View Full Version : Mitsubishi Evolution - 0, Trilogy Marauder #2 - 1
Jerry Barnes
11-30-2004, 06:11 PM
You know this car is really going to get me in trouble someday. I just can't resist defending my pride whenever someone challenges me, it's getting very, very, very bad. This morning at 7:30 AM I was driving my daughter to school. I pull up next to a Misubishi Evolution, brand new, and we both were making a right turn onto a divided highway. When the light changed the Evo scoots around the corner and begins to put the peddle to the mettle. I CAN'T STAND THAT KIND OF CHALLENGE TO MY PRIDE!!!!!! So he is about 2 car lenghts ahead of me........... and I let the Supercharger whine, and whine hard. He starts running the car hard and I can hear him continually hitting the red line! It takes me about 1 block, and my daughter's eyes are starting to bug out, and I catch him. He is trying everything!!!!!! But, the next hundred yards gave him a sight he WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!!! The rear license plate read "TRILGY2". I plow by 100mph, on the way to school mind you, the Evo is sucking supercharged exhaust fumes. I'm 53 years old and I'm severely out of control with this thing. I am jeopardizing my daughters safety. Something is severely wrong with me. I need professional help, Any suggestions???? Oh, that's right, this is not the right crowd to ask that question!
Your truely,
Addicted To Speed
11-30-2004, 06:18 PM
I love the story and can definitely relate. I still have a bone stock MM and find myself cruising around with my kids looking for trouble.
You know this car is really going to get me in trouble someday. I just can't resist defending my pride whenever someone challenges me, it's getting very, very, very bad. This morning at 7:30 AM I was driving my daughter to school. I pull up next to a Misubishi Evolution, brand new, and we both were making a right turn onto a divided highway. When the light changed the Evo scoots around the corner and begins to put the peddle to the mettle. I CAN'T STAND THAT KIND OF CHALLENGE TO MY PRIDE!!!!!! So he is about 2 car lenghts ahead of me........... and I let the Supercharger whine, and whine hard. He starts running the car hard and I can hear him continually hitting the red line! It takes me about 1 block, and my daughter's eyes are starting to bug out, and I catch him. He is trying everything!!!!!! But, the next hundred yards gave him a sight he WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!!! The rear license plate read "TRILGY2". I plow by 100mph, on the way to school mind you, the Evo is sucking supercharged exhaust fumes. I'm 53 years old and I'm severely out of control with this thing. I am jeopardizing my daughters safety. Something is severely wrong with me. I need professional help, Any suggestions???? Oh, that's right, this is not the right crowd to ask that question!
Your truely,
Addicted To Speed
11-30-2004, 06:24 PM
:nono: ...............
11-30-2004, 06:45 PM
Only one solution to this Jerry. Put her on the bus or get her a nanny and you go out in the mornings and hunt down "Bad Ricers".
11-30-2004, 06:48 PM
You, young man should be ashamed of your self. All that racing and carrying on, and with the little one onboard too?!? Besides, ALL metropolitan Detroit area smack downs are MY territory. Nice kill though, I love fried rice!!
11-30-2004, 06:57 PM
Go stand in the corner.........
A grown man no less?
PS....NICE JOB:up:
Bradley G
11-30-2004, 06:59 PM
Dear Jerry,
you need help my friend,You cannot help yourself!It's a good thing you have achieved celebrity status,there's only so many warnings one can get;)
Keep smiling!:D you're my hero
Bradley G
11-30-2004, 07:13 PM
I got to race one at the local track. Quick little bugger...but not quick enough.
Brand new as well. On his 6th or 7th run we saw a huge billow of blue smoke at 3/4 track. He blew something up and it was flat bedded from the track. This kid couldn't have been 18 years old and it still had temp tags.
Can you imagine trying to explain that one to mom and dad. :shake:
11-30-2004, 07:14 PM
nice job jerry! maybe next time ricer boy will think twice. i'll bet your daughter thinks you're the coolest dad on the block!!:up:
11-30-2004, 07:20 PM
Jerry - There is no cure for what ails you. :D Actually I think you cured yourself and will not drive at those speeds on public highways again.
11-30-2004, 07:30 PM
You know this car is really going to get me in trouble someday. I just can't resist defending my pride whenever someone challenges me, it's getting very, very, very bad. This morning at 7:30 AM I was driving my daughter to school. I pull up next to a Misubishi Evolution, brand new, and we both were making a right turn onto a divided highway. When the light changed the Evo scoots around the corner and begins to put the peddle to the mettle. I CAN'T STAND THAT KIND OF CHALLENGE TO MY PRIDE!!!!!! So he is about 2 car lenghts ahead of me........... and I let the Supercharger whine, and whine hard. He starts running the car hard and I can hear him continually hitting the red line! It takes me about 1 block, and my daughter's eyes are starting to bug out, and I catch him. He is trying everything!!!!!! But, the next hundred yards gave him a sight he WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!!! The rear license plate read "TRILGY2". I plow by 100mph, on the way to school mind you, the Evo is sucking supercharged exhaust fumes. I'm 53 years old and I'm severely out of control with this thing. I am jeopardizing my daughters safety. Something is severely wrong with me. I need professional help, Any suggestions???? Oh, that's right, this is not the right crowd to ask that question!
Your truely,
Addicted To Speed
Age --forget that--numbers don't mean noth'in--like you say---wrong crowd to be mentioning this too except to give us the "kill" news--and most certainly anyone of us , especially those whom are S/C'ed, will definiately dublicate your actions every chance they can--I DO! or they should give up the keys--..and no medicine can make you feel anybetter!! :burnout: ....WTG......Tom
11-30-2004, 07:37 PM
Cruztaker...good chance mom and dad are soft and fruity like the parents I see around here. They could care less, just repremand son and buy him a better car or some crazy thing like that. There's a TT Supra and a girl with a $70,000+ Land Rover. Over at Eastside high there's a 93 GT Stang capable of 7 second flat 1/8 mile runs. It's not rare for any of us to have nice or poor.'re tellin' me? Did I ever inform you that I slaughtered an Impala while I had your car out for 45 minutes? He comes up at the light on the way back acting all big and bad, everyone in his car is looking at me...and I think "No way he'll do it...wife and kids are in the car." I continue to talk to Kathy and light turns green and he gets on it!
So I let him go for all of two seconds and then watch him zip by backwards quick as can be...
You've got a future customer for life Mr. Barnes!
11-30-2004, 07:39 PM
Congrats on the kill!
LOL....when some poor sole comes along like that just begging to be brutalized by a Trilogized Marauder its pretty hard to resist. Just make sure that you explain to your daughter that you are showing her what NOT to do when she gets old enough to drive. Heck, when you think of it that way, you may need to reinforce the lesson a second time:)
All kidding safe out there Jerry!
11-30-2004, 07:42 PM
Mike...are you insinuating that the Evo driver should go back home to his mommy!?!?!:D
11-30-2004, 07:59 PM
Mike...are you insinuating that the Evo driver should go back home to his mommy!?!?!:D
LOL...yeah, I guess it is a double lesson for his daughter. I'm sure she'll remember to stay waaaay clear of the rice when she grows up:D
11-30-2004, 08:17 PM
You know this car is really going to get me in trouble someday. I just can't resist defending my pride whenever someone challenges me, it's getting very, very, very bad. This morning at 7:30 AM I was driving my daughter to school. I pull up next to a Misubishi Evolution, brand new, and we both were making a right turn onto a divided highway. When the light changed the Evo scoots around the corner and begins to put the peddle to the mettle. I CAN'T STAND THAT KIND OF CHALLENGE TO MY PRIDE!!!!!! So he is about 2 car lenghts ahead of me........... and I let the Supercharger whine, and whine hard. He starts running the car hard and I can hear him continually hitting the red line! It takes me about 1 block, and my daughter's eyes are starting to bug out, and I catch him. He is trying everything!!!!!! But, the next hundred yards gave him a sight he WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!!! The rear license plate read "TRILGY2". I plow by 100mph, on the way to school mind you, the Evo is sucking supercharged exhaust fumes. I'm 53 years old and I'm severely out of control with this thing. I am jeopardizing my daughters safety. Something is severely wrong with me. I need professional help, Any suggestions???? Oh, that's right, this is not the right crowd to ask that question!
Your truely,
Addicted To Speed
Just so you know, my lovely wife just told me that she called the Dr. Phil show this week and she says she got Jerry, Lidio, Mike Z, Me, and BillyG scheduled on a special Dr. Phil show taping in January, dedicated to all of us Trilogy Addicted Speed Freaks that cant seem to resist that look some yuppi that pulls up to us at the light and take the challange to take the family for a light to light ride that rivals anything at Disney World or Cedar Point!! The producers say that Dr. Phil's friend Ophra is going to help in the therapy by getting us Eaton Addicted Speed Demons a socially acceptable Pontiac G-six, just like she did on her talk show this year! They should be calling soon to confirm with you. Seems she saw some of the burnout videos and pictures from your open house, indy, and the ford proving grounds, and that did it... Dr. Phil says he can help us.....***** that!
