not really.

Mac you have a style to your post.
Zack has a posting style.

even I post a certain way,I'm just talking MOD post right now.

I like the many others of us that tend to do our own work,or direct the path of our mods,are easy to get a hold of with PM's or EMail and seem to be eager to help all with questions about any mod we have done.

So,do I have a closing thought?

Being the original"stock tell I die" guy,I say post your mod anyway you like pro,con,cost,whatever how ever you feel like doing so.

But keep that flame suit handy if you start bashing MY MODS!

09-08-2004, 08:58 AM
Well said, Lance, thank you.