View Full Version : Concert Supports American Red Cross!

11-13-2004, 10:44 PM
A few friends of mine and Viki threw a concert at a local coffee pub in support of the American Red Cross. They raised some good money and everyone had a good time! Here's some pictures of the place, and the event, and the bands. It went well.

Not to mention their PA system didn't show up, or showed up late, and had I not had some good performance microphones, stands, large speakers, large speaker stands, amp, and mixer...and lots of cables, part of this would not have been pulled off.

I enjoyed it quite a lot!

BTW, this photography hobby of mine is going very well! I hope to buy a Nikon 8700/8800 coolpix soon!

11-13-2004, 10:50 PM
Damn Woa,... you sure do keep company with some cuties! :up:

It's great to see teenagers doing something for a good cause,... If I was 17 and at your event tonight I would've been kicked out for throwing beer bottles or trying to start a mosh pit. :D Glad to see you have your head on straight! :lol:

BTW- WTF is the American Read Cross?

11-14-2004, 12:11 AM
Cool James!!!!!!!! :bows: :bows: :bows:

11-14-2004, 10:24 AM
I didn't say American Read Cross:confused:

Yes, we had a good time and some clean fun. Generally, I can't post pictures of the hotties I hang out with. I just try to keep myself in good company (around people who will either push me to better myself or keep me from doing something I shouldn't.) I can usually fend for myself and I'm rarely influenced by people I shouldn't be. Unless I'm driving the Grand Marquis and someone in an 87 Trans Am tries to ....actually I won't tell that story.

The women in this area that I speak of tend to be very attractive. In fact, I've noticed that I usually hang with the females anyways. Like at lunch. I'm the only guy there...oh man, life is sooo hard:D :D :D

11-14-2004, 10:35 AM
I didn't say American Read Cross:confused:
Sorry, James, you did but I fixed it in the Title. ;)

11-14-2004, 10:52 AM
I was hoping you wouldn't say that! Thank you Mary for doing so:)

Sorry, James, you did but I fixed it in the Title. ;)

11-14-2004, 11:37 AM
I didn't say American Read Cross:confused:

Yes, we had a good time and some clean fun. Generally, I can't post pictures of the hotties I hang out with. I just try to keep myself in good company (around people who will either push me to better myself or keep me from doing something I shouldn't.) I can usually fend for myself and I'm rarely influenced by people I shouldn't be. Unless I'm driving the Grand Marquis and someone in an 87 Trans Am tries to ....actually I won't tell that story.

The women in this area that I speak of tend to be very attractive. In fact, I've noticed that I usually hang with the females anyways. Like at lunch. I'm the only guy there...oh man, life is sooo hard:D :D :D

Sounds like you keep yourself well :2thumbs: i have been meaning to ask did you drive dads cobra yet? if so did you run it? if so how was it? give me the skimmy.. :D

11-14-2004, 11:41 AM
I ride in often but I've not driven it and won't until I have a better handle on standard shifting. But as far as rides go, it's fast as *****....and it's a load of fun! We estimated a few 4.5 runs to 60. Mind you he has the heavier convertible:D

Sounds like you keep yourself well :2thumbs: i have been meaning to ask did you drive dads cobra yet? if so did you run it? if so how was it? give me the skimmy.. :D

11-14-2004, 12:24 PM
First off James, HI how have you been have not heard from you in a while? Second, who is Viki??

... I've noticed that I usually hang with the females anyways. Like at lunch. I'm the only guy there...oh man, life is sooo hard:D :D :D

Do you also take Home Economics in school?

11-14-2004, 01:47 PM
[QUOTE=Haggis]First off James, HI how have you been have not heard from you in a while? Second, who is Viki??QUOTE]

Why you got some candy? :lol: Mind your business your MARRIED! :banned: ! i'm tellin Ladyhawk.. :D

James once you get it down (standard H) it'll be like the back of your hand. :burn: just have to practice more .

11-14-2004, 02:42 PM
Gordon! I'm doing well...quite the busy kid nowadays. No, I meant lunch as in lunch the meal I eat between art class and geometry.

Viki is Viki:) At the risk of degrading myself to a high school gigalo, she's my friend.

It's unfortunate that people will think less of me because I'm dating someone, and we'll see how it works out. She's firm, confident, political (conservative go figure) part Korean and graduates the same year I do. I'll be friends with her and her sister for a while to come just because of the kind of people they are. Her sister I met first actually, and she plans to go to Julliard!

Anyways, I'll save the long version for anther time.

11-14-2004, 07:11 PM
Gordon! I'm doing well...quite the busy kid nowadays. No, I meant lunch as in lunch the meal I eat between art class and geometry.

Viki is Viki:) At the risk of degrading myself to a high school gigalo, she's my friend.

It's unfortunate that people will think less of me because I'm dating someone, and we'll see how it works out. She's firm, confident, political (conservative go figure) part Korean and graduates the same year I do. I'll be friends with her and her sister for a while to come just because of the kind of people they are. Her sister I met first actually, and she plans to go to Julliard!

Anyways, I'll save the long version for anther time.

What did you think I meant? Of course luch at school, between classes!?

I was just curious as to who Viki is, that's all?

Mark keep your mind out of the gutter, my name is not Chester!! :mad: :razz:

11-14-2004, 07:18 PM
Where's Elaine......