View Full Version : Thunderbolt

12-08-2004, 07:34 AM
The speed channel. Has the 64 Thunderbold on tonight at 7:00. those were awsome cars. Had the prevlidge of drining one in the early 70's. Not avery good street car, couldn't turn worth a darn,but straight line look out. In an unrelated topic the History channel has the Pacer and Gremlin on.

12-08-2004, 08:59 AM
For more on T'Bolts go here---http://www.angelfire.com/hi/427fairlane/

The car itself never did much for me, the motor, well, is the only good part.

12-08-2004, 04:05 PM
the History channel has the Pacer and Gremlin on.

Was this part of the "Engineering Disasters" series?

12-08-2004, 05:01 PM
In an unrelated topic the History channel has the Pacer and Gremlin on.
The AMC Gremlin really fit its name. It had to be one of the ugliest cars of the late 70's. :puke: However, I drove one for 2 years as a company car (US Army) and ran the crap out of it. Other than gas, oil changes and regular services that little car was a running beast. :D Not one problem encountered in the time that I had it. In fact, it was kinda fun to drive -- almost like a M151 jeep but with alot more stability. Ugly certainly!!! :rolleyes: And I think AMC selected the colors from the medical waste container from the Dysentary Ward at the State Hospital. :rofl: