View Full Version : I Haven't Been Around Much, I've Been...

09-13-2004, 07:27 PM
At school, at dance, in Georgia, doing homework, out with friends occasionally. Well here's an update or two.

•Georgia is a way cool state, I want to move there. Mackie and I had an amazing time.
•My dad may very well buy a Mustang Cobra next weekend...the minivan will be on loan to me.
•Algebra II is a little tough, Keyboarding is a waste of my time, as is Art III. Geometry and Chemistry are a breeze and I'm blasting through them...as is English III. Keyboarding turns into Basic Computer Application next semester.

Not too much else is new I guess...just things keeping my butt busy!!!:2thumbs:
I check into the site in the morning and see what's up though. Always looking great ya'll:)

09-13-2004, 07:42 PM
You were gone James? :confused:

09-13-2004, 07:52 PM
I've gone from being here all the time and posting all the time to looking occasionally duh.

Donny Carlson
09-13-2004, 07:56 PM
You were gone James? :confused:
Time for a trip to Walgreens..


09-13-2004, 08:25 PM
...the minivan will be on loan to me.????

Keep the mercury:):):)

09-14-2004, 12:15 AM
I know exactly what you mean Jimmy, about Algebra. Math was always a breeze to me. It was the only subect I excelled in since it was the only one that really interested me. I used to laugh when I saw so many of the girls who were always prim and proper in every way, and got straight A's in every subject, except for math. They had such a tough time grasping it. And they were so used to being at the head of the class, and their mouths would hang open with amazement when the teach would call on them for an answer, and they got it wrong, and then I would raise my hand, and give the right answer. :neener:

And Geometry was my absolute favorite part of math. I was always good w/angles and shapes (I think it's a guy thang) (LOL).......but when I began taking Algebra, all of a sudden, for the first time in my entire life, math became work to me. I couldn't believe it!!! I actually was a mere mortal in the math class like everyone else!!!!! And I just wasn't used to that. It threw me for a loop. The one thing I then noticed about Algebra, is much of it is simply about memory capacity. You are learning so many new things in Algebra each and every day, that your memory becomes challenged, unlike any other math that I've taken. And because of the fast pace of learning that Algebra entails, if you miss a couple classes in a row, you're so far behind that it can take weeks to catch up again w/the rest of the class. Algebra takes some serious discipline, and consistency. More so than any other type of math that I've experienced.But you just need to recognize that, and increae your intensity accordingly. There can be no let-up with Algebra, and don't even think about ariving at class tired, or not well rested from the night before, cuz it takes some high octane concenrtration on your part to kram all that new stuff that you're bombarded with in every class. Hang in there dude!!!!

09-16-2004, 05:35 PM
Good news in Alegebra, I'm getting it.

09-16-2004, 06:10 PM
Welcome back James. Having fun in Public School? :lol:

09-16-2004, 06:49 PM
...Algebra II is a little tough...

Just wait until Differential Equations and Linear Algebra.

09-16-2004, 07:15 PM
Don't get me wrong, I honestly enjoy it and often wish I didn't have to go to keyboarding and art afterwards...I just wish I had a slightly better grasp on it. But I'm getting there!

Yes...I'm enjoying public school A LOT! Doug says I can't drive his Cobra to homecoming though...it'll be "Too new."

Oh well...I'll learn some stick on it when he's in the car! Oh boy!

Just wait until Differential Equations and Linear Algebra.

09-16-2004, 07:18 PM
Don't get me wrong, I honestly enjoy it and often wish I didn't have to go to keyboarding and art afterwards...I just wish I had a slightly better grasp on it. But I'm getting there!

Yes...I'm enjoying public school A LOT! Doug says I can't drive his Cobra to homecoming though...it'll be "Too new."

Oh well...I'll learn some stick on it when he's in the car! Oh boy!

If you need any Algebra help after hours, just give me a shout and I'll do what I can.

09-16-2004, 07:58 PM
I'll let you know, usually if my dad is home I go to him...that 800 in the SAT math scoring :censored: