View Full Version : 150MPH Crash - Viper. Survivors.

12-26-2004, 10:48 PM
CRAZY Stuff here. Lucky lucky lucky. Not sure if the speed they were going was really 150 but that's what it's being posted as.

LOOONG Download. Broadband beware! Took me about 10 minutes on a 2500kbs connection.

Uh...yeah, some R language too.


12-26-2004, 11:04 PM
Geez James, the porno videos that Todd sends me and Donny take less time to download that this one.

12-26-2004, 11:49 PM
Day-um James, got 43% and I still got 37 minutes to go.

12-27-2004, 01:26 AM
Yeah this is a long one! It's 242M and took me about 16 minutes to download to my hard drive (I'm on cable). The vid itself is 23:25 Minutes long and the wreck with follow up damage shows in the first minutes or so. There is a good narration of the accident starting at 13:30 or so with some extra vid cut in for another minute or so. Apparently this took place in Morocco and those guys are really lucky to be ok. If I Knew how to edit this down I would ... at any rate give yourself some time if you decide to view it. Hope this helps!

12-27-2004, 02:53 AM
18 minutes to download. :eek:

Those lucky bastages! Why the hell would anyone want to run wide open on such crappy roads? Not to mention, in Morroco? :confused:

12-27-2004, 05:04 AM
18 minutes to download. :eek:

Those lucky bastages! Why the hell would anyone want to run wide open on such crappy roads? Not to mention, in Morroco? :confused:

If you listen carefully, you will hear them frantically say:

"Do we still have Todd's package?" "What happened to Todd's package??"

Then later in the clip you will here them talking about how the "Governor" was paying their medical and transportation expenses.

Put two and two together and tell me that you don't see all signs pointing to "our" Todd and some nefarious activity....They don't call Todd the "opiate of the masses" for nothin'!!

Footnote: Also watch closely and you will see how one of the fellows that they pulled from the wreckage "soiled" his paints. Woopsie!!

12-27-2004, 05:15 AM
Yeah this is a long one! It's 242M and took me about 16 minutes to download to my hard drive (I'm on cable).
I'll pass on this one ... 242 Megs .... maybe I'll just wait for the DVD. :rolleyes:

12-27-2004, 05:47 AM
If you listen carefully, you will hear them frantically say:

"Do we still have Todd's package?" "What happened to Todd's package??"

Then later in the clip you will here them talking about how the "Governor" was paying their medical and transportation expenses.

Put two and two together and tell me that you don't see all signs pointing to "our" Todd and some nefarious activity....They don't call Todd the "opiate of the masses" for nothin'!!

Footnote: Also watch closely and you will see how one of the fellows that they pulled from the wreckage "soiled" his paints. Woopsie!!

Hey Todd, I think you've been served!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

12-27-2004, 07:05 AM
I'll pass on this one ... 242 M .... maybe I'll just wait for the DVD. :rolleyes:

^^^^I agree^^^^

12-27-2004, 07:32 AM
Geez James, the porno videos that Todd sends me and Donny take less time to download that this one.I worry about you 3
:stooges: !!!! And How come I dont get them!!!! :lol: :lol:

12-27-2004, 07:34 AM
Marty likes to pawn on Donny and I that WE are the "Kings of Porn"...meanwhile...he FILLS our email boxes with inappropriate "humor" ALL THE TIME!!!!

12-27-2004, 07:35 AM
I saw it, kinda freaky but glad they are alive...the car is pretty well scattered across the field too

12-27-2004, 08:42 AM
"I wrecked my Viper and my underwear in Morocco, and all I got was this lousy Gumball Rally t-shirt!":mad:

12-27-2004, 09:26 AM
Yeah this is a long one! It's 242M and took me about 16 minutes to download to my hard drive (I'm on cable).
It is a long one Bruce, took me an hour on DSL.

12-27-2004, 09:55 AM
Interesting video. Long...but put together well.

I chopped up the video to a managable size and still shows the main event. It's 2:22 in length but still 35mb in size.

I cannot host a file larger than 15mb, and as some of you know, my host site is really slow.

I have the edited file if anyone wants to host it for a few days or whatever, or I can mail a disk with the entire video to anyone who really has the need to see it. It's actually filmed quite well.

12-27-2004, 11:04 AM
Is it just my imagination, or does it look like there were some guys on bicycles on the side of the road right where the Viper went off the road. Those guys were V E R Y lucky.

It looks like the speed on the GPS in the video car was a hair over 120 when the Viper left the road. Still pretty darned fast to go off-roading in a Viper!

Joe Walsh
12-27-2004, 11:28 AM
Is it just my imagination, or does it look like there were some guys on bicycles on the side of the road right where the Viper went off the road. Those guys were V E R Y lucky.

It looks like the speed on the GPS in the video car was a hair over 120 when the Viper left the road. Still pretty darned fast to go off-roading in a Viper!

I noticed that also....The guy on the bike along the side of the road where the Viper wrecked...At first I thought that the Viper might have swerved to avoid the bicyclist! I bet that the bicyclist had some messy pants too!
WHEW!!! Just riding your bike down the road when a Viper doing 120+MPH swerves at you and goes off the road right next to you!! :eek:

12-27-2004, 11:51 AM
Did you notice the picture in the second post on that Viper site? The lift has a Viper underneath it and a Twin Turbo V8 Lotus Espirit on it. I will take that Lotus any day over that Viper. That V8 rips.

12-27-2004, 03:12 PM
Just saw the video... *gasp* very sobering. Puts a decidely unglamourous spin (no pun intended) on high performance high speed driving... you just NEVER know what's going to happen. Even if you've driven a certain road hundreds of times and know every detail fairly well, there's always a chance of one tiny section of unfamiliar pavement throwing it all up in the air. (I found that out the hard way after SO many laps of a local road course circuit, thinking I knew it perfectly, then finding that ONE combination of undulations that sent me plowing off-road and almost through a fence)

12-27-2004, 04:38 PM
You guys are crazy crying over your 'broadband' connections...
If you paid your bill you might get some speed !!!

I got the whole 242 MB video in under 3 minutes !!!

Next time these boys plan on going speeding across terrain that they don't know,
they'll have to pay someone to drive the route first and note any dangerous locations,
so these guys can slow down and keep from killing themselves !!!

Like Brad said in the video, "That's about enough Gumballing for me."

Donny Carlson
12-27-2004, 09:43 PM
Marty likes to pawn on Donny and I that WE are the "Kings of Porn"...meanwhile...he FILLS our email boxes with inappropriate "humor" ALL THE TIME!!!!
At least the vids from James you don't have to put saran wrap over your keyboard.

12-27-2004, 09:49 PM
At least the vids from James you don't have to put saran wrap over your keyboard.

Yep, which just goes to show ya that they are nothing but a waste of bandwidth! :P