View Full Version : Two Possibilities Befall Me This Coming Summer

12-08-2004, 05:23 PM
Even though it's early to tell, I'm not sure if I can get away with both.

If this is the case, I will have to choose between Marauderville III if there is one and working for Senator Jim DeMint for a month in DC. I doubt the two would overlap but it would take a lot of convincing for my parents to let me be away from them for a month in Washington DC and even though I'd come home with $1300 in my pocket (which could easily pay for the other) and a great addition to my college resume, I'm extremely unsure as to whether or not they would allow me to have another "vacation" so to speak.

Decisions Decisions....Just letting you all know as early as I know. If I could get away with both though, however, that would be WAY cool.

Other than that...I wear my MaraudervilleII and CAM t-shirts around all the time...even to school:D

And I'm doing well in school.

I'm a happy kid the last few months....life is good:D :D :D

So what do ya'll think?

12-08-2004, 05:30 PM
go work for the senator.

I think my brother in law did that a few years ago. He is a lawyer now, and I'm sure that didnt hurt his resume.

might not be as fun as the other option.. but will be more beneficial!

12-08-2004, 05:31 PM
No reason why you shouldn't be able to do both from where I sit. While you may view the trip to DC as a "vacation", you're probably better off describing it as "work" and that makes it "on the clock" time rather than a vacation. When you're done changing the world in DC, you'll be able to take that well-deserved vacation at MMV3.

12-08-2004, 05:31 PM
Well, I would say if you are doing well in school, are a good kid, and your parent's are proud of you, then the MMIII would be a nice reward for doing something like the internship to help out your future. Start laying the plans out there for them now. Gives them time to think about it and become OK with it.

12-08-2004, 05:32 PM
Woa,.. go to D.C. man,... that might be a once in a life time deal.... We'll see ya at M'ville 4! :up:

that is if ya can't do both..

Al Goguen
12-08-2004, 05:47 PM
Go to DC you will not regret it in the future..... MM villie is something you
would have fond memories of but that REsume follows you and makes
a hugh difference in your future.........Ya can always find another car
event to participate in.......
Life is short, be very careful with your decisions, most ya can't go back
and undo.....
Best of Luck to ya...:beer:

12-08-2004, 05:48 PM
Even though it's early to tell, I'm not sure if I can get away with both.

If this is the case, I will have to choose between Marauderville III if there is one and working for Senator Jim DeMint for a month in DC. I doubt the two would overlap but it would take a lot of convincing for my parents to let me be away from them for a month in Washington DC and even though I'd come home with $1300 in my pocket (which could easily pay for the other) and a great addition to my college resume, I'm extremely unsure as to whether or not they would allow me to have another "vacation" so to speak.

Decisions Decisions....Just letting you all know as early as I know. If I could get away with both though, however, that would be WAY cool.

Other than that...I wear my MaraudervilleII and CAM t-shirts around all the time...even to school:D

And I'm doing well in school.

I'm a happy kid the last few months....life is good:D :D :D

So what do ya'll think?

Go work for the Senator, there are a lot of cute Interns in D.C. :banana:

If your parents are worried about you being in D.C. by yourself just remind them you have family up here and we are just a phone call away. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/1/p/phone.gif And if Marauderville III is at the same time just invite the Senator to come along. He ought to feel at home with all of the black sedans around.

Glad to hear you are wearing your CAM t-shirt, remember you are always welcome up here. :D

Paul T. Casey
12-08-2004, 05:55 PM
No brainer, work for the Senator

12-08-2004, 05:57 PM

Ya never know WTG James!!!

12-08-2004, 06:10 PM

Ya never know WTG James!!!

...and you even have your own Secert Service with Marauders.

12-08-2004, 07:18 PM
If this is the case, I will have to choose between Marauderville III if there is one and working for Senator Jim DeMint for a month in DC. ...

Other than that...I wear my MaraudervilleII and CAM t-shirts around all the time...even to school:D

So what do ya'll think?
James, working for the Senator on Capitol Hill as a page or staffer's assistant is an opportunity that you shouldn't pass up. :flag: The fact that you are being considered is significant in and of itself. So, to add my :twocents: to what the others have said .... this is a No Brainer .... DC is the ticket.

Maybe we can orchestrate a CAM meet during your visit to the area !! :2thumbs:

12-08-2004, 07:34 PM
as far as the previous comment about cute DC interns goes... i assume Lewinsky was the exception.

12-08-2004, 07:48 PM
Going to work for the senator is like being a military veteran or an Eagle Scout, it can't hurt!!

