View Full Version : Guess the mileage

12-16-2004, 11:58 PM
Well, I was bored tonight and decided to upload a picture of my 1992 Honda Accord that is currently my daily driver. This is the car that will be moved to backup status when I finally get a MM.

Anyway, thought I would do a little post here and see if anyone can guess how many miles are on it by looking at the picture. It is pretty much all original - paint, wheels, glass, etc. No body work done to it.

Any guesses... (tried to get the picture so show up in the post, but I must be doing something wrong - click on the gallery button at the upper right or set me straight on how to get it to show up)

Also uploaded some pictures of the Camaros that I have owned and that I really miss!!!

12-17-2004, 04:45 AM

12-17-2004, 07:01 AM
Here it is:


Clean appearance, way too ricey.....doh! It is a ricer....sorry.;) :D

1992 DAILY DRIVER? I guess 105,000 miles.

Bradley G
12-17-2004, 07:36 AM
I guess 180,000 Those things last forever!(that's a problem in my eyes:D )I've had a couple Hondas'( 2 civics) and bikes,and now that I think about itI have a gas generator,.. opps..., then ,there's the lawn mower.I guess that I should'nt bash Honda cause thier stuff is generally very good.
Bradley G

12-17-2004, 07:54 AM
I'm game just waiting on coffee. 203,545.2. What do I win? :lol:

12-17-2004, 08:31 AM
Well, Patrick is the closest so far, but still a ways to go...

Here, I will help some since this is not all that exciting anyway. Basically, take Petrograde's guess and double it.

As for being "ricer" - yes, it is an import, but I usually consider a ricer something with lots of stickers, big rear spoiler (the one on there is the factory one that came with it), big coffe can exhaust, and can't get out of it's own way. Except for the tinted windows and CD player, it is the way it came from the factory and pulls down high-20's to low-30's for gas mileage which is nice when you are driving 500+ miles per week!!!

12-17-2004, 08:36 AM
Well, Patrick is the closest so far, but still a ways to go...

Another cup.. Do I get a second chance?