View Full Version : Peterson Guilty

11-12-2004, 02:24 PM
The system does work and it is about time!

11-12-2004, 02:26 PM
The system does work. No surpise on the verdict. Justice served.

11-12-2004, 03:25 PM

Sounds like either one of the jurors dismissed were holding things up.

11-12-2004, 03:41 PM
I was afraid he was gonna 'O.J.' his way out of it!!

May Lacy and the baby rest in peace,...

Too bad he wasn't tried here in TX!! :D [evil grin]

Dr Caleb
11-12-2004, 03:45 PM
Who? Guilty of what?

11-12-2004, 05:05 PM
Who? Guilty of what?

Scott Peterson was found guilty of 1st degree Murder. He murdered his pregnant wife and dumped her in the ocean.

11-12-2004, 05:22 PM
Amazing how much national atention this case has received. The local coverage is just ridiculous. On the news every day. Probably won't slow until he gets the rusty needle. A sad case made into a circus by our media.

11-12-2004, 05:41 PM
It ain't over. Just moving upward to a higher court, and those late Jury changes are lynchpin that will pause the lynching...Just a play on words donchano.

11-12-2004, 06:43 PM
I was afraid he was gonna 'O.J.' his way out of it!!

May Lacy and the baby rest in peace,...

Too bad he wasn't tried here in TX!! :D [evil grin]

:2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs:

11-12-2004, 06:47 PM
It ain't over. Just moving upward to a higher court, and those late Jury changes are lynchpin that will pause the lynching...Just a play on words donchano.
as usual, mac hit this nail on the head. i believe he was guilty but i don't think the prosecution proved thier case beyond a reasonable doubt. this will be appealed on the premise of jury tampering. it ain't over but it's a nice start.

11-12-2004, 06:47 PM
Of course he was convicted.

He wasn't rich or famous.

The OJ trial had nothing to do with race - it had to do with fame.

BTW Sarge, I just saw on MSNBC that (they said anyway) the juror switching was done "completely by the book" and their analysts were saying little/no chance of a retrial or appeal. Fine with me. Fry 'im.


11-12-2004, 07:54 PM
The most dissapointed guy on the planet ?


He thought he was getting a new golf partner.

Joe Walsh
11-12-2004, 08:45 PM
Does George Foreman make a big enough grill for Mr. Peterson???

11-12-2004, 09:08 PM
I'm not a violent person, but this guy and others that murder = "Hang 'em

and Hang 'em High"...............

11-12-2004, 09:37 PM
why does it take 6-12 months to have a murder trial in CA? in TX your lucky if it is over 2 weeks.

11-12-2004, 10:55 PM
why does it take 6-12 months to have a murder trial in CA? in TX your lucky if it is over 2 weeks.

The hard realization of 183 witnesses.

Each witness could take between a few minutes to a few days.

Add it up and it takes 6 months.

11-13-2004, 09:45 AM
why does it take 6-12 months to have a murder trial in CA? in TX your lucky if it is over 2 weeks. Tell me about it. My friends father was shot and killed at work by a deranged lady who was fired a few weeks prior. He took a 44 in the head as he was getting others to safety. With over 10 eyewitnesses and a murder weapon, the thing still went over a year...insanity plea resulting in life with no parole. Really should have gotten the rusty needle.

11-13-2004, 11:34 AM
Amazing how much national atention this case has received. The local coverage is just ridiculous. On the news every day. Probably won't slow until he gets the rusty needle. A sad case made into a circus by our media.
a rusty needle is too easy, maybe he should visit our men overseas

Joe Walsh
11-13-2004, 12:45 PM
Might be better if he gets 'LIFE' in prison....that pretty boy will be a "pin cushion" in the joint.

11-13-2004, 01:08 PM
I guess my intrepidations lie with that the EXTREME lack of physical evidence and Peterson's behaviour damned him in the people of America's eyes. The media played this angle very well as the "pack" mentality takes over in these situations. Don't get me wrong...a jury of our peers convicted him. I just have a different view on this being an LEO and the innocent victim of the murder of a family member and death of my only 9 y/o child in an MVA. The law dog in me sez not enuff evidence...the human in me sez fry the sucker !


UAW 588
11-13-2004, 09:59 PM
Might be better if he gets 'LIFE' in prison....that pretty boy will be a "pin cushion" in the joint.

Every prison has a BIG hairy guy named Bubba, looking for some new meat or personal cell b*tch. Better get him a sign for his back that says "one way do not enter". :puke: I hope the bastard burns in hell!!!!!!!!!!!! :flamer:

11-14-2004, 08:22 PM
a rusty needle is too easy, maybe he should visit our men overseas

Might be better if he gets 'LIFE' in prison....that pretty boy will be a "pin cushion" in the joint.
My beef with life sentence is the cost...per the CA govt web site, there are over 3,000 Life W/O Parole inmates, with an average cost of almost $31,000 per inmate...we spend about $93 million dollars a year to house the walking dead, not including the legal fees. That would buy over 15,000 trilogy kits a year! Now that would be for the public good!

