View Full Version : 450 HP Neon?

12-23-2004, 10:05 AM
eBay strikes again!


Check out the videos. I hate that turbo by pass these guys run

12-23-2004, 11:10 AM
Sounds like a bumble bee!

12-23-2004, 12:07 PM
I hate that turbo by pass these guys run
I agree... I've always likened it to the sound of the car farting...

Whenever I hear a BOV, first thing I think is that it's one of those fake-speaker-that-makes-the-sound ones... :rolleyes:

12-23-2004, 12:16 PM
After driving a car that makes the shhh-pishhhhh sound for more than 60 seconds, I would want to drive it into a lake!

12-23-2004, 12:24 PM
LOL....450HP! Its a ticking time bomb! :shake:

Joe Walsh
12-23-2004, 02:51 PM
LOL... That blow-off valve sounds like someone cracking a whip!
I guess that's what you need to do to get 450HP ;) ....WHIP THE SH_T OUT OF IT!!!
How friggin' ANNOYING.
Those Videos were TOTALLY UNimpressive.
They should take some Video lessons from BILLYGMAN!!!!

12-23-2004, 03:02 PM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Not Even!!!

12-23-2004, 03:17 PM
Remaining Warranty????? :rofl:



not with all those mods

12-23-2004, 04:45 PM
Remaining Warranty????? :rofl:



not with all those mods

Yes it still has some RICE A WARRANTY left!!!

Joe Walsh
12-23-2004, 04:53 PM
That Neon is 'Da Bomb'....and so is its' highly stressed engine. ;)
If I were the owner I would want to sell it soon....while it is still in one piece.
It should have a vanity tag that reads: "KABOOM"

12-23-2004, 05:03 PM
LOL....450HP! Its a ticking time bomb! :shake:

Remember...not IF folks, WHEN. A-Train ..

12-23-2004, 06:13 PM
Although every motor may have its individual time, there are also a lot of predictors which demonstrate general trends. The key is this instance is that those SRT drivetrains are just not the buff'd beef that guy was making them out to be for handling 450hp. I've seen em break right out here on Woodward. Not saying they're garbage, but a 450 SRT is definitely going to melt down sooner rather than later:)

12-23-2004, 08:33 PM
My fiancee Heather has one of those for her daily driver. She has an 87 Buick T-Type as her race car, capable of 11 second passes. Her SRT-4 is nothing to shake a stick at. (Certianly no 450hp) her's is just stock...but her stock SRT-4 would beat my stock MM any day. In fact...her stock SRT-4 might give my modded MM a run for it's money. I like driving that car, but I can hardly fit in it, so I can only take about 20min at a time.


12-23-2004, 08:55 PM
Oooooooooooooo !.

I'm impressed.

I just sold ALL my cars as a pkg deal for $10K.

I feel BEYOND HONORED to have finally found a REAL car.

Been nice knowing you all ...



12-23-2004, 10:22 PM
This passed summer one of these P'sOS cut me off in traffic, but before I could really get pissed I noticed that their were two of them and they were playing with like a 2000 cobra mustang. I decided to just follow closely and watch the action, because my wife was with me. Then the stars alligned. We were on a four lane (closed) :) highway and up ahead they took three of four spots at the next light. Well thanks to old Jerry and Lidio it wasnt hard to jocky through traffic for the fourth position. So here I am getting goose bumps because actuallly, for a second, I thought "maybe their IS something to those turbo neons", and "I'd hate to take an L from these fokers with my wife in the car because she does have an idea of what I spent on my car". Anyhoo, there loading their turbo's as the cross street gets yellow oblivious to the grim reaper sittin' right next to em when.........green drops....nittos spin..im gone. A bus length on two Frt 4s and a slowbra. At the next light one of the neons pull up next to me,waves and says "Marauder S huh?". I just smile and say "something like that", God I love this car!

linky for the neon fans


12-23-2004, 10:26 PM
Oooooooooooooo !.

I'm impressed.

I just sold ALL my cars as a pkg deal for $10K.

I feel BEYOND HONORED to have finally found a REAL car.

Been nice knowing you all ...



:fishslap: Hello!!!! You can come back to reality now!!!

12-24-2004, 06:20 AM
This passed summer one of these P'sOS cut me off in traffic, but before I could really get pissed I noticed that their were two of them and they were playing with like a 2000 cobra mustang. I decided to just follow closely and watch the action, because my wife was with me. Then the stars alligned. We were on a four lane (closed) :) highway and up ahead they took three of four spots at the next light. Well thanks to old Jerry and Lidio it wasnt hard to jocky through traffic for the fourth position. So here I am getting goose bumps because actuallly, for a second, I thought "maybe their IS something to those turbo neons", and "I'd hate to take an L from these fokers with my wife in the car because she does have an idea of what I spent on my car". Anyhoo, there loading their turbo's as the cross street gets yellow oblivious to the grim reaper sittin' right next to em when.........green drops....nittos spin..im gone. A bus length on two Frt 4s and a slowbra. At the next light one of the neons pull up next to me,waves and says "Marauder S huh?". I just smile and say "something like that", God I love this car!

linky for the neon fans


Now these are the stories that catapult our cars into stardum..Great story!!! :D

12-24-2004, 07:26 AM
I try my best. :D

Joe Walsh
12-24-2004, 10:41 AM
Deebar, When you rolled down your window you should have revved the DOHC V8 and then immitated a blow-off valve: VROOOM......"PSSSSSSSSSS" :D
Actually I shouldn't bust on the Neon SRT-4....At least Dodge is trying to put some muscle under the hood....Unlike Ford DISCONTINUING the Focus SVT. (A stock Focus SVT would have gotten 'owned' by a SRT-4 anyway.)
The SRT-4 just is not 'my cup of tea'.....but it's still way better than a riced out Honda! :puke:

12-24-2004, 01:06 PM
Deebar, When you rolled down your window you should have revved the DOHC V8 and then immitated a blow-off valve: VROOOM......"PSSSSSSSSSS" :D:

Lmfao!!!!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Now thats bustin balls :D i hope i think of that .thats great!!!

12-24-2004, 05:35 PM
Actually I shouldn't bust on the Neon SRT-4....At least Dodge is trying to put some muscle under the hood...sorry, but an engine that sounds like a giant beehive in a car that looks like a japanese car wannabee isn't what I call "muscle".So as far as I'm concerned, you can bash them all you want Joe. cuz I'm with ya on that.Unlike Ford DISCONTINUING the Focus SVT. But that's no great loss either
The SRT-4 just is not 'my cup of tea'.....but it's still way better than a riced out Honda! :puke:They look the same and sound the same to me.....BTW, nice story Deebar. :banana2:

David Morton
12-24-2004, 06:16 PM

Just because the turbo by-pass makes some noise is no reason to pooh-pooh the thing. Lots of guys here are living with and loving that supercharger whine and why not? It's the sound of power!

If it's what I think it is, it's what has enabled Gale Banks to solve the turbo lag problem and put it on equal footing with superchargers in the bottom-end torque category. Click here (http://www.bankspower.com/twin-turbo-products.cfm) and download his free PDF to read about his twin turbo system for the small block Chevy. And as I think few will argue against, the turbos ability to produce higher top-end torque and efficiency of operation means this innovation of blowing-off boost to keep the turbines spooled up at idle really makes the superchargers obsolete.

Now that I know others are using this valve, I have decided to shelve all plans for supercharging and explore the possibility of custom making a twin-turbo system for my Marauder next year.

PM me if you have any supporting ideas.

Wish me luck. :D

We will now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

12-24-2004, 09:33 PM
Actually the blow off valve has been around for ages. What is entertaining about the SRT crowd is that they have gone to a valve that actually makes more noise....on purpose.

The blow off valves work best speed density motors though. They were quite popular on the older speed density 5-oh mustangs. Mass air cars is another story completely. Once air is metered on mass air cars, the charge cannot be evacuated to the atmosphere. Furthermore, if you compress and release before the meter, the meter will require custom calibration and often cannot be tuned for smooth daily driving. Be very aware of that issue if you plan on Turbo-ing a mass air equipped MM.

Between the plumbing and tuning I wish you lottsa lottsa luck there brother!!

12-24-2004, 10:49 PM
:hijack: Geez, if a S/C set up is around 5 -6K, a turbo kit would be around 10K!!! I have a hard enough time justifying the expence for a S/C. Turbo? Never!

(Santa, please bring me a Trilogy)

David Morton
12-25-2004, 01:11 AM
Actually the blow off valve has been around for ages. What is entertaining about the SRT crowd is that they have gone to a valve that actually makes more noise....on purpose.

The blow off valves work best speed density motors though. They were quite popular on the older speed density 5-oh mustangs. Mass air cars is another story completely. Once air is metered on mass air cars, the charge cannot be evacuated to the atmosphere. Furthermore, if you compress and release before the meter, the meter will require custom calibration and often cannot be tuned for smooth daily driving. Be very aware of that issue if you plan on Turbo-ing a mass air equipped MM.

Between the plumbing and tuning I wish you lottsa lottsa luck there brother!!Thanks Mike. You're giving me good stuff to think about. ;)

As a matter of MAF versus speed x density, I think I remember back in the 80s at the Chevrolet dealership the tune-up boys were converting factory vehicles from a mass air flow computation to the older style speed density computation with a prom change, because the MAF sensors were failing too often. We used to laugh about them and even had some cool plastic hammers with a little recording of breaking glass inside that played when you hit something with it. We'd bring one in and hit the MAF sensor with it and the car would shut off. :D

It was a step backwards from what the schools were saying was the reason for using MAF in the first place, variations in atmospheric pressure that couldn't be accurately guaged using the MAP (manifold absolute pressure) sensor whether it was inside the manifold or outside and used as a barometric pressure sensor. MAF is a more accurate way to measure the oxygen content going into a normally aspirated engine.

But it seems to me when pressurizing the air going into the manifold, all the old reasons for using MAF go out the window. It doesn't matter whether the air was pressurized at sea level or at 10,000 feet! Air at 12 psi will have a given amount of oxygen in it no matter where it came from. In the case of a turbocharged or supercharged engine, a speed x density calculation will work just as well, perhaps even better than MAF calculation. We can put that old MAP sensor right back inside the manifold where it belongs. And with a known pressurized air value waiting at the throttle plate a good baseline for non-boost operation can be used.

Sounds good to me! Thanks! I'll be researching converting over to speed x density for the project.