View Full Version : Ouch!!

10-30-2004, 06:53 PM
This is what I get for parking in the Waffle House parking lot this morning!!!!!:argh: :tantrum:

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499SPIKE-thumb.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5943/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500/page/1) http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499OUCH_-thumb.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5942/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500/page/1)

Apparently.....the person that was SUPPOSED to pound this SPIKE into the ground was absent on "HAMMER" day....and therefore, I now have a busted front bumper!!!!!! :mad2:

10-30-2004, 07:00 PM
Oh Crap! That really sucks! :( Did you talk to the manager of the Waffle House?

10-30-2004, 07:03 PM
Oh Crap! That really sucks! :( Did you talk to the manager of the Waffle House?
OH YEAH!! You better believe it!!!! She was real nice about it....she said I would have to call Waffle House headquarters to file a claim, then she gave me the phone number! Hopefully, they'll just pay for it and I won't have to go through a bunch of crap to get this taken care of!!

10-30-2004, 07:03 PM
Apparently.....the person that was SUPPOSED to pound this SPIKE into the ground was absent on "HAMMER" day....and therefore, I now have a busted front bumper!!!!!! :mad2:
Hammer guy probably cut class on "Brain" day too !!! :mad: Hope you can get it fixed without too much problem. Waffle House should foot the bill. :)

10-30-2004, 07:05 PM
Hammer guy probably cut class on "Brain" day too !!!
:rofl: :rofl:

Hope you can get it fixed without too much problem. Waffle House should foot the bill. :)

I hope so!!! :depress:

10-30-2004, 07:06 PM
Marauderchick - That's a bummer. :( Bring it to the attention of the restaurant they should have insurance to cover that type of incident. IMO the pictures show a liability of the parking lot owner. That was a dangerous condition. Hope it works out .

10-30-2004, 07:23 PM
Marauderchick - That's a bummer. :( Bring it to the attention of the restaurant they should have insurance to cover that type of incident. IMO the pictures show a liability of the parking lot owner. That was a dangerous condition. Hope it works out .
The Manager of the Waffle House gave me the phone number to their Corporate Headquarters in order to file a claim......I hope this is gonna be cut and dry....no drama!!!

10-30-2004, 07:37 PM
OUCH!!!Let us know how you make out..

10-30-2004, 07:43 PM
Kathy, that really sucks. :argh: I agree with you and hope Waffle House pays for it with no drama. If not we can have a burn-out contest in their parking lot.


10-30-2004, 07:48 PM
If not we can have a burn-out contest in their parking lot.



Sounds good to me!!!!!!!

10-30-2004, 07:54 PM

Sounds good to me!!!!!!!

Kathy, have Marty send a letter.

10-30-2004, 07:56 PM
Kathy, have Marty send a letter.
GOOD IDEA!!!!! :up: I may just have to do that if I don't get anywhere with them on Monday!!

10-30-2004, 07:59 PM
GOOD IDEA!!!!! :up: I may just have to do that if I don't get anywhere with them on Monday!!

Sure call me. The Marauding attorney.

10-30-2004, 08:02 PM
And the Waffle House expert!
Sure call me. The Marauding attorney.

10-30-2004, 08:03 PM
And the Waffle House expert!
BINGO!!!! :D

10-30-2004, 08:03 PM
This is what I get for parking in the Waffle House parking lot this morning!!!!!:argh: :tantrum: :mad2:
Wow ! What a bummer. :(
Hope you can resolve this quickly and peacefully, :depress: best of luck.

10-30-2004, 08:04 PM
Sure call me. The Marauding attorney.

10-30-2004, 08:10 PM
Marty? take action against The Waffle House??!!

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/83IMG_1844-med.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5944/size/big/password/263233a0dd0b5fe0053e90d33d4b6b a0/sort/1/cat/500)

The ONLY action Marty takes at the waffle House is filling "the bottomless pit" with hash browns....:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/83IMG_1845-med.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5945/size/big/password/263233a0dd0b5fe0053e90d33d4b6b a0/sort/1/cat/500)

10-30-2004, 08:11 PM
On a serious note...sorry to see this Kathy...I'm sure the fine folks at WH-HQ will take care of ya. :up:

10-30-2004, 08:37 PM
Sorry to hear about your car "Sis". Go back over there and lay on the ground next to it and say you tripped over it. On a serious note, I hope it will work out for you.

10-30-2004, 08:54 PM
I doubt very seriously if the Waffle House will deny the claim. Especially if the manager surely walked out and looked at the spike sticking up. They ought to consider themselves lucky somebody didn't trip over it and get hurt seriously.

