View Full Version : The great Bagpipe war

Mike Poore
11-22-2004, 11:34 AM
There seems to be a love - hate relationship concerning Bagpipes, and although I've never heard anyone say they actually loved Bagpipe, er, ..music, most folks simply say they like the look of the, um, instrument. So, after all the pro - and -con comments about the disgusting things, I thought it was time for an un-biased poll.

Thanks for your participation. \

Please note: If there's more tone deaf participants who truthfully say they LOVE Bagpipe music, than discerning music lovers who say they don't care for the ,uh sounds the ,um instrument produces then Haggas gets to torture us with Bagpipe , er, music at the Big Bats CAM doo in December.

Mike Poore
11-22-2004, 11:41 AM
There seems to be a love - hate relationship concerning Bagpipes, and although I've never heard anyone say they actually loved Bagpipe, er, ..music, most folks simply say they like the look of the, um, instrument. So, after all the pro - and -con comments about the disgusting things, I thought it was time for an un-biased poll.

Thanks for your participation. \

Please note: If there's more tone deaf participants who truthfully say they LOVE Bagpipe music, than discerning music lovers who say they don't care for the ,uh sounds the ,um instrument produces then Haggas gets to torture us with Bagpipe , er, music at the Big Bats CAM doo in December.

100% against, so far.:rofl:

11-22-2004, 11:44 AM
Sorry Haggis. Please dont come by my house and beat me up!!! :stupid: :lol: :lol:

11-22-2004, 11:47 AM
Ah, a secret vote, I see!!!

I am very fond of bagpipe music and especially love Uilleann Pipes.



2003 MIB
11-22-2004, 11:50 AM
I voted yes because there are worse sounds in the world:

1) rod knock
2) distressed rabbit
3) missed shift
4) telemarketer
5) crying baby
6) something exploding in the microwave
7) The Peter Criss solo album
8) The theme from "Friends"
9) dead battery click-click-click-click
10) ricer exhaust

11-22-2004, 11:55 AM
I voted yes because there are worse sounds in the world:

1) rod knock
2) distressed rabbit
3) missed shift
4) telemarketer
5) crying baby
6) something exploding in the microwave
7) The Peter Criss solo album
8) The theme from "Friends"
9) dead battery click-click-click-click
10) ricer exhaust

#2 Might get you in trouble.

11-22-2004, 11:57 AM
#2 Might get you in trouble. BIG TIME!!!

11-22-2004, 12:02 PM
You're kidding, right?

Dr Caleb
11-22-2004, 12:03 PM
I watched the broadcast of the 60th anniverary of the Invasion of Normandy, from Juno Beach back in June. It was a fantastic performance. The part I'll always remember was a story of the first night, when Airborne troops were deep within enemy territory.

A piper started playing Amazing Grace. The narrator was explaining how The Allies had taken the beach that first day, and the piper played for the Airborne so they would know the beach had been taken, and that they were not alone. And 99 other pipers joined the first.

That always gives me the shivers (in a good way). That and 'Scotland the Brave'.

11-22-2004, 12:10 PM
You're kidding, right?Well, you know I'm serious!

Hmm, interesting! Bagpipes are winning!! :D

11-22-2004, 12:13 PM
I once told 3 kids their father was murdered....and he was a co-worker of mine.

At the funeral they played Amazing Grace on a bagpipe. Every time I hear it on a bagpipe....I start crying.

My mother hired a bagpiper for my wedding....go figure...I lost it when he started playing.

I love the bagpipes.

11-22-2004, 12:57 PM
I remember when I was stationed in Berlin back in the '80s, we would train with the KOSB (Kings Own Scot Borderers). You would not see or hear anything, then out in the distance you would hear the bagpipes and the next thing you knew they were on top of us, in our lines and behind us. One of my NCOs told me not to be captured just tell them you were dead.

