View Full Version : Nickel Creek

Mike Poore
10-19-2004, 01:42 PM
Do you guys know about a band called Nickel Creek? It's a couple of kids; three, I think, and an uncle who acts as chaperone 'cause they're too young to get into most places. Give 'em a listen. These kids can play!

Paul T. Casey
10-19-2004, 02:01 PM
One of my wife's favorites, I think I listened to it 75 times on the Burnouts tour.

10-19-2004, 02:13 PM
"What kind of music do they play? ", asks the musical sl*t...

Paul T. Casey
10-19-2004, 02:27 PM
I would say it's pretty close to bluegrass, maybe old style midwestern folk.

Mike Poore
10-19-2004, 02:31 PM
"What kind of music do they play? ", asks the musical sl*t...
:dunno: It's hard to say what it is. There's a virtuoso mandolin player, a guitar, a fiddle and a base. It's not Bluegrass, or rock, it's just .... different, but FANTASTIC! Go to AMAZON and give a listen. I'm downloading as much of their stuff on Dell Musicmatch as fast as I can. :cool3:

10-19-2004, 02:52 PM
Oh my God, sounds like Bela Fleck on drugs... I'll have to head over to Amazon and check that out.

(speaking of Bela Fleck... I still need to sit down whenever I try to keep up with Victor Wooten's bass line on Earth Jam (live)... )

10-19-2004, 05:23 PM
Na, but I hear some 12 year old play at BB Kings in Nashville that brought the house down. The kid probably knows more girls than I do.

10-19-2004, 05:32 PM
I heard about this little kid (I think he played up here in Montreal last year or year before)... plays blues, if I'm not mistaken...

...but therein lies the problem: I just can't seem to get WITH the idea of a 12 year old playing the blues. He's TWELVE years old. How can he have the blues? And over what? He's TWELVE...

"My baby done left me... she left and took all my milk money..."
"My baby done left me... left and took my Olsen Twins movie..."

10-19-2004, 05:39 PM
I LOVE Nickel Creek. I'm pretty sure they're old enough to be in older people's palces now? They're in college or out of by now.

MAN they are awesome! I blast that stuff and blow down the highways and byways man!

10-19-2004, 05:49 PM
I heard about this little kid (I think he played up here in Montreal last year or year before)... plays blues, if I'm not mistaken...

...but therein lies the problem: I just can't seem to get WITH the idea of a 12 year old playing the blues. He's TWELVE years old. How can he have the blues? And over what? He's TWELVE...

"My baby done left me... she left and took all my milk money..."
"My baby done left me... left and took my Olsen Twins movie..."


Yeah, he plays the blues.

Mike Poore
10-20-2004, 07:40 AM
I LOVE Nickel Creek. I'm pretty sure they're old enough to be in older people's palces now? They're in college or out of by now.

MAN they are awesome! I blast that stuff and blow down the highways and byways man!
James, I see you're still keeping on the photography track. That's an awsome photo of the Cobra. ...very high quality art. I take it from your reply, I can't claim credit for "discovering" Nickel Creek. Boy, those guys are good!:sing: