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09-09-2004, 03:55 PM
Copy and paste of an article I just read refuting the "sky is falling" argument.

Thursday, September 09, 2004
By Steven Milloy

It's been a disappointing summer for global warming alarmists.

Hollywood, Mother Nature and the media just haven't cooperated. Even with the unusual situation of two successive hurricanes pounding Florida and another bearing down imminently, global warming hysteria seems to be on ice for now.

The summer began with so much promise for the climate control crowd with the release of the global warming disaster movie, "The Day After Tomorrow." While the movie made plenty of money, global warming activists wanted much more than that. They hoped the movie would foment global warming hysteria in the same way that "The China Syndrome" and "Silkwood" contributed to public sentiment against nuclear power plants.

Instead, the movie was so over-the-top with implausible weather phenomena that no one — not even the usually global warming-sympathetic media — took it seriously. Then, unlike the movie, the real "day after tomorrow" turned out to be pretty nice.

Across the U.S., summer temperatures were cooler than normal. Aberdeen, S.D., experienced its coolest August in 115 years with an average temperature seven degrees below normal (63.4 vs. 70.5).

Michigan officials attribute a dip in visits to state parks and other outdoor attractions to cooler weather.

"The water temperature along the [Lake Michigan] beach usually is in the 60s from Memorial Day to Labor Day, reaching the low 70s during the hottest days of July and August. Except for a few days in early July and again in mid-August, the water temperature never reached 70 this year," a Michigan official told The Associate Press.

Portland, Maine's high temperature of 82 degrees in July was the coldest high temperature ever recorded for the month, and the average daily high was four degrees below normal at 74.6 degrees.

An apparent heat wave in Monterey, Calif., this week "is actually fairly typical, it just seems to stand out because we've had a particularly cool summer so far," a National Weather Service spokesperson told the Monterey County Herald.

It's hard to get people worked up about "global warming" when it's too cool to get in the pool.

The final indignity of this summer forced upon the global warmers came this week with media reports on Hurricanes Charley, Frances and the coming Ivan. Though stronger, more frequent hurricanes are the sort of severe weather that activists want us to believe are attributable to global warming, meteorologists and the media just aren't cooperating.

The Miami Herald interviewed National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meteorologist Stanley Goldenberg and reported on Sept. 8: "Research Goldenberg conducted with NOAA scientist Chris Landsea, private expert William Gray and others found distinct patterns of low-activity hurricane periods and high-activity periods, each of which endured for decades. These patterns, unrelated to the current concern over global warming, are caused by regular cycles of oceanic and atmospheric phenomena, such as unusually warm water in hurricane breeding grounds."

The New York Times reported on Sept. 5: "Global warming is not a significant factor in this year's storminess, experts said. While some climate models predict that warming might eventually mean somewhat stronger hurricanes, that effect is expected to be very small compared to the natural hurricane cycle."

The Washington Post began a Sept. 3 article with, "Bad luck, not global warming, is the best explanation for the arrival of two severe hurricanes on the Florida peninsula in three weeks, several experts said yesterday."

These reports must be particularly bitter pills to swallow for the activists since the Times, Post and Herald don't typically pass up opportunities to promote the agenda of global warmers. As the summer fades into fall, so too will fade the season for global warming polemics.

09-09-2004, 04:11 PM
a coming ICE AGE...

or (GOD forbid)
unless we stop driving our "gas guzzling V-8s"
there could be a runaway greenhouse effect

let's see...

we are "running out of oil"
(50+ years left)

our fossil fuels (coal and oil) are emitting

our body shops and painters are emitting
VOCs (volatile organic compounds)

and oh yeah
"The sky is falling!"

all this hysteria
the EARTH is NOT the non-resilient place the
environmental WACKOS want us to think it is

The ONLY REAL catastrophies are the
running for President and Vice-President
in the Democratic Party

P.S. Did you hear Al Gore disrespect ALL CHRISTIANS (?)
When he said "President Bush's religion is much like the
foundations of the fundamentalist Muslim terrorists"?
See Shaun Hannity on Fox News if you don't believe me...

P.S. II Ambassador (and Harvard Ph.D.) Alan Keyes is a genius
but the liberal media is always misquoting him out of context...
He stated that Barack Obama would not have been voted for
by Jesus CHRIST...he was referring to Obama's votes (representing
3% of the politicians voting Obama's way)...

Obama voted to allow babies (unborn children/"fetuses") in
botched abortions - BORN ALIVE - to be put aside to die with
no medical care and no rights, because they aren't human/people.

P.S. III That + gay marriage is why I will NEVER vote democrat again...


UAW 588
09-09-2004, 04:18 PM
Good, maybe we can get some decent snow for a change here in Chicago. Because I'm tired of my snowmobiles collecting dust.

09-09-2004, 05:06 PM
As was said in Black Hawk Down...Hoo ah!

09-09-2004, 05:08 PM
All I gotta say is this earth came OUT of an ice age well before anyone turned the key on any auto. So to chicken little I say; chew on that.

09-09-2004, 05:38 PM
Last year my average beer was consumed at an average temperature of 40 degrees farenheit, this year the average has been about 37 degrees....life is good.:beer:

Dr Caleb
09-10-2004, 07:52 AM
Yea. Global warming. uh huuuh. It feels like winter here. I guess the 5 cm of SNOW that fell over night is the first sign of the warming, right?

Being in the profession I'm in I always look for the simplest explanation. Too many cows farting just doesn't add up for me. With all the recent solar activity, I'm on the side of the fence that says the sun is getting hotter. Now, try to fix that.

"...yes Mr President, we're going to need a really big ice cube, about the size of Jupiter . ." NASA official.

09-10-2004, 07:21 PM
This is what I heard on the radio but you won't hear anywhere else, especially from the left media.
NASA, which measures everything on the globe that has a temperature, has been keeping track of the the temp. of the Sun. Guess what they discovered? The Sun has actually been hotter lately. That put all of the global warming lunatics in a frenzy. They still don't understand the premise of a hotter Sun equals a hotter earth.
I am sure they will have a crazy explanation for this.

09-10-2004, 07:50 PM
In the early 70's the eco-loonies were predicting a coming ice-age! Their only core belief is that America and that evil economic system called "capitalism" will destroy us all. They will change their approach as needed, but the message remains the same: American consumerism will kill our planet. "The Day After Tomorrow" has as much to do with reality as "The Planet Of The Apes".

09-10-2004, 07:51 PM
The Sun has actually been hotter lately.

That and I forgot the moon is moving away from us at 1/2 foot per year. This place is crazy.

Here's a good sun LINKY (http://www.columbia.edu/~ah297/unesa/sun/sun-chapter5.html). Our sun is middle aged...wonder what car it would buy if it could?

09-10-2004, 08:16 PM
[QUOTE=rookie1]Copy and paste of an article I just read refuting the "sky is falling" argument.

Global warming is real, check out pictures of Mendenhall Glacier near Juneau 50 years ago compared to now. The people in Alaska simply say we don't know why, but this glacier is shrinking. The whys have seemed to have become political and in the current political situation nothing is going to change that very soon. Based on visible smog where I grew up, plenty now, none in the fifties, there seems to be some human impact on our environment. This may all be due to natural occurring phonomena, but whatever the cause, something is happening.

09-11-2004, 04:23 AM
The only constant is that there is no constant.

One volcano errupting can emit more air pollution than all of mankind since 1900. I realize we cannot stop volcanos from errupting, but our long term impact, i.e our "power over the earth", on the earth is much less than we think it is.

I keep hearing the alarmists beating the drums about water shortages. Where do they think the water goes? It does not cease to exists.

It is not being shipped off to another solar system.

Eventually the water will end up right back where it originally came from.

We have seen through out the history of mankind the use of the "big lie" to instill "fear" to enable certain small groups to obtain and exercise power over large groups of people.

See thru the lies and do not hesitate to call :bs:

I regulary attend industry association meetings wherein elected officials speak. These elected officials are always talking about budget cuts. It is interesting in that they never show the line item previous fiscal year vs new fiscal year. Why because there is no budget cut, every item is increased by more than the CPI.

I regularly call them out by doing some simple math and asking simple questions during the questioning period. You should see the look of hate on their faces when I get them to admit there is no budget cut.

09-11-2004, 04:32 AM
Well I know you have heard me say it before there are no budget cuts!

I now have proof. I attended a luncheon where the speaker was Dr._____, top County School Administrator. Dr. _______ handed out a 3 page list of “ line item budge cuts with the emphasis on a 3 year total savings of $16.5 milion!

My first comment was “budget cuts” with out expenditures are meaningless.

Frankly Dr. ______ was impressive and has a plan. Dr. ______ is a dynamo and has my support, but she is a liar and a deceiver!

I posed the following questions and got the answers;

1) What was enrollment of the past & projected? 49,300 and projected 48,300.

2) What was the budget of the past & projected? $287 million and projected $296 million.

How is going from $287 million to $296 million a “budget cut”? Answer it is not, they are liars and deceivers!

The per student expenditure has gone from $5,821 to $6,128 or an increase of 5.3%! Inflation is less than 3.0%.

90% of Parochiacl Schools are $2,500 per student.

What is disturbing to me is over the course of a month I review over 30 different sources of “news”, ranging from the ACLU to the NRA and no where am I seeing where the previous years budget versus the coming years budget are being stated. Why because all they are stating are the budget cuts when in fact the budgets are increasing.

All political parties are actively participating in this massive fraud of “budget cuts”. This is extremely disturbing to me!


The above was in November. The ballot to raise property taxes passed. The scholl system is now running a $40 million surplus. The voters were successfully deceived.

09-11-2004, 07:05 AM
Last year my average beer was consumed at an average temperature of 40 degrees farenheit, this year the average has been about 37 degrees....life is good.:beer:
Spoken like a true MM owner, with his "fingers on the pulse" of our community. Bravo, Javier, bravo.

09-11-2004, 08:08 PM
Copy and paste of an article I just read refuting the "sky is falling" argument.

Thursday, September 09, 2004
By Steven Milloy

It's been a disappointing summer for global warming alarmists....

Thanks for the post! The statistically and mathematically challenged left has been blowing this type of smoke for way too long. Many facts and scientists refute global warming predictions.

I think they just want us to all fear the future like they do.

LCpl Retired
09-13-2004, 05:29 AM
That liberal rag National Geographic had a fairly comprehensive article on Global Warming last month.

09-13-2004, 07:08 AM
That liberal rag National Geographic had a fairly comprehensive article on Global Warming last month.

We cancelled our 20 year subscription last year. It was starting to sound more and more like a Greenpeace magazine than an unbiased, balanced scientific journal. We have made tremendous progress in cleaning up our corner of the world, but environmental groups and lately NG never acknowledge any of it.

The clincher for cancelling was their silent decision to cut article space and boost advertising space (now approaching 20% of the magazine).

09-13-2004, 07:40 AM
Well I know you have heard me say it before there are no budget cuts!
First, you have to understand the vocabulary of "Budget Cuts". Generally, they are just reductions in planned spending. It kinda works like this ... I was planning to buy a Ford GT at $150,000; but I cut my spending and bought a $30,000 Marauder. It is really great that I was able to save $120,000. Now, I can go get that boat that I have been looking at and have enough left over for slip fees and gas for a year. :neener:

09-13-2004, 01:04 PM
Their's that ( all of the above ) and then their's this on Ozone--http://educate-yourself.org/ozone , while it does irritate the lungs it can be benificial in other ways not publicized.

09-15-2004, 09:17 AM
It's cooler? Dam*, someone should have told us down here in S FL. I feel better now. Sure has been a bit windier though.

But then as we all know, IT'S CLINTON'S FAULT!!:nono:
