View Full Version : Tower Shops Nov.26, 2004- New members-Special Guest*

11-26-2004, 08:15 PM
I went over to the Tower shops tonite to meet Ghost03 & who do you think was their with a Blue Marauder? Dennis Reinhart, he is in town doing some work for FHP. Also me and Bob met 2 Marauder owners who didnt know of our group and the web site. So I gave them the information. They plan on joining us In Dec. Also Bryanknie was hanging out with us with his Pick up. Had a nice evening.

11-27-2004, 05:23 AM
That's cool! I was thinking of bringing my new Marauder over lastnight, but didn't think the meet was this week. Next time :)

11-27-2004, 07:46 AM
That's cool! I was thinking of bringing my new Marauder over lastnight, but didn't think the meet was this week. Next time :) The meet will be the 3 rd friday of next month Dec.17 (Unless it changes for some reason) , last nite a few of us just showed up ( 4 ) to hang out. If I remember correctly Dennis Reinhart said he will be their next friday too. He's doing some work on the FHP Marauders. Most of the time now if you stop by , their are a few Marauders hanging out , so if you have nothing to do just stop by. *Cobra25*

11-27-2004, 09:51 AM
I might come next week then. I might also be driving one of the "Twins".

11-27-2004, 11:33 AM
How about we go ahead and make next Friday an official meet. This will be the only Friday I can attend next month, so it would work out for me, but also, there may be less people who show up the closer we get to Christmas. Just a thought, what do you say?

11-27-2004, 11:49 AM
Dennis Reinhart said he will be their next friday too.

Does this mean the Dec. 4 Open House at Dennis' shop is postponed?


11-27-2004, 12:54 PM
Does this mean the Dec. 4 Open House at Dennis' shop is postponed?

Don Dennis did tell me he would be their this friday coming, but his open house is the next day . All I can say is call Dennis . Maybe he forgot that when he told me. He was having an Adult Drink at the time.

11-27-2004, 03:09 PM
I took a ride by the garage that has all the MM's Dennis is working on. Dennis had already departed but the yard was choked full of DTR's and Silvers, a few Blacks.

11-27-2004, 04:20 PM
I guess I'll be there this coming friday.