12-08-2004, 08:00 PM
as far as the previous comment about cute DC interns goes... i assume Lewinsky was the exception.

Every rule has its dog, er...exception.

12-08-2004, 08:02 PM
As a native Washingtonian I would certainly recommend an internship on Capital Hill, but inters are a dime a dozen and the waiting list is not long. While you are in Washington take the time to investigate some other future opportunities. A fellowship at the White House would be the real meal ticket molding your future. There are many other fellowships that are worth your time depending on your major. Don’t get me wrong, working for a State Senator is helpful and gives you some insight into polities.



12-08-2004, 08:05 PM
Resume items like that don't come everyday.

I once worked for President Clinton during his campaign trail out of Chicago. I installed all the comm equipment for the Amtrac train he was personally using.

Do the DC this as a priority, and join us secondary if possible.

12-08-2004, 09:23 PM
Go to MVIII. 7-11 is always hiring. ;)

12-09-2004, 06:13 AM
Thanks all. You guys are too funny!

I'd be a page. And who knows what kind of trouble I might ask you CAM guys to keep me out of!

Maybe I could even get Mr. DeMint to go to a meet of ya'lls:)

Ok, off to school to study Chemistry so I know what the heck is going for the quiz.

There's always the possibility I could do both, especially if I pulled off the "It was good work, MVIII would be a great reward" line. But there's always the possibility that I won't.

Never know! Depends where it is too...HOPEFULLY it'll be in the South East region.

12-09-2004, 09:59 AM
Thanks all. You guys are too funny!

I'd be a page. And who knows what kind of trouble I might ask you CAM guys to keep me out of!

Maybe I could even get Mr. DeMint to go to a meet of ya'lls:)

Ok, off to school to study Chemistry so I know what the heck is going for the quiz.

There's always the possibility I could do both, especially if I pulled off the "It was good work, MVIII would be a great reward" line. But there's always the possibility that I won't.

Never know! Depends where it is too...HOPEFULLY it'll be in the South East region.

You know what they say about Senate pages in DC!

Stay out of the Senate 'cloak room'

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

12-09-2004, 10:18 AM
You should do Elaine next summer. I know that's what Todd would do.

12-09-2004, 03:37 PM

I'm still trying to figure out how to get this dance thing up. File is friggin huge.

12-09-2004, 04:05 PM
James - Will be in Greenville the second week of July . :D See you then. Unfortunitly no Marauder.

12-10-2004, 12:03 AM
I dunno James. I'm reminded of the old riddle, "Why don't Senators use bookmarks?"

"They prefer to bend the pages over."

12-10-2004, 12:17 AM
No reason why you shouldn't be able to do both from where I sit. While you may view the trip to DC as a "vacation", you're probably better off describing it as "work" and that makes it "on the clock" time rather than a vacation. When you're done changing the world in DC, you'll be able to take that well-deserved vacation at MMV3.
Great minds think alike. Do both, Marauderville just won't be the same without you. (But bing the Cobra, not he rental stationwagon!) :D

12-10-2004, 12:23 AM
I dunno James. I'm reminded of the old riddle, "Why don't Senators use bookmarks?"

"They prefer to bend the pages over."
:lol: :rofl: Good thing I wasn't drinking anything...:whistle: It would be coming out my nose right now!:D

12-10-2004, 02:27 PM
Work for the Senator. You'll probably get lucky with one of the gal interns as well.

12-10-2004, 05:56 PM
Work for the Senator. You'll probably get lucky with one of the gal interns as well.

Sound Advice!!!

12-10-2004, 06:44 PM
There is a chance my friend will be doing the same job.

I'm interested in her...her...and her.

We get along extremely well, and still manage to make great grades!

Our speech coach always says she should have been a Democrat given that she's part latino, a woman, and for extra measure...from Jersey.

But no.

She's more conservative than I am...not by much though:D

12-10-2004, 07:58 PM
...Our speech coach always says she should have been a Democrat ...from Jersey.

But no.

She's more conservative than I am...not by much though:D

Hey not everyone from Jersey is a wimpy, lowlife, communist, "Girlyman". :mad2: Some of us are very proud of the chemical waste dumps and nuclear polution that Jersey is famous for. And Jersey would never be the same without that terrific odor emanating from the Meadowlands. :puke:

12-10-2004, 08:05 PM
go work for the senator.

I think my brother in law did that a few years ago. He is a lawyer now, and I'm sure that didnt hurt his resume.

might not be as fun as the other option.. but will be more beneficial!
What he said. MMVIII, if done, will likely be in the early fall anyway. Don't miss an opportunity to work for DeMint.