View Full Version : Just an observation:
10-03-2004, 04:16 PM
I've noticed that among the top 12 entries in the "timeslips" data base, 10 of the cars are S/Ced. And out of those 10 cars, 7 of them are Trilogy equipped, and out of those 7 Trilogized cars, 6 have timeslips that are posted. Among the other remaining 6 cars amongst the top 12, none of them have posted timeslips. All the owners of the Trilogy equipped cars have included their timeslips w/the one exception being Logan.
Can this be simply coincidental? Maybe.... I dunno....but I thought the list is called uhmmm, a "Timeslip" database.
10-03-2004, 04:31 PM
There are no timeslips pictures here CLICK ( either...maybe it's all part of a cover-up.:sweat:
10-03-2004, 04:34 PM
There are no timeslips pictures here CLICK ( either...maybe it's all part of a cover-up.:sweat:
But there are here......
So why is it that in every one of the top 12 listings where you see the timeslip icon in the "timeslip" column, you find an owner of a Trilogized car w/out exception???
10-03-2004, 04:40 PM
I tried to take a picture with a digital camera but it's blurry you cant see nothing and i dont have a scanner.someone asked me before to post all my slips so they can check em out but i cant do it...I got it can i mail a copy to you bill and you can scan it on?Let me know..
10-03-2004, 04:42 PM
Billy, are you suggesting that Logan's entry may not be... what it seems ??? :dunno::sweat::dunno:
10-03-2004, 04:43 PM
It could be because some people don't have the time or desire to post them. I for one don't have a scanner, so were I one of "them" I couldn't post mine unless I found someone to scan it for me. You'll notice I do not have timeslip posted. Were someone to challenge me on my time, they'd have to decide whether or not to believe me. To me it's just not that important.
Are you making the implication that they are not truthful about their times?
10-03-2004, 04:46 PM
Here we go!!!! :run:
Bradley G
10-03-2004, 04:49 PM
I got 15.2 an I can prove it!:bunny2: :bunny2: If I knew how??
10-03-2004, 05:00 PM
It could be because some people don't have the time or desire to post them. So you're saying that people will go through the 'trouble" to post all of their specs, as well as their alleged ET's, 60' times, and 1/4 mile as well as 1/8th mile MPH's, but they veiw scanning their timeslips as being too much 'trouble"?? I for one don't have a scanner, so were I one of "them" I couldn't post mine unless I found someone to scan it for me. You'll notice I do not have timeslip posted. Were someone to challenge me on my time, they'd have to decide whether or not to believe me. To me it's just not that important.
Are you making the implication that they are not truthful about their times?
-ADraw whatever conclusion you like. But for the record, I WAS refering to the top 12. And while we're on the subject, why would you bother to enter all that info and neglect to enter the actual timeslip in a "TIMESLIP" database? HELLO!!!! And why is it that it just so happens that none of the Trilogy owners thought it was too much "trouble" to post their timeslips while all the other S/Ced guys must have thought it was???? If they do have them, then that wouldbe valuable info to all of us. I like to compare 330' times, as well as 1,000' times too. And all of that is listed on most timeslips thankyou.
10-03-2004, 05:03 PM
I tried to take a picture with a digital camera but it's blurry you cant see nothing and i dont have a scanner.someone asked me before to post all my slips so they can check em out but i cant do it...I got it can i mail a copy to you bill and you can scan it on?Let me know..
For you Mark? Not a problem. Send it to me, I'd really enjoy seeing it.
10-03-2004, 05:10 PM
For you Mark? Not a problem. Send it to me, I'd really enjoy seeing it.
I totaly forgot about it until now .Great!! i'll pm ya ..Thanks..
10-03-2004, 05:21 PM
............well,.it could be that alot of us don't have the computer equipment to provide all that unique stuff--at least not right now--and taking about time slips----I have an announcement-
I , Marauderman--am finally gonna go to a track --this Thursday , the 7th of Oct..--Yeah--I know--everyone has been awaiting--but you have got to understand--I have NEVER don't this before--so ..........
I will be taking # 7 to an 1/8 mile track about 40 miles up the road on the 7th....kinda neat and on my Dad's BD--if he was still alive--...maybe that may be a sign..who knows ,...but anyway--I"m all excited--
everything we do in life is an here goes--wish me luck---
Bradley G
10-03-2004, 05:24 PM
Hammer Down and keep smiling!!:up:
............well,.it could be that alot of us don't have the computer equipment to provide all that unique stuff--at least not right now--and taking about time slips----I have an announcement-
I , Marauderman--am finally gonna go to a track --this Thursday , the 7th of Oct..--Yeah--I know--everyone has been awaiting--but you have got to understand--I have NEVER don't this before--so ..........
I will be taking # 7 to an 1/8 mile track about 40 miles up the road on the 7th....kinda neat and on my Dad's BD--if he was still alive--...maybe that may be a sign..who knows ,...but anyway--I"m all excited--
everything we do in life is an here goes--wish me luck---
10-03-2004, 05:25 PM
There was thread like this some time ago. People trying to put one supercharger against another. I have seen the Trilogy, Reinhart and Kenny Brown all run. All run good. To each their own. I think this thread may get ugly.
10-03-2004, 05:28 PM
Well of the 12 top entries, there are 6 timeslips, all Trilogy owners. So I conclude that Trilogy owners are detail oriented people and have scanners....except for Logan.:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
10-03-2004, 05:38 PM
Common big spenders...a flat bed scanner is as little as $60 at best buy.:wflag:
10-03-2004, 05:55 PM
yeah, I hear ya Barry. let's see if anyone will put more effort into debating about this than it would take for them to post their timeslip. Like I said, if they do have one, it would provide some good info for all of us.
10-03-2004, 05:57 PM
Good Luck Tom! :burnout:
I've never run the 1/4 either,.. maybe in the near future..
Have fun!
10-03-2004, 06:02 PM
So Barry, when are you getting your scanner ???? Lucky for you I filmed your run....I got you covered bro. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
10-03-2004, 06:08 PM
I could jump in there at #9....but I'm holding out for a better slip.
I'm shooting for 12.4's on stock tires in a couple weeks :D
10-03-2004, 06:22 PM
how Muu to triligize the top 04' :beatnik:
10-03-2004, 06:26 PM
Too lazy to post timeslip. For that to occur, the slips, the computer and me would all have to be in the same place at the same time... That's pretty damn rare.
10-03-2004, 06:30 PM
But why is the best reaction time on the last page? (Mrstr - .023) :whistle:
Lookout if SHE gets a Trillogy. :sunshine:
10-03-2004, 06:30 PM
So Barry, when are you getting your scanner ???? Lucky for you I filmed your run....I got you covered bro. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I merely haven't come into the 'burn your own DVD age ' yet. But I will this christmas...and just you wait...:hmmm: I see smokie burnouts?
And BTW: My slip is up there. Basically I figured no one would believe me anyway. And my new slips have my permenent track number....627-0...ewwww
No blower no bottle, all throttle.:wave:
10-03-2004, 06:34 PM
I merely haven't come into the 'burn your own DVD age ' yet. But I will this christmas...and just you wait...:hmmm: I see smokie burnouts?
And BTW: My slip is up there. Basically I figured no one would believe me anyway. And my new slips have my permenent track number....627-0...ewwww
No blower no bottle, all throttle.:wave:
any word on the shirts?
Logan ,
wecome to the hood. :flag:
10-03-2004, 06:41 PM
No blower no bottle, all throttle.:wave:YEAH !!! Thats right !!! When my car grows up it wants to be just like yours !!! :bows:
If I was to just say: My car can spin those tires all the way thru 1st gear, into 2nd gear...and nearly into the wall...on just a little 'ol flash....can I get an AMEN ???
10-03-2004, 07:01 PM
And while we're on the subject, why would you bother to enter all that info and neglect to enter the actual timeslip in a "TIMESLIP" database? HELLO!!!! And why is it that it just so happens that none of the Trilogy owners thought it was too much "trouble" to post their timeslips while all the other S/Ced guys must have thought it was???? If they do have them, then that wouldbe valuable info to all of us. I like to compare 33' times, as well as 1,000' times too. And all of that is listed on most timeslips thankyou.
Using myself as an example was just to show that not everyone has a scanner available. I have a $35K automobile but not a $62 scanner. It happens.
Why not just contact them and ask if you are so interested? Either they don't have a scanner handy or they just don't seem to be concerned with making a scan or typing every detail.
Are you implying that since they have not posted scans of timeslips they don't get to claim their times?
Logan said that timeslips were not required upon the inception of the database. If he should require proof, that is his option.
I'll step aside now so the "mine is bigger/better/faster/cooler than yours" debate can now continue. Perhaps one or more of the "offenders" will step up and explain.
Were I one of them, I would be ignoring this thread, which is what I am doing from now on.
10-03-2004, 07:16 PM
If nothing else, this serves as a challenging and provacative way for me to entice or encourage others to post their timeslips for us to have for our veiwing convenience and comparisants just as us Trilogy owners have done. Is that so much to ask? I don't care to contact each and every one of those who haven't done so. After all, that's what the "TIMESLIP" database was supposed to be for. Right? Or do we just call it the "timeslip" database simply for laughs and giggles?
Many of those same guys who haven't posted their timeslips on there have went out of their way on many other occasions to inform others on this board about other matters. So why not about their 1/4 mile stats via their timeslips? Are they some kind of sacred ancient family scrolls that cannot be disclosed???
10-03-2004, 07:18 PM
I have a scanner, sitting in the box it came in last December, I have at least 4 scanners at work, I have never been to a track, but if I did I gaurantee you just like Logan, my personal time, scanner and timeslip would almost never meet in any dimension.
10-03-2004, 07:22 PM
I wonder how many of the guys among the top 12 who didn't post their timeslips in the "timeslip" database, have infact posted pics on this board w/their scanners. Let's not even go there.......
Bradley G
10-03-2004, 07:26 PM
Yeah When are ya gonna git that snail outta the box .... I mean on the car!!
I have a scanner, sitting in the box it came in last December, I have at least 4 scanners at work, I have never been to a track, but if I did I gaurantee you just like Logan, my personal time, scanner and timeslip would almost never meet in any dimension.
10-03-2004, 07:26 PM
I wonder how many of the guys among the top 12 who didn't post their timeslips in the "timeslip" database, have infact posted pics on this board w/their scanners. Let's not even go there.......
Digital camera direct through USB port or Firewire to computer - some may not need a scanner.
10-03-2004, 07:27 PM
Yeah When are ya gonna git that snail outta the box .... I mean on the car!!
Hopefully this week or next.
10-03-2004, 07:34 PM
Digital camera direct through USB port or Firewire to computer - some may not need a scanner.That's true....... So I guess all the Trilogy car owners must all have scanners, and all the rest among the top 12 who are S/Ced must not have scanners, or must all not know where they are, or must have them in another room, or still packed in a box, or must all have every pic that they've posted on this board in a disk from their digital camera. Yeah, that must be it......infact come to think of it, the Trilogy S/Cer kit must also come w/a free scanner.:rofl:
Bradley G
10-04-2004, 04:06 AM
Hopefully this week or next.Got any help lined up?? good luck! color me green;)
10-04-2004, 09:23 AM
Many of those same guys who haven't posted their timeslips on there have went out of their way on many other occasions to inform others on this board about other matters. So why not about their 1/4 mile stats via their timeslips? Are they some kind of sacred ancient family scrolls that cannot be disclosed???
