View Full Version : They grow up so freaking fast...

10-19-2004, 08:06 PM

While wrapping up some work items for the evening, I left my small point-shoot digital camera uploading some photos to my laptop. One photo taken last weekend particularly got me thinking, and I decided to hunt down two earlier photos to illustrate something that most parents have probably noticed by now...

October 2001, about 10 days old. The car is my 1978 Trans Am:


October 2002, 1 year old, same car:


October 2004, 3 years old (no 2 year photo, the car was stored throughout 2003):


I can't really say I have any regrets about the amount of time I spent watching my kid grow over the past 3 years... I pretty much put a halt to much of my travelling with work, and my car-related events pretty much took a back seat to family life. It still feels too quick, though...
With #2 on the way (expected delivery: March 2005) hopefully I'll get to enjoy the early years as much as I have with Victor (#1).

10-19-2004, 08:09 PM
Now THAT^^^ is GREAT!!! Made me smile...I think I'll go sneak into a couple bedrooms for another look before I retire for the evening. Thanks /Steve!

10-19-2004, 08:26 PM
well i dont have any kids but that still reminds me of when i was a kid my dad had 2 red 78 TA's. the good ole days

Dr Caleb
10-20-2004, 08:23 AM
I don't think you grew at all. Same haircut, same glasses too. ;)

Oh! Victor! Yup. Cute little tyke. So you've got a change request in for /Steve version 2.1! Congrats! :banana:

Paul T. Casey
10-21-2004, 03:42 PM
I was inspired to do the same type of photos, but all my little ones are much larger than me nowadays. You're in the good years now my friend. It's amazing how much more life becomes with a family!!

10-21-2004, 04:30 PM
Steve, Victor is a real cute kid, must take after his mother. :D

I am glad you kept the Marauder instead of the Honda. :hotrice:

10-21-2004, 06:37 PM
Great pics. Hers my two little trouble makers!!

10-21-2004, 07:16 PM
you dont need to tell me that.....

my boy is just 18 months old; seems like just yesterday he was born and now i got him changing tires!

10-21-2004, 08:20 PM
My youngest grandchild is 18 mos old. Talk about growing up fast my oldest son is 35 and I am only 39. He He. Each passing year is an anniversity of my 39 th. :D

10-21-2004, 08:40 PM
I can't really say I have any regrets about the amount of time I spent watching my kid grow over the past 3 years... I pretty much put a halt to much of my travelling with work, and my car-related events pretty much took a back seat to family life. It still feels too quick, though....
Terrific photos. Not too many more years of sitting on your lap though ... You're right, they do grow up very fast -- best wishes on #2. My youngest is 21 ... oldest turned 27 on October 19th. Maybe I'll get to do a similar pic series in the MM with the grandkids 'cause I missed the opportunity the first time around.