Joe Walsh
11-30-2004, 09:11 PM
You know this car is really going to get me in trouble someday. I just can't resist defending my pride whenever someone challenges me, it's getting very, very, very bad. This morning at 7:30 AM I was driving my daughter to school. I pull up next to a Misubishi Evolution, brand new, and we both were making a right turn onto a divided highway. When the light changed the Evo scoots around the corner and begins to put the peddle to the mettle. I CAN'T STAND THAT KIND OF CHALLENGE TO MY PRIDE!!!!!! So he is about 2 car lenghts ahead of me........... and I let the Supercharger whine, and whine hard. He starts running the car hard and I can hear him continually hitting the red line! It takes me about 1 block, and my daughter's eyes are starting to bug out, and I catch him. He is trying everything!!!!!! But, the next hundred yards gave him a sight he WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!!! The rear license plate read "TRILGY2". I plow by 100mph, on the way to school mind you, the Evo is sucking supercharged exhaust fumes. I'm 53 years old and I'm severely out of control with this thing. I am jeopardizing my daughters safety. Something is severely wrong with me. I need professional help, Any suggestions???? Oh, that's right, this is not the right crowd to ask that question!
Your truely,
Addicted To Speed
Yes Jerry...Something is Very Wrong with you!! :nono: :nono: :nono:
I suggest that you do the prudent thing and immediately REMOVE that Eaton Supercharger and send it to me!
This will preclude you from endangering your daughters life any further.... :D
11-30-2004, 09:24 PM
Yes Jerry...Something is Very Wrong with you!! :nono: :nono: :nono:
I suggest that you do the prudent thing and immediately REMOVE that Eaton Supercharger and send it to me!
This will preclude you from endangering your daughters life any further.... :D
beat me to it Joe, but he does have two cars so I'll take the one off Trilogy 1
12-01-2004, 12:36 AM
my lovely wife just called the Dr. Phil show and got Jerry, Lidio, Mike Z, Me, and BillyG scheduled on a special Dr. Phil show taping in January, dedicated to all of us Trilogy Addicted Speed Freaks..... Dr. Phil's friend Ophra is going to help in the therapy by getting us Eaton Addicted Speed Demons a socially acceptable Pontiac G-six! ... Dr. Phil says he can help us.....Well Dr. Phil's therapy will only work for me until I get behind the wheel of my TRILOGIZED Marauder again. :D ....and if they want to give me a 6 banger Pontiac, then I'll take it, and sell it for a down payment on another Marauder, so I can Trilogize a second one!!!! :banana2: :banana2:
BTW, nice kill story Jerry. that will teach those guys w/the cars that look like a big jellybean on wheels that have a weedwacker sounding engine.
12-01-2004, 01:17 AM
What's that old saying about boys and their toys. Just goes to show that there is fun driving around in two tons!!!
12-01-2004, 05:49 AM
Just so you know, my lovely wife just told me that she called the Dr. Phil show this week and she says she got Jerry, Lidio, Mike Z, Me, and BillyG scheduled on a special Dr. Phil show taping in January, dedicated to all of us Trilogy Addicted Speed Freaks
I resemble that comment!
12-01-2004, 06:12 AM
Keep up the good work. :up:
At least the story did not include "Daddy, please slow down!" :lol:
12-01-2004, 06:17 AM
You know this car is really going to get me in trouble someday. I just can't resist defending my pride whenever someone challenges me, it's getting very, very, very bad. This morning at 7:30 AM I was driving my daughter to school. I pull up next to a Misubishi Evolution, brand new, and we both were making a right turn onto a divided highway. When the light changed the Evo scoots around the corner and begins to put the peddle to the mettle. I CAN'T STAND THAT KIND OF CHALLENGE TO MY PRIDE!!!!!! So he is about 2 car lenghts ahead of me........... and I let the Supercharger whine, and whine hard. He starts running the car hard and I can hear him continually hitting the red line! It takes me about 1 block, and my daughter's eyes are starting to bug out, and I catch him. He is trying everything!!!!!! But, the next hundred yards gave him a sight he WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!!! The rear license plate read "TRILGY2". I plow by 100mph, on the way to school mind you, the Evo is sucking supercharged exhaust fumes. I'm 53 years old and I'm severely out of control with this thing. I am jeopardizing my daughters safety. Something is severely wrong with me. I need professional help, Any suggestions???? Oh, that's right, this is not the right crowd to ask that question!
Your truely,
Addicted To Speed
I have my three year old strapped in the car seat saying "Can you do that thing where you make the noise with your tires". Then I hear a "Do it again Daddy". It was all good until she said it one day with the mother in the car. :D
Bradley G
12-01-2004, 06:28 AM
Hey valkyre,
I feel it is very important to keep your passengers happy!My niece asked me something similar over thanksgiving along with a "your dad has the coolest car!:bows: ,My dad drives a station wagon:tongue: (I felt really bad cause I sold it to him)
Bradley G
I have my three year old strapped in the car seat saying "Can you do that thing where you make the noise with your tires". Then I hear a "Do it again Daddy". It was all good until she said it one day with the mother in the car. :D
12-01-2004, 08:27 AM
Hey valkyre,
I feel it is very important to keep your passengers happy!My niece asked me something similar over thanksgiving along with a "your dad has the coolest car!:bows: ,My dad drives a station wagon:tongue: (I felt really bad cause I sold it to him)
Bradley G
I get that all the time when I pick my kids up from school.
Now daddy knows why you sold the wagon.
12-01-2004, 08:34 AM
Ok Jerry I've thought this out for nearly 8 minutes and I have a cure for your problem...
"Chain Trilogy #2"
Heres the plan you send the T2 on a 2000 day tear of the US and Canada!
How can that happen? Easy you get to start,just drive the car 100 miles to a Mercury members home and drop off the car,then he or she gets to drive it another 100miles to another member and so on when the chain is complete you should be cured,hows that? Easy.
BTW leave the Trilogy Bottomless Gas Card in the console we'll return the receipts. :beer:
Know the feeling, I've been known to "surprise" a few ricers when I take my 95 year old mother to/from the center for the elderly. They point and laugh when they notice how "old" we are. I'm 65 and mom's 95. The look on their faces, priceless.
12-01-2004, 08:47 AM
:flamer: Same age my man...and you have the cure for all that ails you! It seems since I bought this thing someone is always looking for a way to make me plant my foot down hard. I have to exercise of a lot of common sense but every once in a while the kid in me gets out and then something good happens..I "get on it" and you know it really feels good to have something that lets the "kid" out!!
12-01-2004, 10:59 AM're tellin' me? Did I ever inform you that I slaughtered an Impala while I had your car out for 45 minutes?
More like 1 1/2 hours:)
He comes up at the light on the way back acting all big and bad, everyone in his car is looking at me...and I think "No way he'll do it...wife and kids are in the car."
OK! Donny is in the back seat, Kathy upfront, James driving? So who was the kid? :lol:
I continue to talk to Kathy and light turns green and he gets on it!
That was one "funny" afternoon in Indy.
Hack Goby
12-01-2004, 03:49 PM're tellin' me? Did I ever inform you that I slaughtered an Impala while I had your car out for 45 minutes? He comes up at the light on the way back acting all big and bad, everyone in his car is looking at me...and I think "No way he'll do it...wife and kids are in the car." I continue to talk to Kathy and light turns green and he gets on it!
So I let him go for all of two seconds and then watch him zip by backwards quick as can be...
You've got a future customer for life Mr. Barnes! James the look on your face says it all."Lets tear it up"
12-01-2004, 04:54 PM
Hey valkyre,
I feel it is very important to keep your passengers happy!My niece asked me something similar over thanksgiving along with a "your dad has the coolest car!:bows: ,My dad drives a station wagon:tongue: (I felt really bad cause I sold it to him)
Bradley GYou sold it to him!! LOL! :lol:
Way to go Jerry!! "If you build it they will come!" :)
12-01-2004, 05:49 PM
Drats...foiled again! Caught in the act!:D
I haven't torn anything up in a's so uninteresting to speed in the van that I've just resorted to driving right around the speed limit.
I think I might fall into the normal driver category...quick, it's a sickness...someone get me a trilogy so I can be on Dr. Phil's show!
12-07-2004, 04:52 AM
I can identify. When I was at the dragstrip, the Mustang guys I was with were laughing at my two baby seats in the car. ;)
BTW, I've since discovered that you can fit five prepubescent kids in the backseat all at'll be tougher when my collection is up to six.
12-09-2004, 12:41 PM
Shame on punishment, I'm taking your car away.
PS: Excellent Kill!!! :bows:
12-09-2004, 01:34 PM
Know the feeling, I've been known to "surprise" a few ricers when I take my 95 year old mother to/from the center for the elderly. They point and laugh when they notice how "old" we are. I'm 65 and mom's 95. The look on their faces, priceless.
pat...I don't care who you are...that is funny...I would love to see it...does mom enjoy the sprint? willie
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