10-30-2004, 09:06 PM
Marty? take action against The Waffle House??!!

What scares me most about all this (both these images and those on the 'star trek' thread) is the incredible amount of clip art you guys have of each other...

(sorry to hear about your mishap, Kathy...)

10-30-2004, 09:09 PM
John Kerry must have been responsible for pounding in that spike. He left it half up to waffle around and get votes on both sides!

10-30-2004, 09:12 PM
And the Waffle House expert!

Be careful Kathy or you could wind up with a life time supply of waffles. :food: And Marty at your house every Sunday for breakfast.

10-30-2004, 10:00 PM
Wow, that's ugly!!! I mean your Marauder bumper, not Marty......

Hopefully you won't have to enlist Marty's legal services, but if you do, then I think you would do well to be in on every conversation that they have w/him since it's likely that he will sell out to them for some freebies of their products.

10-30-2004, 10:39 PM
Screw you all!!! I would help Kathy because she is my friend!!!!

Now excuse me while I go have a triple hash browns smothered, covered and peppered, just to drown my sorrow from these remarks!! :P

10-30-2004, 11:27 PM
Sorry Kathy. I hope it gets fixed as soon as possible!!

10-30-2004, 11:31 PM
Screw you all!!! I would help Kathy because she is my friend!!!!

Now excuse me while I go have a triple hash browns smothered, covered and peppered, just to drown my sorrow from these remarks!! :PLOL.......... :D

10-31-2004, 01:47 AM
Yikes! Good thing no one tripped and fell on that!

marty will take care of you, and the thought of losing marty as a customer will make WH do the right thing.

(but haggis may have a point too :) )

10-31-2004, 02:18 AM
Curb stops = The enemy below...My wife's 'ol 97 Sebring coupe loved those things. The bonus spike is more proof that carbohydrates are bad. I hope the waffle joint does right
by you Kathy. Sorry about your car.:depress:

10-31-2004, 05:20 AM
Wow Kathy you found a Waffle House in Atlanta. I've been searching everywhere for a Waffle House in Atlanta. I can't seem to find one. :D

Waffle House will take care of it. I had the front of my BMW busted from an errant Dominos Pizza sign that blew off the delivery driver in front of me. I took the sign to the local store and they paid for everything.

In my case I ended up having to go get the estimates and they sent me a check for the work.


10-31-2004, 06:23 AM
Good luck Kathy....here's hoping they take care of it!

I might have to check out a WH when I'm down in Atlanta next weekend....never actually been to one...

10-31-2004, 07:25 AM
Good luck Kathy....here's hoping they take care of it!

I might have to check out a WH when I'm down in Atlanta next weekend....never actually been to one...

When do you arrive? I can probably hook you up with a little Waffle House action.....

10-31-2004, 07:32 AM
This is what I get for parking in the Waffle House parking lot this morning!!!!!:argh: :tantrum:

http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499SPIKE-thumb.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5943/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500/page/1) http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/data/500/1499OUCH_-thumb.JPG (http://www.mercurygallery.net/mmnet/showphoto.php/photo/5942/password/609188231eab925aba11fc0a4391a9 9e/sort/1/cat/500/page/1)

Apparently.....the person that was SUPPOSED to pound this SPIKE into the ground was absent on "HAMMER" day....and therefore, I now have a busted front bumper!!!!!! :mad2: Thats not a good thing. Sorry to hear that #1.

10-31-2004, 08:32 AM
Screw you all!!! I would help Kathy because she is my friend!!!!

Now excuse me while I go have a triple hash browns smothered, covered and peppered, just to drown my sorrow from these remarks!! :P

It warms my heart to see that friendship wins out over waffles. Then again it could be Kathy's BBQ is better then waffles.

10-31-2004, 09:21 AM
That truley sucks!

Especially to one of the most taken care of MM's I have seen in person.

I thought you had the Eibachs on the front? I say so, cause ever since I lowered the front ent, I cannot pull up to any curb or curb stop, and have learned to stay well behind them.

10-31-2004, 02:53 PM
Good luck Kathy....here's hoping they take care of it!

I might have to check out a WH when I'm down in Atlanta next weekend....never actually been to one...
Never been to a Waffle House?????......>thud<......>craaaassshhhh<.........

