View Full Version : Peace March & Memorial for war Casulties

Bradley G
09-19-2004, 06:38 PM
:cuke: Today I Participated in a Peace March for our soldiers who gave thier life for us.It was in my town of Barrington Il.We gathered Downtown,over 1000 each carrying a soldiers name Printed on a large Card and A large Lilly flower.We followed a horse drawn carriage towing a casket.through the streets of barrington to the new memorial park .A few of the Soldiers mothers spoke of how unfair this war is .It was quite an experience to say the least.The local TV networks were there all of them 2 5 7 9 .I learned a lot and it was very emotional.I feel the need to do something for the right reasons !I need to participate when it may not be popular.

09-19-2004, 06:43 PM
Let me know when you find a war that soldiers mothers dont call "unfair."

09-19-2004, 06:55 PM
our soldiers...

I pray for them...

I thank them everyday for fighting for freedom and giving their lives.
I call them heroes and treat them with the utmost respect...

I am sorry but it sounds like the conservative town of Barrington, Illinois
was exploited for an anti-President Bush rally...

A peace rally is fine, but in time of war, when OUR SOIL was attacked,
to exploit the feelings of those that gave EVERYTHING in an obviously political rally is ALMOST like giving support to the enemies causes...

I could be very wrong about this, but I bet real money that this was NOT JUST a memorial, for those men will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN...how many Kerry/Edwards signs were present? be honest
I suspect that the motivation for this display was not just a memorial

This is exploitation and a VERY political thing, I think. I could be wrong.
forgive me if I hurt anyone's feelings who lost someone to this was
but I feel I have the right to speak as I lost an uncle there six months ago
and this is what he would want me to say

support the troops
there will be time for protests and hindsight second thoughts
when everyone comes home safely

honor them
remember them
for they gave and risked their lives for people they did not know
for a cause few can fully understand
they are the red in the flag of the United States
for their blood is spilled for the liberty of others

09-19-2004, 07:02 PM
Thanks for the fine thoughts about our troops folks, but let us leave comments about either of the parties running for office out of this, it is about honoring those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom, not about a political agenda,, Thanks

09-19-2004, 07:37 PM
help our war efforts...

NOONE wants one death
we will NEVER forget their contributions and their sacrifices

but I am going to argue that "peace rallies" of this type
are counter-productive to our efforts

We can not show weakness, for the enemies only understand
brute force.

Many families will have political opinions about the war
but in memories of thise who gave EVERYTHING for the cause
the time for second guessing is after everyone is safely home.

09-19-2004, 08:01 PM
I am Impressed With Your Comments mmmmmmauder. I Agree.

09-19-2004, 08:19 PM
:cuke: Today I Participated in a Peace March for our soldiers who gave thier life for us.It was in my town of Barrington Il.We gathered Downtown,over 1000 each carrying a soldiers name Printed on a large Card and A large Lilly flower.We followed a horse drawn carriage towing a casket.through the streets of barrington to the new memorial park .A few of the Soldiers mothers spoke of how unfair this war is .It was quite an experience to say the least.The local TV networks were there all of them 2 5 7 9 .I learned a lot and it was very emotional.I feel the need to do something for the right reasons !I need to participate when it may not be popular.

Wish I could have been their with you, we did the same back in 71-73 to get our guy's home!
For more on this go here----http://costofwar.com

Eisienhower said it best.........

09-19-2004, 08:39 PM
Thanks for the fine thoughts about our troops folks, but let us leave comments about either of the parties running for office out of this, it is about honoring those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom, not about a political agenda,, ThanksEven if that's true, it sounds like it was turned into a political agenda by the press. And chances are that somebody who was involved w/this march had called the press ahead of time to inform them of the event, knowing that it would be exploited for political reasons,and that's just tastless. That's why I also agree w/what hdwrench posted, and w/what mmmmmmarauder posted as well. No offence Brad.

Bradley G
09-19-2004, 08:52 PM
no signs (except a few pro war)no rah rah nothing mentioned about politics, except accountibility from both parties (to come up with a plan to end his vietnam II).Don't be to sure of safe zone.Your hearts may have been opened.
our soldiers...

I pray for them...

I thank them everyday for fighting for freedom and giving their lives.
I call them heroes and treat them with the utmost respect...

I am sorry but it sounds like the conservative town of Barrington, Illinois
was exploited for an anti-President Bush rally...

A peace rally is fine, but in time of war, when OUR SOIL was attacked,
to exploit the feelings of those that gave EVERYTHING in an obviously political rally is ALMOST like giving support to the enemies causes...

I could be very wrong about this, but I bet real money that this was NOT JUST a memorial, for those men will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN...how many Kerry/Edwards signs were present? be honest
I suspect that the motivation for this display was not just a memorial

This is exploitation and a VERY political thing, I think. I could be wrong.
forgive me if I hurt anyone's feelings who lost someone to this was
but I feel I have the right to speak as I lost an uncle there six months ago
and this is what he would want me to say

support the troops
there will be time for protests and hindsight second thoughts
when everyone comes home safely

honor them
remember them
for they gave and risked their lives for people they did not know
for a cause few can fully understand
they are the red in the flag of the United States
for their blood is spilled for the liberty of others

09-20-2004, 07:46 AM
No matter how well meaning the intentions of those peace marchers might have been, you can bet on at least three things:
1. Certain political candidates will use that march as a sign of political opposition to the party in power. Like it or not, it becomes a political, electoral statement no matter what you intended.
2. Our troops overseas will see those images. Instead of seeing Americans back home supporting their work and sacrifice, they see Americans saying that we shouldn't be there in the first place. In other words, "Troops, what you are doing over there is wrong." This is a guaranteed way of damaging the morale of troops in combat who need all of the morale boosters they can get.
3. Possibly most important, our enemies see those images. The enemy sees images of a divided America, with some of us willing to support the fight against evil, and some of us unwilling to support it. This puts heart into our enemies when our troops are working to break their will.

I'm not saying that anyone in these type of marches intends for any of this to happen, but the fact is, our actions can have serious consequences, whether we intend them or not.

2003 MIB
09-20-2004, 07:51 AM
No matter how well meaning the intentions of those peace marchers might have been, you can bet on at least three things:
1. Certain political candidates will use that march as a sign of political opposition to the party in power. Like it or not, it becomes a political, electoral statement no matter what you intended.
2. Our troops overseas will see those images. Instead of seeing Americans back home supporting their work and sacrifice, they see Americans saying that we shouldn't be there in the first place. In other words, "Troops, what you are doing over there is wrong." This is a guaranteed way of damaging the morale of troops in combat who need all of the morale boosters they can get.
3. Possibly most important, our enemies see those images. The enemy sees images of a divided America, with some of us willing to support the fight against evil, and some of us unwilling to support it. This puts heart into our enemies when our troops are working to break their will.

I'm not saying that anyone in these type of marches intends for any of this to happen, but the fact is, our actions can have serious consequences, whether we intend them or not.
Nothing to add this insightful post. Just thought it was worth repeating.

09-20-2004, 08:00 AM
I think our troops are smart enough to tell the difference between a peace march and a protest against them.

I know this will probably start another closed thread, but the "attack on our soil" had nothing whatsoever to do with the major part of our current war. I'm not saying it's misplaced, but the two don't go together.

I'm leaving my views of the war out of this, as I don't think they are relevant in this forum. I'm just going for honesty here. I think it's very possible to have a peace march and to support our troops, republican, democrat, or whatever.

It doesn't *HAVE* to be a political agenda. Both sides will undoubtedly use it, but that doesn't mean that's what it was intended for.


09-20-2004, 08:06 AM
Well said.

I think our troops are smart enough to tell the difference between a peace march and a protest against them.

I know this will probably start another closed thread, but the "attack on our soil" had nothing whatsoever to do with the major part of our current war. I'm not saying it's misplaced, but the two don't go together.

I'm leaving my views of the war out of this, as I don't think they are relevant in this forum. I'm just going for honesty here. I think it's very possible to have a peace march and to support our troops, republican, democrat, or whatever.

It doesn't *HAVE* to be a political agenda. Both sides will undoubtedly use it, but that doesn't mean that's what it was intended for.


09-20-2004, 08:17 AM
I think our troops are smart enough to tell the difference between a peace march and a protest against them.

I know this will probably start another closed thread, but the "attack on our soil" had nothing whatsoever to do with the major part of our current war. I'm not saying it's misplaced, but the two don't go together.

I'm leaving my views of the war out of this, as I don't think they are relevant in this forum. I'm just going for honesty here. I think it's very possible to have a peace march and to support our troops, republican, democrat, or whatever.

It doesn't *HAVE* to be a political agenda. Both sides will undoubtedly use it, but that doesn't mean that's what it was intended for.



09-20-2004, 08:22 AM
but the fact is, our actions can have serious consequences, whether we intend them or not.[/QUOTE]

I could not agree with you more, go here--http://costofwar.com

09-20-2004, 09:02 AM
Well said.
:2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs:

09-20-2004, 01:37 PM
No matter how well meaning the intentions of those peace marchers might have been, you can bet on at least three things:
1. Certain political candidates will use that march as a sign of political opposition to the party in power. Like it or not, it becomes a political, electoral statement no matter what you intended.
2. Our troops overseas will see those images. Instead of seeing Americans back home supporting their work and sacrifice, they see Americans saying that we shouldn't be there in the first place. In other words, "Troops, what you are doing over there is wrong." This is a guaranteed way of damaging the morale of troops in combat who need all of the morale boosters they can get.
3. Possibly most important, our enemies see those images. The enemy sees images of a divided America, with some of us willing to support the fight against evil, and some of us unwilling to support it. This puts heart into our enemies when our troops are working to break their will.