Okay, okay, Billy, didn't think this was all that important to ya...Dayum, I got some timeslips in here, somewhere. Give me a minute, Billy, be right back... f7/sort/1/cat/last1/page/1
10-04-2004, 02:38 PM
That's true....... So I guess all the Trilogy car owners must all have scanners, Yeah, that must be it......infact come to think of it, the Trilogy S/Cer kit must also come w/a free scanner.:rofl:
Darn!!! I knew i shoulda bought a trilogy. :dunno:
10-04-2004, 08:03 PM
Darn!!! I knew i shoulda bought a trilogy. :dunno:
WOW....thats a revelation! Whats that old commercial, "Man, i could have had a V-8!"
Billy does have a good point about the time slip page. If i remember the discussion when Logan set it up originally, most people had suggestions to make it better for the membership. Among the suggestions were:
*Limit it to Marauders or panther platform cars-this went by the wayside since there are Buicks and Impalas in the top ten.
*If you are in the top ten or so, then you post a time slip to back up your claim and help others compair notes on how they are running like Billy mentioned.
Its fair to say that if you get your Marauder in the top 10 or 15 then you have done a decent amount of work on it, and have a little something to prove. Lets not kid ourselves with this, we work on our cars to make them fast and show the fruits of our labors at the track. So I agree 100% with Billy on this one, if you are going to lay claim to some of the fastest Marauders anywhere, back it up with a time slip. Just my opinion for what its worth.
10-05-2004, 02:07 AM
Thanks Dave. I wasn't going to bring this up, but because I've had so much rediculous contention from some people in this thread, now I'm going to come right out and say it...... there is actually one person in the "timeslip" database who has an ET and trap speed listed there for his Marauder, and who has had it there for awhile now. He happens to be one of those who does NOT have a timeslip posted. When he first put it up there, I specifically asked him about it, and he admitted to me that he simply picked an ET and trap speed # that he believes that he would run IF he ever did go to the track w/his Marauder. And that's why he hasn't included a timeslip. Because he doesn't have one!!!!
Aside from that being disingenuous, it doesn't serve to help other members of this board who haven't decided yet on what modifications to spend their hard earned money on. And that's what I don't like. And let me add that this individual didn't pick conservative numbers either. Infact he IS among the top 20. That's all I'm going to tell you. It wouldn't be advantagous to the members of this board for me to make mention of his name, since he would simply deny this anyway, and it would cause nothing but strife. And causing strife here is never my intention. So don't even challange me to mention who I'm talking about, because I won't even accept that challenge, nor will I choose to mention his name. He knows who he is.
But my motive for starting this thread isn't even to focus on that individual, nor on his phony ET. But just to point out to all of those members here who are considering spending their hard earned $$ on modifications to consider the fact that it's us Trilogy owners who have gone the extra mile for you by atleast making the effort to post our timeslips so that you can make all the comparisants that you like, using the info that only the timeslips will provide if you so choose. Info such as 60' times, 330' times, 1/8th mile times, and 990' times. Those stats could tell the whole story if you know how to compare them while considering differences in gear ratios, boost pressures for the S/Ced cars, etc., etc.
So let the nay sayers criticize me all they want to. They have no idea of what they're talking about anyway. Yes, I have good reason for starting this thread, and it isn't for my own gain either. Infact I'm looking out for others on this board who might decide to spend their money on modifications for their Marauders in the future. I don't take that lightly, and I get ticked off when anyone on here does. Especially in light of the fact that there have actually been some members who have used plastic $$ and/or taken out small loans to finance their Marauder modification projects. Again, there's no need for mentioning of names. That's irrelevent here. So now let me hear some arguments for my implications. The only way that I believe that you can possibly dismiss my point is if you think I'm simply outright telling lies here. And if that's what you think of me, then you don't even come close to knowing me nor knowing what I'm about. Not even through my written words.
10-05-2004, 03:14 AM
10-05-2004, 03:31 AM
Does this thread pass the Rotarian Test?
Bradley G
10-05-2004, 03:39 AM
Billy Gman I think this thread has merit.I posted a sarcastic remarkabout running 15.2,this is true.I need to learn way more to contribute pics, slips, ect.I do enjoy exactly what you said about comparing mods to gains in E.T.'s and stuff.I think it's a good idea to "back up" claims just for the sake of accuracy.Did'nt mean to make lite of your objective!!PM me another "Kill" story!:bows:
10-05-2004, 06:38 AM
I don't have strong feelings on this subject, however Billy has made some points that have merit. So when Logan has the time; he may consider the suggestion I am about to make.
The TIMESLIPS page should default to Marauders ONLY.
Add a choice of ALL ENTRIES to the sort list.
This way all members of our club regardless of what they drive can post their times, and see them if they wish as an OPTION.
The proof of ET. option already exists and should remain as is. You should not be forced to produce a slip to make an entry. However the 3 FASTEST MARAUDERS should provide proof of ET. UPON REQUEST thru PRIVATE E-MAIL.
In other words if you want to see a timeslip to compare to yours...or because you doubt it's existence, then it becomes your personal concern and should be handled in PRIVATE.
Ok I'm done.:twocents:
10-05-2004, 06:49 AM
I don't have strong feelings on this subject, however Billy has made some points that have merit. So when Logan has the time; he may consider the suggestion I am about to make.
The TIMESLIPS page should default to Marauders ONLY.
Add a choice of ALL ENTRIES to the sort list.
This way all members of our club regardless of what they drive can post their times, and see them if they wish as an OPTION.
The proof of ET. option already exists and should remain as is. You should not be forced to produce a slip to make an entry. However the 3 FASTEST MARAUDERS should provide proof of ET. UPON REQUEST thru PRIVATE E-MAIL.
In other words if you want to see a timeslip to compare to yours...or because you doubt it's existence, then it becomes your personal concern and should be handled in PRIVATE.
Ok I'm done.:twocents:
I like the idea of being able to separate Marauders from the rest.
The timeslips page was supposed to be setup on the honor system. Apparently that does not mean much to some people. So maybe the top 20 should post timeslips? Yes, I'm guilty too. Lazy bum I am.
But I'm hesitant to ask Logan for upgrades to the timeslips page, if it grows into too much of a pain it could end up like the GARAGE.
10-05-2004, 06:55 AM
Thanks Dave. I wasn't going to bring this up, but because I've had so much rediculous contention from some people in this thread, now I'm going to come right out and say it...... there is actually one person in the "timeslip" database who has an ET and trap speed listed there for his Marauder, and who has had it there for awhile now. He happens to be one of those who does NOT have a timeslip posted. When he first put it up there, I specifically asked him about it, and he admitted to me that he simply picked an ET and trap speed # that he believes that he would run IF he ever did go to the track w/his Marauder. And that's why he hasn't included a timeslip. Because he doesn't have one!!!!
Aside from that being disingenuous, it doesn't serve to help other members of this board who haven't decided yet on what modifications to spend their hard earned money on. And that's what I don't like. And let me add that this individual didn't pick conservative numbers either. Infact he IS among the top 20. That's all I'm going to tell you. It wouldn't be advantagous to the members of this board for me to make mention of his name, since he would simply deny this anyway, and it would cause nothing but strife. And causing strife here is never my intention. So don't even challange me to mention who I'm talking about, because I won't even accept that challenge, nor will I choose to mention his name. He knows who he is.
But my motive for starting this thread isn't even to focus on that individual, nor on his phony ET. But just to point out to all of those members here who are considering spending their hard earned $$ on modifications to consider the fact that it's us Trilogy owners who have gone the extra mile for you by atleast making the effort to post our timeslips so that you can make all the comparisants that you like, using the info that only the timeslips will provide if you so choose. Info such as 60' times, 330' times, 1/8th mile times, and 990' times. Those stats could tell the whole story if you know how to compare them while considering differences in gear ratios, boost pressures for the S/Ced cars, etc., etc.