Well being the wise a$$ I was I had to be captured. They first searched me for any documents I might have been carrying and then they marched me out to the holding area. I had my BDU pants down around my ankles so I couldn't run and my BDU jacket pulled off of my shoulders with my arms tied up in them. Here I was hobbling around in my underwear with my pants around my ankles and my shirt around my waist going no where fast. Oh yea my Sergent was laughing his a$$ off when he saw me. :rofl:

Amazing Grace is one of the most beautiful songs when played on a bagpipe. Man, Mike are you in trouble on the 4th. No excuses not showing up! :bagpiper:

11-22-2004, 01:28 PM
Here's one for those who don't think bagpipes can do rock 'n roll. :D

Hot Rod Pipes (MP3) (http://staging.interweb-tech.com/hot_rod_pipes.mp3)

Weavers of the Tartan on Caber Records (http://caber-records.com/)

11-22-2004, 01:32 PM
Here's one for those who don't think bagpipes can do rock 'n roll. :D

Hot Rod Pipes (MP3) (http://staging.interweb-tech.com/hot_rod_pipes.mp3)How cool!!!

11-22-2004, 01:53 PM
Here's one for those who don't think bagpipes can do rock 'n roll. :D

Hot Rod Pipes (MP3) (http://staging.interweb-tech.com/hot_rod_pipes.mp3)

Weavers of the Tartan on Caber Records (http://caber-records.com/)

Never heard anything like that....intresting. Not going to change my vote, but beats the oprea.

11-22-2004, 02:00 PM
Personally, I like the bagpipes and there is a long military history of their use.

Even the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) in Lexington, VA formed a Pipes and Drums Company for their regimental band in 1997 while my son was a cadet there. They play at every parade and have been invited to many festivities ... here's an excert from their homepage and some pics. :D

"The Pipes and Drums continued in 1998 to expand performance opportunities with participation in the Attorney General’s Inaugural Ball, the Hermes and Endymion Parades at Mardi Gras, and a performance in the Army Reserve’s 90th Anniversary celebration playing in the Pentagon Courtyard, and at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The Pipes and Drums have already taken part in the Ligonier Highland Games, South Mountain Games in Atlanta, and Williamsburg Scottish Festival this year, and the Pipes and Drums will continue to seek new opportunities and forums in which to best represent the Institute.

Uniform: The tartan worn by the Pipes and Drums is the New Market Battlefield Tartan. Named for the battle in which the Corps of Cadets distinguished themselves, the primary colors of the tartan are the school colors of red, yellow, and white, along with blue-gray of cadet uniform. Designed by Cadet Donny Hasseltine and Donald Frasier of Scotland, the tartan also has four minor stripes of Light Blue, Green, Dark Blue, and Black, which represent the four ROTC programs at VMI, that of Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marines. The topcoat worn by the Pipe and Drums is the cadet Coatee, which is the standard formal parade uniform for Corps of Cadets ."

Mike Poore
11-22-2004, 03:38 PM
Never heard anything like that....intresting. Not going to change my vote, but beats the oprea.
No it doesn't, Patrick. In the opera they're killing cats; but THAT was torturing cats 'bout a thousand of 'em, near as I can tell. When the MP3 started to play, Hobbes, our Seal Point headed for parts unknown .....fast

Also, judging from the way the vote's going, I'm starting to feel like John Kerry after the Fla vote came in.

I smell a rat, and demand a recount! Haggas bussed in a bunch of felons from Philadelphia.;)

Where's all my new best friends?:depress:

You bet we'll be at the Big Bat's DOO, Gordon.

11-22-2004, 03:39 PM
You're kidding, right?

NO respect for us Irish Mac!

11-22-2004, 03:50 PM
Also, judging from the way the vote's going, I'm starting to feel like John Kerry after the Fla vote came in.

I smell a rat, and demand a recount! Haggas bussed in a bunch of felons from Philadelphia.;)

:nono: Mike thats how things get shut down!!! And I wont touch the cat thing. :lol: :lol: :lol:

11-22-2004, 03:52 PM
I love bagpipes. When I hear them I wants ta grab me sword and run into WalMart a swinggin' away!! :o

Something about them gets my blood pumping. :coolman:

my cats hate bagpipes,.. I feel an accident coming on.. :P

11-22-2004, 03:54 PM
When the MP3 started to play, Hobbes, our Seal Point headed for parts unknown .....fast.

That may well be true. Flora, my West Highland White Terrier, started barking like crazy, a tune she usually reserves for cats. Either that or bagpipes are in her blood too. :cool:

11-22-2004, 04:23 PM
I love bagpipes. When I hear them I wants ta grab me sword and run into WalMart a swinggin' away!! :o

Something about them gets my blood pumping. :coolman:

my cats hate bagpipes,.. I feel an accident coming on.. :P

Relax, its cool, Put on Michael Bolton and all will be well.

11-22-2004, 04:48 PM
Bagpipes good!

Occationally they make me cry though....:depress:

11-22-2004, 05:10 PM
Like fingernails on a chalkboard to me :hide:

11-22-2004, 05:40 PM
Pipers and their music are :2thumbs: It's a Fireman thing.

11-22-2004, 05:48 PM
bagpipes... i love em.

i was born in scotland and have always wanted to learn how to play...


11-22-2004, 05:57 PM
I'd rather hear a Honda with a fart can...

2003 MIB
11-22-2004, 06:58 PM
See!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See how disturbing that is??????? I told you so!:)

Mike Poore
11-22-2004, 06:58 PM
You're kidding, right?
Of course! Fun, huh? Never hurts to laugh about stuff. :)

2003 MIB
11-22-2004, 07:00 PM
You're kidding, right?
Absolutely! I thought this was all in jest. Everyone loves bagpipes- or at least they should.

2003 MIB
11-22-2004, 07:02 PM
I'd rather hear a Honda with a fart can...

Mike Poore
11-22-2004, 07:09 PM
bagpipes... i love em.
i was born in scotland and have always wanted to learn how to play... :)
:eek: Reminds me of the story of the poor dead guy who found himself face to face with the devil himself. Satan tells him not to be scared, and that he's really a nice guy. Really, the guy says? Sure, says Satan, ask anything, and it's yours. Well, the guy says, I've always wanted to play an instrument. The devil hands him a Bagpipe and says ....here ... play this. :rofl:

11-22-2004, 07:10 PM

I agree MIB someone in Atlana quick check on 'Silver 04 :P

11-22-2004, 07:11 PM
Pipes are cool. :D :up:

11-22-2004, 07:12 PM
Absolutely! I thought this was all in jest. Everyone loves bagpipes- or at least they should.

You know I don't know what I dislike most?

1-Oil thread?
2-S/C thread?
3-This thread......................

Bagpipes are great :beer: :banana: :bows:

11-22-2004, 07:12 PM
I agree MIB someone in Atlana quick check on 'Silver 04 :P

Check all Waffle Houses!!!!!!!!

11-22-2004, 07:26 PM
I voted yes because there are worse sounds in the world:

1) rod knock
2) distressed rabbit
3) missed shift
4) telemarketer
5) crying baby
6) something exploding in the microwave
7) The Peter Criss solo album
8) The theme from "Friends"
9) dead battery click-click-click-click
10) ricer exhaust
You forgot:

11) the sound a tire makes as you come to a stop after a blow out at hiway speeds
12) ths sound of your smoke detector going off at 2:30 AM for no reason
13) pan handlers
14) car ahead of you burning oil and no place to pass
15) door to door salesmen

But we get the idea. :D

11-22-2004, 08:33 PM
I agree MIB someone in Atlana quick check on 'Silver 04 :P

It's the sweet tea I tell ya'!

11-22-2004, 09:09 PM
It's the sweat tea I tell ya'!

OK! Try decaf then :P :rolleyes:

David Morton
11-22-2004, 09:28 PM
I admit it, I love that ***** And I don't know why! :confused:

Perhaps it's my scotch ancestry (or the scotch whiskey I drank way too much of). :o

And I know why the British use them to lead troops into battle, they sound like all hell is coming for you. :D

11-22-2004, 11:36 PM
Here's one for those who don't think bagpipes can do rock 'n roll. :D

Hot Rod Pipes (MP3) (http://staging.interweb-tech.com/hot_rod_pipes.mp3)

Weavers of the Tartan on Caber Records (http://caber-records.com/)I seem to remember AC/DC doing some hot stuff with bag pipes too. :sing:

11-23-2004, 04:26 AM
An interview with a bag piper would go like this...

