View Full Version : Boom, Booom, Boooom, Squeeeee !!!

11-17-2004, 06:18 PM
Got a quick note from my son in Iraq. :up: He said that they have had regular mortar attacks in recent days. Today's attack was a little closer than usual. He described it as Boom, Booom, Boooom, Squeeeee !!! The first 3 were the impact of the mortar rounds. The last was the sound of everyone's butt tightening up. :D Glad to see that he and his buddies can maintain a sense of humor in the midst of adversity. :flag:

11-17-2004, 06:21 PM
I'm hearing the same from Clay (who is now the acting "Police Chief" of some village over there)...the "insurgent-attacks" have increased.

Send my best to him as well as my heartfelt thanks! We got good folks over there doin' their duty. :up:

11-17-2004, 06:26 PM
My buddies that are still in the 101st tell me they were pretty bummed out to learn that an incoming mortar doesn't whistle. (unless it's white phos.) You're only warning is muted 'thump' when it's launched.

all those guys and gals continue to be in my prayers. :flag:

11-17-2004, 06:28 PM
Got a quick note from my son in Iraq. :up: He said that they have had regular mortar attacks in recent days. Today's attack was a little closer than usual. He described it as Boom, Booom, Boooom, Squeeeee !!! The first 3 were the impact of the mortar rounds. The last was the sound of everyone's butt tightening up. :D Glad to see that he and his buddies can maintain a sense of humor in the midst of adversity. :flag:

Good luck to your son. If you could, please tell him that I said "thank you" for everything he has done for us over here. He risks his life every single day, so that I can have the freedom to sit in my house and type peacefully on my computer. He deserves a big thank you.



11-17-2004, 06:36 PM

Good luck to your son. If you could, please tell him that I said "thank you" for everything he has done for us over here. He risks his life every single day, so that I can have the freedom to sit in my house and type peacefully on my computer. He deserves a big thank you.



...what he said.:up:

11-17-2004, 06:49 PM
God Bless all our troops.

Keep up the good work.:up:

11-17-2004, 07:08 PM
Where is your son at?

I was at Balad Air Base, Iraq. Mortar fire was daily there. It's feakish. There have been several that landed 100 yards from our tents. I'm Air Force, so we didnt see any combat action or anything.

11-17-2004, 07:08 PM
Bluerauder...Good luck to your son. If you could, please tell him that I said "thank you" for everything he has done for us over here. He risks his life every single day, so that I can have the freedom to sit in my house and type peacefully on my computer. He deserves a big thank you.-Mat
Ditto...Major ditto too. Thank you, Bluerauder for this almost real time live update, and mpearce for your reply pushing it's reality forward, into our laps, and our fingertips.

11-17-2004, 07:40 PM

Good luck to your son. If you could, please tell him that I said "thank you" for everything he has done for us over here. He risks his life every single day, so that I can have the freedom to sit in my house and type peacefully on my computer. He deserves a big thank you.



Amen My Friend.

11-17-2004, 09:07 PM

Good luck to your son. If you could, please tell him that I said "thank you" for everything he has done for us over here. He risks his life every single day, so that I can have the freedom to sit in my house and type peacefully on my computer. He deserves a big thank you.


Goes for me too! God bless them all! :flag:

11-17-2004, 09:10 PM
Ditto as well.

Hope your son stays safe, and thank-you to him as well.;)

11-18-2004, 01:50 AM
Keep the Faith!!!! :2thumbs: :flag:

Dr Caleb
11-18-2004, 08:53 AM
I hope your son is safe. I've been there. I know what 4 days of heavy mortar fire is like. Luckily the Croats, like the Iraqis, are really lousy shots ;)

Good that they can keep their sense of humour!

11-18-2004, 11:13 AM
That goes for me too. We owe you guys a lot, seems to be lost on the media. Canadian gov is too busy wasting money, losing money, misplacing money to spend on the military. And then they have the balls to ask for more...


Good luck to your son. If you could, please tell him that I said "thank you" for everything he has done for us over here. He risks his life every single day, so that I can have the freedom to sit in my house and type peacefully on my computer. He deserves a big thank you.



11-18-2004, 02:31 PM
Thanks for all the good wishes and safety sentiments for my son. I will certainly pass along your comments to him. However, like so many others (135,000 or so), he feels that he is just doing his duty…. nothing really special. As you might imagine, I am quite proud as a father and retired old US Army man myself. :flag:

He is located just west of Baghdad somewhere near BIAP. While I am concerned, I don’t dwell on possibilities much. Neither does he. It serves no good purpose to worry or be overly concerned. He is with the 1st Cavalry Division “First Team” so he has the best of training and a fine organization. He’s in good hands and surrounded by top notch troops. :up:

He’s been there about 9 months and his mother and I look forward to his return next March or so. Mom probably worries more than me; but if she does -- she doesn’t show it much at all. Maybe that’s part of being a military wife for so long. My son’s wife is getting her dose of Army reality now ‘cause he deployed just some 3 months after the wedding. Unless things change, he’ll probably go back again after only a year in the states. The rotation rates are incredible. :(

Mat, thanks for your comments. TAF, Clay/Gunslinger is probably further north and may be in a more isolated area. Hopefully, he can concentrate on the “Hearts and Minds” Nation Building deal rather than the insurgency where the enemy looks like everyone else and can hide in a crowd. I also think about Clay frequently. Tom/Petro – if all goes according to plan, he'll be back in the Killeen/Harker Heights area early next year. :D

Again, I appreciate your comments of support for our troops. Thanks for letting me run on here.

11-18-2004, 03:40 PM
Tom/Petro – if all goes according to plan, he'll be back in the Killeen/Harker Heights area early next year. :D

That's Great!!! :D :banana:

I feel bad for the Cav Troopers,.. it seems like they've been jerked around a lot, especially after being told they would be home for the holidays then,.. "Change 1 ... nevermind,.. y'all are staying." :rolleyes: :mad2: :bs: