View Full Version : Wanna See what 1,200 HP Looks Like ??

11-24-2004, 11:42 AM
The ultimate commuting vehicle. Seats 4. 69.5 tons. Limited color selection. Clicky Here (http://www.fprado.com/armorsite/Abrams_Files/M1A2-Long-01.mpg) :D

11-24-2004, 11:53 AM
The ultimate commuting vehicle. Seats 4. 69.5 tons. Limited color selection. Clicky Here (http://www.fprado.com/armorsite/Abrams_Files/M1A2-Long-01.mpg) :D

What is the EPA gas mileage? And is that cannon optional or do I need a permit? Does it qualify for HOV? Is Xm radio included.

11-24-2004, 11:58 AM
that's nothing, my LA class submarine makes approx 50,000 hp, can produce enough electricity for a neighborhood of 20000 homes, can sleep 140 peoples and goes 25+ years between fuel stops!!!

11-24-2004, 12:02 PM
Yeha, just like the U.S.S. Kentucky that my brother used to be on:) He ran the Nuclear Reactor on it:D

Dave Compson
11-24-2004, 12:05 PM
Dont think i can afford the insurance on one of those. Although any problems with the agent, and i would take out his office.

11-24-2004, 12:06 PM
AAAAAAHHHHH...... The Abrams M1-A2 Tank!!!! I LUV IT!!!! THE BADDEST TANK ON THE PLANET EVER MADE!!!! 120mm main gun that shoots depleted uranium rounds that will literally bore holes right through other tanks, and w/armour made of an undisclosed material that no other tanks have ever had. I would never want to be amongst any army who had to go up against that thing. Serious fire power, as well as the best armour plating in the entire world. That vid is excellent. I'm saving that one. If you gave me a choice between a 2005 Ford GT and one of those Abrams tanks, that would be a tough decision for me. I guess it would depend on whether or not you also were offering me a legal place where I can shoot the main gun on that thing!!! Okay,okay....... back to reality land....thanks for the vid!!!!

11-24-2004, 12:09 PM
What is the EPA gas mileage? And is that cannon optional or do I need a permit? Does it qualify for HOV? Is Xm radio included.

1. I think it gets in the area of 2 gallons per mile (GPM). You read that right !! Mostly highway or cross-country. Easy to park as well ... crushes the competition. :D

2. The M1A2 comes with the standard 120 mm gun. Lots of ammo options. You may be able to pick-up a slightly used Vanilla M1 (1980's version) with the 105 mm gun.

3. Now who is gonna stop you in the HOV lanes? Of course, with a crew of four, it can also qualify as high occupancy.

4. Sorry, no XM radio; but it does have a great entertainment center. :rofl:

11-24-2004, 12:15 PM
okay, not to sound corny or anything, but since you've already put me in fantasy land w/that vid, I gotta ask this question.....did you see how the incredible Hulk made mince meat of a few of those Abrams tanks in that Hulk movie? That was cool, and it was because of that scene as well as the scene where he destroys a couple attack helicopters that I even watched it a second and third time.:D

11-24-2004, 12:58 PM
That is a great Vid!!!!!! I got to play in one in the National Guard and it is AWSOME!!! Like Billy said I would hate to be on the oppiste side against this BEAST!!!

King Fubar
11-24-2004, 01:02 PM
This guy has got them cheap...


11-24-2004, 01:05 PM
This guy has got them cheap...


I wonder if they do mods too!!
:rofl: :rofl:

11-24-2004, 04:43 PM
Here's a neat tid bit....one can replace the entire engine in two hours....in the field....let's see Lid and bros do that!:P

And BTW: Billy, if you had the choice, I bet you'd pick the tank if it did burnouts!

11-24-2004, 05:53 PM
I and some colleagues had the honor of spending a summer in Michigan @ General Dynamics working on the Firing Control Computer for the M1A2. This computer takes info from the gunner, Tank Commander, etc, and aims/fires the main gun. We were up close and personal at the engineering facilities and the manufacturing plant where the tanks were designed, assembled, and tested.

While there we were were able to talk our way into a test ride. GD has a small test track outside the assembly plant where they test fully assembled tanks, minus the main gun, in various conditions. They have the "speed bump test" where they drive the tank over 1ft tall speed bumps to check the suspension. They have the skid test where they get up to some speed and slam on the brakes to see how fast it will stop. There is a short oval track for speed testing, a water trough to soak in to look for leaks, and a 60 degree incline they drive up and park to check for brake hold.

I got to stand on the gun loader's seat and hang out top hatch while the tank commander (guy in charge of the test) stood on the commander's seat and hung out the other hatch. Let me tell you, the tank out-accelerated the '81 Honda Accord I had at the time. It also stopped faster. You could not feel the speed bumps even at what seemed like at least 30MPH.

The 60 degree incline test was the coolest. The commander had the driver go up the ramp and park. Brakes held nicely. Then the commander said we needed to climb more. From a dead stop at 60 degrees the 70 ton tank chugged up a few more feet with no complaints. This thing is amazing.

It is also amazingly quiet for having a large turbine engine going.

About the only downside are the seats. I'm not sure what the Army does when they get a tank, but the one I was in had almost flat metal seats with a thin padding. You get more padding with seat totes you take to football games. Maybe the tankers out there would appreciate a few peices of thick foam rubber for Christmas.

One story the tank guys told us was interesting. I have no proof that it is or is not true:

GD or the Army, can't remember which, was testing the tank in Flordia, near the Everglades. When the test was done they were close to home base so they decided to take a road trip instead of loading the tank up on its normal hauling rig. The tank does not go all that fast and caught the attention of a state trooper who pulled it over. The trooper pulled up right behind the tank, got out of his car, and had a word with the commander. After the trooper was done he went to get back in his car and found the entire front grill had been melted off his patrol car by the tank's turbine exhaust.

Like BillyG, I've dreamed of having one. Can you imagine going through an intersection and having the main gun track someone looking to pull out in front of you?