View Full Version : Back from Computer Hell

Donny Carlson
10-11-2004, 06:25 PM
Like most computer related disasters, it started out simple, then each "corrective" action made things worst, until it went right to crap.

I was paying some bills last night, going out on the net to pay some electronically. Norton Internet Security and Antivirus both had been bugging me for the past week that my subscription had about to expire, and now with Service Pack 2 giving you a stern warning if your virus definitions are out of date, it's hard not to run Live Update. Anywho, Symantec really gets pushy when you get into the last two weeks of the subscription, so I figure, ah well, time to renew.

Mistake N0 1. Not just renewing the subscription.

When I was renewing, I was offered an upgrade to NIS 2005 along with a free edition of Nortion Password Manager, for just $10 more. Cool. I buy the upgrade. I selected download version.

Mistake NO 2. Buying the downloaded version.

Both software downloads and begins to self install/upgrade. Meanwhile, Live Update has downloaded new virus definitions and URL updates, and wants to reboot to finish the install. I don't mess with it.... until I decide to click on the red button, hoping it would close the window.

Mistake NO 3. Closing the window.

Live Update then tries to reboot, with NIS 2005 about 1/4 of the way into the install. NIS 2005 install fights with Live Update and stops the reboot, but a critical DLL and Norton Integrator are not installed or are corrupted. Result is no Symantec product will run, but the system believes NIS is running. I can't uninstall NIS because it says "You must be logged in as administrator to uninstall NIS 2005" I can't install a previous version of NIS because it says "you have another version of NIS installed; uninstall it before, blah blah."
So, I decided to go into the registry and delete Symantec and Norton files manually.

Mistake NO. 4 Not being careful when deleting registry entries.

It went okay at first, but it was obvious I hadn't cleaned out all the files. First sign of trouble was when the system begain taking a long time to boot, then would not run system restore or search. I decided to edit the registry some more.

Mistake N0.5 Not learning anything from N0. 4.

After this foray, when I rebooted, my system said "config.sys not found, windows cannot load." and I get this helpful message to run setup and use the repair function. So, I dig out my Windows XP disc, run setup, but it refuses to run a repair because I had Service Pack 2 installed. The only other option? reinstall XP.

Fortunately I had backed up critical data before the registry edit (though I didn't back up the registry, which is also a BIG booboo), but I lost everything. Had to reinstall all applications. Crap-o-la.

It seems to be running okay now that I have updated drivers and not put back on a lot of crap I had on here before. Worst part? NIS 2005 is installed, but there's still some problems with the install (intrusion detection won't run, neither will antispam).

10-11-2004, 06:41 PM
I have no sympathy for you. You play, you pay.

Donny Carlson
10-11-2004, 06:52 PM
I have no sympathy for you. You play, you pay.
Gee, thanks Mac!

It would have been a lot more of a problem, except my setup I have everything on the desktop duplicated on my laptop, except for a lot of pictures gleaned from websurfing (yeah, those) and some old emails.

This shot shows my desktop and my laptop docking station, both connected to the house's wireless network (there's another desktop in the family room).


10-11-2004, 07:34 PM
Sorry for your problems :(

I've had minimal problems with my NAV programs....running 2 of them.

10-11-2004, 07:53 PM
Donny, sorry to hear about the hassles. I just fought my way through my own 'puter problem...

I just got done repairing the grenade Adaware threw into my XP desktop's registry. It would immediately log off on a boot up, leaving me in XP Welcome screen hell. I finally found the fix on Lavasoft's site using my laptop just as I was ready to recover the entire hardrive on my desktop.

Oh well, at least I got it fixed before I resorted to: :toss:
I would have been extremely :mad2:.

- JD

10-11-2004, 08:51 PM
except for a lot of pictures gleaned from websurfing (yeah, those)

Just get with Todd, I am sure he has enough of "those" to share with ya.....

10-11-2004, 08:55 PM
Just get with Todd, I am sure he has enough of "those" to share with ya.....Pics? I ain't got no stinkin' pics...