11-14-2004, 08:39 PM
My beef with life sentence is the cost...per the CA govt web site, there are over 3,000 Life W/O Parole inmates, with an average cost of almost $31,000 per inmate...we spend about $93 million dollars a year to house the walking dead, not including the legal fees. That would buy over 15,000 trilogy kits a year! Now that would be for the public good!
Just saw this on Fox News: A person convicted and sentanced to death will spend an average of 22 yrs on death row.

WTF is wrong here!

Either way, Peterson gets life w/out parolle or the death penelty, they are both DEATH. He will rot. Just one costs a little more.

11-14-2004, 08:44 PM
a kid i grew up with was murdered on his 16th birthday by a burglar. they finally executed the guy last year... think it was 17 years later. so even in tx i guess it can take a while for the sentence to be carried out...

11-14-2004, 08:45 PM
If you will allow me, I'd like to mention something that's related, but can be considered slightly off-topic......

When it comes to this murder case, I hadn't ever thought of the following until I heard a news commentary person mention it on a local radio station last week.......

This isn't neccessarily meant to defend Scott Peterson, but if he was already accused of, and was facing, a murder rap for the murder of his wife, then how can it be that he also faced, and was convicted of, the murder of an unborn child, by the court of law, the Judicial branch of our government, while at the same time, that same unborn child is NOT considered a human life by the Law, and therefore could've been aborted legally? Isn't that a major contradiction in the Law? And if it is, then why the condradiction? Is it merely for convenience? And has convenience in the written Law of our land become more important than human life?

11-15-2004, 11:24 AM
If you will allow me, I'd like to mention something that's related, but can be considered slightly off-topic......

When it comes to this murder case, I hadn't ever thought of the following until I heard a news commentary person mention it on a local radio station last week.......

This isn't neccessarily meant to defend Scott Peterson, but if he was already accused of, and was facing, a murder rap for the murder of his wife, then how can it be that he also faced, and was convicted of, the murder of an unborn child, by the court of law, the Judicial branch of our government, while at the same time, that same unborn child is NOT considered a human life by the Law, and therefore could've been aborted legally? Isn't that a major contradiction in the Law? And if it is, then why the condradiction? Is it merely for convenience? And has convenience in the written Law of our land become more important than human life?

Oh, don't get me started. I'll pass on this one.

11-15-2004, 12:38 PM
If you will allow me, I'd like to mention something that's related, but can be considered slightly off-topic......

then how can it be that he also faced, and was convicted of, the murder of an unborn child, by the court of law, the Judicial branch of our government, while at the same time, that same unborn child is NOT considered a human life by the Law, and therefore could've been aborted legally? Isn't that a major contradiction in the Law? And if it is, then why the condradiction? Is it merely for convenience? And has convenience in the written Law of our land become more important than human life?

Billy you are just trying to get me on my soap box, aint ya...it seems absurd to me also...double standard...it is legal for a mother to kill an unborn baby...but if someone else kills it,then it is murder...same result; dead child...disclaimer: offending anyone was not my motive, I would however like to see an end to birth control by murder...willie

Dr Caleb
11-15-2004, 12:57 PM
Scott Peterson was found guilty of 1st degree Murder. He murdered his pregnant wife and dumped her in the ocean.

Ahhh! Thanks man. I wondered because things like this get very little media coverage here. Just one guy living the dream of 1/2 the married men out there; killing his wife and trying to get away with it. No different than the 1000's of other men who do the same thing every year.

..double standard...it is legal for a mother to kill an unborn baby...but if someone else kills it,then it is murder...same result;

Well said. I'm with ya here willie. I always laugh at people who are anti-abortion but pro-cluster bomb. They just can't see the irony ;)

11-15-2004, 09:52 PM
Regardless of what your position on abortion is, you cannot deny that there's a contradiction in our laws regarding the unborn fetus. Is it a human being w/rights, or isn't it? You cannot have it both ways. But apparently our government has had it both ways with this issue. And why is that? Is it merely because of convenience? Caleb,if you who think this is NOT a contradiction then why haven't you answered my question? Instead you bring up other issues to evade my question. In certain states of our country you'll get fined up to $25,000 if you're caught destroying an Eagle's egg, but you can go to have a human fetus killed by a "professional" who's trained to do that. Tell me our priorities aren't twisted.

11-15-2004, 11:43 PM
Regardless of what your position on abortion is, you cannot deny that there's a contradiction in our laws regarding the unborn fetus. Is it a human being w/rights, or isn't it? You cannot have it both ways. But apparently our government has had it both ways with this issue. And why is that? Is it merely because of convenience? Caleb,if you who think this is NOT a contradiction then why haven't you answered my question? Instead you bring up other issues to evade my question. In certain states of our country you'll get fined up to $25,000 if you're caught destroying an Eagle's egg, but you can go to have a human fetus killed by a "professional" who's trained to do that. Tell me our priorities aren't twisted.

