View Full Version : Saw "The Polar Express"

Mike Poore
11-21-2004, 04:45 AM
We saw "The Polar Express" last night. Take the kids they'll love it. For you: there's a zinger at the end which might be grist for a soon to become, famous contest, involving lost hocky sticks.:director:

11-21-2004, 07:09 AM
We saw "The Polar Express" last night. Take the kids they'll love it. For you: there's a zinger at the end which might be grist for a soon to become, famous contest, involving lost hocky sticks.:director:
Mike, thanks for the tip. Just watched the trailer for the movie -- looks pretty interesting especially for a "kid" like me. :D

11-21-2004, 08:28 AM
We won a raffle (allowing us to purchase tickets) and are actually taking an invitational ride on the 'Polar Express' this Christmas!:D

Mommy won't let Gage see the movie because it's basically about a kid that doesn't believe and needs some convincing....and Gage still believes!

That's OK, ride the train....or watch the movie...? I'll ride it!:cool:

Mike Poore
11-21-2004, 12:36 PM
Mommy won't let Gage see the movie because it's basically about a kid that doesn't believe and needs some convincing....and Gage still believes!

It's never openly said in the movie, that the kids don't believe, but it's implied. It's, in some ways, like "The Princes' Bride" where there's ideas and implications that adults pick up on, but children miss; although to a much lesser degree. There's also talk about the film being frightning to younger children, but when questioned, the 6yr old we took, denied being scared; of the characters, scenes, or music. Tell mommy it's ok, and go enjoy the flick. it's a good one.

11-21-2004, 12:53 PM
We saw "The Polar Express" last night. Take the kids they'll love it. For you: there's a zinger at the end which might be grist for a soon to become, famous contest, involving lost hocky sticks.:director:Do yo think 3 and a 4 yr old would like it? They are almost 4 and 5 BTW

Mike Poore
11-21-2004, 03:58 PM
Do yo think 3 and a 4 yr old would like it? They are almost 4 and 5 BTW
Man, I don't know. It seems awfully young to understand anything but eye candy, and I've been out of the kid business for so long ... I'd have to say, no I don't think so. Winney the Poo, it aint.:dunno:

11-21-2004, 05:30 PM
I wouldn't think so either....

But hey, Gage is all over the Star Wars Trilogy and knows the entire story lines, characters names, who is bad & good, selects episodes one through six, and realizes that #3 is missing because Anny is Darth all of a sudden. He'll be four next April.

It seems to be an individual thing as to what a particular child is willing to sit through. At 2 1/2 he wouldn't sit through Nemo at the theatre on the Disney Cruise, and four months later, watched the dvd over and over until I couldn't take it any more.;)