Now...mpegs...you want mpegs? I can hook you up....

Here's one...click HERE (http://fullyrace.com/bangin.wmv) for some hot stuff!

a little video of Shankin doin' "the wild thing".....

10-11-2004, 10:59 PM
Been there, done that, bought a Mac.
And before you jump on me? I'm a PC tech. I make my living off of PC's. I hold, or have held, factory certifications for Compaq, Dell, HP, E-Machine, and Toshiba. Last time I bothered to run a log (2 years ago), I was approaching 4,000 repairs, and I do not allow my family to own any 'Doze based computer. Not unless, they swear to NEVER, ever ask me to fix it.

10-12-2004, 01:22 AM
Donny, sorry to hear about the hassles. I just fought my way through my own 'puter problem...

I just got done repairing the grenade Adaware threw into my XP desktop's registry. It would immediately log off on a boot up, leaving me in XP Welcome screen hell. I finally found the fix on Lavasoft's site using my laptop just as I was ready to recover the entire hardrive on my desktop.

Oh well, at least I got it fixed before I resorted to: :toss:
I would have been extremely :mad2:.

- JD

Adaware is a problem onto itself, plus it IS of the same nature of the applications it claims to stop.

A much better program, and FREE I might add, is Panicware, Pop-up Stopper, and Spybot - Search & Destroy v1.3.
The combination of these LETHAL applications will leave your PC squeaky clean of all unwanted intrusions.

10-12-2004, 04:51 AM
I had a similar disaster about 6 weeks ago!!!! :mad2:

I was told by someone NOT TO INSTALL "SERVICE PACK 2" under any circumstances!!?? :confused: It has a bunch of bugs....some innocent and some by design??

I'll wait until Norton and others have a handle on it!! :o

Marauderjack :bandit:

10-12-2004, 06:34 AM
Good luck with NIS,, I was hacked several times in a 2 week period, finally gave it up and went to zone alarm, no problems since

Mike Poore
10-12-2004, 07:39 AM
Norton Internet Security and Antivirus both had been bugging me for the past week that my subscription had about to expire,....
Same thing with son, John a couple of weeks ago and he warned me. My bad for not passing along the warning. :o

10-12-2004, 08:34 AM
Good luck with NIS,, I was hacked several times in a 2 week period, finally gave it up and went to zone alarm, no problems since

Zone alarm????

10-12-2004, 08:52 AM

free firewall software

10-12-2004, 08:55 AM
Here's my PC Config...

P4 3.20E (Prescott) Hyperthreading processor
Intel D875PBZLK Motherboard
2GB RAM (Corsair TWIN1024-3200XLPRO)
2 - 160GB Maxtor UATA133 Hard Drives
Promise Ultra133TX2 PCI IDE Controller
NEC DVD+RW Drive (4X DVD Burner)
Samsung CDRW Drive (40/12/40)
nVidia Ti4600 128MB Video
Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Platinum eX
Windows XP PRO SP2
Linksys BEFSR81 Router (with several other PCs connected)
Motorola SB4200
Optimum Online Broadband (10MB/1MB)

I'm running Norton SystemWorks 2004, ZoneAlarm v5.1, Pop-Up Stopper v2.22, and Spybot - Search & Destroy v1.3.
I've had plenty of Virii caught from MSN's SERVERS, not the email servers, but their LOG IN servers.
Zone Alarm has kept me hack free, and the Pop-Up Stopper and Spybot keep my system running the way it should.

The SP2 was an enlightening uipgrade for me.
The downloaded version crashed at the end of the install and I had to uninstall it.
I got the FREE SP2 CD from Microsoft and it installed without a hitch.
Both the ZoneAlarm and Norton were detected and SP2 lives happily with them.
I do get reminders if LiveUpdate hasn't done its job.

Now if I could get something to stop all of the SPAM MAIL, then I'll be in heaven ...

If you guys are having any difficulties, I'd be happy to help you out with any suggestions.
Windows XP does have a Repair Installation that will reinstall XP in most cases without data and application loss.

10-12-2004, 08:57 AM

free firewall software

Actually the FREE software is here...



The PRO version is much nicer.
Comes with extra bells and whistles if you need more than just a Software Firewall.
Try out the FREE version first.
If it works well, and you are looking for more features, then upgrade to the PRO version.

10-12-2004, 10:22 AM
do you have a link for the SP2 disc?

10-12-2004, 11:00 AM
1 - Systemsworks 2005 is available to purchase at stores now - got my copy last Saturday and install went with no problem whatsoever.

2 - if you want to get rid of spam, just change you email client to Thunderbird. It's FREE and it works. Incidently, it is a heck of a lot better than Outlook Express.

10-12-2004, 01:55 PM
I don't use Outlook Express for mail... GOD FORBID...

Systemworks 2005 is HOW MUCH ???
I'll wait until the price drops.
I always buy it in the late winter, early spring,
when Norton AntiVirus starts complaining that it needs to be renewed.

The SP2 CD can be had at STAPLES for FREE NOW !!!

Dr Caleb
10-12-2004, 02:04 PM
2 - if you want to get rid of spam, just change you email client to Thunderbird.

Technically, the only way to get *rid* of spam is to change your email account, pick one that can't be guessed through a 'dictionary' style attack, then don't let enyone who has a virus know it, or send you any 'greeting' cards to the new one.

But Thunderchicken is a good start.

The best way to avoid viruses, spyware and adware is <a href='http://www.gentoo.org'>"emerge world"</a>

10-12-2004, 07:33 PM
Technically, the only way to get *rid* of spam is to change your email account, pick one that can't be guessed through a 'dictionary' style attack, then don't let enyone who has a virus know it, or send you any 'greeting' cards to the new one.

But Thunderchicken is a good start.

The best way to avoid viruses, spyware and adware is <a href='http://www.gentoo.org'>"emerge world"</a>

Ok, I use Compuserve for Internet and email access. Recomondations??? ANd what is "Thunderchicken"?? Or am I ignit!!!

10-12-2004, 07:48 PM
ANd what is "Thunderchicken"?? I sometimes call my T-Bird SC, Thunderchicken!

10-12-2004, 07:55 PM
I sometimes call my T-Bird SC, Thunderchicken!

:rofl: :rofl: :fishslap: :lol:

P.S. Thanks for the help on posting.

10-12-2004, 08:04 PM

free firewall software

Uploaded the free version, So far not bad. I like the virus scan better than Norton, which I had to remove to get to download. But I still have the disc. Got two weeks, we will see. Thanks for the Info!!!

Dr Caleb
10-13-2004, 07:44 AM
ANd what is "Thunderchicken"?? Or am I ignit!!!

Like Mary said, Thunderbird. (I used to call Firebird TransAms -> FireChickens too...).

http://www.mozilla.org <- go here to download.

Mozilla is everything bundled into one big package, Firefox is the web browser, Thunderbird is email only.

Mozilla is what used to be called Netscape back before Microsoft knew what the Internet was, and before AOL bought Netscape. Even Microsoft's own magazine, Slate, had an article reccommending that people get rid of Outlook Express/Internet Exploder in favour of the more standards compliant and secure Mozilla/Firefox/Thunderbird clients.

10-13-2004, 02:11 PM
Like Mary said, Thunderbird. (I used to call Firebird TransAms -> FireChickens too...).

http://www.mozilla.org <- go here to download.

Mozilla is everything bundled into one big package, Firefox is the web browser, Thunderbird is email only.

Mozilla is what used to be called Netscape back before Microsoft knew what the Internet was, and before AOL bought Netscape. Even Microsoft's own magazine, Slate, had an article reccommending that people get rid of Outlook Express/Internet Exploder in favour of the more standards compliant and secure Mozilla/Firefox/Thunderbird clients.

Many thanks!!!! Puter is getting an overhaul, well Puter Mods as it were.
:2thumbs: :2thumbs: