View Full Version : Test pilots need not apply...

10-11-2004, 09:33 AM
Would you want to buy THIS cobra, after THIS test drive?

Clicky-clicky: http://www.heavy.com/index.php?videoPath=/current/importNights/carabuse

10-11-2004, 09:49 AM
I'm surprised that the salesman even let him take the car out for a drive w/out a License. But those two guys are real Low-Lifes. All that just to make a video to show their online friends....can you say "LOSERS"??? (a real Nice hat BTW too:rolleyes: )

10-11-2004, 09:49 AM
That salesman was a freakin' idiot! No driver's license,... No drive! Period.

Not to mention that dude didn't exactly look like a serious buyer.

10-11-2004, 10:11 AM
I have taken an 03 Cobra out for a test drive, the salesman rode the back seat, my wife upfront. We stopped to look only and salesman suggested test drive.

Before we go far, needed to get gas, salesman gets out and starts pumping regular gas into tank, I jumped out and stopped him and told him to pump premium.

So now I know this guy knows nothing about cars, so I decided to teach him what a Cobra can do...turned off traction control, drove to the causeway and tooked him thru all 6 gears...no burning rubber, just some very hard, crisp shifts.

Went back to dealership...and he thanked me for teaching him about the car.:coolman:

10-11-2004, 10:23 AM
Yeah Smokie, I can understand that. I drove my Marauder pretty hard when I test drove it. But I didn't sit there doing a burnout either. What's the point of power braking it? Those guys knew that the Cobra can do that. So if they weren't even interested in buying it anyway, then there was no point in that. what you did was totally different IMO, and I'm sure that you didn't try to con the salesman like they did either.

10-11-2004, 10:26 AM
This is the typical day at most dealerships who hire the first warm body for a salesperson.
There has been a rash of thieves working dealerships, and not Mustang dealerships either.
They hit BMW, Bentley, Lamborgini, Ferrari, Mercedes, etc...
I could go on and on...
They basically ask for a test drive with no license.
The idiot salesperson gives hands over the keys, and the drivers never come back...

So if this salesperson isn't working for the dealership anymore,
its because he has no sense and let $$$ control his decisioning.

Not everyone can be a salespseron ya know...

Fourth Horseman
10-11-2004, 01:18 PM
This is why I was at my dealership as my car was pulled off the car transport. Nobody ever test drove or beat on it. Until me, that is.

10-11-2004, 01:30 PM
My first test drive was done practically at gun point. I think I had less 'guidance' from my dad back when I was a teenager with my learner's permit! I had to practically use the Force to convince his feeble mind that "I will now take it to the highway and see how it handles at legal highway speeds". He got visibly nervous when I was approaching 5 mph above the highway speed limit (62mph limit). This was the same weenie that refused to begin to talk price reductions: "this is a very exclusive car, there is no way I can deal on this car, I sell 3-4 every week"... this somehow doesn't explain the car remaining on the lot for 5 months until I stopped keeping tabs on it (I liked to drive by with my Marauder and tease the salesperson through the window). The car eventually got demo service and was seen listed in a newspaper ad at an $8000 Canadian discount, but with close to 10000 km on it.

The dealership I bought the car from was cool... the saleslady tried her best to go through the car's features with me before the first drive, but quickly admitted I knew more about the car than she did (thanks, mm.net!) and said she'd just shut up and let me drive. She was a little tense when I told her in all honesty that I'd have to "put it to the wood" to be sure it was in the shape I was looking for (the first car was a sluggish late '03 build, the second test drive was a brisk blue CRD1, so I was hoping it would behave like the second MM I tested). But she was a trooper, and I kept things safe and controlled and comfortable for her.

The car had something like 17 km on it...

10-11-2004, 02:43 PM
Who knows the 2 guys and the salesman were probebly friends. I mean it seems pretty fishy to idiots on both side of a sale.Especialy on a 25k car..:bs:

10-11-2004, 03:49 PM
Who knows the 2 guys and the salesman were probebly friends. I mean it seems pretty fishy to idiots on both side of a sale.Especialy on a 25k car..:bs:
Yeah, it seemed kinda fishy to me as well. :fishslap:

10-11-2004, 05:10 PM
Set Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

10-12-2004, 12:19 AM
Who knows the 2 guys and the salesman were probebly friends. I mean it seems pretty fishy to idiots on both side of a sale.Especialy on a 25k car..:bs:
Hey, I never even thought of that. You just might be correct.