I was debating about responding to your first post on this. And I wont go into the abortion issue, personnal reasons. But I do agree with you that are priorities are out of line and YES twisted. I dont have any answers just more questions but alot to think about. Thanks.

11-15-2004, 11:57 PM
I was debating about responding to your first post on this. And I wont go into the abortion issue, personnal reasons. But I do agree with you that are priorities are out of line and YES twisted. I dont have any answers just more questions but alot to think about. Thanks.

While I think that Peterson was probably guilty, the verdict in this case is quite ripe for appeal. Two acquital jurors were dismissed to obtain a conviction.

Also the political pressure from the gyno-loudmouths was intense.

This became a gender issue with Gloria Alread (man-hater #1) wallowing all over it.

The appeal should be quite entertaining!


11-16-2004, 12:04 AM
I hope the appeal doesnt suck up all the media attention again. Imagine what more important stories are passed over cuz the news reports that juror #4 farted during deliberations.

11-16-2004, 12:07 AM
I hope the appeal doesnt suck up all the media attention again. Imagine what more important stories are passed over cuz the news reports that juror #4 farted during deliberations.
LOL....I hear ya........

Dr Caleb
11-16-2004, 10:21 AM
Caleb,if you who think this is NOT a contradiction then why haven't you answered my question? Instead you bring up other issues to evade my question.

I did agree with you Billy, by pointing out another contradiction. It's not OK to kill a child, but it's fine to drop unexploded ordinace near them which at some point will be picked up by that child and probabally kill them.

I didn't express my views on abortion, however. That is way outside the scope of this forumn, which is about cars.

11-17-2004, 01:39 AM
I did agree with you Billy,okay then.
I didn't express my views on abortion, however. That is way outside the scope of this forumn, which is about cars.Yes, but the reason that I did, was because it did have something to do indirectly with the Scott peterson case, which BTW also has nothing to do with cars either, however here we all are speaking about it. ;) Why else would we have a forum titled the "Lounge" when we already have a "Community" forum as well as a "Garage" forum too?

11-17-2004, 05:27 AM
If you will allow me, I'd like to mention something that's related, but can be considered slightly off-topic......

When it comes to this murder case, I hadn't ever thought of the following until I heard a news commentary person mention it on a local radio station last week.......

This isn't neccessarily meant to defend Scott Peterson, but if he was already accused of, and was facing, a murder rap for the murder of his wife, then how can it be that he also faced, and was convicted of, the murder of an unborn child, by the court of law, the Judicial branch of our government, while at the same time, that same unborn child is NOT considered a human life by the Law, and therefore could've been aborted legally? Isn't that a major contradiction in the Law? And if it is, then why the condradiction? Is it merely for convenience? And has convenience in the written Law of our land become more important than human life?
Well... in the Peterson case... the fetus was 8 months old and not a candidate for abortion.

11-17-2004, 05:46 AM
While I think that Peterson was probably guilty, the verdict in this case is quite ripe for appeal. Two acquital jurors were dismissed to obtain a conviction.

Also the political pressure from the gyno-loudmouths was intense.

This became a gender issue with Gloria Alread (man-hater #1) wallowing all over it.

The appeal should be quite entertaining!


David: Our system and way of life here in the United States just sucks doesn't it? have you ever considered moving to another country?

11-17-2004, 09:25 AM
BTW Sarge, I just saw on MSNBC that (they said anyway) the juror switching was done "completely by the book" and their analysts were saying little/no chance of a retrial or appeal. -A
Therein lies the rub, -Andrew, the "book" is dynamic, and it changes with every case. Today, everything looks fair and square, by the number and according to the book. Tomorrow, it will all look very different. We'll see...

Our CJ system is not perfect, but I believe it's the best in the world. It's based on the notion of fairness for all, but paramount goals include that an innocent man is not unlawfull jailed, and the punishment fits the crime. The caveat of course, is that in aspiring to achieve those goals, a guilty man may go free.

Can't say I know what bound the jury process, and it will be a while before any of us learn that, if at all. But, if that jury went in circles as we tend to do here in discussions of engine oil and low end grunt, I can see how one or two strong personalities can hold their ground, and bind thing up. This could be good, this could be bad, I don't really know. I'll look at it all from this point of view.

The clock was ticking, a decision had to be made. Had there been an accquital, the case is closed...Forever. Like O.J., we'll never know the truth, or, have a chance to learn that again. At least with this a finding of guilty, Scott Peterson stays in custody while we look over everything again, perhaps find the evidence that will allow a clear and decisive guilt or innocence. What else does he have to do? Go get married again? Draws due to technicalities never sit well with me, I'd rather win the race, and not earn the trophy by the other guy's redlight. If this is seen, or, viewed as a perversion of our "fair" system, I'm happy to be a little perverted.

11-17-2004, 05:07 PM
Gone on long enough.