Whaaaaa Happened????......I must've fallen out of my chair when I fainted from the shear knowledge the you've never been to a Waffle House! Like Marty said....let us know when you arrive and he/we can get you in on some Waffle House action......uh.....hey Marty, ummmm.....would you mind pickin' me up for this excursion to the Waffle House.....all of a sudden my car has this undying fear of Waffle House parking lots......?????......hee hee hee :D

10-31-2004, 02:56 PM
That truley sucks!

Especially to one of the most taken care of MM's I have seen in person.
Thanks for the compliment Barry!

I thought you had the Eibachs on the front? I say so, cause ever since I lowered the front end, I cannot pull up to any curb or curb stop, and have learned to stay well behind them.
Yep! I have the Eibachs......I love the way it makes the car look.....but I hate, hate, hate curb stops!!!!! This is actually the first one that I've run up on!!!!! (and the last one...)

10-31-2004, 02:57 PM
Well as a matter of fact I've been in Atlanta 4 years and I haven't set foot in a Waffle House.


10-31-2004, 03:00 PM
Well as a matter of fact I've been in Atlanta 4 years and I haven't set foot in a Waffle House.

Ahhhhhhhh!!......you guys are KILLING me!!!! NEVER???? Not even once????

OK.....instead of the Cracker Barrell......we will just have to have our next breakfast at the local Waffle House!!!! :D

10-31-2004, 03:08 PM
Nope not once. Not since I've been in Atlanta. I can't remember the last time I've been in one.

What's the big deal, considering how rare they are in Atlanta?

10-31-2004, 03:10 PM
Nope not once. Not since I've been in Atlanta. I can't remember the last time I've been in one.

What's the big deal, considering how rare they are in Atlanta?
Rare?? C'mon Eric.....fess up......you're kidding me right???? :P

10-31-2004, 03:13 PM
I'm kidding on how rare they are. But I'm not kidding that I haven't been in a Waffle House since I was a kid.

10-31-2004, 04:10 PM
Kathy, just got back into town to see the very painful gouge in your bumper, looking at it gave me shills.:( You have pictures, is all documented, I believe it will be taken care of: no repairs, new bumper fascia at the best facility the ATL has too offer....nothing is too good for your car.:D

10-31-2004, 08:34 PM
And our Waffle House needs to be condemed!!!!

10-31-2004, 08:51 PM
:depress: I hate when that happens. I hope corprate don't give you any grief.

10-31-2004, 09:23 PM
Hey sorry to see/read about your "bump"

I remember they use to amke curb feelers for the side of the cars?

Maybe we can find you a set for the front? :lol:

10-31-2004, 11:33 PM
That sucks.

Hope they step up to the plate ... & your car is looking good as new real soon


11-01-2004, 06:09 AM
When do you arrive? I can probably hook you up with a little Waffle House action.....

I'll be in around noon on Friday...arriving at Team Ford for a dyno tune to check my A/F ratio after putting on a new intake (JLT).....and after that the rest of the day off.

I've heard good things about WH....I'll work up an appetite :D

11-01-2004, 07:18 AM
Hope they step up to the plate ...
I thought Marty was gonna step up to the plate --- if waffles are involved?? :rofl:

11-01-2004, 09:26 AM
I'll be in around noon on Friday...arriving at Team Ford for a dyno tune to check my A/F ratio after putting on a new intake (JLT).....and after that the rest of the day off.

I've heard good things about WH....I'll work up an appetite :D

.hey Five O--I should be there about the same time--get #7's throat cleaned and tune to sing as well.....see ya there.........Tom

PS..and Kathy, sorry --didn't mean to hi-jack your thread------and sorry to see /hear about your front damage---were you able to locate the broken piece?....good luck getting it fixed........Tom

11-01-2004, 09:54 AM
Sounds like lunch is on at the Waffle House!!!! :D

11-01-2004, 10:01 AM
Sounds like lunch is on at the Waffle House!!!! :D
............and at the cost of that front bumper----that's alot of lunches!!!!!!!!!!! :) :D :cool:

11-01-2004, 10:04 AM
............and at the cost of that front bumper----that's alot of lunches!!!!!!!!!!! :) :D :cool:


Hey....lunch is on me ya'll....errrr, uhhh....or should I say...."on Waffle House"..

11-01-2004, 10:08 AM
Free :food: :food: :coolman:

11-01-2004, 10:11 AM
Free :food: :food: :coolman:
Now we're talkin'!!!!! :D

King Fubar
11-01-2004, 10:58 AM
You are in a 5-star Waffle House when the cook is either missing a finger or two and/or is covered in tattoos...Every now and again you may have the one-eyed cook (which is rare) they are the kings of Waffle House cooks....