View Full Version : WOW Roadforce Does Work

11-09-2004, 09:01 AM
We bought a Roadforce Tire Machine. This thing really works. It matches the tire to the rim and tells you where to put it on the car. Every car and truck we have done, it has fixed. We just had a Dodge in with a vibration problem. After spending 3 hours on it, we fixed the car without tires or rims. The rims were bent but it tells you how to overcome it. Took the customer out at 90 mph and they couldn't believe it was fixed. We had one of our Lincoln customers bring in their Porche SUV that no one could fix. We fixed it. 16k investment, but it works. :banana: :beer:

Mike Poore
11-09-2004, 11:25 AM
We bought a Roadforce Tire Machine. This thing really works. :beer:
Way to go, Ray. Once the word gets out, they're gonna be lined up at your door. :high5:

Bradley G
11-09-2004, 11:36 AM
Hey Ray,
The machine is fine, but you guys at the dealer are the real heros here!!I had several road force balances done on two seperate sets(front)of tires.It was only till the Hunter Co. did my tires as part of a demonstration (for my dealer to purchace a unit as well)til the wheel shake was almost gone.(still slight at god speed)
Bradley G

11-09-2004, 06:03 PM
These machines rock!!!

If I may ask, what is your dealerships fee for a RF Balance? Per wheel.

11-09-2004, 06:07 PM
You got to spend money to make make money:):):)

It shows the owners commitment.

Great news as I am close......................

Good to live near Phila :P :P :P :beer: :burnout:

Mike Poore
11-09-2004, 06:21 PM
These machines rock!!!

If I may ask, what is your dealerships fee for a RF Balance? Per wheel.
UH OH! I smell a road trip! Barry you gan get your tires done at Ray's when we go visit Jet. Our home in Fairfield is an excellant stopping off point, mid-way, and you guys are welcome. Besides, I know how to mix you a perfect vodka tarmeenie, and can make those bait rollups with carbon paper and rice.:D

11-09-2004, 06:51 PM
..... and can make those bait rollups with carbon paper and rice.:D

Hey man...those things are goooood.

I'll be up your way next year, that's for sure.