View Full Version : What Were Your Major Local Political Referendums?

11-03-2004, 03:10 PM
The big deal in Greenville, SC was whether or not to abolish or keep our "minibottle" laws. Liquor before yesterday had to be served by the minibottle. That was toppled 59-41 percent. State legislature will rewrite the law shortly and drinking establishments can serve by the bottle I believe.

What was the major debate about in all of ya'lls towns?

11-03-2004, 04:19 PM
In Houston, citizens got enough signatures on a petition to put a tax and revenue limit on the ballot. The mayor and his cronies said "Oh, ****z!, if this passes we won't be able to raise taxes as much as we want to!" So they put a competing proposal on the ballot, which SOUNDS like a tax cap, but really isn't. Lots of heated debate and advertisements. Funny thing is, the ballot didn't ask voters to CHOOSE between the two, it allowed voters to vote yes or no on each. Guess what? They both passed! Now we will have lawsuits to see which one, or both, actually goes into effect.

11-03-2004, 04:24 PM
The town next to me; Copperas Cove, TX has banned smoking in all public places. Damn Nazis... speaking of which, I'm gonna go 'burn one' in the garage while it's still legal!

11-03-2004, 04:24 PM
We had a state proposition to prevent me from being forced to buy gay wedding presents and a another that requires the casinos to bribe the entire voting public rather than just the legislature.

11-03-2004, 04:25 PM
What was the major debate about in all of ya'lls towns?
No local referendums here. Virginia had two statewide Constitutional questions. The first was to expand the list for line of succession for the Governor. The second was to fix a redistricting problem discovered after the 2000 Census if a representative died or was unable to perform his duties for health of other reasons. The fix assures that everyone has a representative until elections can be held. Both questions passed easily.

the fat bastid
11-03-2004, 04:52 PM
none, what a boring ass state i live in.

11-03-2004, 04:58 PM
none, what a boring ass state i live in.

Gavin - Move to New York . He He :D

11-03-2004, 05:25 PM
The town next to me; Copperas Cove, TX has banned smoking in all public places. Damn Nazis... speaking of which, I'm gonna go 'burn one' in the garage while it's still legal!

Move to North Carolina. We have several restaurants, Hooters for example, that don't even offer a non smoking section.

11-03-2004, 05:37 PM
We had an "enhanced 911" surcharge of $1.96 per month for a year (or two, can't remember) to vote on. It failed.

Apparently most people other than our county or most of Iowa, whatever, get the enhanced 911 service (or will soon) without raising fees like this, or so I'm told. We have very antiquated equipment that needs to be replaced so they asked us to pay extra for enhanced.

Sounds pretty stupid at first, since they should be using our normal 911 fee for this (I pay $0.50 per month for 911 service on cell) but enhanced 911 is a good thing for cell-only users such as myself, so I voted for it. Qwest (local phone co.) was whining that it's us cell-only users that caused the lack of revenue for 911, making this necessary. Normally I would tell Qwest to go take a flying leap landing backward on a concrete dildo, but I decided to "put up."

The enhanced 911 allows instant location ID when used even on cell, from what I read, so I could use that. Maybe next time.

At least a couple of the state congressmen/senators I voted for made it in. :depress:


11-03-2004, 05:55 PM
We had a state proposition to prevent me from being forced to buy gay wedding presents and a another that requires the casinos to bribe the entire voting public rather than just the legislature.:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Paul T. Casey
11-03-2004, 06:22 PM
Quote from James, "What was the major debate about in all of ya'lls towns?"
Maw pahking faw owa Yawls. (Marina and Salt Pond Questions)

11-03-2004, 06:33 PM
I had a really nicely detail explanation of our new local gun laws, but I hit the wrong key and it "pooped" (windows sound effect) outta here, which is exactly where I believe all (IMHO) political threads need to get sent anyway...

11-03-2004, 06:44 PM
There was a 1/4 cent sales tax initiative on the county ballots of Missouri and Kansas Kansas City Metro counties coined Bistate II. Basically a $1.2B tax to fund improvements to the Truman Sports Complex (Royals and Chiefs) and to fund "the arts." Bistate I was approved a few years back to raise $112M to renovate the now floundering historic Union Station in downtown KC, MO.

Most of the money would have been spent on the Missouri side, although that didn't stop the supporters asking Kansans to pony up too. The biggest problem is that Kansans would be paying to improve sports facilities that Missourians have first dibs on tickets for. That's fair isn't it? Of course it got a majority in the benefiting Missouri county, but Kansans gave it the :down:.

Let 'em raise ticket prices and/or go get private investments to fund the sports complex. The majority of the backing "the arts" would have recieved was unclear and there was no accountability in its management.

I heard it was estimated to cost each taxpayer about $3,000 over its duration. No thanks, and get your hands out of my pockets. :rolleyes:

- JD

Mr Johnson
11-03-2004, 07:12 PM
We too had an "upgrade" fee for our local 911 system on the ballot. An upgrade to the system for just $.50/month.

11-03-2004, 07:31 PM
We almost had a referendum outlawing referendums, but it was a few signatures shy of making the ballot.

11-03-2004, 08:53 PM
26 items on our ballot, 18 of which were propositions. Longest thing I've ever seen.

things that passed are:
-$0.005 sales tax for local roads (more taxes to pay for what they should be paying for already)
-authorize the county to build more low income housing (on my dime of course)
-stopping the state from raiding the accounts of counties and cities.
-make state records more public (duh)
-surplus state property auctions go to pay off debts (why did they buy the stuff to begin with?)
-$750 million in bonds for childrens hospitals (even more debt to pay)
-1% tax on the "rich" to pay for mental hospitals (any more taxes and I'll check in myself)
-stop lawyers from suing businesses for no reason (duh)
-DNA database of felons (duh)
-$3 Billion in bonds for stem cell research (don't people understand that you actually have to pay this stuff back? Ridiculous!)

Failed items include:
-Open (no political party) primaries. (stupid idea)
-limits to "3 strikes" felon laws. (financed by some rich guy trying to keep his P.O.S. kid out of prison for the next 30 years)
-unspecified surcharge (TAX!) on phone bills to pay for ER rooms. (apparently it is life threatening to talk on the phone at home)
-expanded indian casinos (maybe they could put the ER rooms there and let the "tribes" pay for it!)
-mandatory health care by employers (say goodbye to even more businesses)

Basically, the bleeding hearts in this stupid state have committed to an additional $8 billion in debt (including the interest) over the next 30 years plus an even greater amount of taxes to be used for completely different things.

11-03-2004, 10:55 PM
Our major referendum was whether or not Bush would be recognized as prez if elected.

It didn't pass.

All hail Suddam!


11-04-2004, 12:16 AM
Indict Bush, Cheney, DeLay, et. al. for economic treason against the American people!


11-04-2004, 02:46 AM
Indict Bush, Cheney, DeLay, et. al. for economic treason against the American people! :P
And where are you going to find an impartial Judge/Jury for trial...Here?

11-04-2004, 07:32 AM
Boy, talk about some sore losers hijacking a thread! :Offtopic:

11-04-2004, 08:31 PM
We had an "enhanced 911" surcharge of $1.96 per month for a year (or two, can't remember) to vote on. It failed.

Apparently most people other than our county or most of Iowa, whatever, get the enhanced 911 service (or will soon) without raising fees like this, or so I'm told. We have very antiquated equipment that needs to be replaced so they asked us to pay extra for enhanced.

Sounds pretty stupid at first, since they should be using our normal 911 fee for this (I pay $0.50 per month for 911 service on cell) but enhanced 911 is a good thing for cell-only users such as myself, so I voted for it. Qwest (local phone co.) was whining that it's us cell-only users that caused the lack of revenue for 911, making this necessary. Normally I would tell Qwest to go take a flying leap landing backward on a concrete dildo, but I decided to "put up."

The enhanced 911 allows instant location ID when used even on cell, from what I read, so I could use that. Maybe next time.

At least a couple of the state congressmen/senators I voted for made it in. :depress:


Enhanced 911 works twofold. your right about the cell phones and the dispatchers having your location, but that will only work if your cell phone has GPS built into it. If it does not, they will be able to narrow your location down to the nearest cell tower.
The other way it works is when you dial 911 from your home phone your name, number and address information pops up on the dispatchers screen. With your "old antiquated equipment" that your locale still uses, the dispatcher doesn't have any information in front of them. they have to ask you for it. Enhanced is a good thing because if someone wasn't able to talk for some reason the dispatchers know where to send the emergency crews. When you think about it $1.96 for a year or two isn't that much for what you'll get out of it. The main thing is to make sure that the surcharge came off your phone bill when the referendum sunsets.

11-05-2004, 06:23 AM
Boy, talk about some sore losers hijacking a thread! :Offtopic:

ditto, especially the sore loser part. Why not accept your resounding defeat gracefully like your candidate did? Are you too sore from the whupping you took in the House and Senate also?