View Full Version : Don't know if this...

09-05-2004, 04:20 PM
...affects anybody else, but I thought folks would like a heads-up anyway: All the STL L-M dealerships (and, for that matter, a lot of the other brands' dealerships) have closed their service departments. COMPLETELY. Seems the problem is that the local chapter of the International Machinists' Union has gone on strike, and the resultant action has closed out the ability of the dealers to provide service. This problem has apparently been going on since the first of August, but I didn't really pay much attention to it until I tried to get mine in for service this last week...got turned away. Had to take it across the river to Columbia Riverview Ford-Mercury (not a typo) for some work...and they balked at changing out my OP gauge.

Thus far, this seems to be a localized incident, but like I said, y'all may want to look around and make sure that you've got somewhere to go for warranty issues and the like. I personally am disappointed, because I'd gone to some pretty fair lengths to build up good dealer rapport, and was going to get my OP gauge "fixed" (got the real Autometer piece waiting for a day when I can go get it done).

An article in the local paper says that it looks like the strike could go one until Christmas...not a good thought. Seems the main issue is over the hiring of mechanic's helpers; the unions want a cap, the STLADA doesn't. Or something like that.

UAW588, you out there? I was hoping you might'a heard something.... :(