View Full Version : Online Petition to save SVT

10-28-2004, 10:24 PM
Guys and Gals:

I know most of us don't drive an SVT product, but without them I don't think the MM would have come about. Now, the bean counters at Ford are looking to do away with SVT and leave all of us without performance products. Below is the link to the petition. Please visit the site, read the petition and sign it if you wish.

Thanks! :beer:


10-29-2004, 05:18 AM
It sure got my vote:)

10-29-2004, 05:31 AM
Done. Thanks Bob. :beer:

Bradley G
10-29-2004, 05:38 AM
:D I'm on it!!

10-29-2004, 06:12 AM
I voted.

Thank you

10-29-2004, 06:42 AM
You certainly got my vote!

10-29-2004, 07:41 AM
:high5: :high5: :high5:

10-29-2004, 07:41 AM
I'm on it.

10-29-2004, 07:55 AM
Been there.

Did it.

Waiting on t-shirt.


10-29-2004, 08:34 AM
Dumb, dumb, dumb.............Think FoMoCo gives a rat's a :censor: s about anything like this? It's all about $$$$$$$$

10-29-2004, 08:35 AM
OK Bob, I signed. 2 MMs should carry some clout! HaHa!!

10-29-2004, 08:37 AM
Signed :banana:

cheddar 96 SS
10-29-2004, 09:14 AM
We, the undersigned are asking Ford Motor Company to reconsider delaying SVT Projects

That's all the petition says. They just want the delay gone. SVT won't be cancelled. I'm surprised the thought was even considered by people. Calm down, everyone. :pill: SVT is just taking a small break to gear up for Chevy's '06 line-up including a 400+ hp GTO, 500 hp Corvette and other goodies.

10-29-2004, 11:24 AM
I hate delays. Especially if it has to do with SVT stuff.:tantrum:

10-29-2004, 02:00 PM
I VOTED......Previous Vechiles 99 Lightning,01 Lightning and My Marauder,replaced 03 Cobra..........

10-29-2004, 04:01 PM
Dumb, dumb, dumb.............Think FoMoCo gives a rat's a :censor: s about anything like this? It's all about $$$$$$$$

I tend to agree FMC could care less of what we think. :(

10-29-2004, 04:31 PM
I gave them my opinion. Died in the wool Mercury.

10-29-2004, 04:33 PM
I tend to agree FMC could care less of what we think. :(
Me too. It's all about $$$. I did my part to let them know what I thought. I waited for years for Ford to make a full size performance car that looks good and I gave them my support. First new car I ever bought was the Marauder. And I bought two of them. But do they care? Nah. More profits in the front drive econo-boxes. Go ahead Ford, drive away some more of your faithful followers and soon you won't have any.

MBA Morons

Off soap box...

10-29-2004, 05:55 PM
I just signed the petition.... :beatnik:

10-29-2004, 06:07 PM
Guys and Gals:

I know most of us don't drive an SVT product, but without them I don't think the MM would have come about. Now, the bean counters at Ford are looking to do away with SVT and leave all of us without performance products. Below is the link to the petition. Please visit the site, read the petition and sign it if you wish.

Thanks! :beer:

www.PetitionOnline.com/savesvt (http://www.PetitionOnline.com/savesvt) :banana2: I gave my 2 cents,We the people have the power!:cool:

10-29-2004, 06:14 PM
the mustang boards are saying it isnt true.


10-30-2004, 07:18 AM
Me too. It's all about $$$. I did my part to let them know what I thought. I waited for years for Ford to make a full size performance car that looks good and I gave them my support. First new car I ever bought was the Marauder. And I bought two of them. But do they care? Nah. More profits in the front drive econo-boxes. Go ahead Ford, drive away some more of your faithful followers and soon you won't have any.

MBA Morons

Off soap box...
I agree with the above... Does anyone think Ford will care about an online petition? Really, anyone can sign it, whether they have an iterest in the petition, or not... Having said that, I signed it, just in case :cool:

10-30-2004, 09:05 AM
I agree with the above... Does anyone think Ford will care about an online petition? Really, anyone can sign it, whether they have an iterest in the petition, or not... Having said that, I signed it, just in case :cool:

LOL!!! Had me and my family sign it..just in case:cool: :cool: