View Full Version : Request from Iraq

09-24-2004, 08:18 AM
As you probably have read my job mainly consists of civil affairs in 2 rural districts outside of Kirkuk. The people I represent are very poor and even though they don't try very hard to correct this situation, their children are caught in the crossfire despite their innocence.

I know this is asking a lot, but if anyone has any extra childrens clothing, old toys, or school supplies that they wouldn't mind sending across the globe, I would very much appreciate it. These children literally have nothing and their parents aren't exactly on the fast track to providing for them. I can spend hours with the elders of a village and make little headway but if I have provided for the children of their village, they are much more willing to help point out the guy with the RPGs or the brothers that have been trafficking weapons and kidnap victims. In exchange I would love to share with you pictures of the children after receiving even the most ridiculous McDonalds happy meal toy. And most of their attire resemble the late eighties and early nineties fashion so any and all clothing is much appreciated. Even old shoes, if you have some lying around.
The address is
Clay Daniels
C co 1/27 2nd BCT
APO AE 09347-9998

My thought is that maybe when these kids grow up they remember the American soldiers that played soccer with them and handed out toys and food. So they don't continue to attack our nation like their idiot parents.

Thanks guys, and if I've violated any forum rules with this post I apologize.

See you all soon.

09-24-2004, 08:34 AM
I think this is a wonderful idea, Clay! Over a year ago we did organized mailings to one of our deployed members. I can dig out and update the mailing requirements.

I might suggest as local groups get together, pool your contributions into small mailing boxes (Priority boxes at the PO are free) and pick up the Customs Form 2976A at the PO. Postage is charged by weight, domestic Priority rate.

I'll post more details after I review any updates in overseas military mail.

Thank you Clay and be well!<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600">

09-24-2004, 09:04 AM
Clay, we are having a CAM Meet tomorrow I will ask the members there if they will be willing to participate in your worthy cause. The children are always getting the bum deal when this happens and are the future of any country. God Bless you and your fellow soldiers for starting this.

09-24-2004, 09:09 AM

Don't ever apologize for the good work you're doing and trying to do, I'll support ya in any way I can. In fact, I'll box up and send a bunch of toddler clothes and toys this weekend. I imagine I'll feel better about them being appreciated by kids in Iraq than getting a couple bucks for them in a garage sale.

Also feel free to post pictures up on this site as you see fit, either in the gallery on in the threads.

Let me know if there's anything else, technically you need.

09-24-2004, 10:08 AM

09-24-2004, 12:23 PM
As you probably have read my job mainly consists of civil affairs in 2 rural districts outside of Kirkuk. The people I represent are very poor and even though they don't try very hard to correct this situation, their children are caught in the crossfire despite their innocence.

I know this is asking a lot, but if anyone has any extra childrens clothing, old toys, or school supplies that they wouldn't mind sending across the globe, I would very much appreciate it. These children literally have nothing and their parents aren't exactly on the fast track to providing for them. I can spend hours with the elders of a village and make little headway but if I have provided for the children of their village, they are much more willing to help point out the guy with the RPGs or the brothers that have been trafficking weapons and kidnap victims. In exchange I would love to share with you pictures of the children after receiving even the most ridiculous McDonalds happy meal toy. And most of their attire resemble the late eighties and early nineties fashion so any and all clothing is much appreciated. Even old shoes, if you have some lying around.
The address is
Clay Daniels
C co 1/27 2nd BCT
APO AE 09347-9998

My thought is that maybe when these kids grow up they remember the American soldiers that played soccer with them and handed out toys and food. So they don't continue to attack our nation like their idiot parents.

Thanks guys, and if I've violated any forum rules with this post I apologize.

See you all soon.

If we send them now they will be their by X-mas, so say's the news up here in Mich.

09-24-2004, 12:52 PM

You can count on MartyO and I to send along a package.

Note to MartyO: See I told you that all my shopping was for a good cause, well at least now it is.

Mary - I'll look forward to any updates you have on overseas military mail.

Mike Poore
09-24-2004, 02:03 PM
Clay, thanks for giving us the opportunity to help. As soon as we get the info from Mary, you can expect our contributions. God bless you.:2thumbs: :grouphug:

09-24-2004, 09:24 PM
Besides extra childrens clothing, old toys, or school supplies (paper, coloring books, crayons, pencils, sharpeners, markers), items that are acceptable for shipment include hard candy, gum, granola bars, fruit bars, lollipops, handi-wipes, Sports stuff (baseballs, footballs, old gloves, frisbees...) and Beanie Babies. Wrap well, pack the box/package full and don't send anything fragile.

Don't forget to send a little something for Clay, too! :up:

Restrictions for Zip Code 09347



Mike Poore
09-25-2004, 04:15 AM

Bless you, Mary.:lovies:

09-25-2004, 12:48 PM
Hey guys, thanks for such a positive response already. Another thing that has proven successful is a company donating some of their products in exchange for a picture of a village worth of children wearing the company t-shirt, or posing with the items in front of a company banner. After which we return the banner. Doing it with soccer balls now, I assume anything'll work. I don't have anything specific in mind, I'm just putting it out there. One of those things that gives the higher ups something to show off and the children end up benefitting from it. Anything, really is helpful. I didn't real have an idea of poverty until I saw it here first hand, so I'm trying to help as best we can. Thanks so much for all your help.

09-25-2004, 01:13 PM
Clay, we are having a CAM Meet tomorrow I will ask the members there if they will be willing to participate in your worthy cause. The children are always getting the bum deal when this happens and are the future of any country. God Bless you and your fellow soldiers for starting this.Haggis,
I couldn't make the CAM trip to PA but I look forward to contributing to this effort. I was just on line buying Christmas gifts for my nephews and grandson. Many of us buy extra every year for the Marine's "toys for tots", I'be happy to contribute to "Clay's Kids".

Thanks for looking out for the children!

09-25-2004, 03:45 PM
Hey guys, thanks for such a positive response already. Another thing that has proven successful is a company donating some of their products in exchange for a picture of a village worth of children wearing the company t-shirt, or posing with the items in front of a company banner. After which we return the banner. Doing it with soccer balls now, I assume anything'll work. I don't have anything specific in mind, I'm just putting it out there. One of those things that gives the higher ups something to show off and the children end up benefitting from it. Anything, really is helpful. I didn't real have an idea of poverty until I saw it here first hand, so I'm trying to help as best we can. Thanks so much for all your help.That's a really neat idea. I like that! Hmmmm....

09-27-2004, 03:32 PM
That's a really neat idea. I like that! Hmmmm....
I thought you sold out of MMville II tshirts....

09-28-2004, 07:03 AM
Lots of stuff from us is on the way. With 2 girls that seem to be growing by the minute, we have lots of stuff that could be put to good use over there. Hope my small part helps.

09-28-2004, 07:53 AM
At our Saturday night Cruise-in I talked to the Commander of the local American Legion and told him of your request Clay. He asked me to get him the information and he would bring it up at their next meeting.

As for the Capitol Area Marauders I did mentioned the Thread and asked people if they would donate to the kids, but with everything going on I didn't get to pursue it like I wanted to. I am going to start collecting clothing and toys and have it sent to Clay once a box fills up and send it as a donation from the Capitol Area Marauders. I ask that we each CAM Member collected what we can and send it over as a contribution from CAM.

09-30-2004, 06:40 AM
Thanks to everyone who has sent or intends on sending anything. Every little bit helps, and it goes a long way towards "winning the hearts and minds." Thanks everyone for their support and I'll see you all soon. I'll keep you updated on my end as this progresses.

09-30-2004, 07:55 AM
Thanks to everyone who has sent or intends on sending anything. Every little bit helps, and it goes a long way towards "winning the hearts and minds." Thanks everyone for their support and I'll see you all soon. I'll keep you updated on my end as this progresses.

Clay: Terri and I are accumulating some goodies for the kids, including stuffed animals and snacks, and will be making a shipment sometime next week.

10-01-2004, 10:57 AM

First box is being shipped tomorrow. I'll throw something in there for you too. Name whatever you like because I don't want to violate any restrictions.


11-10-2004, 08:46 AM
Sorry I haven't updated as much in the past weeks. Things have gotten busy, as you may have seen on the news. I have received 6 boxes now, all loaded with great stuff. Also, I've received them in perfect timing. I'm planning on leaving here at the end of next month and these boxes will help the incoming unit establish themselves as people who are here to help. I'll be sure to attach pictures as soon as I get them. Probably mid next month. Things have picked up and I'm not sure I can get them out this month. Thanks everyone for your donations, if anyone has anything further to send it'll probably have to be in before the end of the week to get here before the Christmas push begins. Thanks everyone for your support and hopefully I'll see you in a couple months.

11-10-2004, 09:46 AM
Clay glad to hear that the boxes of clothing are getting through. Do you have someone else's name for us to put on the boxes since we will not be able to use yours after you leave. They are having the Clothing Drive here at WRAIR until Dec. 1st and will be sending them out shortly after. Hope these clothes gets to you before you leave.

God Bless and return home safe,


We are conducting a clothing drive for the Children in Iraq.

As a token of goodwill toward all people, the Soldiers in Iraq are asking for your donations of cool- and cold-weather clothing to give to impoverished Iraqi children. Our hope is that bigger bonds can be made with the local villagers and that the children will not grow up to hate us because our different beliefs, but to remember us for our generosity in their time of need.

This clothing drive will go through December 1st, so as you break out your old fall winter clothes, please consider bringing them in to give to those in need and help to support your Nation's troops as well. With hope and your donations, bigger bonds will be developed at grass-roots level.

We will accept all items of clothing, school supplies, children's multivitamins, and small toys. Please try to bring items that will not be considered offensive to others.

If you have any questions, please contact me at ext. xxxx, or call Gordon Heissler at ext. xxxx.

Thank you for your support.
SSG Jeffery Arbenz

11-12-2004, 11:48 AM
Clay, can you be more specific as to the types of toys, clothes, such as the age of children, male, female. Shoe types and sizes. I don't recommend stuffed toys for security reasons. If we had a list of items with the amounts you'd like to have sent, then we would like to appeal to co-workers, church, and community but we don't won't to overload you with boxes of unneeded items.

Such items as coloring books and color markers would be better than crayons.

Also, if you have an email or phone number that we can use to contact you to co-ordinate would be very helpful....thanks...

11-12-2004, 04:54 PM

Did I read that right, you are moving out?

If anyone still wants to mail stuff, what address would work?