Q. What's one thing you never hear people say?
A. Oh, that's the bagpipe player's Porsche.

Q: What's the difference between a Scotsman and a Rolling Stone?
A: A Rolling Stone says "hey you, get off of my cloud!", while a Scotsman
says "Hey McLeod, get off of my ewe!"

Q. How do you get two bagpipes to play a perfect unison?
A. Shoot one.

Q. What's the difference between a bagpipe and an onion?
A. No one cries when you chop up an bagpipe.

Q. What's the difference between a bagpipe and a trampoline?
A. You take off your shoes when you jump on a trampoline.

Q. Why do bagpipers leave their cases on their dashboards?
A. So they can park in handicapped zones.

Q. How can you tell a bagpiper with perfect pitch?
A. He can throw a set into the middle of a pond and not hit any of the

Q. How is playing a bagpipe like throwing a javelin blindfolded?
A. You don't have to be very good to get people's attention.

Q. What's the difference between the Great Highland and Northumbrian bagpipes?
A. The GHB burns longer, but the Northumbrian burns hotter.

Q. What do you call bagpiper with half a brain?
A. Gifted.

Q. What's the difference between a lawnmower and a bagpipe?
A. You can tune the lawnmower, and your neighbor gets upset when
you borrow the lawnmower and don't return it.

Q. How many bagpipers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A. 5. One to do it, and four to criticise his fingering style.

Q. If you were lost in the woods, who would you trust for directions, an in-tune bagpipe player, an out of tune bagpipe player, or Santa Claus?
A. The out of tune bagpipe player. The other two indicate you have been hallucinating.

Q. How do you make a chain saw sound like a bagpipe?
A. Add vibrato.

Q. What's the definition of a gentleman?
A. Someone who knows how to play the bagpipe and doesn't.

Q. What's the difference between a dead snake in the road and a dead bagpiper in the road?
A. Skid marks in front of the snake.

Q. What's the range of a bagpipe?
A. Twenty yards if you have a good arm.

Q. What does a bagpiper get on his I.Q. test?
A. Drool.

Q. Why are bagpipers fingers like lightning?
A. They rarely strike the same spot twice.

Q. How can you tell if a bagpipe is out of tune?
A. Someone is blowing into it.

Q. Why is a bagpipe like a Scud missile?
A. Both are offensive and inaccurate.

Q. What do bagpipers use for birth control?
A. Their personalities.

Q. How do you know if a bagpipe band is at your front door?
A. No one knows when to come in.

Q. If you took all the bagpipers in the world and laid them end to end...
A It would be a good idea.

Q. What do you call ten bagpipes at the bottom of the ocean?
A. A start.

Q. If you drop a bagpipe and a watermelon off a tall building, which will hit the ground first?
A. Who cares?

Q. Why do bagpipers walk when they play?
A. To get away from the sound.

Q. How late does the bagpipe band play?
A. Oh, about a half beat behind the drummer.

Q. Why do bagpipers always walk when they play?
A. Moving targets are harder to hit.

Q. What does a bagpiper wear under his kilt?
A. Shoes and socks.

Q. Why do they call it a "kilt"?
A. Because a lot of people got kilt when they called it a skirt.

Q. What's the definition of "optimism"
A. A bagpiper with a beeper.

Q. What's the difference between a bagpiper and a frog?
A. The frog might be getting a gig.

2003 MIB
11-23-2004, 04:40 AM
Q: What's the difference between a Scotsman and a Rolling Stone?
A: A Rolling Stone says "hey you, get off of my cloud!", while a Scotsman
says "Hey McLeod, get off of my ewe!"

:D :D :D - I have coffee coming out of my nose, Mac! Thanks!

11-23-2004, 06:44 AM
Pipe Band humour, eh? Those are a riot!

Q. How late does the bagpipe band play?
A. Oh, about a half beat behind the drummer.
I know who wrote this one! ;)


Q. Why don't pipers polish their shoes?
A. So nobody will see up their kilt.

Q. Why do pipers have such large families?
A. Their wives will do ANYTHING to get them to stop playing.

Q. How does a piper measure his/her IQ?
A. With a tire gauge.

Q. What do you call a basement full of practice chanters?
A. A whine cellar.

11-23-2004, 07:11 AM
Q. How do you write a bagpipe joke?
A. You steal all of the jokes written for all of the other instruments of the orchestra and insert "bagpipe" in their place.

Man, they can't even get their own jokes!



11-23-2004, 07:15 AM
Yep, any piper who can't or refuses to play "Amazing Grace" is, well . . .

probably a real musician!



I once told 3 kids their father was murdered....and he was a co-worker of mine.

At the funeral they played Amazing Grace on a bagpipe. Every time I hear it on a bagpipe....I start crying.

My mother hired a bagpiper for my wedding....go figure...I lost it when he started playing.

I love the bagpipes.

11-23-2004, 07:17 AM
And this says they can?!?!?!

I'm sorry, I just love the bagpipes. They make great floor lamps.


Here's one for those who don't think bagpipes can do rock 'n roll. :D

Hot Rod Pipes (MP3) (http://staging.interweb-tech.com/hot_rod_pipes.mp3)

Weavers of the Tartan on Caber Records (http://caber-records.com/)

Dr Caleb
11-23-2004, 10:03 AM
Perhaps it's my scotch ancestry :o

And I know why the British use them to lead troops into battle, they sound like all hell is coming for you. :D

Dude! I know Highlanders that would kick your keester all the way down the glen for that!

To quote them: "There are only 3 things that are 'Scotch'. Hopscotch, Scotch Whiskey and Scotch tape. Everything else is Scottish, or it's crap."


And pipes always led the Highlanders, because the British were scared of them ;)

11-23-2004, 10:34 AM

11-23-2004, 10:44 AM
scotch eggs?

11-23-2004, 12:07 PM

Dr Caleb
11-23-2004, 12:26 PM

scotch eggs?


You try arguing with a Scotsman who wrestles the pipes and has a bellyful of haggis and whiskey and is just looking to start something with a lowlander. :lol:

Mike Poore
11-23-2004, 12:29 PM
Scotch Ale! Also known as WEE HEAVY. I like McEwan's, best.

11-23-2004, 12:35 PM
Scotch woodcock. A savory dish consissiting of scrambled eggs on toast with anchovies or anchovy paste. Sounds just as bad as Haggis. :food: :eek: :lol:

2003 MIB
11-23-2004, 12:48 PM
"all of the other instruments of the orchestra"
Hmmm, an admission from our favorite band director that bagpipes are orchestra instruments.....:D

11-23-2004, 12:50 PM
Sorry Haggis. Please dont come by my house and beat me up!!! :stupid: :lol: :lol:

Scotch woodcock. A savory dish consissiting of scrambled eggs on toast with anchovies or anchovy paste. Sounds just as bad as Haggis.

Careful there Patrick I still haven't forgotten your first post. :bop:

11-23-2004, 01:04 PM
Which is fine, as long as they stay out of MY band! :D


Hmmm, an admission from our favorite band director that bagpipes are orchestra instruments.....:D

11-23-2004, 01:32 PM
Careful there Patrick I still haven't forgotten your first post. :bop:

:duel: time!!! Wait the Poll is 32-11... could have a riot... :wflag: :wflag: :wflag:

11-23-2004, 03:25 PM
These are bagpipes. I understand the inventor of the bagpipes was inspired when he saw a man carrying an indignant, asthmatic pig under his arm. Unfortunately, the man-made sound never equalled the purity the sound achieved by the pig. - Alfred Hitchcock

11-23-2004, 03:30 PM
Perfect pitch in a bagpipe is when you throw it and hit a accordian.

11-23-2004, 03:31 PM
Why do bagpipers march? To get away from the sound.

11-23-2004, 03:32 PM
Why are harmonicas better than bagpipes? Harmonicas only suck every other note.

Mike Poore
11-23-2004, 06:19 PM
An interview with a bag piper would go like this....

SergntMac: My new best friend. ;)

This has been so much fun, I don't care if Gordon makes us listen to that sh$t at Big Bats ...or not.:rofl:

11-23-2004, 06:52 PM
Mac: I just read your bagpiper jokes...............Still laughing:lol: :lol:

Good job!!!!!!!

Mike Poore
11-24-2004, 08:39 AM
Mac: I just read your bagpiper jokes...............Still laughing

Good job!!!!!!!

See? Even the BigDawg went from:

You know I don't know what I dislike most?

1-Oil thread?
2-S/C thread?
3-This thread......................::

To: :rofl: OTFL .

I'm glad we're having such a good time with this. Also, because of all the great posts, I'm thinking of changing my vote, if that's allowed.;)

11-24-2004, 09:04 AM
For those who would like to expand their appreciation of bag pipe music and sample for of the world's finest, here's my list of favorites.

Royal Scots Dragoon Guards..."Highland Cathedral"
Victoria Police..."MasterBlasters"
78th Frasers..."Megantic Outlaw" (this band tutors my band)
Western Australia Police..."Music of the Gael"
The Black Watch..."Ladies From Hell"

Look these up on Amazon, some have music videos and DVDs available too!

Aye, name yer poison, mate...

11-24-2004, 09:07 AM
See? Even the BigDawg went from:

You know I don't know what I dislike most?

1-Oil thread?
2-S/C thread?
3-This thread......................::

To: :rofl: OTFL .

I'm glad we're having such a good time with this. Also, because of all the great posts, I'm thinking of changing my vote, if that's allowed.;)

I am glad your having fun because you get to listen to it NOT me!!
:lol: :lol:

11-24-2004, 09:43 AM
I am glad your having fun because you get to listen to it NOT me!!
:lol: :lol:

Your day will come, don't worry!! :rofl:

11-24-2004, 10:21 AM
I'm glad we're having such a good time with this. Also, because of all the great posts, I'm thinking of changing my vote, if that's allowed.;)
Mike, you started this battle ... too late to chicken out now. Boy, there's gonna be some fun at Big Bat's on the 4th. :rofl: Looks like I'll be spectating again unless Gordon & Mark pressure me into participating like M-D Dragday. :rofl:

Mike Poore
11-24-2004, 10:35 AM
Mike, you started this battle ... too late to chicken out now. Boy, there's gonna be some fun at Big Bat's on the 4th. :rofl: Looks like I'll be spectating again unless Gordon & Mark pressure me into participating like M-D Dragday. :rofl:
They did it to me also. Too bad you couldn't stay for the bait eating contest. I'll share my sure-fire strategy for turning the lowest E.T.

Just call me John Kerry, I can flip-flop with the best of 'em.

We'll be at the Big Bats doo ...wouldn't miss it.;)

11-24-2004, 10:42 AM
I'll share my sure-fire strategy for turning the lowest E.T.
Nope, not the lowest .... I think Patrick holds that record with his 18 second passes recently.

I don't eat bait and I don't eat fungus (or fungi either). Only had Escargo once. That was enough. :rofl:

11-24-2004, 11:07 AM
The Black Watch..."Ladies From Hell"
I've GOT to hear this one!!!! :woohoo:

Mike Poore
11-24-2004, 11:35 AM
I've GOT to hear this one!!!! :woohoo:

:bunny2: Hey Bunny!~ Why don't you and RF drive down to the Eastern shore for the Big Bats doo.

The Rehoboth Beach area is the greatest place for a weekend getaway. Did you know, for instance, they make DogFishHead ale there, and have a brewpub opened in town?

Great shopping at the no tax outlets for your Christmas Gifts, an added bonus.

