View Full Version : A new car company?

10-24-2004, 11:00 PM
Will specialise in Police vehicles....



10-25-2004, 05:08 AM
This will fit right in for the next Robocop movie. :lol:

10-25-2004, 06:41 AM
The video just shows a lot of concept drawings.

It looks like a cross between the Dodge Magnum (nose) and the 2005 Mustang GT (rear) and the Ford 500 (middle part).

10-25-2004, 07:18 AM
Uses a twin torbo Desel... Hmmm

10-25-2004, 08:14 AM
I still prefer MM as Cop Car!!!! But nice concept!

10-25-2004, 12:20 PM
They are essentiially trying to get a giant order from the dept of homeland security for these. Problem I see is how is it the CV and other domestic lines dont fill the patrol duty need? Fire and EMT's get specialized vehicles because there really is no other commercially used platform that fits the requirements..

The powerpoint on the site nearly comes out and says without a nationwide mandate from the gov't this thing has no future. Its another $3000 hammer...

Love to hear what the LEO's here think about it.

Too bad, its kinda neat.

King Fubar
10-25-2004, 01:32 PM
They are essentiially trying to get a giant order from the dept of homeland security for these. Problem I see is how is it the CV and other domestic lines dont fill the patrol duty need? Fire and EMT's get specialized vehicles because there really is no other commercially used platform that fits the requirements..

The powerpoint on the site nearly comes out and says without a nationwide mandate from the gov't this thing has no future. Its another $3000 hammer...

Love to hear what the LEO's here think about it.

Too bad, its kinda neat.I'm a police officer in Florida, This car would actually be a little small not much different than a Taurus. The diesel engine could be good or bad, more economical as far as mpg goes but maintenance would be a nightmare. IMO the size of this car wouldn't be good at all, with trying to fit bad guys in the back, especially if they have any size to them. We all know back seat comfort is not a pre-requisite in this juncture, but trying to fit a 6-02 250 lb guy in a 39" space without a bulldozer is just a little tough. The CV or other large sedans are much better for just for that. And no spare tire? I know it's got runflats, I've never had runflats but if the tire got a large hole in it :dunno: do we just sit on the side of the road and wait or what.

Other than that the car looks neat as hell I'd like to see it with all the lights on. I just hope they don't employ the ford window guy there.

10-25-2004, 03:41 PM
Couldn't get on that site but from the looks of the pic, why not just use the new smaller Hummer, the things got it all, crim's don't need no style....... :rolleyes: