View Full Version : California Compliant S/C Status?

10-11-2004, 08:57 AM
Anybody know the status of Trilogy's application for CARB certification???

10-11-2004, 07:20 PM
The Trilogy Folks are testing it in Northern California. The install was done by a Ford Dealer in Santa Rosa. I know the Ford store from having been assigned in that area for over three years with the USCG. They are a good outfit, and as I recall, used to sell a lot of Mustangs and Lightnings.

Lidio was there at that store several months ago. He drove all the way out from the midwest with no problems. Jerry Barnes may also have been there, but I can't remember.

They are confident it will pass, but there is a lot of drama involved in passing the CA smog test. There are several folks waiting on the certification.

PM if you want to know my situation with a centrifugal s/c. Would rather not put myself on report in a thread. -kjs-

Jerry Barnes
10-12-2004, 04:34 PM
The Trilogy Folks are testing it in Northern California. The install was done by a Ford Dealer in Santa Rosa. I know the Ford store from having been assigned in that area for over three years with the USCG. They are a good outfit, and as I recall, used to sell a lot of Mustangs and Lightnings.

Lidio was there at that store several months ago. He drove all the way out from the midwest with no problems. Jerry Barnes may also have been there, but I can't remember.

They are confident it will pass, but there is a lot of drama involved in passing the CA smog test. There are several folks waiting on the certification.

PM if you want to know my situation with a centrifugal s/c. Would rather not put myself on report in a thread. -kjs-


It's moving very sloooooooooooowwwwwwwww!!!!!
