View Full Version : Canadian sales figures?

01-31-2003, 09:45 AM
Does anyone know how well the Marauder is selling in Canada?

Last night's dealer discussion left me confused... some comments would lead me to believe it's a rarity, sometimes he made it sound like it was in super hot demand up here. This particular dealer made it sound like he was unable to deal any fair amount off the MSRP (although the previous dealer did indicate a willingness to deal based on the amount the second dealer wouldn't budge from).

Again, if any Mercury exec is listening... NOW would be a good time for a Canadian rebate!!!!! My wife has gone as far as to say she LOVES the car, and the only thing holding us back is the number-crunching. We've given ourselves a month to iron out the details.


01-31-2003, 10:12 AM
Triple -

Why not buy in the US, get the rebate and drive it home?

01-31-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Directedby

Why not buy in the US, get the rebate and drive it home?

I thought about that...
I am fairly certain it's tougher to bring a car up here than the opposite, legislation-wise. Then there's the issue of speedometer markings and odometer readings not being in kms. In the end, the hassle of travel and all the legal obstacles will probably negate any benefit. Good thinking, though...

01-31-2003, 11:20 AM
Good old law of supply and demand again, eh? When you want what they have, they deal. When they have what you want, but don't need, you deal.

With regards to the numbers, the figure I got several weeks ago, which was also recently published, was the North American delivery number, cars sold, end of year, 2002. I don't believe any have been shipped off the continent...yet.

Steve...may be better for you to wait, your salesman are thinking what our salesman were thinking last June.

RF Overlord
01-31-2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by TripleTransAm
Then there's the issue of speedometer markings and odometer readings not being in kms.

My wife has the car in Boston right now, or I'd go verify this, but I thought the speedo had both mph and km/h on it? Do Canadian oil pressure gauges read in kPa? Temp guages in °C?

Not being sarcastic, just asking..

Macon Marauder
01-31-2003, 01:16 PM
Our (American) cars have both. Maybe the Canadian version has the KM on the outer portion of the speedo in large numbers like ours has the MPH? Opposite, to put it another way.

01-31-2003, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Macon Marauder
Our (American) cars have both. Maybe the Canadian version has the KM on the outer portion of the speedo in large numbers like ours has the MPH? Opposite, to put it another way.

Same for the Canadian cars, but the reverse as you said. KM are prominent, with mph on the inside. However, the odometer is single system, with Can cars indicating km. My 1987 GTA has the digital dash option, including the digital odometer, and it has a function to swap between metric and US. My WS6 has a digital odometer along with the analog gages, but is fixed at the Metric setting. I was surprised to see the Marauder had an analog odometer (I always thought some recent legislation forced the use of digital odometers, for anti-tampering reasons).

Oil pressure is in kPa, and water temp in Celsius (except Fords don't seem to like indicating discrete values on their water temp gages, for some reason). Volts are also in metric reading.

(I'm kidding about the metric volts thing... just seeing if you were paying attention. ;) )

01-31-2003, 02:29 PM
Screw the gauges, Steve, fast is fast and hot is hot, right?

But, them 4:10s don't come metric...

01-31-2003, 04:32 PM
Didn't they allot 500 MM to Canada?

RF Overlord
01-31-2003, 04:50 PM

When are you guys in the Great White North gonna dump that kilo-Pascal crap and go with a system that makes sense...pounds per square inch...

OOPS Did I say that out loud? D'OH, eh? ;)

01-31-2003, 04:58 PM
TripleTransAm: if you're interested in a MM around 44,600 Can$, then I'm sure my dealer can get you one. You'd have to pay the Ont. retail sales tax of 8% and apply for a refund (takes about 6 weeks) or have the dealer ship to you in Que. Just a thought.

01-31-2003, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Beadhead
TripleTransAm: if you're interested in a MM around 44,600 Can$, then I'm sure my dealer can get you one. You'd have to pay the Ont. retail sales tax of 8% and apply for a refund (takes about 6 weeks) or have the dealer ship to you in Que. Just a thought.

My wife saw this post while looking over my shoulder and got real excited.

I know importing a car from the US is a Big Hassle (tm) as one of our local F-body guys just bought a 1992 Camaro convertible and had to go through some red tape to get it up here (including leaving it south of the border for several days waiting for it all to clear!).

But how does cross-province car shopping work? I haven't the slightest clue what the details would be on this... with the shipping to Quebec wouldn't that mess up the $44600 Can. price in the end?

I suppose living in London Ontario, you can pretty much go pick it up at the factory yourself, no? ;)

01-31-2003, 08:10 PM
Yeah, it would cost to ship from London to la belle province -- several hundred, at least. The cheapest way would be to take delivery in Ontario, pay the Ontario sales tax, drive it back to Quebec, pay the QST and get a refund of the RST (Ontario retail sales tax). The only additional cost (apart from gas) would be tying up the RST ($3,500) for approx. 6 weeks till the refund comes through in the mail. The big cost here is the additional hassle, and whether its worth the $ savings.

02-01-2003, 06:47 AM
Originally posted by Beadhead
The big cost here is the additional hassle, and whether its worth the $ savings.

Agreed on the hassle bit. I have a few more options left to try out within the next month, one of which is an SVT dealer about 2 hours to the South East of me. Maybe they're a little friendlier to performance-car-type purchases, maybe not. I'll 'PM' you for more info if my local options don't work out.

I really appreciate the guidance and info, by the way. My last new car purchase was a breeze in comparison (the WS6):
Me: "$41000 Can sticker price? What's your best offer?"
Dealer: "Just under $36000 Can"
Me: "Okay. It's a deal"