View Full Version : Kids!

12-03-2004, 05:48 PM
My best friend Robert is doing a tour in Iraq...
Robert's wife has a child, aged 9 (I think) from a prior marriage. Tonight, Robin was schooling Kayla on the topic of geography. Robin asked Kayla "If a penguin lived at the South Pole, what kind of penguin would it be?". Kayla replied "An Antarctic penguin." "Correct", said Robin, "And what would you call a penguin living within the Arctic Circle?". Kayla replied "Lost?".
I have been laughing out loud for the past hour!

12-04-2004, 10:26 PM
I have been laughing out loud for the past hour!

Awesome story! Kids are awesome.

The other day I get to my parents' place to pick up my son. My mom turns to my son and tells him "Victor, do Shakespeare for Pappa...".


So my son turns to me and says: "To be, not to be... That..." (raises his right index finger) "is QUESTION!".


Turns out my sister and my mom were discussing something, and one of them said "2B". My son thought that sounded funny and repeated it, giggling. So my sister followed with "or not to be, that is the question...". He repeated it! So they got a real kick out of it, my son of course loved the attention of being the clown, and repeats it on demand. I would have videotaped him but I ran out of time before leaving for Tulsa on business.

I miss him....