View Full Version : Thrashing ...

11-13-2004, 09:47 PM
Many people hear this & think of music ...

NOT the case here.

Back in high school(1989 graduate) ... me & many of the people I hung around with used this term whenever we screwed with someone.

This could have been simple head games of a joking nature, to leaving patches of rubber in front of someones house you didn't like ... whenever the mood struck. :P

Anywhoo ...

Me & the wife are cruising down the street in the MM this afternoon ... when I see these two teenagers on skateboards acting completely OBLIVIOUS to what's going on around them. They are on the RH side ... first one darts across the steet w/o so much as a second's glance ... the second one was about to do the same - looked up just in time to see me & stops before darting out in front of the car.

As I pass the one that DID look & WAIT ... I shake my head at him. The other one(who NEVER looked or turned around) is still chugging along pretty good on the LH side of the street on his board. I'm doing @ 30 mph & just as I get right along side him ... I ROMP on it. Only left it down for @ 4 seconds ... as I look in the rear view mirror - I see the kid practically jumping up on someones FRONT PORCH.

I obviously startled the **** out of him.


Got quite a reaction out of the wife too ...

"Damn ... freaking front wheels gonna come off the ground !?!?!?!?!?!"(tail end took a major squat when I did that).

Kudos to the SCT 9100.


Eric < --- still laughing his keister off.