I'm not saying that anyone in these type of marches intends for any of this to happen, but the fact is, our actions can have serious consequences, whether we intend them or not.
Ross and mmmmmmarauder have hit the nail on the head on this one. The proper timing of such a march would have been on Memorial Day or on Veteran's Day if the true reason was to mourn the losses of our servicemen and women. We should do everything possible to make sure our troops have the equipment, funding and support to bring this effort to a successful end for both us and the Iraqi people. Anything less demonstates weakness and a lack of resolve on the part of the US -- and that translates into more body bags at Dover. My wife is the mother of a soldier and she understands this completely.

09-20-2004, 02:33 PM
Mmmmmmarauder and Ross are right on this one- this is not the time or place for this type of march.........maybe France would be a better place!

09-20-2004, 03:57 PM
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...

Its amazing how people who weren't even in attendance can draw such concrete conclusions about an event. Sometimes the message isn't in the white space between the lines of text. Think about it.

09-20-2004, 04:19 PM
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
Yeah right, so let's have a big group hug :hug2: so we all feel real good and light up that cigar .............. :cowboy:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

09-20-2004, 06:15 PM
Appeasement policies and Peace movements have lead to tens of millions being murdered by black hearted despots through out the history of mankind.

The only ones that are influenced by such movements are those that would stand and watch their neighbor being murdered.

Leason being evil prospers when good men do nothing.

Why were there no such activities while we were in Bosnia, excuse me we are still there, or while Saddam was gasing the Kurds?

09-20-2004, 06:29 PM
Appeasement policies and Peace movements have lead to tens of millions being murdered by black hearted despots through out the history of mankind.

The only ones that are influenced by such movements are those that would stand and watch their neighbor being murdered.

Leason being evil prospers when good men do nothing.

Why were there no such activities while we were in Bosnia, excuse me we are still there, or while Saddam was gasing the Kurds?

Now thiers something to think about!!! Very good point!

09-20-2004, 06:34 PM
Gee, thanks for pulling a John Kerry/Jane Fonda move. Do you want to show support for the troops? Then join a Family Support Group at your local National Guard Armory or Army Reserve Center. You have politicized the death of 1000 troops just as the DNC and Kerry/Edwards have. They celebrated the day that 1000 was announced.
The news media has a feast when events like this are conducted. NO DOUBT that it was politically motivated and will be used by our enemies to try and demoralize our troops, just as they did during Vietnam. Coincidence? NO! As one who has 30 plus years of service and has been informed that I might be sent over to do my job, I only wish that people like you understood the evil that we face today from our enemies.
Am I on a rant? You bet! Our enemies laugh at people like you. They call you "soft" because they realize that you do not have the stomach to fight for what is right.
No need for you to worry though. We will preserve your freedom and right to be wrong!

09-20-2004, 07:14 PM
Gee, thanks for pulling a John Kerry/Jane Fonda move. Do you want to show support for the troops? Then join a Family Support Group at your local National Guard Armory or Army Reserve Center. You have politicized the death of 1000 troops just as the DNC and Kerry/Edwards have. They celebrated the day that 1000 was announced.
The news media has a feast when events like this are conducted. NO DOUBT that it was politically motivated and will be used by our enemies to try and demoralize our troops, just as they did during Vietnam. Coincidence? NO! As one who has 30 plus years of service and has been informed that I might be sent over to do my job, I only wish that people like you understood the evil that we face today from our enemies.
Am I on a rant? You bet! Our enemies laugh at people like you. They call you "soft" because they realize that you do not have the stomach to fight for what is right.
No need for you to worry though. We will preserve your freedom and right to be wrong!

Robb1559.........I sure wish there were more of you when I was in Vietnam and after I returned.Thanks for your service!!!
I still won't pay for anything that supports Jane Fonda and her type.

09-20-2004, 07:20 PM

Thank you!!!!! :flag: :bows:

09-21-2004, 04:51 AM
our soldiers...

I pray for them...

>I thank them everyday for fighting for freedom and giving >their lives.
>I call them heroes and treat them with the utmost >respect...

Me too!

> A peace rally is fine, but in time of war, when OUR SOIL >was attacked,

Iraq had nothing to do with the attack on our soil.

>to exploit the feelings of those that gave EVERYTHING in >an obviously political rally is ALMOST like giving support >to the enemies causes...

And Attacking Iraq was acting like the enemy.

>support the troops
>there will be time for protests and hindsight second >thoughts
>when everyone comes home safely

I don't believe that expressing an opinion a about Iraq constitutes a lack of support for our troops.

>honor them
>remember them
>for they gave and risked their lives for people they did not >know
>for a cause few can fully understand
>they are the red in the flag of the United States
>for their blood is spilled for the liberty of othersBut maybe it shouldn't have been that way.