So let the nay sayers criticize me all they want to. They have no idea of what they're talking about anyway. Yes, I have good reason for starting this thread, and it isn't for my own gain either. Infact I'm looking out for others on this board who might decide to spend their money on modifications for their Marauders in the future. I don't take that lightly, and I get ticked off when anyone on here does. Especially in light of the fact that there have actually been some members who have used plastic $$ and/or taken out small loans to finance their Marauder modification projects. Again, there's no need for mentioning of names. That's irrelevent here. So now let me hear some arguments for my implications. The only way that I believe that you can possibly dismiss my point is if you think I'm simply outright telling lies here. And if that's what you think of me, then you don't even come close to knowing me nor knowing what I'm about. Not even through my written words.
Billy, your justification for this witch hunt has run it's course.
If you have a complaint, take it to Logan, Mary or Dan, anyone of them can contact the claimant and demand proof via timeslip, or remove the claim. That's how it gets done, quiet, clean, private, and without malice.
That's what Logan set up for us, you need to follow the rules yourself. If you recall the events of the past two weeks, you could get us all shut off. Knock it off.
10-05-2004, 07:27 AM
Give me a few minutes and I'll copy someone's time slip, Photoshop it and have the first 10 second Marauder known. Its an honor system and has nothing to do with what S/C one owns, maybe coincidental but that's it.
Billy's got some points but hey some folks need to be educated on what it means to post times, not every one cares that much. Ever read a muscle car magazine, when ever they ask for hp the owners almost always over estimate and same goes with 1/4 times - always faster than they end up running that day.
Point is maybe that person didn't realize how important an et would be, others like me won't use it for comparision but certainly appreciate it, others like Billy will use it to a science - takes all types - Bud light
10-05-2004, 07:39 AM
Geez, this thing is still going?
It's only a car, folks, and wayyyyy down the list of priorities in the grand scheme of things.
Arguing about timeslips and who can prove what is akin to "my dad can beat up your dad" and other childish "neener neener" fits. If it matters that much to you take it to the track and race each other. For people that spend so much $ on mods a trip a couple hundred miles to a track meet together is nothing.
If it's that important, that is, which is what it seems to be for some.
Some people care about this issue obviously far more than others. Maybe it's because others have more to do? Maybe they realize this is just for fun and not really worth fighting over?
Some of us really do this for fun, not to inspire lordship of all that is automotive. So when others start fuming about supposed injustices that really don't amount to a hill of crap, we generally just let them and move on to more important things.
Jerry Barnes
10-05-2004, 07:43 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I want to share a brief thought and ask a favor. I think the E.T. Data Base is a good thing. And yes it should be backed up with real data. Competition is a great thing and that is what America is all about. But, let's have fun with it and not get into disagreements. I like the fact that Logan took the time to set up the E.T Data Base. I have found it useful in understanding how some people go faster and what they did to get those results.
I would also like to see a Warranty Claims Data Base to share where we are having common problems with our cars. Like the recent alternator discussion.
And once again, Roots vs. Centrifical. Everyone has whipped that one to death and I am personnally glad to see two alternatives, it gives everyone choices. Which is always good! Dennis and myself agree that both approaches work well and all of you have benefited from these different approaches. Once again, that's what America is all about, CHOICES.
Finally, can we move these emotionally charged, non-Roots(Eaton), non-Centrifical(Vortec) discussions to a forum that is neutral. I would like to focus on questions or concerns from our customers, friends and new comers to our forum.
And finally, I don't what us to waste our time debating among the Marauder owners about who's is the fastest, I want to focus on kicking the butts of the Impala guys at Indy last summer. Did you see how bad those cars looked and how fast they ran? That's my next goal, anyone with me?
And finally, I don't what us to waste our time debating among the Marauder owners about who's is the fastest, I want to focus on kicking the butts of the Impala guys at Indy last summer. Did you see how bad those cars looked and how fast they ran? That's my next goal, anyone with me?
JerryThanks Jerry...that is why we'd like to have a BUNCH of S/C'd Marauders down here on November 6th at the Southern Super Heavyweight Shootout ( . Lidio mentioned he may try to make it down...Dennis is going to try and make it...we'd LOVE to have you and as many as we can come help us show those pushrod boys what a 4.6 modular motor can do. :up:
10-05-2004, 07:58 AM
Jerry, I can appreciate your request. Perhaps a mod will see it, and grant it. No offence meant, and none taken.
MAC, none of this was aimed at you since you haven't entered any ET listing in there that I know of unless I've overlooked it. So there's no reason for you to take it personal.
Smokey, and Fordnut, & others, I wasn't implying nor do I expect any moderator or Logan to make any changes to the timeslip database. the reason being precisely because of what's already been said. It's supposed to be an honor system, and offering timeslips shouldn't be mandatory, and I've never said that it should be made a board rule. You cannot legislate free will. And that's what i was refering to here. The free will of members to want to help other members by providing as much info as possible about the Lightning fast Marauders that they've spent thousands of dollars on just to modify.
Jerry Barnes
10-05-2004, 08:04 AM
Well Said! Thanks Billy!
10-05-2004, 08:33 AM
And finally, I don't what us to waste our time debating among the Marauder owners about who's is the fastest, I want to focus on kicking the butts of the Impala guys at Indy last summer. Did you see how bad those cars looked and how fast they ran? That's my next goal, anyone with me?
OK! This is what should have happened right after the race was over!
Very glad to hear someone, anyone address this in public:up:
If you want to run for Office you got my vote :beer: :banana2: :burnout:
10-05-2004, 09:50 AM
when i'm looking at the timeslip database, i click on "sort by", then i click "cars with proof of e.t.". problem solved.
10-05-2004, 10:05 AM
when i'm looking at the timeslip database, i click on "sort by", then i click "cars with proof of e.t.". problem solved.LOL...which brings us full circle back to my first post which started this have 16 people that have been willing and helpful enough to post timeslips, and out of those 16 people, the top 6 are ALL Trilogized cars. ;) :banana2: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :up: :banana2:
10-05-2004, 10:44 AM
LOL...which brings us full circle back to my first post which started this have 16 people that have been willing and helpful enough to post timeslips, and out of those 16 people, the top 6 are ALL Trilogized cars. ;) :banana2: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :up: :banana2: when my install is done, the only other thing i plan on doing immediately is a rear-end girdle and stud kit. when i get my car in to the 12-second bracket, i will post my timeslip.
10-05-2004, 11:00 AM
And finally, I don't what us to waste our time debating among the Marauder owners about who's is the fastest, I want to focus on kicking the butts of the Impala guys at Indy last summer. Did you see how bad those cars looked and how fast they ran? That's my next goal, anyone with me?
JerryYeahhhh! Now that's what we want to hear! Put all those energies to some positive use :2thumbs:
And I don't care if by "bad" you mean UGLY (it's just a Ford owner's opinion anyway :P ), or if you mean BAAAADDDDD - in which case, Thank you very much :D
10-05-2004, 12:45 PM
Yeahhhh! Now that's what we want to hear! Put all those energies to some positive use :2thumbs:
And I don't care if by "bad" you mean UGLY (it's just a Ford owner's opinion anyway :P ), or if you mean BAAAADDDDD - in which case, Thank you very much :D
Now that's a good way to get a lot of Marauders to show up for the shootout!
10-05-2004, 01:02 PM
Finally, can we move these emotionally charged, non-Roots(Eaton), non-Centrifical(Vortec) discussions to a forum that is neutral. I would like to focus on questions or concerns from our customers, friends and new comers to our forum.
Great idea Jerry, This thread is closed
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