Mike Poore
11-24-2004, 11:41 AM
Nope, not the lowest .... I think Patrick holds that record with his 18 second passes recently.

I don't eat bait and I don't eat fungus (or fungi either). Only had Escargo once. That was enough. :rofl:

Sure you do! You just don't know it.:rofl:


11-24-2004, 12:11 PM

Bunny Lady?


11-24-2004, 12:28 PM
Nope, not the lowest .... I think Patrick holds that record with his 18 second passes recently.

I don't eat bait and I don't eat fungus (or fungi either). Only had Escargo once. That was enough. :rofl:

Not eating bait either. And I had a high 17 run too..
:fishslap: :lol: :lol:

11-25-2004, 06:42 AM
Bunny Lady?

:DYes?? :bagpiper: :bagpiper: :bagpiper: :bagpiper: :bagpiper: :bagpiper:

Mike Poore
11-26-2004, 06:01 AM
Yes?? :bagpiper: :bagpiper: :bagpiper: :bagpiper: :bagpiper: :bagpiper:Hey Mary? Where did you get tho cute 'lil Haggas'. Could you add 'em to the smilies list. They're way cool. I also notice they're playing in time with one another .....an historical first? Of course there's no drum, which could explain the anomaly. However, I've noticed, they're only in time when in rows, not columns.



11-26-2004, 06:17 AM
Could you add 'em to the smilies list. :bagpiper:Go take a look!!! Last one.

Bradley G
11-26-2004, 06:34 AM
Hey Mike,
When I hear bagpipes It usually means there's a parade,which means it is a holiday!= I don't have to work!:woohoo: You guy's have your fun about Scottsmen :poke: :bagpiper: while Us Scottsmen know who's really the Coolist!
NOOOOOOOO BoDy can Argue! If you don't belive me Just Look at thier shoes!:neener:

Donny Carlson
11-26-2004, 06:42 AM
The one that says "I'd sooner have knitting needles shoved into my ear drums than listen to bagpipes."

11-26-2004, 06:54 AM
See? Even the BigDawg went from:

You know I don't know what I dislike most?

1-Oil thread?
2-S/C thread?
3-This thread......................::

To: :rofl: OTFL .

I'm glad we're having such a good time with this. Also, because of all the great posts, I'm thinking of changing my vote, if that's allowed.;)

That's because I am IRISH..We have bagpipes also........

Yes you can change your vote :P

I have already spoken to the manager at Big Bats and it will an all bigpipes day! :P :P :P

Bradley G
11-26-2004, 07:07 AM
Hey Donny Carlson,
I dont think you will get an arguement :fishslap: here.
Bradley G
The one that says "I'd sooner have knitting needles shoved into my ear drums than listen to bagpipes."

11-26-2004, 07:12 AM
Hey Donny Carlson,
I dont think you will get an arguement :fishslap: here.
Bradley G

Carefull Bradley, I hear Haggis is taking his pipes on the road, with a list of those who voted against and getting revenge!!!

And After he comes by here Donny is just down the road.

Bradley G
11-26-2004, 07:21 AM
Hey Patrick,

Haggis would be welcome anytime, with or without his instrument.

Donny, on the otherhand, would be required to bring his needles:flamer:
Bradley G

11-26-2004, 08:31 AM
I have already spoken to the manager at Big Bats and it will an all bigpipes day! :P :P :P
All Day??? :rolleyes: So, when are we gonna fit in the Drag Day videos and the last quarter of the Army-Navy game (that's the part where Army wins) ?? :up: Let's what kinda controversy that drags up (Sorry, Bob) :cough: :cough:

Dr Caleb
11-26-2004, 09:31 AM
If you don't belive me Just Look at thier shoes!:neener:

Hehehe. Here's some 'proof' of the shoes! (Edited, of course)

Just look at that guy's 'I just ate a Canary' grin ;)

11-26-2004, 09:36 AM
ER II must have LOVED that shot!! That solves the other mystery too! I do have a picture of an attempt to find out but I want to live to see another day!